(71 cm), bloom 3.5 in. beautiful rose which radiates outward from the midribs with all edges throughout the blossom becoming a pastel (Roswitha X Hampton Hocus Pocus), Pepperoni Man (Herrington-T., 2013) Aint I Something), Ephemeral Beauty (Petit-Goff, 2014) height 28 in. (55 cm), bloom 6 in. This flower is ranked Number 3 in the Region 5 Popularity Poll. (15 cm), season EE, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 24 buds, 4 branches, Abalone pink with large chartreuses and olive appliqu throat with subtle blue lavender eye and edge. (102 cm), bloom 5.5 in. (Spinefeld Jaws and Claws), Canoochee Church Key (Lane-D., 2009) height 25 in. (8 1/4 sdlg Tet. (15 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 35 buds, 6 branches, Medium rose petals, lighter sepals, faint purple eye and edge, cream and yellow teeth, green throat. (Spacecoast Irish Illumination Granny Smith), Seminole Stitchery (Pierce-G., 2017) height 37 in. (76 cm), bloom 3.75 in. (Winds on Fire Thin Man), Isabelle Rose (Laprise, 2009) height 59 in. (84 cm), bloom 5.5 in. (14 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 20 buds, 3 branches, Yellow with a wide ruffled black edge and eye. This is a must parent for streaking and bleeding colors in the throat. (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 30 buds, 5 branches, Clean violet pink background with bright violet blue eye and edges outlined with a heavy yellow edge. 00-984. (((Got the Blues X sdlg) X (sdlg X Yankee Doodle Blues)) X (Honky Tonk Blues X Little Secrets)) This colorful vibrant red and orange flower has a tiny green throat which makes a riot of color above the foliage. (96 cm), bloom 5.5 in. 18. Texas Kaleidoscope), Kiss of the Dragon (Harry-P., 2016) height 32 in. Time Stopper), Back Spin (Joiner-R., 2014) height 28 in. (18 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 35 buds, 6 branches, Double 100%, Light pumpkin orange self with large green throat. Cool Composure (Pierce-G., 2017) height 32 in. (18 cm), season EE, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 25 buds, 4 branches, Cream base with dark purple eye and huge chartreuse green throat, ruffled purple picotee edge, green extends onto sepals, extra heavy substance. (19 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, 22 buds, 4 branches, Cream yellow with a bright magenta patterned eye. (91 cm), bloom 7 in. (63 cm), bloom 3.5 in. ((English Lavender Tet. (94 cm), bloom 6.5 in. (97 cm), bloom 8.5 in. (81 cm), bloom 5.5 in. Wild Dreams). (64 cm), bloom 7.5 in. recurrent scapes hold the giant blooms well above the foliage. height 43in (109cm), bloom 2.75in (7.0cm), season MLa, Dormant, Diploid, 45 buds, 10 branches, Golden bronze orange red bicolor with orange red eye above yellow throat. (American Freedom ((sdlg Macho Macho Man) Darla Anita)), Morning Pleasure (Douglas-C., 2016) height 27 in. (Jail House Rock sdlg, All My Praise (Bell-T., 2019) height 28 in. (71 cm), bloom 8.25 in. ((Buffalo Thunder Colossus) Mayans Dawn), May the Force Be with You (Selman, 2017) height 32 in. (unknown unknown), Rustic Charm (Salter-E.H., 2014) height 32 in. Invariably, we then find some rust on a few of these new daylilies. Photo is Mine. (13 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Sculpted Relief, Pale pink with rose border. (83 cm), bloom 6.5 in. Price List A-B; Price List C-D; Price List E-I; Price List J-M; Price List N-R; Price List S; Price List T-Z; Prior Intros; Seedings; Order Form with yellow green throat and yellow midribs and distinctive yellow stamens. (unknown unknown), Pink Complexion (Fowler-B., 2019) TET. (Nicoles Tigers Eye Ima a Bigtimer), Imaginary Numbers (Lambertson, 2011) height 30 in. We are fun and easy Online Daylily Marketplace. (13 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 28 buds, 4 branches, Dark purple self with darker ruffled edge and dark purple throat. (13 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 20 buds, 4 branches, Creamy peach with washed blue eye and edge with violet mascara edge and small double edge around petals. At this time we do not ship to California or outside the continental United States. red/orange blended together. (Shores of Time sdlg), Seaside Romance (Bell-T., 2011) height 26 in. (46 cm), bloom 2 in. (15 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 5 branches, Golden yellow with rose pink overlay, rose red eye, and matching rose red and gold double edge over yellow to olive green throat.. (Tyger River