Dopo avere combattuto a Napoli accompagnò Colombo nel secondo viaggio e si stabilì nelle Antille. Velázquez was unsure of who should lead this latest effort and after some hesitancy selected Hernán Cortés. [16], Velázquez quickly commissioned Francisco Hernández de Córdoba to lead an expedition which sailed in February, 1517, with instructions to explore certain neighboring islands. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (* 1465 in Cuéllar, Provinz Segovia, Spanien; † 1524 in Santiago de Cuba) war ein spanischer Eroberer und Gouverneur von Kuba für die spanische Krone. Auf dieser Reise waren auch der Geograph Juan de la Cosa, die Offiziere Alonso de Ojeda, Juan Ponce de León und einige weitere, später berühmt gewordene Personen dabei. Initial encounters with the Mayans living along the coast turned into armed conflict; 25 Spaniards were killed and many more wounded, including Córdoba himself. When Grijalva returned in October he brought back a profit of 20,000 crowns; but Velázquez was angry with his nephew and felt the returns did not justify the time and effort. Diego de VELÁZQUEZ DE CUÉLLAR Y VELÁZQUEZ, II adelantado del Yucatán n. 1465 Cuéllar, Segovia f. 1524 Santiago de Cuba: Tabla de Parentescos de don Fernando de Castilla Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (1465, Cuéllar, Espanja – 1524, Santiago de Cuba, Kuuba) oli konkistadori ja Kuuban siirtomaan ensimmäinen espanjalainen kuvernööri.. Nuorempana ennen uuteen maailmaan lähtöään Velázquez taisteli muun muassa Italiassa maan senaikaista kuningasta vastustaneiden santarmien joukoissa. Cuéllar (Segovia) c. 1464 – Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), 1524. Schnell wurde Kuba zur Basis fast aller Expeditionen auf das Festland. The attempted coup nearly cost Cortes his life but Velázquez pardoned him and awarded Cortes with one of the first encomiendas in Cuba. [4][5], Velásquez sailed for Cuba in January, 1511, and landed at a small harbor in the native province of Mayci. He was well regarded by Bartholomew Columbus, the younger brother of Christopher and the administrator of the island from 1493 to 1500. Diego de Velázquez nahm ihn und das Gold mit großer Begeisterung auf. Sofort schickte er einen seiner Kapläne, Benito Martínez, mit der Nachricht von den Goldfunden nach Spanien. In particular he was encouraged to create settlements on the southern coast that would support trade with the growing Spanish presence in Panama. 12. juni 1524) var en spansk conquistador.Han ledet Spanias erobring av Cuba, ble Spanias første guvernør på øya og stod bak folkemordet på Cubas indianske befolkning. The Tainos were outmatched by the Spanish weaponry and after two months of intermittent fighting, they were defeated. Diego Velázquez nahm an der zweiten Reise von Kolumbus teil. By 1511, Velázquez was one of the wealthiest men on Hispaniola. Havanna wurde 1515 gegründet, musste jedoch später wegen einer Insektenplage um mehrere Kilometer verlegt werden. Im selben Jahr hatte Grijalva, unweit des heutigen Veracruz, Kontakt mit den Untertanen von Moctezuma II. Velázquez's health began to fail in the summer of 1523 and a year later he died on June 11 or 12, 1524. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar died in Santiago de Cuba in 1524, a very bitter man. Havana, destined to become the premier city of Cuba, was originally founded on the south coast. Puerto Principe was established in 1515. [9], After a slow start, the conquest of Cuba accelerated dramatically in 1513 when Velásquez organized three expeditions to proceed west, explore the island, and establish a Spanish presence. While resupplying in Havana, Olid conspired with Velázquez and they agreed that Olid would renounce Cortez and capture Honduras on behalf of Velázquez. Alle Städte auf Kuba, die von Velázquez gegründet wurden, existieren noch heute. 1502 kam der vom König ernannte Statthalter Nicolás de Ovando auf Hispaniola an. Velázquez never returned to Spain. Contó con el apoyo del obispo Rodríguez de Fonseca y colaboró con el gobernad… [8], In early 1513 Velásquez married Maria de Cuéllar in the new town of Baracoa. Grijalva sailed along the Yucatan and then headed northwards following the Mexican coastline, exploring and trading with the natives as the opportunity arose. [1] He was born in Cuéllar around 1465, in the Segovia region of Spain. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (1465 – c. June 12, 1524) was a Spanish conquistador and first governor of Cuba. On his return to Cuba, Córdoba reported to Velázquez that the Mayans exhibited a sophistication not seen before in the region, including buildings of stone and mortar, clothing of woven cloth, and ornamentation of gold and silver. September 1493 mit drei großen Schiffen und 14 Karavellen. Nació alrededor de 1464 en la … Også kjent som: Diego Velázquez; Født: 1465 i Cuéllar, Segovia, Castilla-krona; Død: c. 12. juni 1524 i Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, New Spain; Ektefelle: datter av Cristóbal de Cuéllar; Tidlig liv . [22] Despite further entreaties and demands, Cortés refused turn over his command. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (1464-1524) fue un conquistador y administrador colonial español. Microfoni puntati. He sent a representative to Spain requesting authority to trade with or conquer the new lands and was granted the title of adelantado of the Yucatan and any other lands he might discover. [26][27], Velázquez spent the remaining few years of his life defending his governorship in Cuba and continuing his dispute with Cortes. The governor soon regretted his choice when friends and allies warned him that his former secretary could not be trusted to remain loyal. I tillegg bidro han indirekte, via Hernán Cortés, til Spanias erobring av Mexico og utslettelsen av Aztekerriket i Mexico. Among those who accompanied Columbus on his second voyage to the west, de Cuellar made a prominent name for himself as the leader of Santo Domingo, where he made his fortunes. Schnell bereitete er die dritte Expedition vor und gab seinem Sekretär Hernán Cortés das Kommando. Bayamo was founded in 1513, followed in 1514 by Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus, and Havana. | Kein GND-Personendatensatz. More than a year was spent consolidating control of the present-day Oriente province. Zwar wurde Kolumbus später vom spanischen Königspaar begnadigt, jedoch nicht wieder in sein Amt eingesetzt. [15] Interest in exploration and conquest intensified in 1516 when a slave ship returned carrying 20,000 pesos of gold seized from the natives living on the Guanajes, a series of small islands off the coast of Central America. 31 likes. Er starb 1524 in Santiago de Kuba. Diego Velazquez de Cuellar (1464-1524) was a conquistador and Spanish colonial administrator. Later that year, Velásquez was joined by Panfilo de Narvaez who brought thirty Spanish archers and Native auxiliaries from Jamaica. [11] At its peak, officials complained that the search for Cuban gold was depleting manpower in Hispaniola. In 1514, Velázquez wrote to the king concerning rumors of unknown lands to the north and west of Cuba. In response, Velázquez named Vasco Porcallo to replace Cortés but when messages were sent ordering him to relinquish command, Cortés refused and even managed to recruit one of the messengers to his cause. Salutiamo il '900 leggendo "La coscienza di Zeno" di Italo Svevo.Siamo in diretta. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar Connected to: {{::readMoreArticle.title}} aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie {{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). They soon came upon the shore of what they initially believed to be a large island, thus marking the Spanish discovery of the Yucatán Peninsula. Doch Cortés besiegte Narváez in Cempoala. As the first governor of the island, he established several municipalities that remain important to this day and positioned Cuba as a center of trade and a staging point for expeditions of conquest elsewhere. He is not to be confused with Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez, the Spanish painter generally referred to simply as Diego Velazquez. Français : Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (Cuéllar Espagne, 1465 - Santiago de Cuba, 1524), était un conquistador espagnol et fut le premier gouverneur de Cuba de 1511 jusqu'à sa mort. From Cuba he chartered important expeditions that led to the Spanish discovery and conquest of Mexico. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (1465 - 1524) était un conquistador espagnol, qui fut gouverneur de Cuba de 1511 jusqu'à sa mort. [note 2] However, Colon himself was in political difficulties and under investigation by the Crown. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. Diego Velazquez de Cuéllar (Cuéllar, 1465 - Santiago de Cuba, 1524) fou un conquistador espanyol, governador de Cuba des de 1511 fins a la seva mort el 1524.. Biografia. Velázquez was sent to the western end of the island to establish Salvatierra de la Zabana and perhaps other towns. September 2020 um 22:55 Uhr bearbeitet. Diego Velazquez ble født til en adelig familie i 1464 i byen Cuellar, i den spanske regionen Castilla. Oktober 2018. Diego Colón perhaps sensed that Velázquez was politically vulnerable; he sent Alonso Zuazo to Cuba in January, 1521, to replace the governor and conduct his residencia. [2], There is no record of Velázquez during Francisco de Bobadilla's brief tenure as governor of the island but when Nicolás de Ovando was appointed to the post in 1501, Velázquez quickly became one of the governor's trusted lieutenants. In September 1493, Velázquez was one of 1500 men who sailed with Columbus on his second voyage to the New World. View the profiles of people named Diego De Velázquez de Cuéllar. Velásquez was to finance the project himself and though Columbus assured him that the Crown would reimburse him later, no money was ever forthcoming. Geschichte Kubas: Kuba-Hurrikan (1924) Kuba-Hurrikan (1932) Hurrikan Alberto (1982) Kubanischer Militäreinsatz in Angola: Belagerung von Havanna: Brigade 2506: Cabildo de nación: Castroismus : Coordinación de Organizaciones Revolucionarias Unidas: Cubana-Flug 455: … Mit an Bord war auch der Chronist Bernal Díaz del Castillo. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (født 1465, død ca. In 1523, Cortés made Cristobal de Olid the leader of an expedition to conquer Honduras. When Cortes heard of this plot, he wrote a letter of protest to the king and then dispatched his agents to Honduras where they eventually killed Olid. Geographie Geschichte Religion Gesellschaft Technik Kunst und Kultur Wissenschaft. Dort verband ihn eine enge Freundschaft mit Bartolomeo Kolumbus, dem jüngeren Bruder von Christoph Kolumbus. Velázquez schaffte es, mit seiner klugen Regierungspolitik viele Spanier in diese neue Kolonie zu locken. In time he demonstrated an aptitude for dealing with the political factions on the island. This was the last significant resistance faced by the Spanish and thereafter they proceeded relatively unchallenged in their colonization and search for gold. Mit Córdoba kam auch der Soldat und spätere Chronist Bernal Díaz del Castillo auf die Insel. Velázquez wollte diesen Verrat nicht akzeptieren und schickte Cortés eine Expedition mit 18 Schiffen und etwa tausend Männern hinterher. No debe confundirse con Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, el pintor español al que generalmente se hace referencia simplemente como Diego Velázquez. [20], Even before Grijalva returned, Velázquez was preparing for another, larger expedition to the Yucatan. 1524) – hiszpański konkwistador.Dowodził podbojem Kuby, której potem został gubernatorem.. Wygląd i charakter. Geleitet wurde der Feldzug von Pánfilo de Narváez. Letzte Überprüfung: 7. Dieser hatte den Auftrag, Cortés zu verhaften und die Eroberung des neuen Landes unter Velázquez’ Kommando zu vollenden. Cortes served as the governor's private secretary during the initial conquest but was later involved in a plot to overthrow him. So erhielt er den Auftrag, dieses neue Reich zu erobern. Finally, by July, 1523, Colon was recalled to Spain and Velázquez was fully restored to office.[28]. Armstrong in bella vista. Diego Velázquez was born in Cuéllar 1465, in the Segovia region of Spain. Nació en Cuéllar, Segovia, España, en 1465. Dafür gibt es Belege von Diego Velázquez vom 18. [2], After the revolt Ovando determined that five new towns should be built in the rebellious territory. Velázquez de Cuéllar, Diego. Dadurch gerieten die ersten Siedler jedoch in Konflikt mit den Interessen des Christoph Kolumbus, des Vizekönigs von Westindien. The Spaniards were opposed by a Taino force led by Hatuey, formerly a chief from Hispaniola who fled to Cuba and helped the local Natives organize resistance to the incursion. In total, these encomenderos controlled almost 3,000 Indian laborers.[14]. Miguel de Pasamonte, the king's treasurer in the Caribbean, was influential in seeing that Columbus selected Velásquez to lead the expedition. Initially, these rumors were merely the subject of idle speculation and the king instructed Velázquez to remain focused on the governance of Cuba and especially the production of gold. As the first governor of the island, he established several municipalities that remain important to this day and positioned Cuba as a center of trade and a staging point for expeditions of conquest elsewhere. According to Bartolome de las Casas, who did not arrive on the island until later, Hatuey was captured and burned at the stake. [13], Velázquez used the assignment of encomiendas to reward relatives and associates and thus ensure an island aristocracy that was loyal to him. Santiago de Cuba war nach Baracoa die zweite Stadtgründung. Il est considéré comme l'un des principaux représentants de la peinture espagnole et l'un des maîtres de la peinture universelle. He first visited the New World with the crew of Christopher Columbus's second voyage in 1493. After the conquest of Mexico, Cuba experienced an exodus of settlers. The Crown agreed to hear the dispute but postponed a decision for two years, perhaps waiting to see how the struggle was resolved in the field. Juni 1513. Er entschied sich, diesen Schatz sowie die schwer Verletzten und Kranken nach Kuba zu schicken. A decade later, Cuba was subjected to a new Viceroyalty of New Spain, after a political reorganization of the Indies. Afterwards he returned to Spain and lived in Seville. Velázquez hatte sehr gute Beziehungen zum Bischof von Burgos, Juan Rodríguez de Fonseca, dem Verantwortlichen der Westindischen Inseln. [2], Velázquez settled on the island of Hispaniola and survived the early hardships which killed many colonists or drove them back home. In 1522, Carlos II formally recognized Cortes as governor of New Spain, thus ending Velázquez's claims to the newly conquered territory. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar. Even before he died, plans were underway to replace Velázquez. Im Jahre 1511 gründete Diego Velázquez mit Baracoa die erste Stadt auf kubanischem Boden. - Colonizzatore spagnolo, nato a Cuellar (Segovia) nel 1465, morto a Cuba verso il 1523. When Bartholomew left the island for any length of time, he would make Velázquez acting governor of Hispaniola. Politician. [10], In October, 1513, Velásquez received letters from the king that expanded his powers in Cuba. He fought in Naples before moving to Seville, where he met Bartolomeo Columbus. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar stammte aus einer sehr reichen, aristokratischen Familie und war Offizier des spanischen Heeres in Neapel, bevor er sich in Sevilla niederließ. No debe ser confundido con Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, el pintor español generalmente referido simplemente como Diego Velázquez. Dort verband ihn eine enge Freundschaft mit Bartolomeo Kolumbus, dem jüngeren Bruder von Christoph Kolumbus. So konnten sie sich auch direkt an den König wenden. Spouse: daughter of Cristóbal de Cuéllar; Early Life. The failed adventure was a disaster for Velázquez; he lost a substantial fortune invested in the fleet and left Cuba seriously depopulated and vulnerable to a Native uprising. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (ur. She was the daughter of the royal treasurer, Cristóbal de Cuéllar, and a former lady-in-waiting for Maria de Toledo, the wife of Diego Columbus. Damit war er von seinem Gönner unabhängig und nur noch der spanischen Krone untertan. Jetzt stand eindeutig fest, dass es sich auch hier um eine Insel handelte. He held encomiendas at Verapaz, Salvatierra de la Zabana, and Santiago de Caballeros, where he was a partner with an unidentified encomendero in mining enterprises. However, as the demand for labor grew, slaving expeditions explored the region in search of natives to work the Cuban ranches and gold mines. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar[note 1] (1465 – c. June 12, 1524) was a Spanish conquistador and first governor of Cuba. Diego Velázquez nahm an der zweiten Reise von Kolumbus teil. Zu dieser Zeit war Velázquez der reichste Mann auf Hispaniola und hatte nach dem Statthalter den größten politischen Einfluss. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar. By 1514, the island was largely pacified and significant gold deposits were discovered at several sites on the island, setting off a brief gold rush that lasted until about 1520. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (1464-1524) fue un conquistador y administrador colonial español. VELÁZQUEZ de CUELLAR, D iego. Mittlerweile war Kuba von Sebastián de Ocampo gänzlich umfahren worden. Cuéllar near Segovia was the birthplace of Diego Velázquez. Civilopedia [edit | edit source] Lived: 1465-1524 Diego Velazquez de Cuellar was the Spanish founder of Havana and the leader of the colonization of Cuba. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar stammte aus einer sehr reichen, aristokratischen Familie und war Offizier des spanischen Heeres in Neapel, bevor er sich in Sevilla niederließ. Der kam erst später (*1599/°1660) und war ein spanischer Maler, dessen Malstil im 19. De ascendencia noble, procedía de una reconocida familia de esa ciudad, cuyos miembros habían servido durante generaciones a los Reyes de Castilla. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 16. Narvaez led a force through the interior of the country while Velásquez and a lieutenant proceeded along the south and north coasts respectively. In 1511 he led the successful conquest and colonization of Cuba. Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España,ázquez_de_Cuéllar&oldid=203727184, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. und erhielt eine nicht unerhebliche Menge Gold als Geschenk. Dennoch machten die Spanier zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch keine Anstalten, die Insel zu erobern. He assembled a small fleet of four ships and three hundred men among whom were several relatives, debt-ridden encomenderos and a few who would later become notable, including Hernán Cortés and Pedro de Alvarado. The new colonizers did not wish to be under the personal authority of Diego Columbus, so Velázquez convoked a general cabildo (a local government council) which was duly authorized to deal directly