Typically, dictators rise to power when a nation faces significant social issues, such as strong economic crises or unrest among the nation's people. #SOSCuba. First is that an autocracy nearly always focuses power in a single individual person, whereas dictatorshipssingle-party dictatorships in particularsometimes spread the power throughout a small group of people (say, the leaders of the dictator's political party). Duterte is the perfect example of a . The classification depends on the rules outlining the relationship between a country's government, legislative assembly (often called the legislature), and head of state. Korea experienced military dictatorships under the rule of Yeon Gaesomun in the 7th century[58] and under the rule of the Goryeo military regime in the 12th and 13th centuries. Some of the principal drivers of indoctrination are mass education policies, propaganda, and censorship. [24], Military dictatorships often have traits in common due to the shared background of military dictators. [74] The Bolsheviks consolidated power by 1922, forming the Soviet Union. [28] Due to the structure of their leadership, one-party dictatorships are significantly less likely to face civil conflict, insurgency, or terrorism than other forms of dictatorship. Its territory covers 652,000 km, making it the 41st largest country in the world. 10. This is thanks to an oil boom that enriched his family at the expense of the Equatorial Guinea citizens. [1]:68. [124], The type of economy in a dictatorship can affect how it functions. Personalist dictatorships are more common in Sub-Saharan Africa due to less established institutions in the region. Just like a dictatorship, an autocracy is a government headed by a single ruler (the autocrat) whose decisions are not subject to legal restraints and who exercises unlimited and undisputed power. While autocratic countries are not always malevolent, they often still encounter resistance from citizens who would prefer to have a greater say in the government's policy-making process. The terms "autocrat" and "autocracy" are often used interchangeably with "dictator" and "dictatorship". " [8]:465 Some countries, such as Greece and Bulgaria, stipulate who the head of state chooses as head of government. They are more likely to end in violence and less likely to democratize than other forms of dictatorship. Elites in personalist dictatorships often do not have a professional political career and are unqualified for positions they are given. (2010), Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland developed a six-fold regime classification scheme, resulting what the authors called as the DD datasets. An alternation in power under electoral rules identical to the ones that brought the incumbent to office must have taken place. "Tyrants, the World's 20 Worst Living Dictators", by David Wallechinsky, ranked Biya together with three others mainly in sub-Saharan Africa: Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea, and King Mswati of Swaziland. Parties formed after the seizure of power often have little influence and only exist to serve the dictator. The deadliest dictatorships are discussed below. [99] A 1953 coup overseen by the American and British governments restored Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as the absolute monarch of Iran, who in turn was overthrown during the Iranian Revolution of 1979 that established Ruhollah Khomeini as the Supreme Leader of Iran under an Islamist government. People who are for dictatorship say it provides for a more stable government, helps abolish corruption, and is more efficient in emergencies. Hybrid dictatorships are regimes that have a combination of these classifications. [107] Dictatorships are often recipients of foreign aid on the condition that they make advances toward democratization. Democracies can be either parliamentary, semi-presidential, or presidential and dictatorships can be civilian, military, or royal. Mao consolidated his control of the People's Republic of China with the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, which involved the destruction of all elements of capitalism and traditionalism in China. The dictator is the absolute ruler. Below are the world's most authoritarian regimes: 21. Leaders of these dictatorships often place those loyal to them in positions of power (qualified or not), and foster cults of personality to sway public opinion to their side. 1. The type of dictatorship a country is ruled by typically comes down to the methods the dictator used to obtain power and how they go about maintaining it. But to understand the dictatorship in Cuba . The government was described as a dictatorship of the proletariat in which power was exercised by soviets. Interestingly, most modern dictatorships do not use the term "dictator" to. The name a democracy gives itself or its office does not indicate what type of democracy it is. [67] In Europe it was often thought of in terms of Bonapartism and Caesarism, with the former describing the military rule of Napoleon and the latter describing the imperial rule of Napoleon III in the vein of Julius Caesar. The Freedom in the World report evaluates the state of freedom in 195 countries and 14 territories, assigning a score between 0 and 4 in a series of 25 indicators to give a final score of 100. One person holds all of the country's power. [149] Military and one-party dictatorships are more likely to experience terrorism than personalist dictatorships, as these regimes are under more pressure to undergo institutional change in response to terrorism.