WordPress “WP YouTube Lyte” Plug-in Now Supports Schema.org Accessibility Properties At Benetech, one of the Seven Truths we live by is, “partnership over going alone.” Our collaboration with Frank Goossens is a fantastic example of the effectiveness of that principle. This plugin is designed to work flawlessly on WordPress and has the following features. That is the entire benefit of WP Rocket; it comes with more features than nearly any other cache plugin (resulting in better load times and GTmetrix scores), yet less … 4 Gennaio 2021. WP YouTube Lyte cho phép bạn “trì hoãn tải / lazy load” video, bằng cách chèn “YouTube nhúng kiểu nhỏ gọn”. Use the search box below to search for your answer and also check out theme instructions at Theme Instructions before posting question here. TVA NOTIZIE 30-12-20 Forget me feature: With this feature you allow your users to delete their data from your website. Embed YouTube on WordPress for optimal performance - futtta/wp-youtube-lyte 6. Chúng trông giống với video nhúng từ YouTube, nhưng chỉ tải các file nặng nề khi người dùng click vào xem, nhờ vậy mà giúp giảm dung lượng tải … TVA NOTIZIE 05-01-21. 94% of ocean litter sinks to the seabed. For creating video galleries you have a lot of options. TVA NOTIZIE 31-12-20. To embed a video, add a YouTube … You can also use shortcodes to load videos on your website. WP YouTube Lyte - Developed by the same guys behind Autoptimize; Lazy Load for Videos - Lazy load both Vimeo and YouTube; Solution #3: Self Host Videos. Support Forum Instructions. Falls Du keine Lust hast, die Codes händisch zu tauschen, dann empfehle ich Dir die Plugin-Lösung. WP YouTube Lyte von Frank Goossens (futtta) ist ein wichtiges Plugin das Cookies von YouTube Videos erst nach Klick auf das Video selbst setzt. Videos and audio can be embedded by using httpv and httpa links. Achtung: Die Plugins die ich auf dieser Website beschreibe habe ich entweder schon selbst getestet oder nutze sie immer noch. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. What is Lazy Loading? 7. Man-made waste has formed 5 floating continents. WP YouTube Lyte. It doesn’t matter that you want a portfolio, online store, business or blogging website. Also, WordPress is an idle solution for creating any type of website. Since it already has lazy loading built-in, this means you don’t have to install an extra plugin. Marian Heddesheimer. Uploading videos to YouTube is ideal if you've many videos in a post/page and you already have a YouTube channel and you want to grow that together. You will also be able to add a link to an entire YouTube playlist. By collaborating with the creator of the “WP YouTube Lyte” plug-in, which allows WordPress site administrators to automatically add accessibility properties to videos that have closed captions, we contributed code that allows for search based on accessibility. Das kann sein, ich verwende YouTube Lyte nicht, deswegen benutze ich ja Elementor und habe mir ein eigenes Add-on dafür gebaut. WP YouTube Lyte. With WP YouTube Lyte, your embeds are going to be highly responsive and support videoObject microdata as well. You can also set the players’ size and the starting time of your videos. En esta ocasión, WP YouTube Lyte está pensado para optimizar la carga de vídeos de YouTube. SEO Friendly Images Pro. The topic ‘WP youtube lyte’ is closed to new replies. * the LYTE vids indeed don’t load * when I execute ly.te(); in the console the vids do show * I don’t find the code you mentioned above (searched for jq(“#content li.load-more”).removeClass(‘loading’); in the debugger) Videos take the longest time to load by far. 21.05.2018 um 16:07. Youtube is the most popular video website to promote/create content. Da kann man erst mal Einstellungen über die gewünschte Videogröße vornehmen – da kann man hin und her probieren, wie es einem gefällt. There are several shortcodes as well for you to use. Description. Brought to you by Friendly Bane. This represents only 6% of total waste in the sea. WP YouTube Lyte also comes with a number of options to modify how the player looks and plays. Embed YouTube on WordPress for optimal performance - futtta/wp-youtube-lyte 5 Gennaio 2021. WP Rocket is my #1 choice for lazy loading and was the #1 cache plugin in Facebook polls.. En concreto, en vez de cargar el reproductor por defecto incluye uno