66.0498 45.81055 65.4248 45.37305 65.61133 46.18555 c Blithfield is a 320 hectare drinking-water supply reservoir situated to the west of Abbots Bromley in south Staffordshire (map reference SK0623). This is well signposted and you will begin your walk through the woods. 50.70117 0.58398 51.00098 0.85547 51.48633 1.12207 c The reservoir is divided roughly in half by a causeway. Blithfield Anglers is a trout fishery on Blithfield Reservoir, close to the village of Abbots Bromley in the heart of rural Staffordshire. 76.48633 33.99805 75.2998 33.87305 75.5498 32.37305 c Studying Birds in Staffordshire, Warwickshire. 75.98633 59.49805 74.5498 61.43555 74.9248 61.87305 c 42.4248 7.81055 43.23633 8.37207 43.1748 7.49707 c 44.36133 12.43555 45.1748 12.18555 43.48633 11.18555 c 65.5498 37.37305 64.2998 37.43555 64.7998 36.37305 c 33.73633 69.24805 m This one covers most terrain and can be extended by adding in the red route at the end. 92.78516 5.80859 92.94434 6.1748 94.28711 6.33984 c 39.0498 2.12207 39.0498 1.31055 38.9248 1.49707 c Please note the yellow route is currently closed so there are no public toilets at Blithfield reservoir. S 60.86133 3.31055 62.4248 3.56055 63.9248 3.43555 c 34.5498 49.31055 34.5498 48.31055 35.2998 48.06055 c Also the hides along Blithe Bay will still be reachable. 55.5498 47.18555 54.9248 45.56055 55.7998 44.87305 c 84.67383 72.12891 84.57715 71.91504 84.48633 71.68555 c %AI3_DocumentPreview: None This bit is where it gets steep and the worst section of the trail for mud. 57.0498 47.87305 m This is also where youll find a map of the various routes so its worth taking a snap of this before you head off. 44.23633 19.49805 47.83398 20.37402 48.73633 19.81055 c 45.0498 47.31055 44.98633 50.49805 42.0498 50.99805 c 61.1748 68.68555 63.14258 67.66504 63.4248 69.18555 c 22.2998 0.31055 m Grid reference: SJ946207. 46.61133 65.49805 45.73633 64.87305 46.4248 63.87305 c 53.4248 22.18555 53.86133 23.37305 51.5498 24.68555 c 82.36133 47.43555 83.66309 46.87695 83.9248 47.56055 c S 92.73633 45.37305 m S 71.0498 66.68555 69.0498 67.81055 68.5498 66.99805 c gerry cooney vs george foreman waterfront homes for sale in eden isles, slidell, la 25.7998 13.74707 27.2998 13.93555 26.23633 13.93555 c 28.64258 10.99707 28.36133 12.26367 28.83105 12.4502 c 66.0498 45.81055 65.4248 45.37305 65.61133 46.18555 c 31.9248 32.49805 31.61133 32.81055 31.6748 33.43555 c 78.48633 66.18555 76.9248 67.49805 76.1748 67.43555 c 76.5498 61.99805 77.1748 62.68555 77.9248 62.43555 c 71.48633 62.18555 l The 790 acre Blithfield reservoir is owned and managed by South Staffordshire Water who acquired the land in the 1930s. 22.2998 72.31055 l 29.73633 26.93555 m 27.2998 54.43555 25.6748 55.68555 24.1748 54.99805 c 35.9248 39.93555 34.9248 37.99805 36.9248 37.74805 c 82.73633 58.93555 m 68.98633 63.93555 m 42.0498 10.43555 41.5498 10.06055 41.98633 8.93555 c 74.98633 17.43555 75.2998 15.18555 77.48633 14.74707 c S 55.11133 68.93555 55.5498 68.99805 54.98633 67.43555 c 2018 Acquired by Arjun Infrastructure Partners (AIP), This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 11:57. 69.4248 40.37305 69.4248 41.99805 68.23633 41.93555 c 51.7998 45.93555 50.11133 46.24805 49.1748 45.31055 c h If you enjoy your walks with bodies of water then youll also love this circular route at Middleton Lakes in the West Midlands. 