Today, Mark will Sho You Right with a Barry White Frenzy. All that and more today on M&L. All that plus Nasty the Clown, weird news, and Penile Botox!? 100% Proceeds to Animal Rescue. . Category: Comedy. Top 10 Westerns according to AFI, Dr. Ricksons invented a new bra, what would you not let your neighbors borrow, a future married couple is trying to hire something crazy, the 5 happiest and least happy states in America, have you lied about your sexual history, whats the right number of sexual partners, theres a stupid new challenge going around, and a whale did what?! Then later, the top 16 U.S. holidays ranked, erection in the courtroom, and 1 night stands, and we call Amy. Its our final show of 2016 and with Christmas & Hanukkah this weekend were all about the holiday season. Its 4/20 and today on M&L weve got some Pot Fun Facts, Bet You Didnt Know, Relationship Help, the truth about breast orgasms, and the #1 smell that attracts many people. Marks got the phone working! The Top 20 best sitcoms of all time, 9 airplanes sold at auction that you could have had, the latest TV Top 10, and Cool Stories for Little Richard and Betty Wright. Then later, the question is finally answered: How Many Dicks can Mark fit in his mouth? On todays show we get the facts on the Kentucky Derby, plus you wont believe what a woman found in her urine on another segment of You Hate to Hear It. What Year Is It, On This Day, Cool Stories, Comments with Skeeter and much more! RG Being The DJ. We never made it to LA cuz Mother Nature decided to snow us in. via Podcasts. Today we learn the RG is a bit telephone challenged as we try and get Donny Osmond on the phone to share a great Birthday video, we recap the now 63 year olds birthday and Thanksgiving with the kids, Cool Stories Quick Hit, Relationship Help, Comments with Skeeter, the return of the Birthday Santa and more on M&L! Its Super Sexy Friday Bitches!!! This week, sexy confessions, eating naked in Paris, toilet paper harming our butt-holes, Comments with Skeeter and some interesting things you may not have known. Its National Ugly Sweater Day and what better way to celebrate than having the Christmas Elf stop by and share a sweet-seasonal story. On This Day, What Year Is It, a squirrel, Comments with your girl and much more! Today we have a quick chat and game with Amy, what age you become an adult, one of the most disturbing videos, theres a real Jurassic Park thing going on, a Facebook fail in a big way, and to the listener who sent in a topic, dude, Mark tried. On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more! On This Day, Comments with Skeeter, What Year Is It and more! Today on M&L weve got the Top 10 Thanksgiving Movies, the 10 most watched television events in history, Oscar best bets so far, whats the new trend in your local bars, another Bridezilla story, how much cash do you carry, is coffee good or bad, and a sweet story of some kind folks doing a good thing. Look what youve done. Also on todays show weve got some Fake News, a woman that sues a website after being caught cheating, things that are difficult to say when drunk , and true stories about rock groupies that changed Rock n Roll. Allen Brown enters his first season with Gators football after being hired in the role of quality control - defensive backs prior to the 2023 season. The Beach Boys were on a roll. Mark is literally falling apart as we speak (details on that,) visited Chicago with the fam, some book/show updates, goofy is the new sexy, butter is the latest thing, are you celebrating Thanksgiving or avoiding it, do you hate to be hugged, and do you want to hug a turkey? Today on M&L weve got more of Marks Hints of the Week, what foods did you hate as a kid and still hate, Americas sweatiest cities, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and much more! On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more! Comments with Skeeter, and maybe something about the role your pet plays in your life and more! Also on todays show, On This Day in History, listener comments, and Marks movie recommendation of the season. Full show today including 5 sexual positions youve never heard of, plus, Elvis plane sells at auction and the top U.S. beaches. Today on M&L we chat with country artist, Austin Bohannon, and checkout some great tunes, who are the current highest paid celebrities, and Ben Affleck says Boston customers were not happy with him. By Location . Today we dont have much but weve got plenty of crap to discuss! Our 2nd charity networking event of the year see's the wonderful Wendy Ward offering some of her knowledge and expertise on all things funding and Comments with Skeeter, an