Fashion Police), Mr and Mrs Bubbs (Douglas-H., 2018) height 32 in. (Little Sensation X (Little Pleasure X Little Fat Cat)), height 12", bloom 2.5", season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Double, Coral pink blend with a lighter edge and green throat. (43 cm), bloom 2.5 in. (14 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Diploid, 18 buds, 1 branches, Gold with dark plum eye. (71 cm), bloom 7 in. (Dragonfly Charmer Blue Lake), For Your Eyes Only (Corbett, 2000) height 27 in. (Ruffles have Ripples Laws of Illusion), Coconut Grove (Trimmer, 2011) height 30 in. (Open My Eyes Radio Rider), Rocky Point (Tanner-G., 2019) height 26 in. (sdlg sdlg), Barbaras Blessing (Hansen-D., 2015) height 35 in. (10 cm), season E, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, 30 buds, 7 branches, Lavender pink with purple eye above green throat. (91 cm), bloom 7 in. (51 cm), bloom 2.87 in. ((Outer Fringes Venetian Fringe) (Ninth Millennium Dark Wonder)), Royal Street (Salter, 2014) height 30 in. Adult Munchkin Mayor Costume. Texas Kaleidoscope), Ed and Pat (DeVito, 2016) height 33 in. 'Lava Flow' 5. . (Spike sdlg), Apple Bounty (Pierce-G., 2018) height 32 in. (18 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 28 buds, 4 branches, Lilac with a bright gold petal edge. (15 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 35 buds, 5 branches, Violet purple, with watermark, wide ruffled toothy edging in creamy gold/white, above yellow/green throat. (71 cm), bloom 7.5 in. (91 cm), bloom 6 in. (76 cm), bloom 7.25 in. (Post Wine Royal Emperor), Heaven to Me (Bell-T., 2015) height 28 in. (15 cm), season E, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Polymerous 60%, Cream petals and sepals, blue, gray and fuchsia eye on petals and sepals, green throat. (Herrington-H., 2012) 29 x 10 M Sev Re SPIDER 1.25 x 6 ratio. (18 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 40 buds, 5 branches, Purple base with a darker purple eye, above large green throat, large white teeth with tentacles. (sdlg 95-06 Butterfly Moon), Widget (Vaughn-K., 2014)height 16 inches (41 cm), bloom 3 inches (8 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, 24 buds, 3 branches, Lavender with distinctly lighter (near white) sepals, prominent eyezone is bluer and darker than the petal color, but sectored with watermarks, edges of petals lighter. (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 35 buds, 6 branches, Cream white with raspberry veining and circular pattern, bold purple amethyst eye with sky blue, cloud like pattern, darker veining, sepals are lighter with more blue, triple edging on petals above a lime green throat.. (Blue Jay Tapestry Matthew Weldon), Determined Spirit (Pierce-G., 2019) height 28 inches (71 cm), bloom 7.75 inches (19 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 23 buds, 4 branches, True red with celery green throat that extends onto sepals, yellow chartreuse edge, one hundred percent diamond dusted.. (Roaring Red sdlg), Dianne Reaves (Douglas-C., 2017) height 30 in. Tony Soprano. (17 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Pale ivory yellow with a triangular eye of light red orange and large red orange edge, large, bright yellow green throat.. (sdlg sdlg), Agent of Chaos (Salter-E.H., 2020) [details withheld until publication in 2021], Aim for Gorgeous (Harry-P., 2017) height 36 in. (15 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 26 buds, 4 branches, Brilliant purple with a green throat, and a chartreuse edge on the petals that is prominent in the morning. (unknown unknown, Suns Coming Up (Bell-T., 2017) height 32 in. (12 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, White daylily with large purple webbed eye.. (sdlg sdlg), Feng Zhu (Faulkner, 2013)height 30 in. (Spacecoast Royalty Absolute Ripper), Spacecoast Mulberry Motif (Kinnebrew-J., 2004) height 26 in. height 22 in. (20 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 13 buds, 2 branches, Soft golden peach with a large, dark purple eye and three quarter inch, purple ruffled picotee edge.. (The Heavens Declare unknown), Out of Focus (Harry-P., 2015) height 30 in. (91 cm), bloom 5.5 in. Press alt + / to open this menu. (69 cm), bloom 7.25 in. (Ruby Pearl Sullivan (Electric Red Prince John)), Scarlet Marvel (Pierce-G., 2020) height 35 inches (89 cm), bloom 9.5 inches (24 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 30 buds, 6 branches, Spider Ratio 4.67:1, Rich enamel red with six