International Management (Betriebswirtschaftslehre) Master of Arts. 1 . The program draws upon the expertise of Al Akhawayn University faculty from different disciplines and professionals from the field. Nessun programma soddisfa i tuoi criteri di ricerca. Master Maroc. Read more. Il Master in International Management è un programma part-time di due anni, completamente insegnato in inglese, che prepara gli studenti a lavorare all'interno di imprese commerciali globali e organizzazioni connesse a livello internazionale. Master in Marketing & Management Impresa Turistica e Alberghiera a Roma Interessante opportunità a Roma per specializzarsi e fare carriera nel settore turistico-alberghiero. +, Le Mastère PROFESSIONNEL SDS® GESTIONE DE PROJETS culturels est un Diplôme européen délivré par l'INSHED. Il Master in Big Data, Marketing & Management presso la Toulouse Business School , mira a fornire una solida formazione multidisciplinare per aiutare gli studenti con le competenze necessarie per risolvere i problemi di marketing di oggi e diventare una parte essenziale del processo decisionale delle loro future aziende processi. Le competenze manageriali ha acquisito l'esito della vostra formazione si vuole, nel contesto di un'economia globalizzata in movimento, per aumentare l'efficienza e l'efficacia con, Scopri le opzioni che la nostra borsa di studio può darti, ESMAC : École Supérieure des Métiers des Arts appliqués et de la Culture. Studying a degree “Master in Management” at Karls equips students with capabilities and proficiencies required in all areas of International Management, including marketing, branding, HR consulting, analysis, CRM, coaching etc. Unser Master in Management (MiM) Programm wurde entwickelt, um dich auf eine breite Palette von Karrieremöglichkeiten in verschiedenen Branchen vorzubereiten. Questi spesso includono la risoluzione di problemi, il comportamento organizzativo e i processi decisionali. Im Master International Management hast Du die Wahl zwischen vielen verschiedenen Majorn und kannst so Deinen persönlichen Schwerpunkt im Studium setzen. Erhalte Einblicke in die globale Wirtschaft und das globale Geschäftsklima, lerne neue Fremdsprachen, vergrößere dein Netzwerk und mache die Welt zu deinem Zu Hause. Restauration commerciale Maroc. We have designed a program that will ensure a unique learning experience and ideal job market opportunities. The MSc International Management (IM) is an intensive global business education designed for students with no prior management experience. +, Supply Chain Management is concerned with the global management of physical and information flows for the elaboration of products, going from raw materials and suppliers throu Goethe University's Master of Science in International Management is catering to ambitious Bachelor graduates striving for an international career. Jetzt informieren! The MSc in Big Data, Marketing & Management at Toulouse Business School, aims at providing a solid multi-disciplinary training to help equip students with the necessary skill sets to solve today's marketing problems and become an essential part of their future companies' decision-making process. 1 . +, The MSc in Big Data, Marketing & Management at Toulouse Business School, aims at providing a solid multi-disciplinary training to help equip students with the necessary sk The Master in International Management (MIM) is a one-year, practice-oriented program that aims to prepare talented graduates to kick-start their international careers.The MIM Program merges academic rigor with practical relevance to offer students a unique learning experience. Do you want to be effective and make a difference in today’s complex world of international business? The International MSc in Management complements solid foundations in the core areas of management with a strong international perspective. Studiengangsbeschreibung. International Management (Master of Science) Sonderregelungen aufgrund der aktuellen Lage (COVID19) für Masterstudiengänge zur Bewerbung für das Wintersemester 2020/21 (Fristen, nachzuweisende CPs, Sprachnachweise etc.) International Management . Du kannst dein Curriculum in diesem Studiengang auf deine Interessen und Karriereziele abstimmen. im Überblick. Kurzbeschreibung. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 3 Mal bewertet. International Business Management Herzlich Willkommen auf den Internetseiten des Masterstudiengangs International Business Management! ... Discover the options our scholarship can give you, Ecole de Gouvernance et d'Economie de Rabat. Kurzbeschreibung Zulassungsbedingungen Bewerbung. You can often specialize your studies in such areas as international entrepreneurship, global marketing or international finance. 1 . Le Mastère PROFESSIONNEL SDS® GESTIONE DE PROJETS culturels est un Diplôme européen délivré par l'INSHED. Logiciel SIRH Maroc. Are you interested in a management position in an international organisation? Création site optimisé casablanca. Individuals searching for Master of Management: International Management Degree Overview found the following resources, articles, links, and information helpful. ESJ Paris - École Supérieure de Journalisme. We have designed a program that will ensure a unique learning experience and ideal job market opportunities. Degree Awarded: Master in Management - International Business; Through technological integration, this programme offers a unique and rigorous approach to your education in business. Die Kölner WiSo-Fakultät bietet Ihren Studierenden exklusiv die Möglichkeit, das renommierte internationale Programm CEMS Master's in… Info. The Master's programme in International Marketing and Brand Management prepares you for a career in marketing, strategy, brand and product management, sales and marketing research in organisations varying from multinational corporations to small and medium sized enterprises and NGO's. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium angeboten. Please refine your filters. ... Rabat Business School propose aux étudiants titulaires d’une licence ou d’un diplôme bac+3, liés aux sciences de la gestion, un large catalogue de Masters professionnalisants axés sur le développement personnel et professionnel de l’étudiant et ouverts à l’international. ... 1 . International Management Direttore : Massimo Magni Questo corso di laurea fornisce agli studenti gli strumenti necessari per comprendere meglio il mondo in cui viviamo, preparando i futuri manager e imprenditori a dare un contributo di rilievo all’interno di organizzazioni e aziende internazionali, applicando i principi della responsabilità sociale e della sostenibilità alla prassi aziendale. Die internationale Ausrichtung und die Inhalte sagen mir bisher zu. Some of the more popular areas of study are in the fields of finance, accounting, information technology, human rights, political science, and business. International Marketing Research. Accueil. Master a Budapest in International Hotel Management, promosso dal The Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the UK, per acquisire competenze di rilievo nel settore dell'hospitality e avviarsi ad una carriera di rilievo anche in catene internazionali di lusso. 1 . Chatte mit uns. International Management & Logistics; Accounting – Control – Audit; Human Resources Management. Für Studierende, die ihr Studium bis dahin begonnen haben, bleibt der Studiengang in seiner bisherigen Form bestehen. Un Master ti dà la possibilità di approfondire sia la comprensione di una particolare domanda o decollare in un modo completamente diverso utilizzando le abilità che hai acquisito dalla tua precedente corso di laurea.I corsi di studio di management aiutano gli studenti a prepararsi per le posizioni lavorative di base insegnando loro vari principi gestionali. Das Studium "International Management" an der staatlichen "Hochschule Bochum" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Arts". Morocco is a beautiful country with so much to offer students in addition to a graduate education. The Master in Management is designed to develop the skills needed to analyse complex strategic and operational management issues within a global context. International Comparative Management (10 ECTS) Englisch I und II (10 ECTS) Französisch oder Spanisch I und II (10 ECTS) Masterarbeit (20 ECTS) Weitere Informationen: Studiengangsbeschreibung Institut/Department. Studierenden im Masterstudiengang Wirtschaftswissenschaft mit 4 Semestern Regelstudienzeit werden für den späteren Major International Management in den ersten beiden Fachsemestern folgende Kurse empfohlen: … Students will be asked to pitch distribution solutions that optimize e-commerce, following the new trends of tomorrow's consumers. Agence Création site web au Maroc. Master in International Management: International education in management skills, international internships and experience of real business projects. Created with Sketch. 57078 Siegen. Inhalte und Schwerpunkte : Das Masterprogramm International Management … impression dépliant menu. Informationen zum Nachfolgestudiengang "MSc Global Management … The Master of Science in Communication, Marketing, and Management (C2M) will train competent executives who understand the challenges behind internationalization of a brand and digitalization both in the marketing approach and communication. Location salle de formation Agadir. International Maritime Management (IMM) ist ein berufsbegleitendes Fernstudium, das auf Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist. There are a variety of program options to fit the needs and interests of most Master in Morocco students. International College: Master of Arts in Management For a participation in one of the double master degree programs enrolled students of the master program International Business Administration of Wiesbaden Business School have to submit their application until October 31st of the year before embarking on the semester abroad, including an application letter and a copy of their bachelor degree. Utilize resources provided by national and international financial markets Combina eccellente insegnamento accademico, con esperienza professionale reale con alcune delle aziende più intriganti del mondo. Als berufsbegleitendes Studium ist er eine akademische Weiterbildung für Führungskräfte mit wirtschaftswissenschaftlichem Bachelor-Abschluss oder Diplom. Start date September 2021 . impression dépliant menu. Master Management International & Logistique HEM Business School, ranked n°32 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking +, Il Master in Comunicazione, Marketing e Management (C2M) formerà dirigenti competenti che comprendono le sfide alla base dell'internazionalizzazione di un marchio e della digi +. Il master si rivolge a laureandi e laureati o giovani professionisti con background di studi universitari linguistici che vogliono colmare il gap in materia di marketing e export management e rendere le loro competenze linguistiche spendibili in ambito aziendale.. The Master International Management, now in its 25th edition, is the training course in General Management that provides the techniques and methodologies typical of economics and business management with a particular focus on business internationalization, aimed at young graduates who intend to acquire knowledge and skills required to operate in international contexts.
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