Iddy Biddy Theater, Memorial Day fun and more! On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! When do you open your Christmas gifts? Today weve got 7 sex tips women wish you knew On This Day, a story about a guy that does something crazy on a plane, and some cities that exist that sound dirty. Lynda cracks the whip today and gets Mark to actually get to his stories! Erstellte Podcasts Von den Medien empfohlen . What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more on M&L! On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more! More info on Marks new movie, The Assasins Code, and a ticket giveaway! On This Day, Comments with your girl, Cool Stories and more! All that plus Comments with Skeeter and On This Day! We check in with Laura to get you ready for the RHOF vote THIS MONDAY! Today we pay tribute to Elvis on the day he died, do people still take a Summer vacation, what day of the week do we do our best work, who is happier after divorce, whats your favorite sandwich, and weve got the Mark & Brian Miller Beer commercial. Weve all had one of those mornings, and well, Mark has had one that just gets better and better. Today we open the Car Wash Paper and read some interesting stories from around the world and check our horoscopes, and we call Amy. Marks got a bet for Lynda, will she get the prize? LinkedIn. Happy New Year! Then later, a monkey in Israel has new friend, a Chinese man has something removed from somewhere and nurses were caught being naughty. On todays show: Masturbation tips for men, Riverside County is looking for snitches, and you wouldnt believe how much R2-D2 sold at auction. Mark Abelle Ashland Oregon VS. Tom Abeln Crestwood Missouri VS. Lynda Abenchiker Southampton Hampshire GB Thomas Aber Kansas City Missouri VS. Daniel Abercrombie San Diego Californi VS. Michael Abkin San Mateo Californi VS. Teresa Ableiter St. Paul Minnesota VS. Michael Abler Santa Cruz Californi VS Tom Abolu Bellmead Texas VS. Mark is a little rusty on how to do his podcast, Lynda tries to save us from Baby Shark, would this cause you to drop your boyfriend, how to test the freshness of your eggs, why did she do it, and the world's most famous groupie. On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with where-would-the-RG-be-without-her Skeeter, and more today on M&L! Mark & Lynda Thompson | A place to hear and learn about relationships.the good, bad and the ugly! What Year Is It, Iddy Biddy, Comments with Skeeter with quite a bit of rants from Mark and more! Later we have lifes greatest pleasures, what athletic women get more of, a shocking story of survival for a man and his dog, and Eleni joins in for the Top 10 Justin Timberlake songs to get ready for her Sunday night concert. Mark Thompson. Why do we like porn? Today weve got your favorite childhood cereals ranked by sugar content, how can so many bad decisions be made in one story, and one of the most bizarre Florida things weve heard yet. They talk about his incredible career, similarities to Bean, mental health, and his new book Don't Bump The Record Kid . Today on M&L weve got celebrities who have been married the most, how to guarantee you will be homecoming queen, the Razzie Awards, Mark picks from the bottom of the stack, and a debate if you would keep an engagement ring or give it back if you break up. Happy August! Today weve got Easter Fun Facts, songs that have no meaning, what strange things people are doing in China, why beards are gross, and a Cool Stories Quick Hit featuring Jim Gordan. On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more today on M&L! We've got updates on them, Mark's review of the Elvis movie, 4th of July by the numbers, what should you put on a hot dog, and a Cool Stories. Then later we get an in depth analysis of the state of the podcast and some behind the scenes at M & L Studios. Iulia Stefan is an architectural designer and researcher interested in exploring the potential scope and scale of architectural design practice within the context of climate change and intersectional environmentalism. hosts two podcasts - "Daddy vs. Daughters" with wife Lynda and their two daughters Amy and Katie, and "The Mark & Lynda Podcast" with wife Lynda. Well you asked for it and now you got it, Mark reads from the dictionary on todays show. Happy Thanksgiving . Today we discuss the 10 signs youre in a healthy relationship, guys reveal what they love about sex, and the worlds view of American dating. Weve got the 21 most hated foods in the world that Lynda loves and Mark brings out Cash Call from the vault. About. Today on M&L there are no squeaks or whining from Walker (sadly) as he is being crate