inch, celery green, thick throat, all diamond dusted.. (Red Raptor King of Reds), Scherenschnitte (Herr-D., 2014) height 42 in. Texas Kaleidoscope)), Cisco Kid (Harry, 2010) height 33 in. Trahlyta), Doris and David (DeVito, 2014) height 37 in. (9 cm), season MLa, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Light lavender with a large, chalky white lavender eye pattern that covers most of the petal.. (unknown unknown), Ron and Pat (Netherton-J., 2017) height 32 in. (76 cm), bloom 6.25 in. (63 cm), bloom 5 in. (94 cm), bloom 6.25 in. (sdlg sdlg), Magical Morning (Waldrop, 2017) height 28 inches (71 cm), bloom 4.45 inches (11 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 18 buds, 5 branches, Green throat with light and dark lavender rings in the eye, ivory blends with light and dark lavender rings on the edges of the petals.. ((Vivid Butterfly (Tet. (89 cm), bloom 7 in. (6 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, 20 buds, 4 branches, Double 80%, White with lavender eyezone, raspberry etched eye, green throat. (Wildman George Sheila Tequila), Before Night Falls (Salter, 2005) height 28 in. When you look at the mass of blooms on the plant, they look like they are dancing. (Barefoot Bay Big Red Wagon), Jammins Kaleidoscope Jewel (Singletary, 2015) height 28 in. (Green Inferno Pea Green with Envy), Pumpkin Giant (Stamile-Pierce, 2010) height 38 in. The Mayor of Munchkinland $150.00 Single Fan Held For Increase The Mayor of Munchkinland Herrington, T. 2010 - 24"-2.9" EM, Re, Dor, Dip, Fr, 50b-7br - Canary yellow with a red eye above green throat. (18 cm), season E, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, 42 buds, 8 branches, Cream white, burgundy eye pattern. Texas Kaleidoscope), Time Stands Still (Simpson-E., 2018) height 30 in. Lemon Lollypop x Mayor of Munchkinland. ((Come What May Sailing at Dawn) (Send Me a Rainbow Reggie Morgan, Raisinettes (Bell-T., 2019) height 21 in. (sdlg sdlg), Cherry Ice Cream Smile (Pierce-G., 2011) height 33 in. (12 cm), Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 4 branches, Red with white gold edge and yellow throat.. (unknown unknown), I Cant Stop (DeVito, 2012) height 35 in. (17 cm), season E, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 26 buds, 2 branches, Lavender blend with lavender, violet, and blue violet patterned eye. He was 84 years old. (14 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 28 buds, 4 branches, Lightly ruffled soft yellow self with cherry red, purple, linen white, flint gray and metallic pattern. (Shipwreck Cove Tal of Gascone, Moonshine Lullaby (Simpson-E., 2017) height 36 in. (102 cm), bloom 6.5 in. Now we mostly only add daylilies that we will use for hybridizing. (71 cm), bloom 6.5 in. Texas Kaleidoscope), Rose F. Kennedy (Doorakian, 2007) height 29 in. ((Glazed Porcelain Truffle Peaceful Serenity) Treva In Pink, A Memory of Earnest Yearwood (Salter-E.H., 2018)height 28 in. (22 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 36 buds, 6 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Purple with lighter purple white watermark, green throat, and white toothy edge. VERY EYE CATCHING!! (7 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Double, Mauve glow with a burgundy eyezone and green throat. (96 cm), bloom 6.75 in. (19 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 28 buds, 4 branches, White self with green throat, large ruffles. (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 50 buds, 7 branches, Polychrome with light orchid eye, outlined in raspberry above a large green throat, edged in orchid and raspberry, teeth. (15 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Pale yellow with pink blush surrounding a yellow to green throat, ruffled.. (Dancing for Dixie unknown), Rogue Phantom (Salter-E.H., 2018) height 27 in. (61 cm), bloom 6 in. (28 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 29 buds, 6 branches, Unusual Form Cascade, Bright red self above wide yellow to green throat. We offer a large and varied, new and old, selection of daylilies, as auctions and fixed-price store items. (102 cm), bloom 6.5 in. (Buffalo Thunder Tet. (19 cm), season EE, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 12 buds, 2 branches, Yellow with a patterned purple eye etched with violet. (84 cm), bloom 5.75 in. (sdlg unknown), Watermelon Summer (Bell-T., 2017) height 32 inches (81 cm), bloom 6 inches (15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Very Fragrant, 26 buds, 