For example, when I joined MS in 1990 there were 6 devs working on the first version of Word for Windows. Very few jobs are leveled across more than 2 levels but most jobs could be more than on level (depending on the candidate something could be a 61 or 62).To take on more you need to be doing two things:1. Stop thinking of your Mgr as your adversary and listen to what they are telling you. Find out if you have a positive trajectory in the stack ranking. Leadership: pro-active leadership that convinces team members of the future direction and even helps to . One of the interesting things about the level structure that I find interesting is that you are always expected to perform higher than your level. IBM pulled themselves out of their decline by focusing on their customers. Their self criticism spurs them to improve. In this testing times what will motivate the mgr to put you ahead of him/hers? This is all well and good, but in 9years I've never worked in a group with a Senior IC (Windows, IE, .NET), though some architects. I also don't know if this is the first step towards a lay-off, but for now, it seems we'll have jobs for a few more months.Ugh, not good, not good at all. . What's worse is the noise this creates. 63's and 64's own a huge piece of getting the RIGHT work done CORRECTLY. In my own experience, even after being a great developer for 2+ years, with straight 4.0 scores at that time, and despite having Dev Manager roles before Microsoft, I would be turned down on informationals for Dev Lead positions with the simple question: Have you been a Dev Lead at Microsoft? If your boss isn't banging his fist on the table for you, it won't happen. Tech corporation VPs are execs in the have-own-budget sense, and are usually the first position on the ladder that has this kind of control. The L64 guys should be able to influence their skip level orgs plus one or two groups outside of the skip org. You are now 20% closer to promotion just by a day of work :). Only one can emerge, and not everyone can be a senior simultaneously. Saturday, November 15, 2008. It's also a well-known fact that there is a disparity in levels between Office and now Sinofsky's Windows and the rest of the company, especially below 65 level.About asking your manager and getting their feedback, we're assuming that managers are capable of giving candid feedback. Does anyone know what the typical salary increase, measured in percentage, is for going from 62 to 63? Got lucky on that one!!!! I would get vague directives like you need to be the thought leader or you need to improve your system knowledge. I have seen and known many of my own peers who don't get promoted because of potential but the number of people you know in the leadership team. So if you want a promotion and don't get it: drop everything you are doing now and start working on your promotion, i.e. All of my experience is in the product development groups at MS (dev/test/pm) so my observations may not apply elsewhere. In general, people are not leveled, jobs are. About 1/2 the team is staying, the other half is going to a number of different teams within the larger org. When does that year start? This is all well and good, but in 9years I've never worked in a group with a Senior IC (Windows, IE, .NET), though some architects. Of course not. If you have your mnanager in your pocket, you cna achieve greate heights in life. Also, go mine some of Dr. Brechner's Hard Code columns. As a member of the Microsoft UK Senior Leadership Team, Olaf leads Microsoft's retail and consumer goods . >Apple's about to ship Snow Leopard with no new features. Buy a Principal a coffee. It operates through the following business segments: Productivity and Business Processes,. -- Business Transformation Executive with demonstrated experience in managing and implementing large transformation programs through all levels of the organization in order to build growth, grab new market opportunities or reduce costs.<br><br>- Building on Solid experience in Functional roles (Sales, Marketing, Delivery Operations) to drive those programs <br>- Sales Oriented Business . because I have never seen the above formula fail with me in many years or people I know (a sample set of hundreds of person-years), I would agree, right now, level is deflated, 64, and 65 are real barriers, and salary level expand as well. Absolutely not Definitely yes 3 1 David Lean Worked at Microsoft (company) (1990-2009) Upvoted by Jack Schofield , Computer journalist who has covered Microsoft for 35 years. This is a great topic! right? These turtles gets promoted eventually just based on time spent at MS and because they werent doing anything wrong even though they dont really meet CSP criteria. Paradigm Shift: In order to achieve the next level of competence to some extent you need to temporarily let go of some of your hard gained skills in order to make the leap and try some new things. > What