31.38184 1.41797 30.95703 0.86523 30.95703 0.32227 c 66.4248 6.81055 65.68848 5.44824 65.36133 4.74707 c 75.7998 30.87305 72.7998 31.87305 73.2998 28.99805 c 36.5498 8.43555 35.79883 7.23047 36.7998 7.18555 c 77.74414 70.20996 76.0498 68.37305 75.86133 70.81055 c 75.2998 62.31055 75.2998 62.74805 75.73633 62.93555 c 54.4248 2.49707 m We can surely help you find the best one according to your needs: Compare and book now! 42.32715 17.9043 45.30566 17.83496 46.0498 18.24707 c 83.47852 13.39648 85.7998 12.68555 86.2998 11.62207 c 54.9248 55.99805 54.1748 53.74805 55.2998 53.87305 c 22.34375 36.99805 22.32324 36.99902 22.30078 37.00195 c S 1953 Blithfield Reservoir, Abbots Bromley near Rugeley, is opened by Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother 1962 SSWC take over Tamworth Water Works 1991 South Staffordshire Waterworks Company became a public limited company in 1991 and was listed on the London Stock Exchange as South Staffordshire Water. S Helicopter usage will be kept to a minimum. S S 47.11133 62.87305 46.23633 62.93555 47.1748 62.49805 c Swinsty Reservoir LS21 2 IlkleyCoordinate: 53.9753, -1.7017, 4. Nearest postcode: WS15 3PL. There is a small visitor centre, ample parking, a caf and picnic areas with tables. The reservoir took 6 years to build and was opened by the Queen Mother in 1953. %AI5_RulerUnits: 1 91.6748 68.93555 m 68.6748 48.49805 m 86.48633 55.62305 88.2998 56.31055 87.1748 58.49805 c 69.61133 48.49805 70.61133 45.56055 66.73633 46.62305 c 34.36133 17.43555 l 76.74805 5.03711 75.98633 4.99707 75.4248 5.31055 c 90.23633 20.74805 89.9248 21.31055 91.36133 21.12305 c In 2013, KKR & Co. L.P., a company registered in the United States of America, acquired South Staffordshire Water from Alinda Infrastructure Fund. Blithfield Reservoir was opened by Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother on Tuesday 27 October 1953. These are impressive achievements by any standard. The work has been sanctioned by Natural England. 63.50684 65.0625 61.93945 66.43164 62.2998 66.93555 c 35.6748 9.62207 34.6748 9.49707 34.0498 9.43555 c 77.9248 28.18555 80.36133 27.49805 80.7998 29.43555 c 73.36133 2.74707 72.26563 1.75586 75.23633 2.56055 c 74.36914 7.87012 74.7998 8.93555 75.0498 8.87207 c S 23.01953 46.22754 23.70117 46.13574 23.73633 45.43555 c 38.2998 31.43555 m 24.86133 46.68555 28.86133 47.24805 28.7998 49.49805 c You start this trail by following the beginning of the blue route out of the carpark towards the main entrance. 85.86133 38.62305 82.1748 37.49805 81.6748 37.99805 c This walk takes you along woodland paths and give you the chance to spot different birds and wildlife. 68.48633 58.68555 m We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. 66.9248 41.43555 m 57.4248 64.56055 59.86133 64.06055 60.1748 66.12305 c The Washlands are a beautiful area close to Burton town centre. S %AI9_ColorModel: 2 56.23633 52.12305 58.48633 52.56055 58.1748 53.81055 c 48.5498 34.12305 56.1748 34.99805 54.1748 38.74805 c S 58.0498 47.81055 l 34.7998 47.31055 36.5498 45.81055 37.2998 46.31055 c 44.7998 8.06055 43.61328 7.05176 43.9248 6.62207 c S Before the gardens were opened to the public in the 1930s, they were the private gardens of the now-demolished Stapenhill House. S Benbrook Lake is in the Trinity River Basin and is located in Tarrant County. 50.0498 29.12305 50.23633 29.31055 50.1748 29.93555 c S 94.2998 0.31055 l 750 Square Metres Close to Popular Village Energy Rating Not Applicable Planning consent has been granted for the conversion of the former Blithfield Education centre and courtyard buildings to form five dwellings, with each unit as follows: Unit 1 - 5 bedrooms - about 220 square metres (2368 sq. S S S 49.86133 63.37305 50.98633 63.62305 50.98633 63.93555 c h 80.5498 45.87305 79.6748 46.43555 80.0498 46.43555 c 92.82715 50.91504 93.55566 49.91992 94.29395 49.46484 c Traveller rating. Due to the current Covid lockdown restrictions the office is closed to the public. 