Beryl Onyango is a CPA and economics degree holder who has dedicated her career to helping others navigate the complex world of finance. Frank the Deejay (left) and presenter Mercy Mmbone Siahi at Milele FM on January 29, 2023 Facebook Milele FM presenter Mercy Mmbone Siahi pleaded with well-wishers to stand with her after she lost her mother. (h.push(a),b()):d(21)},isExec:function(){return m}}}function D(){return document.currentScript&& Gloria Munyasi Pole Sana Mercy may our good Lord give you the strength to mourn your mum, together in prayers. Kanini Kega is the former member of Parliament for Kieni constituency. Milele FM station has suffered a blow after it emerged on Thursday, March 2, that one of the its celebrated presenters was leaving the station for another new station. Considering his exceptional talent and experience in the radio presentation sphere, he is likely to make a comeback to one of the media stations soon. Otoyo praised the wedding for its pomp and colour saying. Job anchors news at the MediaMax owned radio station between 6 AM and 1 PM. In his last show, he reflected on his stint at the Standard Media Group spanning over a decade in different outlets owned by the media house. Her goal is to educate and empower individuals to take control of their finances and achieve their financial goals. Milele Fm's News anchor Omondi Job Onyango is set to walk down the aisle on Saturday at Voice of salvation and Healing Ministry at Buruburu, Nairobi. version 2.7 But a follower was quick to mention how he misses Titi's voice on the radio. This is exclusive of the bonuses he makes from the station, which probably amounts to millions for his outspoken brand and endorsements. I know everyone calls heaven so beautiful- because it has my mother. } The radio queen received news that her mother had succumbed to cancer just after beginning her morning show Shangwe na Utukufu. The news that one of Milele FM's well-known hosts was quitting the station on Thursday, March 2, dealt a shock to the station. The news was shared by Captain Otoyo via his socials. He would join the newly launched Radio47. Photo :Courtesy He is also a content creator for both youtube and tiktok as he also happens to be a celebrity and a media personality. noDfp: 1, Mmbone's comment section was flooded with condolence messages from her fans who sent her warmth. Radio47 whose broadcast will be mainly in Kiswahili is set to hit the airwaves soon. window.addEventListener('load', function () { Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. !0===b(a).isRun()?c():[a]:c()}return[]}function e(a,b,c){function d(a){a=a.childNodes;for(var b=0;b
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