trained, we touch on a bit of the Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan, the Masked Singer has taken a turn, theres something about Radar Love for On This Day but Mark didnt print it out, and no more Pepe Le Pew. Today on M&L what sounds trigger happy memories for you, whats the #1 birthday in America, the 3-4 rule for deciding if your chosen mate is right, and how much would you pay for a hunk of Elvis hair. Also, we phone friend of the show Cody Decker to see if he is behind Marks dick pic. Add to My Queue Download MP3 Share episode . But today is St. Pattys Day so youre gonna get it anyway. Comments with Skeeter, On This Day and more on M&L! Matt and Eleni are getting married! We entertain you today as official grandparents! Don Goettling, Gino Fronti, Neal Weichel and Mark Thompson from the Mark and Brian show, talk more about Mark and Linda's new podcast and . Walker chimes in on some covers of Missing You during a CSIM, a good reason to get more sleep, men have better sex when its with who, the deadliest jobs in America, and do you live in a happy state (NJ is a very happy state so zip it Mark.) On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! Comments with Skeeter, On This Day, What Year Is It and more! Iddy Biddy Theater, Comments with your girl, Bet You Didnt Know and lots more today on M&L! All that plus On This Day and your comments with Skeeter! We've got updates on them, Mark's review of the Elvis movie, 4th of July by the numbers, what should you put on a hot dog, and a Cool Stories. We start off a little hungover from a past-our-bedtime holiday party last night, but weve still got a great show for you today! On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more on M&L! Happy Super Sexy Xmas! Funny, sexy and smart. Weve got Comments with Skeeter, On This Day and a little fun fact of what it means if you have a good sense of smell today on M&L! Plus later listener Matt calls in seeking advice from M&L and a list of things not to do in a relationship. Also, need an idea for a Christmas gift? On This Day, lots of comments with Skeeter, What Year Is It and more on M&L! After this past weeks tragedies we attempt to move forward. . Also, you wont believe what mask is popular this year. Weve got some wonderful holiday stories to share, our trip to Disney World, the Thanksgiving foods that people dont really like, a Swedish Elvis impersonator, and the highest rated network TV shows. Mark, Bean (Kevin and Bean), and Allie McKay had #acupofteaandachat . Why do women moan during sex? Allie and Bean with Mark Thompson. Also, the Queen drinks, Seinfeld tops the comedy rich list again, Californias overabundance of weed and why the hell are we spending so much on avocado toast? On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more on M&L! And dont forget to vote Mark & Brian for the Radio Hall of Fame Deadline July 28th, Voting instructions. Then weve got some messed up stories about cheating, why a Bride To Be cancelled her wedding, vending machine meat, the #1 thing done on a date that leads to marriage, and why we cant get pregnant (not us! Next week: Spookiness afoot. If youre single today you wont go hungry, are women happy with their own boobies, how much do people spend on Valentines Day, the drunkest states in the US, and if you want to have sex you should apparently go to Virginia. Neiman Marcus has your back. On This Day, Iddy Biddy Theater, Comments with Skeeter and more! On This Day and Comments with Skeeter. If youre lookin to sex up your Christmas, weve got 8 ways how. Being grown has allowed me to really appreciate your humor now. On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! Today on M&L we chat with country artist, Austin Bohannon, and checkout some great tunes, who are the current highest paid celebrities, and Ben Affleck says Boston customers were not happy with him. On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and lots more on M&L! Were all about masturbation, working out in the buff, Sex Trends for 2018, and the 10 Secrets of Happy Couples. Listen up guys! Also, AFIs top Halloween movies, Wonder Womans sexual preference and another How Could This Have Happened? Weve got the Top 10 greatest rock stars, would you marry a robot, what are you hiding from your family, and the Top 5 songs Mark hated to play on the air. Today on M&L we share a new Stevie Nicks song, what time is dinner, what are your thoughts on cameras in the bathroom stalls at work, and a dog quiz for dog week. Mark Thompson Mornings on 100.3 The Sound In LA and proprietor of M and L Studios Cornelius, North Carolina, United States 117 connections . On This Day, Comments