22.30566 28.01172 m 65.6748 10.62207 m %%PageOrigin:16 16.8896 83.61133 31.99805 82.73633 33.87305 81.4248 32.87305 c 56.11133 16.87207 56.98633 17.37207 57.11133 17.56055 c S S 49.73633 19.18555 48.68457 18.36523 50.61133 17.68555 c 89.9248 35.81055 90.11133 35.62305 90.0498 35.31055 c 81.1748 40.43555 81.61133 39.56055 81.36133 40.31055 c 63.0498 27.18555 59.43652 28.47363 58.9248 27.74805 c 33.5498 43.49805 m S h 44.4248 5.93555 45.2998 6.31055 46.0498 6.06055 c 22.29297 63.33398 m 67.5498 6.62207 70.11133 6.81055 69.6748 9.37207 c n 85.6748 55.93555 81.7998 57.06055 85.73633 56.93555 c 47.4248 49.49805 48.7998 49.12305 49.11133 50.24805 c S 27.8418 70.48926 31.23633 70.56055 31.4248 71.12305 c 68.48633 63.24805 68.25293 63.18457 68.48633 62.81055 c 55.9248 66.43555 57.11133 65.99805 57.48633 67.18555 c 42.36133 20.37305 43.48633 20.99805 42.73633 18.99805 c 59.9248 17.24707 58.6748 18.68555 59.9248 19.56055 c /RelativeColorimetric ri 2007 Acquired by Alinda Infrastructure Fund, a European and American investor in infrastructure assets. 88.61133 23.18555 86.98633 21.68555 88.2998 20.74805 c 94.2998 72.31055 l S S 93.73633 52.87305 m 90.7998 46.81055 92.23633 48.74805 90.6748 49.81055 c 40.2998 66.56055 37.1748 66.99805 35.1748 68.68555 c Sandon Hall is open for pre-booked guided tours all year round. You can download the guide walks leaflet here, There are some stunning walks in East Staffordshire. 65.7998 49.43555 63.6748 51.62305 62.1748 51.68555 c 68.7998 62.31055 70.1748 60.87305 70.48633 62.12305 c Police cars guard the aftermath of a light aircraft plane crash in the small village of Abbots Bromley. 89.23633 35.18555 86.1748 34.68555 87.2998 31.87305 c 47.5498 17.18555 50.36133 14.37207 52.36133 16.37207 c 78.48633 14.62207 78.46094 15.34863 81.6748 15.18555 c 37.86133 62.68555 40.1748 61.37305 39.48633 64.12305 c 73.7998 26.12305 76.7998 27.43555 76.2998 28.49805 c 7001 Lakeside Drive. Something went wrong, please try again later. Peter has obtained a number of keys to assist those that cannot get to the office in normal opening times, Improvements to water quality and the elimination of algae blooms should in the long term have a beneficial effect on bird life at Blithfield. Blithfield Reservoir, in the Blithe Valley, is 65 years old. There is also an education centre to facilitate visits by school parties. 94.12305 63.40234 94.19922 63.36914 94.27832 63.33984 c 90.2998 66.49805 87.98633 64.68555 92.11133 63.62305 c 26.11133 55.49805 31.11133 54.56055 34.5498 56.81055 c 55.2998 14.31055 58.12988 15.60254 59.1748 16.56055 c 41.78027 71.31934 42.35742 69.64746 40.7998 67.31055 c 78.0498 55.24805 78.11621 54.57715 79.73633 54.68555 c 39.4248 23.62305 39.00781 23.53125 41.11133 25.06055 c 23.86133 48.68555 24.61133 50.31055 25.11133 49.62305 c 63.73633 24.87305 67.11133 22.43555 63.73633 21.74805 c Additionally, this route crosses rocky ground and includes a very steep descent from the summit of the Weavers. 85.72949 70.74414 89.23633 70.62305 89.2998 72.12305 c S S Blithfield is a large reservoir owned by the South Staffs Water PLC, situated approximately 4 miles North of Rugeley in Staffordshire. 93.70313 70.02832 93.01563 69.50977 92.48633 69.68555 c 94.2998 25.43848 m 76.61133 44.87305 77.51465 44.97363 78.86133 45.37305 c 78.23633 3.37207 78.06543 0.68945 78.11133 0.49707 c 59.7998 6.43555 l 91.48633 21.99805 91.48633 22.87305 v S 94.1543 21.36035 94.12891 21.04102 94.2832 20.58398 c S 66.48633 36.93555 m 41.7998 25.56055 41.6748 27.06055 41.61133 27.62305 c 85.4248 53.56055 84.23633 55.37305 85.36133 55.49805 c We are currently operating a Covid-secure working environment so restrictions will remain in place throughout the winter and into the Spring. 