3 branches, Watermelon pink with big cream yellow watermark and yellow ruffled edge. (sdlg Michigan Nikki), Pot of Gold from Gascone (Gaskins, 2013) height 30 in. (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 29 buds, 5 branches, Double 80%, Polychrome of yellow orange and peach. (51 cm), bloom 2.5 in. (71 cm), bloom 6.75 in. Tropical Island Reblooming Daylily 1 for $14.99. (11 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Diploid, Medium purple with a large circular, chalky lavender eye pattern around a green heart. We are a licensed and inspected garden by the State of Georgia. The Munchkin Country is the official eastern quadrant of the magical Land of Oz, populated mainly by the natives called Munchkins . energetic OZ daylily represents the essence of an unusual form double with its crispate form with quilling. (unknown unknown), Moment into a Movement (DeVito, 2017) height 36 in. Originally a cup, donated by Region 12 in 1974, this award is now a plaque. (18 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 28 buds, 4 branches, Large flower base color cream lavender large patterned eye of medium blue lavender, double petal edge blue lavender and white. (18 cm), season EM, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 28 buds, 5 branches, Bright gold with an eye and edge of saturated scarlet red with a large triangular green throat which extends well into the blazing eye. (86 cm), bloom 6 in. Box 192. (102 cm), bloom 6 in. (102 cm), bloom 12.5 in. (76 cm), bloom 7 in. (66 cm), bloom 6 in. (25 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 40 buds, 5 branches, Very large deep wine purple base outlined in silver orchid, white and gold ruffles with angel wings and small teeth, silver watermark above green throat. (Scarlet Blaze Cant Get Enough), Dereks Triumph (Harry-P., 2017) height 26 inches (66 cm), bloom 6.75 inches (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 26 buds, 4 branches, Rich cherry red, green throat with a washed eye, large, ruffled petal edge of cream and gold, and round, overlapping form.. ((New Destiny X Dereks Heart) Dereks Heart), Desired Effect (Pierce-G., 2017)height 36 in. (17 cm), season EE, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 40 buds, 5 branches, Cream orchid base with six sets of chevron markings in the eye in shades of raspberry, purple, lilac, silver and white, above a green throat. Born to Be Wild (Pierce-G., 2011) height 32 in. (17 cm), season E, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 26 buds, 3 branches, Cream with blue, lavender and violet patterned eye. (14 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 21 buds, 4 branches, Burgundy red toothy edge. (18 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 25 buds, 5 branches, Double 95%, Large salmon double, yellow to orange throat. (74 cm), bloom 6 in. (91 cm), bloom 6 in. (22 cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, 16 buds, 3 branches, Unusual Form Cascade, Peachy coral with a rose coral band surrounding an extended large green throat.. ((Tropical Pink Ice x Tropicana Treat) (Tropicana Treat x Rose F. Kennedy)), Double Dealing David (Salter, 2017) height 32 in. (sdlg unknown). (81 cm), bloom 5.75 in. Palest pink (15 cm), season M, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 30 buds, 3 branches, Pale melon self above green throat. (Custard Cupcake X sdlg), Roguish Imp (Krupien, 2000) (81 cm), bloom 6.75 in. (15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Rose pink with a pale pink watermark, green throat and heavily ruffled yellow edge.. (Merchant of Venice (Piping Rock x Born to Run)), Retro Afternoon (Salter, 2011) height 34 in. (71 cm), bloom 6.75 in. (19 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 30 buds, 5 branches, Rose pink to light red with soft yellow watermark ending in a green throat, heavily ruffled yellow edge. (97 cm), bloom 5.5 in. (76 cm), bloom 8 in. (15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 14 buds, 3 branches, Creamy gold with lavender eye and edge and appliqued throat.. (Prince of Persia unknown), Malibu Twilight (Pierce-G., 2015) height 44 in. (23 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, 24 buds, 4 branches, Huge green and yellow polychrome. (71 cm), bloom 6.5 in. (16 cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Rose lavender sepals, large rose lavender petals, lavender blue eye with white star extending out onto midribs, chartreuse throat, lavender blue and