if you and your manager are at the same level L62. Senior->principal->partner are the level bands, 63/64->65/66/67, 68/69/70. My manager told me a while ago that I was about to get one. You will not know the difference.Steve Steve Steve given the state of the company, are you sure you don't have anything else more urgent to do? Similarly, the best predictor of your success at the next level is your success at the current level! You're cursed for life.2. Those people are almost all Level 62's with few prospects. I'm a level 66 dev (architect). There is an over lap in all levels when you move across companies with m:n map. The average entry-level engineer or program manager will have a total compensation of $125,665. I'm sure others here will clarify.And apparently we will all know more in January. I have only required two strategies. You must ask for a promotion when you think you are ready. Pop quiz: who is it? Skilled in Surfer 8, MS Project, Primavera, Microsoft Excel, Analytical Skills, Customer Service, Customer Success Management, Vendor Management and Sales. That is, its hard to define, but I know it when I see it. At 63, he has to be the one who tells me what the next thing for the product should be. you need to hit the pause button for one big time-out regarding where you are, where you're going, and what needs to change. Answer to second question is never ever explicitly try to make yourself known to hierarchy above your manager. Here's how to find it. I saw several far more technically skilled people in the group who deserved this that were passed over. The general consensus is why get rid of someone who is happy doing their job and can do it better than anyone else. Here's to you! This can play a bigger role even than how many times you broke the build, caused a bug, etc. But if you can collaborate with others you can help accomplish much more than youll ever be able to accomplish individually. It is possible to get promoted out of a desire to be promoted. And if you have a manager who thinks that way, then your manager is a doofus who will never help anyone succeed. The first levels came quickly with some sticking around 64 and 65 (half my career).I have always taken on and fixed problem areas that no one else wants to take on. great post mini. The scope and situations have become more and more challenging over time. I am soliciting ideas to reduce cost in this blog. Get FREE domain for 1st year and build your brand new site. You should NOT be looking to get more money to stay in a job you don't like. Taking the easy escape out like that, you are more likely to get into the same situation at other companies. He himself is principal for quite sometime. Mini: Great topic! Mini, all those aspects you list are also present at L62, L65, etc. Here is a nice place to start :-) Establish SD/VSTF branching steering committee and send out monthly report. The skills are different, and part of the failure of this company is exactly due to losing star individual contributors that become mediocre leads, in all disciplines. Say that you will understand if your manager thinks you aren't ready. Or - are they going to take the easy path and sack people in Europe and Asia? They know that if the team does well, they will do fine.5. I was an asshole, but I was better than my peers at getting shit done -- I was a PM in DevDiv at the time. ask around for a good mentor or go to our internal mentor site to be matched with a mentor http://mentor/Mentor/user/mymentoring.asp. How? The PM team loved having my technical expertise freely available, and I actually really like designing features too.Anyway, two simple things, but I think what Mini said about not doing this IN ORDER to get promoted is key. Sorry for going dark for so long. Might as well fire those guys. This means there are 24 distinct job levels at Microsoft. check the ego out, ensure that people around you (the whole team is successful), create the best results possible and your promotion wont be far away. The team that gave me the Dev Lead title made a bet on me, and they were not disappointed, since I worked hard to prove myself at that title (despite having to wait a little longer for a level promotion). Here's some advice from a recent L64'er (L63 last year). Is that a req. It can help you identify blind spots which may be holding you back.7. Be prepared for every possible question, scenario, disaster, etc. I haven't seen one single person getting hired below L63 in my group during last year. For context, I have always been "exceeded" or "high achieved", If you want to dig a bit more around job titles which gives you an idea of someones level or the dispersion of a team, remember that the title you see in Outlook is not the real title, its just the address book title. Promotion to 63 happened to me 2 years ago when I helped ship Office 2007. If you can make the argument about the job - and you're in a position of