[150]. President Vladimir Putin is currently serving his fourth term as President of Russia. Human habitation in Afghanistan dates back to the Middle Paleolithic Era, and the country's strategic location along the Silk Road connected it to the cultures of the Middle East and other parts of Asia. Perhaps someday some of these modern dictatorships will cast off their dictators and embrace a more democratic and inclusive form of government. Deadliest Dictator Regimes in History Maoist Catastrophe Between 1946 and 1976, China suffered under the rule of Mao Zedong, a communist revolutionary who founded the People's Republic of China. Although it is true that some dictators are far more strict and overbearing than others, as a rule, dictatorships tend to result in a loss of personal autonomy, quality of life, and political choice for everyday citizens. [6], The opposition to a dictatorship represents all of the factions that are not part of the dictatorship and anyone that does not support the regime. The Countries with Dictatorships in the Modern World As of 2020, there are 52 nations with a dictator or authoritarian regime ruling the country: Three in Latin America and South America, 27 in Asia and the Middle East, and 22 in Africa. Synonyms for DICTATORSHIP: tyranny, autocracy, fascism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, despotism, absolutism, autarchy; Antonyms of DICTATORSHIP: democracy . On average, they last twice as long as military dictatorships, but not as long as one-party dictatorships. Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines) Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the legally, directly-elected President of the Philippines and leading member of the PDP-Laban party. Laos (since 1975) A dictator may have a team of officials who advise him or her and help keep the government running, but these officials ultimately have very little control or influence. [131] A military coup is often carried out when a regime is threatening the country's stability or during periods of societal unrest. whether a majority vote in the legislature can remove the sitting government without cause. 1. Caudillos were often nominally constrained by a constitution, but the caudillo had the power to draft a new constitution as he wished. In some cases, nations may have multiple ruling bodies or government types, meaning they're not exclusively countries that are governed by dictatorships. Latin America's new generation of dictators. Therefore, it is impossible to know if the regime is a democracy or a dictatorship, so DD Index considers them dictatorships until an alternation in power occurs. [56] Caesar subverted the tradition of temporary dictatorships when he was made dictator perpetuo, or a dictator for life, which led to the creation of the Roman Empire. An autocracy, monarchy, and dictatorship. The required majority needed to remove the sitting government varies between countries but is termed a vote of no confidence. 1 Norway 2 Iceland 3 Sweden 4 New Zealand 5 Denmark =6 Canada =6 Ireland 8 Australia =9 Switzerland =9 Finland [1][3] Resorting to democratic concepts by Karl Popper and Joseph Schumpeter, Przeworski defended the minimalist approach, citing Popper that "the only system in which citizens can get rid of governments without bloodshed. Factions or divisions among the elites will mitigate their ability to bargain with the dictator, resulting in the dictator having more unrestrained power. Elections also support the legitimacy of a dictatorship by presenting the image of a democracy, establishing plausible deniability of its status as a dictatorship for both the populace and foreign governments. [82], Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party created a second fascist dictatorship in Germany in 1933,[83] obtaining absolute power through a combination of electoral victory, violence, and emergency powers. China - Communist Regime 4. Nigeria - 1966 to 1975 - Yakubu Gowon. The expected result is to coerce citizens into complying with the dictatorships demands in order to benefit from the state-controlled resources. List of Cons of Dictatorships. A dictatorship is an authoritarian structure of government. Is North Korea a dictatorship? 1. Hybrid dictatorships: What it's like to live under a Dictatorship. Francois Duvalier (1907 - 1971) The Haitian dictator, also known as Papa Doc, governed the Americas' poorest country from 1957 to he died in 1971. [103], Military dictatorships remained prominent in Latin America during the Cold War, though the number of coups declined starting in the 1980s. The rights of the people are typically suppressed in a dictatorship, sometimes to a great degree. Countries that start with: Dictatorships arise through violence or non-violent means, but they almost always result in the loss of liberties, corruption, and human rights abuses. Explore a few of the famous ones. He was a German legislator, organizer of Nazi party and furthermore filled in as Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945. [116] Dictatorships in the Middle East are primarily guided by Islamic nationalism. Secret police are used to gather information about specific political opponents and carry out targeted acts of violence against them, paramilitary forces defend the regime from coups, and formal militaries defend the dictatorship during foreign invasions and major civil conflicts. [108], Dictatorship in Europe largely ended after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the liberalization of most communist states. Below are 10 African country that are still under dictatorship. [146], In a dictatorship, violence is used to coerce or repress all opposition to the dictator's rule, and the strength of a dictatorship depends on its use of violence. They are not even defined terms of art within political science. Some have been in power for decades, such as President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial New Guinea. Democracy-Dictatorship (DD), index of democracy and dictatorship or simply the DD index or the DD datasets was the binary measure of democracy and dictatorship first proposed by Adam Przeworski et