is sharing facts, thats truly good, keep up writing. I too never understood survivor quilt, Enjoyed your article. 4329 0 obj <>stream There were also wounded. 2 tour Nam Vet, The Navys First Vietnamese Admiral Saw His Family Killed by an Infamous Viet CongGuerrilla, The Navy's First Vietnamese Admiral Saw His Family Killed by an Infamous Viet Cong Guerrilla, A Day in the Life of an Infantry Point Man in Vietnam, The Story behind the famous Saigon Execution Photo. A battery of big 155 mm howitzers blasted the tiny platoon perimeter, tearing trees out of the ground and hurling chunks of red-hot shell splinters through the air. Before he was drafted Renza had worked as a hairdresser for women in his hometown of Peekskill, New York. The Army suffered the most total casualties, 38,179 or 2.7 percent of its force. On Sun, Mar 8, 2020 at 4:00 PM CherriesWriter Vietnam War website wrote: > pdoggbiker posted: A friend recently sent me the link to an article > claiming that the life expectancy of a radio operator in the Vietnam War > was only 5 seconds. 1 Gun became my very best friend. He was killed in an ambush along with three others. We were told in training that the life expectancy of a machine gunner was about seven seconds from the moment the first round was fired. The Kb of pyridine, C5H5N, is 1.5 x 10-9. The other group of aeromedical evacuation were divisional, i.e. Most of us have memories of these kind of experiences. Soldiers also act in the mobilization of vehicles, weaponry, troops, and more. My heart was pounding out of my chest. U.S. Wings is a manufacturer and a supplier. Also , it I might add that the, Government big wigs, have a quota [percentage]of a lot of the Military equipment etc that had a certain amount of time to function until it was disable, blow up, wrecked, junk, etc. As with much of the Vietnam War, the news media misreported and misinterpreted the 1968 Tet Offensive. I had yet to fire a shot with No. If the enemy was near, we never saw any. Our chase after the enemy unwittingly led us into a large ambush. Company B arrived in-country with four rifle platoons, and each platoon was armed with two M60s. Quickly learned to control rate of fire. Had multiple Ks and Ws. Were talking averages, obviously so, an RTO, with an expectancy of 5 seconds (!) Your email address will not be published. E)V_5lu[vC3+"vg2L& Suddenly I realized that my platoon sergeant was screaming at me to stop firing. They also struggled with logistical problems and the complex political situation in Vietnam. If it was 1941 and you were an average Soviet soldier, your life expectancy on the front line was days, not weeks, thanks to the ongoing german offence. One out of every 10 Americans who served in Vietnam was a casualty. Does this mean addressing to a crowd? 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the official Vietnam era from August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975. This has been going on for about a week Every time I try to watch a video on Youtube from my laptop I get instantly redirected to "" Address: 561 E Hines Hill Road Hudson, Ohio 44236 Phone: 1-800-650-0659 / 330-655-5050 Fax: 330-653-3750 Email: [emailprotected], Retail Store Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm EST Saturdays: 10am -3pm (Oct-Jan) Sundays: Closed. Unable to reach Company A, my company pulled back, formed a perimeter and called in air and artillery support. 87% of Americans hold Vietnam Veterans in high esteem. The Australian Vietnam veteran study assessed the postservice mortality of 19 205 Vietnam veterans and 25 677 non-Vietnam veterans through 1981. 1 Gun was on my hip with the safety off, ready to rock and roll. The average life expectancy of a Soviet soldier during the height of the battle was just 24 hours. Back in 1965, I was a door gunner on Medevac recovery operations. Thats 390 per day. 1 gun! Everyone laughed. Ron. I had a 20% death rate in my Hospital Corpsman Class. Mi hermana se sorprende N-F C-F Cl-F F-F 2 Answers C-F is the most polar. Fighters and planes dont make up the Army, thats the Air Force. I was over there twice serving as a Hospital Corpsman with a marine unit. It was an HONOR and a privilege to serve with these brave men for my 11 month tour. Once we turned on the radar they could hit us with a harm missile. However, it was the discretion of the individual crewmen if they wanted to carry personal weapons or not. Life expectancy at birth. One of them gazed in our direction, lowered his AK 47 assault rifle and fired six shots. 