My understanding and sympathies were enlarged, and many of my social, political, and economic views were modified as a consequence of increased knowledge."[196]. [131], Lovecraft's works are ruled by several distinct pantheons of deities (actually aliens worshiped as gods by humans) who are either indifferent or actively hostile to humanity. Lurking Fear “Innsmouth Bay” “Something in the Basement”: “Based very loosely on Lovecraft’s ‘The Shunned House.’” LVTHN [n 2] In these letters, he discussed his worldview and his daily life, and tutored younger authors, such as August Derleth, Donald Wandrei, and Robert Bloch. He was an ardent supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The book states "all superstitious beliefs are relics of a common 'prehistoric ignorance' in humans," and goes on to explore various superstitious beliefs in different cultures and times. In 1977, fans erected a headstone in Swan Point Cemetery on which they inscribed his name, the dates of his birth and death, and the phrase "I AM PROVIDENCE"—a line from one of his personal letters. [116] Lovecraft was a keen amateur astronomer from his youth, often visiting the Ladd Observatory in Providence, and penning numerous astronomical articles for his personal journal and local newspapers. In this essay, he describes his shift away from the Protestantism of his parents to the atheism of his adulthood. "[134], In 1926, famed magician and escapist Harry Houdini asked Lovecraft to ghostwrite a treatise exploring the topic of superstition. It was also caused by his observation that the Depression was harming American society. His death certificate listed the cause of death as general paresis, a term synonymous with late-stage syphilis. In 1913, he wrote a critical letter to a pulp magazine that ultimately led to his involvement in pulp fiction. There are five publishing houses that have released letters from Lovecraft, most prominently Arkham House with its five-volume edition Selected Letters (these volumes severely abridge the letters they contain). Levenda went on to claim that Lovecraft had access to this purported scroll. "[118], Dreams had a major role in Lovecraft's literary career. [179], Lovecraft's fictional Mythos has influenced a number of musicians, especially in rock music. Corin Hardy) [Official Audio]", "How to Investigate the Copyright Status of a Work", "Caring about the Civilization (1929–37)", "The Complicated Friendship of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert Barlow, One of His Biggest Fans", "The Developing Storyworld of H. P. Lovecraft", "Transcending Time and Space: H.P. Lovecraft thought that an intellectual aristocracy needed to be formed to preserve America. The exact circumstances and causes remain unknown. These stories also included fantastic elements that represented the perceived fragility of anthropocentrism. He thought of amateur journalism as training and practice for a professional career. [77], Lovecraft was never able to provide for even basic expenses by selling stories and doing paid literary work for others. Drawing their name from the horror writer of short stories H.P. CCM-139-2) 1. Influenced by various literary interests, from the Tales of Arabian Nights, to Greek mythology and to 19th century Gothic tales told to him by his grandfather, Lovecraft mixed these together with an interest in science. The Thing on the Doorstep (5/7) 59. He did, however, correspond regularly with other contemporary writers such as Clark Ashton Smith and August Derleth, who became his good friends, even though he never met them in person. He explained that he thought that the 18th and 20th centuries were the "best," the former being a period of noble grace, and the latter a century of science. Lovecraft and Greene married on March 3, 1924, and relocated to her Brooklyn apartment at 793 Flatbush Avenue; she thought he needed to leave Providence to flourish and was willing to support him financially. In some stories this struggle is at an individual level; many of his protagonists are cultured, highly educated men who are gradually corrupted by some obscure and feared influence. "[137] According to Joyce Carol Oates, Lovecraft (and Edgar Allan Poe in the 19th century) has exerted "an incalculable influence on succeeding generations of writers of horror fiction. The video game Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy features "Aura Beasts" that are seen using one of the psychic powers the protagonist develops called "Aura View". This influence stretched beyond Lovecraft's use of language. Shortened their name to Lovecraft (1969-1971) releasing one album on Reprise Records, and later regrouping as Love Craft (2) (1975-1976). Almost immediately, Lovecraft wrote a brief memoir titled "In Memoriam: Robert Ervin Howard". Many beings of the Mythos were too powerful to be defeated by human opponents, and so horrific that direct knowledge of them meant insanity for the victim. [88], As a result of the Great Depression, Lovecraft reexamined his political views. [128], Lovecraft frequently dealt with the idea of civilization struggling against dark, primitive barbarism. This is a direct reference to the nicknames that Lovecraft gave to some of his correspondents. The overall critical reception of the volume was mixed. He sometimes dated his letters 200 years before the current date, which would have put the writing back in US colonial times, before the American