al. Members of the group will typically make up the elites in a dictator's inner circle at the beginning of a new dictatorship, though the dictator may remove them as a means to gain additional power. Olessia Kirtchik, Mariana Heredia, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015. (Dictator of Italy and Principal Founder of Fascism Who Was Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 to 1943.) Dictatorship Countries And Their Leaders | Countries Ruled by Dictators | 2019 Rankings On Time 1.62K subscribers 95K views 3 years ago Dictatorship Countries And Their Leaders | Countries Ruled. [98], During World War II, many countries of Central and Eastern Europe had been occupied by the Soviet Union. [92] Deng Xiaoping took power as the de facto leader of China after Mao's death and implemented reforms to restore stability following the Cultural Revolution and reestablish free market economics. [134] Revolution takes place when the opposition group grows large enough that elites in the regime cannot suppress it or choose not to. Some of the multi-party states with governing communist parties include Brazil, Nepal, India, and Russia. [33] A ruling party in a one-party dictatorship may rule under any ideology or it may have no guiding ideology. The military takes control of the country (usually through a direct coup), installs the dictator of its choosing (typically the highest-ranking military officer), and uses force of arms to preserve its power. His wealth is estimated to be approximately $600 million. [129], Several factors determine the stability of a dictatorship, and they must maintain some degree of popular support to prevent resistance groups from growing. What are the countries with a democracy government? This type of vote is termed a constructive vote of no confidence. The chief executive must be chosen by popular election or by a body that was itself popularly elected. The Modern World's Dictatorship Countries African Dictators A Global View of Dictators Is China a dictatorship? Political control is any tactic through which the state seeks to gain compliance from society. Uganda - 1971 to 1979 - Idi Amin Dada. These countries maintain parliaments and human rights organizations, but these remain under the control of the countries' respective dictators. A dictatorship is a form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, which holds governmental powers with few to no limitations on them. Charles Taylor Country: Liberia Charles McArthur Ghanakay Taylor's life story is akin to that of a movie. Also, dictatorships . These movements were a response to what they perceived as decadence and societal decay due to the changing social norms and race relations brought about by liberalism. Adolf Hitler known for his Nazi party and the barbarities and fierceness during his autocracy rule. [73], Dictatorships in Latin America persisted into the 20th century, and further military coups established new regimes, often in the name of nationalism. Argentina and Mexico are the countries with Dictatorship as a government form. [84] Other nationalist movements in Europe established dictatorships based on the fascist model. This article focuses on the five communist countries that are still adherent to Marxism-Leninism. Many others developed following a period of warlordism. In democracies, the threat of a military coup is associated with the period immediately after a democracy's creation but prior to large-scale military reforms. The DD dataset covers the annual data points of 199 countries from 1946 (or date of independence) to 2008. A dictatorship is a type of government in which a single personthe dictatoror party has absolute power. [11][12] He describes totalitarian regimes as exercising control over politics and political mobilization rather than merely suppressing it. Elites are also the primary political threats of a dictator, as they can leverage their power to influence or overthrow the dictatorship. A dictatorship is a form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, which holds governmental powers with few to no limitations on them. [citation needed]The typical military dictatorship in Latin America was ruled by a junta (derived from a Spanish word . Through the ages, Algeria, officially People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, is a country in North Africa on the Mediterranean coast. Imelda Marcos was the wife of Ferdinand Marcos, who ruled over the . Based on a "minimalist" theory of democracy, the index relies on rules regarding the existence of competitive elections. He became the 22nd president of Liberia on August 2, 1997 and served until August 11, 2003. This world dictators list has everyone from Adolf Hitler to Kim Jong Un to many lesser-known rulers. Binary measure of democracy and dictatorship, Six-fold regime classification scheme and its rules, Comparison with other democracy-measuring data sets, Studies in Comparative International Development, "Minimalist Conception of Democracy: A Defense", Przeworski, Alvarez, Cheibub, and Limongi: Democracy and development, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Democracy-Dictatorship_Index&oldid=1141715357, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from February 2023, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from January 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Today, they are "elected," as true democracies helplessly look on . Mussolini abolished democracy in Italy in 1922 and became a dictator. [118] Generally, two research approaches exist: the minimalist approach, which focuses on whether a country has continued elections that are competitive, and the substantive approach, which expands the concept of democracy to include human rights, freedom of the press, and the rule of law. [5] This is particularly true when the inner circle is made up of military officers