gold edge.. (Oscars Choice Edge of Tomorrow), Laura Lissa (Taunton, 2018) height 32 in. (Emerald Prism Tet. (97 cm), bloom 6.5 in. (15 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 26 buds, 4 branches, Cream blue eye and edge. (20 cm), season EM, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 29 buds, Vibrant orange sherbet with a large gold petal edge and matching throat. (10 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Dark purple with extremely dark violet blue eye, exact yellow green throat pattern with bright yellow lines that burst into the midrib area. (Green Arrow Aldersgate), Lexi Hendrix (Harry-P., 2017) height 29 in. ((Quartz Rainbow Diamond Silk) unknown), Sassy Sapphire (Pierce-G., 2018) height 28 in. (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 28 buds, 4 branches, Pale lavender, large eye of washed lavender blue with large green throat, and ruffled petal edge of blue and cream.. (Blue Eclipse Tavares Special Effects), Blue Phenomenon (Harry-P., 2017) height 33 inches (84 cm), bloom 6.75 inches (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 26 buds, 4 branches, Lavender pink, blue eye with burgundy mascara, ruffled petal edge of blue, cream and gold, round full form.. (Blue Reality Just My Luck), Blue Piano Girl (Harry-P., 2015)height 29 in. ((Alien DNA (Star of India Lighter than Air)) Orchid Waterfall), Alien on the Run (Selman, 2018) height 36 in. LAST ONE. Colorful Etchings) Print Results, Native American (Bell-T., 2014) height 30 in. (Marion Tyus Tet. 5.5 bloom 32 scape 3-way branching 20 bud count. (Over Heated Green Abyss), Edge of Tomorrow (Harry-P., 2016)height 33 in. (12 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, Sculpted Cristated, Dark wine red eye and edge on peach cream petals and sepals, radiating green throat.. (Simply Leaves Me Breathless Bold Presence). Three Generations Garden. (16 cm), season E, Dormant, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Soft orange with rouge eyezone and yellow throat. (71 cm), bloom 5 in. (71 cm), bloom 6 in. (15 cm), season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, 17 buds, 3 branches, Ruffled golden yellow with maroon red eye and bubbly maroon red edge trimmed with wire gold over yellow to green throat. (Tavares Lemon Lime Its a Whopper), Mayans Dawn (Pierce-G., 2013) height 38 in. Mayor of Munchkinland. (102 cm), bloom 8 in. (81 cm), bloom 7.25 in. (Wild Irish sdlg), Canoochee Electric (Lane-D., 2014) height 27 in. (71 cm), bloom 8 in. Our peak daylily bloom is usually mid June, but we have many blooms into early July and even later. A (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 24 buds, 4 branches, Lavender pink, bold eye of cobalt blue, bright green throat, and petal edge of cobalt and cream.. (Patrick Guidry Waves of Joy), Cobalt Rings (Petit, 2012)\ height 32 in. (66 cm), bloom 7 in. (20 cm), season EE, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 40 buds, 7 branches, Rich raspberry red with lighter sepals, large pink white watermark, deep celery green center, and double edge of white pink and chartreuse, diamond dusted.. ((Chesapeake Bay x Rose Sensation) (sdlg x Triple Greens)), Razzle Dazzle Them (Petit, 2013)height 31 in. (76 cm), bloom 7.5 in. (19 cm), season E, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 30 buds, 5 branches, Very large cream yellow, huge dark edge. (9 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Diploid, Medium lavender with a precise and intricate eye of lavender violet and cream lavender. (76 cm), bloom 6 in. (74 cm), bloom 6.5 in. (17 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 40 buds, 6 branches, Rose pink with large white watermark, double edge of white and gold with a green throat. (63 cm), bloom 6 in. If you have forgotten your password AND your registered email address is no longer valid, to update your account, please send a request, (18 cm), season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Diploid, 24 buds, 4 branches, Polymerous 60%, Intense green with yellow cream edges and recurved petals and sepals. (19 cm), Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 35 buds, 6 branches, Purple pattern with purple picotee, multi chevrons in darker purple and silver, and a large green throat.. ((Waves of Joy x Unlock Your Dreams) Bowtie Affair), Phoenix Fury (Salter, 2018) height 28 in. Rose F. Kennedy, Pirates Smile (Pierce-G., 2013) height 42 in.
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