with your girl and more! 94 minutes | Feb 17, 2023. Weve got updates on them, Marks review of the Elvis movie, 4th of July by the numbers, what should you put on a hot dog, and a Cool Stories. Reviews. Weve got a Cool Stories Quick Hit (Betcha Didnt Know,) remember that year, two words that will divorce proof your marriage, the #1 vacation destination in the world, and guys, this is the age you turn into your dads. In addition, Thompson co-hosted the Pro Football Slam podcast with Los Angeles Times journalist Sam Farmer during the 2013-2014 football season. Gina Grad joins us today for the usual fun, like what doctors found in peoples asses, among other things. Its gonna be a good year for Lynda. Mark thinks he has a challenge for Lynda but she kills it, all too quickly. Today on M&L weve got Car Wash News, songs that have no meaning, what it means if you drink your coffee black, have you ever stolen something, how long do you really want to live, the return of GOT, and dolphins are having better sex than you (Lynda begs to differ.) Also on todays show, bugs in our foods, masturbation tips (for women), armpit tattoos and cutting cheese in the shower. All that plus listener comments, Skittle-eating-cows and a busy Birthday Chicken.. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media 4100. It's a very friendly spot and these are first-class treats. On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and much more! Today its Thanksgiving Trivia, what did they eat at the very 1st Thanksgiving, the history of the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade, how Thanksgiving just got easier, and Ive just typed the word Thanksgiving too many times. Marks got On This Day in History and Skeeters got your comments. Reviews. The top movies, shows, songs and other fun facts from year they said I do. Also, you wouldnt believe who was caught drunk at work, sexting, and whats dirtier than your toilet? Also weve got a Hallmark Christmas movie drinking game , is a snowman politically correct, most painful places to tattoo your body, and what 1 in 4 men would rather do instead of having sex. Click on Listen Live 3:00-3:30 PM - "BEST OF MARK & BRIAN" 3:30-3:55 - MARK & BRIAN PRESS CONFERENCE 4:00-6:00 - RADIO HALL OF FAME INDUCTION CEREMONY California/Pacific time. Add to My Podcasts. Oh, and if you need some Affresh, Mark can send you some. During the early years of their marriage, Mark became principal at Brunswick North West Primary. Plus the great ones that didnt make the list. Today we remember a dear friend and colleague, the late Officer George Quarterman. It inspired me to write this poem. Also, scientists have concluded that starring at breasts is good for mens health and we help out a couple of listeners in their relationships. Welcome to our remote M&L podcast! On This Day, Comments with the lovely Skeeter, What Year Is It and more! Later we assist listener Christy with her relationship questions, and On This Day in History. Today on M&L weve got 4th of July Fun Facts, the biggest turn on for men and women, a Rick Nelson Cools Stories, and guess who may play Batman again. We get into some movie quotes, Kentucky Derby favorites, extreme embalming, what is our stress level, guess whats coming back, the most popular food item of all time, and guys, what will get you laid quickerLyndas got the answer Comments with Skeeter, On This Day, Remember That Year and more! Today on M&L we share our Top 10 TV lists, did anybody watch the Oscars, you may have a problem visiting Hawaii, what do Canadians have over us, and your biggest worry on a first date. Relationship Help for Darrin, On This Day, and Comments with Skeeter! His zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Happy Fathers Day! Comments with Skeeter, On This Day, and oh yea, were having an alien baby. Home. We recap our Christmas on New Years celebration with the kids, weve got things you should do in January, how much NFL players make during the playoffs, the Top 10 Netflix shows, the most expensive divorce in history, and you will not believe the latest craze. Sit back and enjoy The Donny Show! Thompson announced on his podcast he would be returning to morning radio in Los Angeles and that he would be doing morning drive from his home studio in North Carolina. Verwerfen. On Todays Episode: 10 Tips for Better Sex; Anita the Traffic Reporter, Demogorgon Steve, Sex Fun Facts with Skeeter, Katies Korner returns, plus listener calls and so much more. And, would you date a hot woman with an annoying laugh? On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter, the Ear Worm Poll winner and more! Fathers day is here and were all about dads, but