that have the resources to carry out a military coup. [4] Though the most recent data set is only updated for 2008, there is planning by Cheibub to update it to the present year. Political culture: 5.00. Political participation: 2.22. [127], Indoctrination is the inculcation of citizens on specific values and ideas beneficial to the dictatorships needs and desires. It has a population of approximately 31 million people, making it the 42nd most populous country in the world. Many personalist regimes will install open ballots to protect their regimes and implement heavy security measures and censorship for those whose personal preferences do not align with the values of the leader. Military dictatorship: 2. Terrible things have been done in the name of socialism and here are some of the most rigorous dictators. ", "Dictators and Their Followers: A Theory of Dictatorship", "The many Robespierres from 1794 to the present", "A Family of Political Concepts: Tyranny, Despotism, Bonapartism, Caesarism, Dictatorship, 1750-1917", "The Age of the Caudillos: A Chapter in Hispanic American History", "Europe Will be a Fascist Europe: July 1934May 1936", "African military coups d'tat, 19562001: frequency, trends and distribution", "From Protest to Change of Regime: The 419 Revolt and The Fall of the Rhee Regime in South Korea*", "The waning of the military coup in Arab politics", "Introduction: Studying Communist Dictatorships: From Comparative to Transnational History", "Military Coups and Military Rule in Latin America", "Cuba: The United States and Batista, 1952-58", "The Predicament of Europe's 'Last Dictator', "The Kremlin Emboldened: How Putin Wins Support", "The Resistible Rise of Vladimir Putin: Russia's Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream", "Biden suggests Putin is a 'dictator' who has committed 'genocide half a world away', "EIU Democracy Index 2020 - World Democracy Report", "5. [101] Albania was established as a communist dictatorship under Enver Hoxha in 1944. Though the most recent data set is only updated for 2008, there is planning by Cheibub to update it to the . Current dictatorships include Zimbabwe, Uzbekistan, and North Korea. [81] These reforms incorporated totalitarianism, fealty to the state, expansionism, corporatism, and anti-communism. [1] Popularly elected means that the head of state is directly elected by the citizens or elected by an assembly which then elects them (an example being the electoral college in the United States). Dictators are usually backed (especially financially) by groups of powerful people. Those who believe that he is a dictator argue that he imprisons his opponents, removed freedom of speechthe press can only publish what he allows them toand has restructured the government to give himself more and longer-lasting power. The dictatorship of Francisco Franco in Spain , from 1939 to 1975. A political rival accused Obiang of cannibalism in 2004, but no evidence to support the claim has ever surfaced. Obiang's regime is known for state-sanctioned kidnappings, torture of prisoners, and unlawful killings. Cinhil Aymeric Nygel Haldane, 22nd king of Gwynedd who shortly reigned in 1025. "[6], For a regime to be considered as a democracy by the DD scheme, it must meet the requirement of four rules below:[1]:69[3], Some regimes may meet the first three rules, but lack an alternation in power in its historical past; these regimes are classified as dictatorships because of cases where the incumbent only allows elections as long as they keep winning, and would refuse to step down if they lost. Here are fifteen of the worst dictators from the 20 th century and what makes them stand out for censure. Dictators are incentivized to avoid the use of violence once a reputation of violence is established, as it damages the dictatorship's other institutions and poses a threat to the dictator's rule should government forces become disloyal. [132] Foreign intervention takes place when another country seeks to topple a regime by invading the country or supporting the opposition. For example, DD could classify a country which has a legislative assembly whose official name is "the parliament" but still classify it in any of the three categories. This may be ensured through incentives, such as distribution of financial resources or promises of security, or it may be through repression, in which failing to support the regime is punished. But for today, these are the world's dictatorships. China's constitution calls its government a "people's democratic dictatorship." The table below offers a full list of which countries are what type of democracy. The Portuguese were present in some mostly coastal points of the territory of what is now Angola from the 16th century, interacting in diverse ways with the peoples who lived there. [29][30] The use of ruling parties also provides more legitimacy to its leadership and elites than other forms of dictatorship[31] and facilitates a peaceful transfer of power at the end of a dictator's rule. For dictatorships, monarchic, military and civilian dictatorship. There's no room for opposition or . The chief executive can take many names including chancellor, prime minister, or premier and the heads of the executive departments can bear different names and be called different things. Current Dictators Kim Jong-un Kim Jong-un is North Korea's current dictator and the third generation Kim to rule the country, following the death of his father Kim Jong-il in 2011. The territory of today's Algeria was the home of many prehistoric cultures, including Aterian and Capsian and the, Angola, officially the Republic of Angola, is a country in Southern Africa. [4] A unified inner circle has the capacity to overthrow a dictator, and the dictator must make greater concessions to the inner circle to stay in power.
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