with Spain, and therefore removed Velázquez and the colonizers from under the authority of Columbus, their nominal superior. Conquistador español y gobernador de la isla de Cuba desde 1511. Schon im April 1518 entsandte er eine weitere Expedition unter seinem Neffen Juan de Grijalva. Velázquez sailed to the New World in 1493 on the second voyage of Christopher Columbus. From Cuba he chartered important expeditions that led to the Spanish discovery and conquest of Mexico. [6][7], The first Spanish settlement, Baracoa, was established on the northeast corner of the island by August, 1511. Er ist nicht zu verwechseln mit Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez, dem spanischen Maler im Allgemeinen einfach als Diego Velazquez bezeichnet. ok. 1465, zm. In early 1520, he organized an armada of about 1000 fighting men and 18 ships equipped with both light and heavy artillery. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (n. en Cuéllar, en 1465 – m. en Santiago de Cuba, Kubo en 1524), hispana konkeranto, kaj unua reganto de la insulo Kubo ekde 1511 ĝis lia morto en la jaro 1524.. Biografo. Velázquez verfügte nach diesem erneuten Fehlschlag nicht mehr über genügend finanzielle Mittel, um noch einmal gegen Cortés vorgehen zu können. It is probable that he served as a soldier in the Christian conquest of Granada, last of the Moorish Kingdoms in Spain, from 1482 to 1492. Jahrhundert den Impressionismus beeinflusst hat. Cortés hatte kein Interesse daran, bei der Eroberung dieses neuen Landes lediglich als Werkzeug Velázquez’ zu fungieren. Near the south coast, Narvaez soon met with a force of 2,500 Tainos led by their chief, Caguax. Most of the new settlements were sited on the coast near gold deposits and significant populations of Indian labor. Spanish conquistador born c. 1465, , Cuéllar, Spain died 1524, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba conquistador and first Spanish governor of Cuba. Maria died less than a week after their wedding. Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, dit Diego Velázquez, ou Diego Vélasquez en français, né puis baptisé à Séville le 6 juin 1599 et mort à Madrid le 6 août 1660, est un peintre baroque espagnol. [2][3], When Diego Columbus became governor in 1509, he was instructed by King Ferdinand to explore, conquer, and colonize the neighboring island of Cuba in hopes of obtaining new sources of gold and Native labor. Der wurde vom neuen Gouverneur Francisco de Bobadilla in Ketten nach Spanien geschickt. Im Jahre 1517 schickte Velázquez Francisco Hernández de Córdoba von Santiago de Cuba nach Yucatán. Weitere namhafte Teilnehmer waren unter anderem Bartolomé de Las Casas, Pedro de Alvarado und Cristóbal de Olid. Pronto irrumpió en la carrera militar y luchó en Nápoles, en los Tercios del Gran Capitán. By 1522 significant encomiendas were held by his relatives Juan de Grijalva and Manuel de Rojas; his close associates Panfilo de Narvaez, Bachiller de Alonso Parada, and Vasco Porcallo de Figueroa; and fourteen others. In May, 1524, Carlos II named Juan Altamirano to conduct a residencia and become the new governor of Cuba. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (* 1465 in Cuéllar, Provinz Segovia, Spanien; † 1524 in Santiago de Cuba) war ein spanischer Eroberer und Gouverneur von Kuba für die spanische Krone. Diego Velázquez de Cuellar (1464-1524) fue un conquistador y administrador colonial español. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (1464-1524) war ein Konquistadorund spanischer Kolonialverwalter. Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar. Der Verantwortliche dieses Transports war Pedro de Alvarado. Im Jahre 1511 versuchte die spanische Krone, ihre Interessen mit denen von Kolumbus’ Nachfahren abzugleichen. In February, 1519, he left Havana for Mexico with ten ships and about 500 fighting men, effectively declaring himself free of Velázquez's authority. [21], Cortés readily accepted the commission and quickly began to organize a fleet and recruit volunteers. Daher gründete er eigenmächtig (im heutigen Mexiko) die Stadt Veracruz, so wie es ihm Velázquez bei der Gründung Baracoas auf Kuba vorgemacht hatte. Panfilo de Narvaez was selected to lead the force with instructions to arrest Cortes and assume government of the new territory on behalf of Velázquez. Geleitet wurde diese Expedition von Pánfilo de Narváez. Setting off to expand the … His close associate, Gonzalo de Guzman, was the principal heir of his estate and would later serve two terms as governor. Der Verlauf dieser Expedition ist dank den Chroniken von Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo und Bartolomé de Las Casas erhalten. Velázquez resided in Salvatierra de la Zabana and all five of the new settlements were placed under his administration.
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