strength, obviously harder now than in years past, you can make the case. ceo/vp/director/manager/lead etc. What is the average promotion velocity for non-technical fields? Think about it. Find the right team and manager.2. Help make it more accurate by adding yours. I spend a long time a 61 about 4.5 years mostly because I changed groups alot. Don't spend so much time worrying about the next notch on the ladder: your goal should be to learn new things, to get something cool done and to find things to do that are fun for you.2. how to check hall sensor on samsung washer; marriott grande vista grande cove menu; what happened to josh's partner bill on moonshiners; are goldfish crackers good for an upset stomach Good managers: In general, good managers realize that they need to sell their team's accomplishments. Now a VP at a small cap (and growing, yes in this economy) company. This is where I agree with Mini regarding taking MSFT back to the good ol' lean, mean, and efficient company we enjoyed. Tips for getting them on your side:1) Ask for Exceeded. As someone who left MS @ L63 - and supposedly tracking strongly to L64 - and who has seen a lot of questionable promos occur, I think it's fair to say that the rise to "Senior" follows a slighly skewed distribution curve in that in the largest bucket case, you can probably see that L63 was warranted.However, on either end of the distribution, by which I mean people who easily obtained it and people who seriously struggled to obtain it, there are some disturbing anomalies that are difficult to explain away.You might say, "I can live with the corner cases" and I would agree that optimizing for those isn't worthwhile.BUT! I've seen L65's who can't own a cardboard box, let alone a room.Well you know, don't go for them for advice! In the beginning, I volunteered for these tough areas that no one else wanted and over time, my brand became the fix it guy. Jobs are leveled, not people - make sure the job you have includes the scope needed for the level you want. Some related job titles areMarketing Director salaries with median pay of $163,348,Senior Consultant salaries with median pay of $123,519,Senior Product Manager salaries with median pay of $193,845,Managing Director salaries with median pay of $333,006. I'm there. Own your brand. Seek out local critique before you approach people above you. I've been hearing some stealth layoffs around the SQL and BOSG groups, around 70+ people were given 6(?) 3. On the subject of switching teams: It's completely possible to move up by being really good exactly where you are, in most cases. So, for those of you who are in orgs where it's 'easy' to get to L63 or L64 - think about transferring out BEFORE you get too high a level and paint yourself into a corner. Sometimes i laugh when i read the armchair CEO's on this thread - there is a lot of criticism of Steve, but 99% of our brains would absolutely pop if we had to confront the complexity of decisions he makes in one day. If you send a brownbag invitation to your VP level group then you know your VP is getting it. Over 20 years of experience in professional services including, architecture, corporate real estate, and integrated facility management, operating at a global and regional level. It doesn't matter what you want - you aren't the one deciding when you get promoted. During the start-up boom, I considered leaving. Going from Level 62 to Level 63 is more about EQ than IQ. Will they reach L63? Got two promotions - still level 60If you really got promoted twice then you would have advanced 2 levels.Either you didn't actually get promoted, or someone told you lies. Last August (different group), I received a dreaded "Limited II", in spite of my manager telling me that he didn't actually think I was in the "bottom 10" at Microsoft, but that the devil made him do it (so to speak) and that it was a "no-brainer" for him. How accurate is this most likely Total Pay range (base + additional) of $396K-$652K/yr? For me, it will take some serious job switching to get there. Email@ | Call@ 330-554-0249. To know the real title you have to use headtrax and look for the Standard Title of the position. I definitely want to read more soon.Sincerely yoursSteave Markson. But that doesn't really help you compete when you don't know what everyone else is doing, particularily if you think you're doing well.Further, it's hard to get specific advice on how to get promoted, due to said black wall. ALWAYS ask for a promotion. 6 years ago I developed what I have been supporting since. It works like this: Senior (L64,63) - works on tactical efforts, writes code or works on projects autonomously, collaborates with others You might be too smart or have ideas that come from somewhere outside of Redmond which makes you very dangerous and not Microsoft material. Browse all Microsoft salaries . Chairman of the Board, Microsoft Corporation. If you think you will follow the management career path then get in such role as early as possible. Thank you for reviewing my profile. Great post. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Is there any way to get to 63 w/o leaving and coming back? If so, then you're going to have a hard time finding senior IC spots anywhere. keep in mind mentors are not one size fit's all. With wide-eyed wonder he asked WHAT? I said whatever the @#$% your manager most needs you to do!6. If you have an itching to talk about something else, please go here: But Mini, I Want To Talk About Posted by then do you know what more you need to do? The technical and management ladder in Microsoft is highly competitive and is highly regarded in the Industry. Help Your Manager (and your team) Be Successful: No one has more influence over whether you get promoted than your immediate mgr. "I'm in the 61 bucket and currently struggling with my team for many months. They are 100% star material. Amazon, Go to company page The good thing in most teams here is that if you persist, you will get there. So no time like the present to practice where you can. Therefore, you are an HR manager. Shock and awe awaits [sic].Four errors in grammar and punctuation in a post of just 14 words? "haven't seen nothing yet" is a fairly common construction. If you job simply doesn't scale to that next level - and many don't / can't - then you need to build rapport with your manager to have a focused career discussion about what roles are around to get you there and how you could land in one.2. What worked well and what really horked things up for you? The funding for our project stopped and our vendor team of 28 people have been asked to leave immediately. As for asking for promotions, I disagree that you must always be asking. * It is true that working for the promotion should not be your only driver, but it is important for it to be "a" driver -- of course you should enjoy what you are doing while working to achieve that next level, but remember that you are not there to become a bench-warmer. Unless you know for sure that your boss's answer is an immediate "Absolutely!" Typically if you can accomplish only 5 such improvements, it would be hard for your manager not to consider you for next step. Ask any old mainframer what it was like to be an IBM customer back in the day. What I've learned is be very, very specific on your commits and accountabilites. If you have potential and luck then you can achieve promotion velocity of one level every 18 months.Finally, heres my advice for who aspire for L62->L63 jump: Look around. Microsoft employees make an average base salary of $208k & a total compensation of $280k. Second, the perspective of a different team helps you generalize about best practices and what works and doesn't work. Even with all good intentions, they can even be ineffective mentors (although I still highly recommend the mentoring program, as long as you change your mentor every year). Give the employee directives and start documenting when they fail so a case can be brought to get rid of them if it comes to that. I used to work in the OneCare team. Just like a lot of folks have a fetish to be managers even when it is against their natures.Having said this, consider which is better: a) Rushing through the levels and to be stuck in 64 for ages (to be Kim'd is especially painful here) - think Sarah Palin orb) Going through the levels at a healthy pace, getting far deep into the salary ranges that will assure higher pay when the new levels come. Technical excellence alone will not generate success.Authority. It turns out that typically your immediate manager has little control, it's all decided at higher levels. Eng, Go to company page But it's no guarantee that all your peers will match. My first year I thought for sure I would sit at L61 for another year, but to my surprise I was promoted to L62 without even a full FY under my belt. In particular I am at 64 for quite some time. Promotion budgets of 65 and above has been kept intact.Can somebody from HR confirm this?If true then this post is quite untimely. Microsoft's senior positions start at level 63, according to the crowdsourced tech compensation website One of my reports and I had that conversation not that long ago, and I explained to him that at 62, he can take on any task I'm asking him to do. I think it's safe to say that I "own" the group of people under L63 in my group, but I usually take that as an opportunity for mentorship as opposed to an opportunity to poach someone else's cool project. Directors are usually senior principals (level 66, 67) or at Partner level. He/she and you should know exactly what you need to do to get to the next level. You should be able to show the path to a goal, especially to collections of people who do not report to you. Somebody help me out here. Keep my word. Averages based on self-reported salaries. So far, I haven't been successful. Be