más simple, ideal para insertar varios vídeos en una misma página. Leider funktioniert das Plugin WP YouTube Lyte mit Elementor nicht….. Zumindest nicht auf den Seiten denen ich es getestet habe. There are other ways to handle YouTube videos in WordPress effectively. Detailed match review videos, podcasts & content of all FC Barcelona matches (tactics, formations, lineups etc) and news, every week. Mit dem Plugin WP YouTube Lyte kannst Du die Verbindung zu youtube-nocookie.com vor dem Abspielen des Videos blockieren. WP YouTube Lyte cho phép bạn “lazy load / tải lười” các video của bạn bằng cách chèn “Mã nhúng YouTube nhỏ gọn” có khả năng phản hồi nhanh (responsive). WP YouTube Lyte. WP YouTube Lyte does have a widget. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. However, WP YouTube Lyte is capable of getting the job done if you need a way to lazy load your videos. Watch this video on YouTube A recent report from the Institute for Family Studies fou Gehe dazu wie oben vor und aktiviere dann das Plugin. WP GDPR Compliance Plugin Features. Ein empfehlenswertes Plugin ist WP YouTube Lyte. WP Rocket. A “lite“ embed looks exactly like an embedded video, except it will only fully activate the actual video when selected. WP YouTube Lyte|YouTube動画の読み込みスピードを速くするプラグイン YouTube動画の読み込み速度を早くできるプラグイン『WP YouTube Lyte』です。 Lazy Load(遅延読み込み)という、必要な部分から先に読み込み残りを後回しにする技術が使われていて、表示速度が早いです。 WP YouTube Lyte has a number of features using with you will be able to modify the look of your player. Für eigene Videos: WP YouTube Lyte. WP YouTube Lyte stores data it fetched from YouTube’s API in WordPress’s add_post_meta, thus avoiding to have to contact YouTube for subsequent requests.You can clear the entire cache by ticking that option on Lyte’s settings-page, but maybe you want to only remove the cache for one specific post or even fix a problem with a stale cache-entry? 7 Gennaio 2021. WP YouTube Lyte provides you with a neat and useful trick: “lazy“ loading. TVA NOTIZIE 04-01-21. WP YouTube Lyte permet le « chargement différé » des vidéos, en insérant des « Lite YouTube Embeds » responsives. You can also add a YouTube link for a video or an entire playlist by using httpv instead of http. You can set the player size, choose to force HD, and set where the thumbnails are cached. In den Einstellungen kannst Du den Datenschutzhinweis eingeben und die Vorschaubilder auf Deinem Server speichern. Das Plugin ersetzt die eingebetteten Videos automatisch mit dem nocookie-Code von YouTube und ergänzt die Videos noch um eine sogenannte Zwei-Klick-Lösung. By default (unless “cache thumbnail locally” is active) WP YouTube Lyte will indeed load slower normal YouTube video’s instead of Lyte ones, as Lyte video’s require would require two clicks from the user to play a video (once to load the YouTube video and once to start it) because there is no autoplay-support on mobile. Lazy Loading is a speed optimization technique used for videos and Images, in which the contents are loaded, only when it comes into the view port area of the user. When you post in your question, please don't forget to post in your site URL. 1. Das WP YouTube Lyte PlugIn wird ganz einfach über das WordPress Repositorium geladen, danach findet man die Einstellungsmöglichkeiten unter “Einstellungen” auf der linken Seite im WP Dashboard. If for some reason you don’t like EmbedPlus you can try out Video Gallery – YouTube Gallery or Yottie. Loading Page with Loading Screen. Cette extension 100% gratuite va automatiquement activer du lazy loading (littéralement chargement fainéant) sur vos vidéos en intégrant des liens spéciaux qui vont charger la vidéo en question, uniquement lorsque l’utilisateur cliquera sur le bouton Play (Lecture). 31 Dicembre 2020. WP Youtube Lyte. WP YouTube Lyte. Lazy loads videos by inserting responsive “Lite YouTube Embeds” which only calls the “fat” YouTube player when the play button is clicked. If you want is to speed up page load time go with WP YouTube Lyte. This means that your page loading time will be significantly shorter, especially if multiple videos are embedded into the same page. TVA NOTIZIE 07-01-21. In addition, you also have the option to add a Lyte widget to the sidebar and WP YouTube Lyte with then replace that link with the correct performance optimized code.

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