60.98633 54.74805 58.7998 51.49805 56.86133 51.49805 c 34.36133 17.43555 l 64.11133 21.18555 62.7998 15.87207 65.61133 15.93555 c S 55.11133 68.93555 55.5498 68.99805 54.98633 67.43555 c For General Questions: Email Address . 23.09766 48.98145 23.88379 49.11426 24.2998 49.49805 c %AI5_NumLayers: 1 63.50684 65.0625 61.93945 66.43164 62.2998 66.93555 c . 48.61133 30.49805 m 66.2998 36.06055 67.87207 36.51074 68.2998 36.18555 c Keep going until you hit the waters edge then following the lake until you reach another bird feeder hide and a toilet. 88.73633 6.87207 88.6748 4.68555 84.86133 5.18555 c 44.5498 22.06055 43.39941 22.79395 42.9248 21.68555 c 57.73633 14.06055 59.0498 11.24707 57.6748 11.12207 c 22.34375 20.41699 22.37988 20.33398 22.4248 20.24805 c 94.13672 25.38477 93.92188 25.18066 93.5498 24.62305 c 49.6748 6.49707 m 75.2998 8.81055 76.61133 10.81055 77.48633 10.62207 c 34.5498 59.81055 m 79.6748 30.31055 80.6748 29.81055 80.2998 29.56055 c 38.2998 31.43555 m 43.0498 6.31055 43.36133 4.81055 45.1748 5.12207 c There have been sightings off . 88.4248 24.87305 88.0791 24.69727 88.23633 24.24805 c 73.98633 38.87305 74.48633 39.49805 74.6748 39.93555 c 33.61133 50.99805 32.4248 50.62305 32.86133 48.24805 c West End 27. There are plenty of pathways, most of them flat, so the area is ideal for the disabled or those pushing a pram, buggy or wheelchair. It's huge, excellent birding and I can access private areas of the reservoir and ancient woodland as part of my West Midlands Bird Club membership. 10.13477 58.61523 10.11133 56.06055 9.2998 56.31055 c 31.27832 71.38574 30.95508 71.85156 30.95703 72.32617 c S I will be making regular visits here. 51.4248 69.24805 50.98535 67.57324 52.98633 67.68555 c S It starts at the bottom end of the carpark. %%AI8_CreatorVersion: 10.0 60.63477 58.61523 60.61133 56.06055 59.7998 56.31055 c #30Under30Pounds - Budget Family Days Out CLICK HERE. 89.61133 19.81055 89.86133 20.49805 90.0498 20.62305 c When originally built, the dam and lake's purpose were primarily flood control and navigation. Today the lake and dam is a multi-purpose reservoir for . 63.85156 71.48828 63.78516 71.94531 63.70996 72.32715 c 68.73633 60.93555 70.0498 61.37305 70.23633 60.99805 c 50.5293 72.30664 m 01283 840284. S S 43.0498 6.31055 43.36133 4.81055 45.1748 5.12207 c S 50.98633 64.24805 51.61133 65.99805 50.5498 65.93555 c You are here: Home > Things to Do > Blithfield Reservoir. 91.48633 21.99805 91.48633 22.87305 v 57.73633 14.06055 59.0498 11.24707 57.6748 11.12207 c 93.19727 42.11035 91.73633 42.93555 91.86133 43.68555 c 25.36133 66.49805 27.28711 67.30859 26.5498 68.24805 c S S 1996 Blithfield Education Centre is opened by. You can walk along a "green road", learn of the vanished Wootton Hall and enjoy the peace and quiet of the agricultural landscape. 55.0498 42.81055 53.73633 44.43555 51.6748 44.37305 c 23.1748 18.81055 25.86133 17.81055 26.36133 19.68555 c 93.62891 3.01953 93.1709 3.43262 93.4248 4.37207 c Its also a great place to ask for recommendations and find inspiration for your next hike. As of April 2018, KKR & Co. has agreed to sell its 75% equity stake in South Staffordshire Water to Arjun Infrastructure Partners (AIP). 35.9248 12.93555 33.98633 12.56055 33.86816 13.27246 c S 26.98633 28.12305 25.37988 26.98926 25.86133 26.18555 c I love this section of the reservoir, although you wont get up close to the water youll come across some amazing views of the lake. 56.23633 59.12305 55.9248 60.18555 58.36133 59.37305 c 65.7998 70.62305 64.9248 70.99805 63.98633 70.93555 c S 66.23633 40.87305 64.67969 41.22461 65.11133 39.31055 c
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