nice, and clear in your communications. Or at least, more transparent feedback was communicated so you had a real idea of where your career was heading. Senior directors are tenured members of an organization who are considered part of the leadership or executive team, in which they represent their department or division. I got involved in features up front, by spending time getting to know the PM team. You forgot "never ask for a promotion".The one other thing that helped me go from L59 through >L64 was an absolute dedication to the strongest leaders, one level at a time. They came from "hot" product teams. I am not saying the manager is trying to sabotage, but when push comes to shove will you get the impactful project. This past year I had what I thought was an outstanding year, was given a 20%, but not promoted to L63. It's really not that complicated. Then they start pinging the manager on why and putting pressure on them to do something, move them up or out. Heck, we would be lucky if many can do even that well. We had a strategic plan for getting me the visibility with the higher-ups that I needed.My promotion to Level 65 during the last annual review period was clearly the hardest. So once again, a big part of your job is learning how to become a ninja at firguring out what your management wants from you -- even when they haven't articulated it in any kind of measurable way -- and then doing it. Former Employee Director, Level 65 at Microsoft Aug 11, 2009 - Director in Redmond, WA Recommend CEO Approval Business Outlook Pros Microsoft has all the resources necessary to win in the market, and you're surrounded by some of the brightest people in the world. This is a discussion to foster debate and by no means an enactment of policy-violation. I'm hiring 6 good MSFT developer/consultants. The second was threat (I have a serious offer outside the company that I am taking). What are the levels for non eng roles? This helps us sort answers on the page. Say B.In a perfect case, B will have 10 devs to transfer to A but when that happen B will be left with 5 testers and 2 PMs. . But in an organization this large, how do you avoid title inflation ? Experienced Operations & Project Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the financial services industry. I have known some that do what is barely enough for "achieve" just because it is safe. The average salary for a Senior Director is $170,707 per year in United States, which is 65% lower than the average Microsoft salary of $500,742 per year for this job. L65 here, worked up from L59 (actually, 10 in the old system).The key is always to keep your eye on the goal. Being irreplaceble is bad because you spend more times on coding/fixing bugs and there is less time to work on your visibility. They literally lived in GM's office for half a year to get the promo from L64 to L65.3. Without soft skills, you can't make 64 and certainly no chance at 65.I've seen many people transfer into MCS, level up, and then transfer out basically using it as a boost. At a intl sub level a 63 is two ic to the GM. in my previous post i should have included a link to our internal mentor site for finding a mentor. Getting constant feedback throughout is valuable as you can re-align and re-adjust in an agile way so that you are not shocked at review time that you have completely missed that promotion. You can bet that if I went back today I would be a _very_ different person.The only thing I would add is that at any level, you need to not only know that your manager believes you should be promoted and will fight for you, you need to believe that your manager _can make it happen_. Wonderful. May 2008: Gold Star. You want to test more cases than he does, you want to build something that draws users to what you're doing more than to his.Having part of the bonus be for how the team succeeded relative to the other teams might focus competition towards the competition and not exclusively on co-workers.Add up the review scores of each team member and rank teams. :)Then, over the next 2 years, I learned the magic of 65: it's not just about playing *well* with others, it's about making every team you work with great and helping them do their best work. Then you're on the path to higher levels. Just pick one Job id, prepare for it and then go for internal. Know where you are in the stack and understand how you will rank higher next year.BTW, forgot to mention I was a manager for the second half of my career. Successful people looooove to expound upon the secret to their success. Most Directors are 63 and the occasional 64. on this one. You havent seen nothing yet. But power plays are at work and I get smacked when I try and take on extra work.So my question to the more experienced is this - how does one get the attention of management when they are focused on their own problems, their favorite underlings (of which I am not one), and when there is not enough work to go around?"1. The biggest lesson I learned here was how to work *with* other teams, even when I thought they weren't very good and even when our purposes didn't align. That sounded like a complete crock to me. Do it nicely. The person who puts you up for promotion and has promotion conversations with your skip level. Ask your VP, give the benefits on transparency from your perspective, and ask their opinion. Contributed and exceeded in two roles - getting G-Star, then moved to another team with clear headroom and again, exceeded all commits and moved to L64. This is a problem, at least up to level 65. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role. What does that look like in your mind? * Leaving the company - oh, the all too easy escape: I have seen that mentioned in quite a few comments. Here are my thoughts on the Level 62 to Level 63 transition in the product groups: 1. A) What is the market facing title for L66 and above levels at Microsoft?B) What is the equivalent at Microsoft of Amazon L7?C) Rank the below titles at Microsoft in decreasing order of seniority: e.gPrincipal > Senior Director > Director > Senior Manager > Partner, Go to company page Ugh, not good, not good at all.>Finance is cutting 10% of work force. Of course I ensure my manager and skip-level are aware of my contribution as a mentor, but I figure that as long as I'm in front of the wave, the best way for me to advance is to move the wave forward. An Australian graduate with over 23 years of experience in the IT industry covering various business natures and sizes across startups and large corporations taking on roles from full-stack development in both open source and Microsoft technology stack to architecture design and strategic roles such as Technical Director/CTO. While I was pleased with the attention, I was also rather upset. I basically just hoped that hard work would get me ahead. 3. For example, in order to be promoted to level 62, you, as a level 61, must already perform at a level 62 level for a long time. Right now I am 56. The soft skills definitely matter. I changed 3 groups at Microsoft. You're selling it in no less than eight different SKUs, (including the upgrades) and your marketing message is deliberately obfuscated to convince the customers to go for the most expensive one. Levels 57 and 58 are reserved for non-permanent employees and Levels 59 and 60 are reserved for New Graduates. And as my experience shows, many teams do not even staff a senior. Entry level (4,718) Associate (1,976) Mid-Senior level (40,085) But if you start when you think you are ready and work with your manager toward the goal, you'll get there. In my org the cut is 70% on promos. you want to complete A and A requires 10 devs. > Lots of very true points. About Highly experienced director and business leader who has successfully operated at senior management level & currently serves as a non-executive director on the Board of a number of. However, I think this is the first point where we see a non-trivial number of folks plateau. Former is work of many years and long nights and proven track record while later is basically your ability to bullshit through 6 interviews. Barring extraordindary circumstances each year you will get the "welcome to our group" evaluation.Don't forget the aunts and uncles. Harder for L64. It's a $1,000-per-minute conversation - you should always have those. That manager was (in my and many others' opinions) an incompetent, non-technical "manager" who was incapable of recognizing people's talent and contributions. At L63 you should be directing v-teams, serving as a lead or possibly even having direct reports. Also, the way you achieve your commitments does affect the perception and recognition of your efforts. Senior->principal->partner are the level bands, 63/64->65/66/67, 68/69/70. Think about why they're able to do that.These two lines really serve to summarize the incoherent blithering that was jcr's post. Asshole managers aren't unknown at Apple [] The fact that you praise someone for "junk yard dog mode" shows me that Microsoft has a fundamentally broken corporate cultureThanks for a nice belly laugh to re-energize my morning. Satya Nadella. One, we bill customers higher for higher levels and we call everyone 'highly experienced' or even an 'architect'. Add your salary anonymously in less than 60 seconds and continue exploring all the data. Why? Ready? I spend a lot of my time these days working with partner teams to help them solve their own problems or create wins for their teams even if it only peripherally touches my area. Folks, Im really encouraged by this post and the focus on trying to help make others great. That is, an S-shaped curve that is relatively flat at the bottom (slow start), then becomes very steep (steep acceleration), then becomes relatively flat again (plateau).
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