Is Ashaya still a land while enchanted with Kenrith's Transformation? Cards like Rhonas's Monument or Aggressive Mammoth are big hitters in my deck just because Ashaya, Soul of the Wild is often already around a 20/20, giving her trample is what brings it together to make her significantly more terrifying. "Lands you control" refers to lands that are on the battlefield that you control. Combo Results: * Infinite green mana * Infinite ETB * Infinite LTB * Infinite storm count * Infinite landfall triggers The new set gave us a ton of awesome new Commander material. Infinite Combos are not very fun. This card seems potentially pretty sick for Selvala and Yisan lines. Help | TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Assault Suit + Thelonite Monk, Interacts of */* with stat changing effects, How does Sacred Ground interact with Ashaya, Soul of the Wild. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Updates Add. 2020-09-25: As long as Ashaya is on the battlefield, it's affected by its second ability and thus its first ability counts itself. Thank you. What happens when you play Ashaya, Soul of the Wild and the opponent already has a Blood Moon out? Since Ashaya will ensure we have plenty of mana, we'll want to have plenty of ways to keep drawing cards, and for my money The Great Henge is the best of the bunch. Terms of Use | 6% of 1601 decks -2% synergy. Can you outline how your combos work specifically? Any land that doesnt have this supertype is a nonbasic land, even if it has a basic land type. Feeds | Contact | Deck ramp vert rouge Cr par Dstny11 le 23 fvrier 2023 Categorie : Deck Magic ramp Format de Tournoi: Moderne Balise copier sur le forum : Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Don't play much cEDH, but ask me about my Sefris, Razakats | Winota | Mad Farm | Tropical Malcolm. Ashaya Combos/Win . Most importantly, synergy with Abundance to draw 3 of your type of card without loss of life due to replacement effects. Then you get to play them out again and get another etb/landfall trigger for whatever you have on board that cares about that. Ashaya, Soul of the Wilds power and toughness are each equal to the number of lands you control. Combo Results: * Infinite creature tokens * Infinite ETB * Infinite LTB * Infinite landfall triggers * Infinite storm count . Help | Another thing, why are you running 45 lands? There are plenty of land grabbers and creatures that will help you beat down your opponent. Contact | ZENDIKAR Rising Magic el encuentro ~ NOSTALGIC TREASURES ~ Descuento de marcas exclusivas SOUL OF WILD X4 ASHAYA. At MTGGoldfish, we value your privacy. Spring-Leaf Avenger regrowth on a creature, Inscription of Abundance Removal or pump with options. Your other creatures are briefly mountain creatures with no relevant abilities. June 29, 2022; medical bills on credit report hipaa violation letter; masajes con aceite de oliva para el cabello Ashaya, Soul of the Wild's power and toughness are each equal to the number of lands you control. I would also consider Blackblade Reforged as a card, as it effectively doubles Ashaya's power and turns a scarily large creature into something terrifying. Discord Server | Rarity: M #: 179 Card Type: Legendary Creature Elemental P / T: * / * Date Condition Qty Price 2/22/23 NM 1$11.00 Or 2 drops that have more utility then a mana dork. This is where the cards Argothian Elder and Ley Weaver come into play. The basic land types are Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network,,,,, All rights reserved. (They're still affected by summoning sickness.) This is totally a "casual" deck as cEDH is woooorlds apart from this. Otherwise you can go elf/druid tribal and use commanders like Marwyn, the Nurturer. MTGO Standard Challenge. ), Ctrl-G | Fear the Forest Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Am I able bounce Avenger of Zendikar to my hand and recast given I have enough mana to do so? Sylvan Advocate buff if it's also a land. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild (Commander) - Landfall Theme 174 decks (0.008%) Rank #402 Navigation By Theme By Budget All Cheap Expensive Links Aetherhub Archidekt Deckstats Gatherer Moxfield MTGGoldfish MTGStocks Scryfall Average Type Distribution Land ( 35) Planeswalker ( 2) Enchantment ( 9) Artifact ( 6) Sorcery ( 8) Instant ( 6) Creature ( 33) Your creatures are now non-basic forests with all their abilities intact, plus "T: Add G": 305.8. This site 2023, LLC Ashaya, Soul of the Wild makes all your nontoken creatures into a Forest, so you can get a mana dork from every creature in your deck as well their normal versatility. 1995-2023 Wizards. This card seems pretty perfect. Kogla, the Titan Ape + Eternal Witness/Timeless Witness + Rude Awakening/Early Harvest. I guess it all depends on personal game style plus expected power level of a table. If you wanted to kick the power-level up a bit you could probably include some stuff like Concordant Crossroads so your combos go off a bit earlier or Allosaurus Shepherd to keep countermagic from ruining your day. I also have another question regarding Ashaya, Soul of the Wild. If you throw a mana doubler like Nissa, Who Shakes the World, Lotus Cobra, or Vernal Bloom into the mix, that above infinite landfall loop will also produce infinite mana. Standard: Not Legal: Alchemy: Not Legal: Historic: Legal: Pioneer: The literal and graphical information presented on this site This site 2023, LLC All permanents on the battlefield; Pili-Pala does not have summoning . Let's get to it! We've got Dungrove Elder and Kalonian Twingrove as absolutely massive beaters since