dont call Mark on Sunday because hell be at Five Guys and only cares about his burger and fries. On this episode Mark and Lynda help listener Susie find time to screw her husband, plus kinks to upgrade your sex life. That and more today on M&L! What Year Is It, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! All artworks are 54 x 64 cm, framed and available for sale at $550 each. I read a newspaper article about your book and gave it a try. Welcome back to the Mark & Lynda podcast fresh from time with the grandbabies! Mark Thompson on Spotify. Then later, brain teasers thatll make you scream, a new Itty Bitty Theatre, and what men and women find most attractive about the opposite sex. Today weve got some Lefty Fun Facts, you gotta love some of those spam emails, and the Top 10 highest paid actors working today. On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more! Plus, slang terms for Fucking and can Mark correctly choose Lyndas favorite pic? Oct 29, 2020. Today on M&L, baby do we have news for you, the drunkest cities in the US, living in an airport, and the new fake commute. Today on M&L weve got dumb blonde guy jokes, Star Wars fun facts, an itsy bitsy problem, are you keeping secrets, these arent Legos, and the #1 song played at a funeral. Today on M&L Cam is back and were loving it, Top 10 Albums of all time from Rolling Stone, its National One Hit Wonder Day, a moment of reflection with our son Matthew, and plenty of squeaks and shenanigans from Walker. Today we open with a few words on current events then slide right into how could you possibly fit that inside your penis?!!! Even just hearing some of these clips will have you spooked. Today on M&L weve got the wood men, doing something with wood, still working on the house. Get ready for some tipsy Thompson family shenanigans on our annual Christmas show! , The Big Game is on Sunday and weve got some Super Fun Facts thatll surely Bowl you over, plus a fresh On This Day in History. Also, Halloween fun facts, young adults & threesomes, and Nasty the Clown pays us a visit. Today on M&L what item do people consume that makes them claim they are happier, I wish I were in the duck tape business, the origin of phrases, and we begin with 10 of the 50 Best Horror Films of the 2000s. Happy Friday yall! Actor: Mother Ghost. Happy Mothers Day! Ever wonder how the Irish feel about their sex lives? All that plus, what did M & L Watch?, and an unusual amount of Birthday Chickens. View all episodes. Comments with Skeeter and more on M&L! Its December 6th. Yes, its a thing. . And as the RG says, on this first summer weekend go get hot, get sweaty and get laid! On This Day, What Year Is It, Comments with Skeeter and more! Comments with Skeeter, On This Day, What Year Is It and more Merry Christmas!!! Promote. Today on M&L Walker is going through a 2am playtime phase but thats not slowing us down as we have some news, Mark challenges Matt to join in on the latest fashion trend for men, how much weight did you gain during the lockdown, no more Twitter for Teigen, and we have the perfect song for Greek Independence Day. Later we learn who you are if you do or dont make your bed every morning and a cheaper ring means a better marriage. Its a new year but the same us people! May the 4th be with you! Remember That Year with no cheating, On This Day, Comments with Skeeter and more! What Year Is It, Cool Stories, Comments with Skeeter and more on M&L! Today on the Lynda & Mark Podcast weve got the Top 10 cartoon characters, the worst pet peeve on a first date, theres a new #1 most watched video on Youtube, and when you have a sex dream who is it with? The Mark & Lynda Podcast - Comedy-Podcastaus United States. We share what people are doing to cope with stress, what could make men obsolete, some fond sexual memories, and Aspen, Colorado hits a first! What Year Is It, Iddy Biddy, Comments with Skeeter and more! Today Sam Farmer calls with his 2017 NFL preview. Then, after Michael, award winning former journalist and media executive, Joe Ferullo, joins the two and talks about how the use of media in this time of COVID-19 . They have three children. What Year Is It, Cool Stories, Comments with Skeeter and more! Dieser Button zeigt den derzeit ausgewhlten Suchtyp an. Today we have Old Town Road history, the benefits of sex, single, married, kids or no kids whos the happiest, porn stars to break the record, what is your food delivery guy doing to your food, he had how many what, and Those are not mine and I dont know how it got there! Comments with Skeeter, What Year Is It, Cool Stories Quick Hit and more on M&L!
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