Revolution (a war that offended his Anglophilia). Among his most celebrated tales are "The Call of Cthulhu", "The Rats in the Walls", At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow over Innsmouth, and The Shadow Out of Time. [59] The influence of Dunsany is readily apparent in his 1919 output, later be to coined Lovecraft's Dream Cycle, with stories like "The White Ship", "The Doom That Came to Sarnath", and "The Statement of Randolph Carter". [n 6][142] Mystery and Adventure columnist Will Cuppy of the New York Herald Tribune recommended to readers a volume of Lovecraft's stories, asserting that "the literature of horror and macabre fantasy belongs with mystery in its broader sense. Lovecraft became pessimistic when he entered amateur journalism in 1914. The period beginning after his return to Providence—the last decade of his life—was Lovecraft's most prolific; in that time he produced short stories, as well as his longest works of fiction: The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, and At the Mountains of Madness. Lovecraft This rock band hails from Argentina. Both authors created distinctive, singular worlds of fantasy and employed archaisms in their writings. Initially, he thought that affluent people would take on the characteristics of his ideal aristocracy and solve America's problems. For most of the 20th century, the definitive editions (specifically At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels, Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, The Dunwich Horror and Others, and The Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions) of his prose fiction were published by Arkham House, a publisher originally started with the intent of publishing the work of Lovecraft, but which has since published a considerable amount of other literature as well. "[139] King has made it clear in his semi-autobiographical non-fiction book Danse Macabre that Lovecraft was responsible for his own fascination with horror and the macabre and was the largest influence on his writing. [46] "The Tomb", by Lovecraft's own admission, follows closely the style and construction of the writings of one of his largest influences, Edgar Allan Poe. The initial interest in letters stemmed from his correspondence with his cousin Phillips Gamwell and his involvement in the amateur journalism movement. His discussions of Hitler drop off after this point. [175], Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges wrote his short story "There Are More Things" in memory of Lovecraft. (This may have been partially due to censorship guidelines imposed in the aftermath of a Weird Tales story that hinted at necrophilia, although after Lovecraft's death, Wright accepted many of the stories he had originally rejected. Derleth's Cthulhu Mythos stories went on to associate different gods with the traditional four elements of fire, air, earth and water — an artificial constraint which required rationalizations on Derleth's part as Lovecraft himself never envisioned such a scheme. [27] A next-door neighbor later pointed out that what others in the neighborhood often supposed were loud, nocturnal quarrels between mother and son, she recognized as being recitations of Shakespeare, an activity that seemed to delight mother and son. [n 4][81], Due to his fear of doctors, Lovecraft was not examined until a mere month before his death. Instead, many of them are directly influenced by dreams and dreamlike phenomena. Meanwhile, in "The Silver Key", Lovecraft mentions the concept of "inward dreams," which implies the existence of outward dreams. [61] The poem "Nyarlathotep" and the short story "The Crawling Chaos", in collaboration with Winifred Virginia Jackson, were written in late 1920. Find H.P. He later described this event ast the most poignant in his life. The remaining copies were destroyed after the publisher went out of business. See all artists, albums, and tracks tagged with "hp lovecraft" on Bandcamp. [14] Lovecraft went in and out of elementary school repeatedly, oftentimes with home tutors making up for those lost school years, missing time due to health concerns that are not entirely clear. The exact sources of Phillips' weird tales have not been identified. [33] A 1913 letter critical of Fred Jackson, a prominent writer for Argosy, started Lovecraft down a path that would greatly affect his life. It was at one such convention in July that Lovecraft met Sonia Greene. [146], Los Angeles Review of Books reviewer Nick Mamatas stated that Lovecraft was a particularly difficult author, rather than a bad one. [109], He was influenced by Arthur Machen's[110] carefully constructed tales concerning the survival of ancient evil into modern times in an otherwise realistic world and his beliefs in hidden mysteries which lay behind reality. They collect the standard texts as edited by S. T. Joshi, most of which were available in the Arkham House editions, with the exception of the restored text of The Shadow Out of Time from The Dreams in the Witch House, which had been previously released by small-press publisher Hippocampus Press. As with the inevitability of one's ancestry, eventually even running away, or death itself, provides no safety (The Thing on the Doorstep, "The Outsider", The Case of Charles Dexter Ward). Sometimes, an isolated pocket of humanity falls into decadence and atavism of its own accord (e.g.

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