An advice bureau providing information on the various care facilities in the Western Switzerland and neighbouring France.
A person develops his/her personality between the ages of 0 to 5. Every parent wonders about the best way to look after their child or children, so that they can develop their personalities in complete confidencea secrure environment, and in the best possible conditions.
We select for you a nanny at your home, for full or part time, to fill the gaps in your weekly organization.
Children Day Care's Goal
Help parents balance their professional lives with their children's well-being compatible with the requirements of professional life.
Our main activity is to help you find the following in the area of Geneva, Vaud and neighbouring France
Our services are intended for families or companies, that have joined our association. To benefit from this service we offer an annual membership contract. For caompanies fees are set according to the number of employees.
For individuals interested in the nanny service, contact us for membership fees.