they'll be getting buffed not only by our actual lands but also by the number of creatures we control. Blood Moon's effect depends on Ashaya's effect: 613.8a An effect is said to depend on another if (a) its applied in the same layer (and, if applicable, sublayer) as the other effect; (b) applying the other would change the text or the existence of the first effect, what it applies to, or what it does to any of the things it applies to; and (c) neither effect is from a characteristic-defining ability or both effects are from characteristic-defining abilities. Did this satellite streak past the Hubble Space Telescope so close that it was out of focus? Decks Featuring This Card. Because damage remains marked on a creature until the damage is removed as the turn ends, nonlethal damage dealt to Ashaya may become lethal if lands you control leave the battlefield during that turn. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild | Cloudstone Curio | Rampaging Baloths (and one other card) Color Identity: g. Cards. Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. For example, Cyclonic Rift can't bounce our creatures since it specifically says "nonland" and all our creatures are lands. What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? Within a layer or sublayer, determining which order effects are applied in is sometimes done using a dependency system. Sell your Ashaya, Soul of the Wild Switch to Foil Other Versions Show All Versions Customers who purchased Zendikar Rising: Ashaya, Soul of the Wild also bought. Forgot about scryb ranger doing the same thing as quirion. :). More Combos: EDHREC. Attention! Feeds | Free shipping for many products! Alright, so. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild As Commander As Card Average Deck Decks Combos Ashaya, Soul of the Wild (Card) $13.99 $8.87 0.71 TIX In 41673 decks 4% of 971055 decks Navigation Aetherhub Archidekt Deckstats Gatherer Moxfield MTGGoldfish MTGStocks Scryfall Average Type Distribution ", I'm assuming you are centering the deck around Gilt-Leaf Archdruid, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild with mana dorks is pretty great with landfall triggers such as Lotus Cobra, Avenger of Zendikar. It's also, by no means, budget. Today I want to take a look at some of the interesting interactions Ashaya offers and show off a first draft of a deck I constructed. by Catpocolypse, All hail the Gitrog! Activate any nontoken creature you control except Quirion Ranger by tapping it, adding (G magic symbol) ; Activate Quirion Ranger by returning itself from the battlefield to your hand, untapping the creature tapped for mana; Cast Quirion Ranger by paying (G magic symbol) ; Repeat Compare with something like [ [Conspiracy]], which DOES change the types of all cards regardless of location. are copyright their respective owners. Infinite nontoken creature untaps. When you have logged in, click the Refresh Session button and then try again. 107.2. It revolves around forest and other lands. Our deck will seek to win the game the same way. We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Nontoken creatures you control are forest lands in addition to their other types. I play Standard, Modern, Draft, Commander and else I can get my hands on. Rings + Deserted Temple + Cradle/Nykthos = Infinite green mana. And if you're going for a devotion style deck, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Gaea's Cradle are both amazing lands. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. Suggestions. Titania, Protector of Argoth says the quiet part out loud. Commander / EDH* Argothian Elder does not have summoning sickness. Board & Card Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people who like playing board games, designing board games or modifying the rules of existing board games. For ramp/land effects you can go in a ton of different directions, what you do doesn't matter much, as everything is effective imo. Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? More Articles . Complete Comment Tutorial! Life and limb also works well with Sporemound. Nontoken creatures you control are Forest lands in addition to their other types. Do you have an opportunity to float mana from the mountain-creatures? It only takes a minute to sign up. Beyond Elf commanders, Vitalize is a fine addition to Ashaya, Soul of the Wild and Seton, Krosan Protector. Menu. (They're still affected by summoning sickness.). Scryfall is not produced by or endorsed by these services. Sorceries. Ashaya Combos/Win . Yedora, Grave Gardener is a good choice for a morph landfall deck with a sac outlet like Altar of Dementia and utility morphs like Ainok Survivalist can be quite fun. */* Illustrated by Chase Stone Standard Not Legal When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Attention! It's probably worth mentioning that since Ashaya loses its ability that sets its power and toughness, it will usually end up with 0 toughness and die. by LumpySpaceJams, EDH - Titanic Dryad You cant play creature cards as lands; youll still have to cast them as spells, and theyll enter the battlefield as lands (in addition to their other types). facebook; twitter; linkedin; pinterest; Zendikar Rising SOUL OF THE WILD MTG M ASHAYA. Yeah I was unsure on that, I had the alternative already written up with the exact same reason. Surly Straggler vs. other types of steel frames, Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video, Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. If this combo works with other cards you can quickly create it by clicking on 'Extend this combo' Quirion Ranger + Lightning Greaves + Ashaya, Soul of the Wild. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. . Guess I misinterpted it after all, thanks. This means that Ashaya plus either of these two cards equals infinite green mana! Right off the bat, sorry for this being a bit late, I thought I was gonna get to it the other day, and then I worked two 13 hour shifts in a row. In my hand I have Gruul Turf and play it. Here's how Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Priest of Titania combo works in Commander format! Given this the deck is creature utility heavy and just like any decent mono-Green deck it aims to make larges amount of mana and draws lots of cards. Overall this deck was incredibly fun to build and really explosive when played. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Sometimes you just wanna walk around the park, sometimes you wanna make a run, none is better than the other but it makes no sense to mix both. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild | Stone-Seeder Hierophant | Walking Atlas (and one other card) To leave your comment please log into your Cardmarket account or create a new account. As long as Ashaya is on the battlefield, its affected by its second ability and thus its first ability counts itself. Additionally, we can also find Craterhoof Behemoth to end the game if the Ballista plan doesn't work out. On the stack game objects are called "TYPE spells". Same with Sword of the Paruns potentially. Some other mass Land animation spells: Sylvan Awakening, Rude Awakening, Ambush Commander. Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 335 in total I have a general idea but am a bit confused to be honest. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? All rights reserved. It's why I have such a high priority on trample effects. But casual EDH has several layers as well, from high powered (highly tuned and optimized decks that are still NOT AT ALL cEDH) to mid and low power strategies. Spoiler Timeline. Utility Artifacts. The selvala discord is pretty up on it. High Synergy Cards. Force of Nature The only things you need to note: Ashaya must be in play for every infinite mana play line, the creature tapping for two mana cannot be summoning sick, Ashaya makes creatures "Forest lands." However, with Ashaya out, you can actually use them to untap themselves plus another creature since Ashaya makes them all count as Forests. It's already an amazing card in Commander, but I think it's even better in this deck. There are plenty of land grabbers and creatures that will help you beat down your opponent. It loses all abilities generated from its rules text, its old land types, and any copy effects affecting that land, and it gains the appropriate mana ability for each new basic land type. 2020. Since Avenger of Zendikar counts as a (Forest) land when Ashaya, Soul of the Wild is in play, it can be returned with Gruul Turf. Add to folder Copy. Ashaya, Soul Of The Wild - Infinite Combos (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) This collection is out of date, you may to see the latest version Ashaya, Soul Of The Wild - Infinite Combos Commander / EDH Combo Mono-Green BackBurner90 Creature (27) 1x Arbor Elf 1x Archetype of Endurance 1x Argothian Elder 1x Beast Whisperer 1x Birds of Paradise Created By: Juice. Ashaya is a 30 foot tall bipedal Elemental, with a distinctive curved head shape, composed of thick vines and living plants, that Nissa Revane summoned on Zendikar in her fight against the Eldrazi. Before we get to the decklist, I wanted to take a second to talk about a few more interesting synergies Ashaya has. The Great Henge. I think the problem with this commander is having a fun game of commander, where is the fun when you go infinite every turn 5 or sooner. Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. I absolutely love playing this deck, and am excited to experiment with Ashaya more in the 99 in the coming months. A land thats a Forest has the intrinsic mana ability . Card Odds Draw hand. Both effects are applied in layer 4, type-changing effects (a), applying Ashaya changes what objects Blood Moon would apply to (b), and neither are characteristic-defining effects (c). Not that it would do much, just that it's funny. (And combo piece #1 is our commander.). How to notate a grace note at the start of a bar with lilypond? By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Nontoken creatures you control are Forest lands in addition to their other types. For example, any effect that would untap a land could, instead, untap Ashaya or any other land-creature. Help | This site 2023, LLC You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. I would reduce your land count imo and invest those slots into artifacts and instants that either pair well with your deck, or that protect your creatures. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. These cookies help us improve our product by analyzing user data and applying personalized functions. While the card reads "Ashaya, Soul of the Wild's power and toughness are each equal to the number of lands you control." 1 Wooded Foothills. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild's power and toughness are each equal to the number of lands you control. Scryb ranger / quirion Rangers can return themselves - i think/hope - and This goes into my Selvala GW for sure. I understand that there is a landfall theme, but that seems extreme even to me, most landfall decks I've seen run around 38. Ashaya has the potential to combo with explosive force, so pull the trigger when you choose. about Magic: The Gathering, including card images, mana symbols, and Oracle text, DMCA requests | Combo Results: * Infinite green mana * Infinite ETB * Infinite LTB * Infinite storm count * Infinite landfall triggers How does Blood Sun interact with Cavern of Souls? DMCA requests | Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. See stores for final prices and details. Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar is a card that I really like in my deck. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger (987 decks) Ashaya, Soul of the Wild $0.39 $0.28 0.15 TIX Quirion Ranger With any creature that taps for 2 or more, a quirion ranger gives you infinite Mana, casts, and etb effects. Setting a lands subtype doesnt add or remove any card types (such as creature) or supertypes (such as basic, legendary, and snow) the land may have. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Among them is a somewhat innocuous commander that is incredibly unique and synergistic: Ashaya, Soul of the Wild. This card seems potentially pretty sick for Selvala and Yisan lines. Umbral Mantle - Might be worth considering for part of a combo line that I am unaware of at the moment. Zendikar's Roil Magic Origins (U) Enchantment $0.99 Lotus Cobra (Showcase) Zendikar Rising Variants (R) Creature - Snake $2.99 Scute Swarm (Showcase) Zendikar Rising Variants (R) So what do we do with this infinite mana? Let's get to it! Combo Breakdown: Ashaya, Soul of the Wild | Zendikar Rising Combo Explained | MTG EDH Landfall Combo King of Jank 3.46K subscribers Dislike Share 8,866 views Sep 22, 2020 Previous Episode:. (They're still affected by summoning sickness.) How does Amass interact with Essence of the Wild? TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Mana abilities don't use the stack, but you still need to have priority (or be required to pay a mana cost) in order to activate them. Cardmarket uses cookies and other related tools. The new set gave us a ton of awesome new Commander material. Buy this decklist from Card Kingdom Buy this decklist from TCGplayer 1 Ashaya, Soul of the Wild 1 Ancient Greenwarden 1 Arbor Elf 1 Argothian Elder 1 Augur of Autumn 1 Avenger of Zendikar 1 Azusa, Lost but Seeking 1 Beast Whisperer 1 Circle of Dreams Druid 1 Cultivator Colossus 1 Defiler of . This site is unaffiliated. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. As long as the people from the table say beforehand what they want to achieve for the game and choose a deck that kinda fits a common ground for all the players then everything is fine. Discord Server | Ashaya, Soul of the Wild's first ability is a characteristic defining ability (CDA) and functions in all zones. A few big beaters I'm surprised you don't have are Ghalta, Primal Hunger because, lets be honest, shes basically a 12/12 trampler for 2, or cards like Worldspine Wurm or Moldgraf Monstrosity. Tap the dork, have quirion bounce itself to untap the dork, then replay it with the mana. Combos with [[Krosan Restorer]] if you can achieve threshold. Why would two Vorinclex, Monstrous Raiders cause sagas to enter with 0 counters? Among them is a somewhat innocuous commander that is incredibly unique and synergistic: Ashaya, Soul of the Wild. The only zone that has permanents "you control" is the battlefield. If you accept all cookies, we will transfer your data to our partners, who will aggregate this data with other website data about you. 10/10/2022. This changes the language of the site.It won't change any text entered by users. Respectable, I like it. Nissa, Vital Force - Synergy with cradle, recursion, and it's ult is just one turn away. She wants to be the bad girl. The Slack, Discord, Cash App, PayPal, and Patreon logos What does an Evil Twin of an opponent's Essence of the Wild look like? Privacy statement | Terms of Use | This site 2023, LLC Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This somewhat recent card from Ikoria is extremely good in our deck because it allows us to search up Ley Weaver, Argothian Elder, or Quirion Ranger when we cast Ashaya. Updated Mar 24, 2022 by OutlawPete92 using our MTG Deck Builder. You can tap some other creature for mana to cast the Ranger, use its ability to untap that creature and return itself to your hand, then replay it with the mana so generated. You may opt-out at any time. How does Ashaya, Soul of the Wild interact with Blood Moon? 60.6. We've updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Purchase combo at: Estimated combo price: $13.33. More Combos: EDHREC Commander Spellbook. Elemental Bond. This means that if you have a Reveillark LTB to resolve you could return Ashaya from the graveyard if you have 2 or less lands on the battlefield, but not if you have 3 or more lands on the battlefield. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Argothian Elder Combo result Infinite colored mana. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Feeds | Decklist: Hoarder: dont currently have a concrete Twitch schedule, but giving me a follow over there will let you know when were live. Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines, Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. I'm sure you're right, I just wanna learn and potentially utilize them in my own decks as well. Hope Tender works with any land producing more than one mana. She's basically as big as Ashaya, so she is a good beaters, seeing as how she has trample, but personally, I prefer her in the gy. As long as Ashaya is on the battlefield, it's affected by its second ability and thus its first ability counts itself.
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