1ST MAW 66-68. What is the life expectancy of Vietnam veterans? Welcome home!! More importantly, Grandstaff was very gung-ho. It didnt matter who you were or where you were. 1 Gun was firing. I would carry when on ambush. The Department of Defense Vietnam War Service Index officially provided by The War Library originally reported with errors that 2,709,918 U.S. military personnel as having served in-country. History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. The dead were placed on ponchos. We were discussing the different units and dangers of each. The 140,000 evacuees in April 1975 during the fall of Saigon consisted almost entirely of civilians and Vietnamese military, NOT American military running for their lives. After that initial post-service period, Vietnam veterans were no more likely to die from suicide than non-Vietnam veterans. Around 3 p.m., when Grandstaff realized we were about to be overrun, he called in artillery right on top of our location. Most war stories are about soldiers and battles. Much smaller income differentials in life expectancy, 0.2 to 3.6 life-years smaller for Veterans in 2010-17 are estimated. The next three weeks passed uneventfully. 2. Sept 69 to Sept 70. I couldnt disagree. My father was on a lrrp team!65-67never was shot but killed alot.He never really got over it though died in 2012! Death by a Bottle! They kept coming up the hill bringing more bodies to me until all seven had been found. Each company had eight M60s. I remember hearing somewhere about an RTO who wasnt getting the info out correctly and the Lieutenant (Kennedy) grabbed the mic and said My RTO Is Foxtrot Uniform. They were held in special regard after the Normandy landings, when 225 Rangers scaled cliffs at Pointe Du Hoc on June 6, 1944 under intense enemy fire. Keep in step with US Wings Join our newsletter to receive all our latest news and offers, Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from US Wings. He said when they were ambushed they took defensive positions, returned fire, called for assistance when needed, and retreated when necessary. Thats why I never understand people talking about survivors guilt it should have been me, why him? etc. HOOAH!!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That was a hell of a responsibility to take on. My dad died of cancer at 52. The Tet Offensive succeeded on only one front and that was the News front and the political arena. Then the tempo changed suddenly and violently. The Republic of Vietnam lost 1,018 aircraft and helicopters from January 1964 to September 1973. 101st Airborne Division. It was always quick/quick, load the bodies in and get the hell out. Shea's gallantry in action at the cost of his life were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon . Saw from mostly safe distance almost all the weapons systems that where there used. What percentage of Vietnam veterans actually saw combat? 11 c mos , meaning I was also cross trained for mortars . C Co, 1st-12th 66-67. El subjuntivo We all have opinions, this is mine. I assisted Vessey and Capt Cartwright by helping prepare the Bee Hive Rounds (first time they were ever used), firing 4 rounds at proximity 0 range into a human wave attack on or weak side after 5 hours of relentless attacks on the opposite side of the perimeter Those 4 rounds killed @ 400 enemy soldiers, of the 881 total enemy losss John Vessey later became a 4 Star general and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs appointed by Reagan 1983, and at retirement became Chair of the POW MIA Commission for 14 years, Passing away in August 2016 just 6 months before our 50th Reunion. 79% had a high school education or better. I am one lucky SOB. Explore the Life of a U.S. Infantryman in Vietnam. Two rounds smashed into a log inches above my head. Es ridculo que t ______ (tener) un resfriado en verano. An interesting essay, even more interesting are the comments. Then he said youre on a FB, the enemy always knows your location, can pretty much attack at will, and you really dont have the capability to retreat. 97% of Vietnam Veterans were honorably discharged. This was another example in the Vietnam War of an inaccuracy becoming the perceived truth. Can I use this word like this: The addressal by the C.E.O. Now, to calmly answer your question, air strikes have actually been an efficient technique used by us for years now. Here are statistics from the Combat Area Casualty File (CACF) as of November 1993. No. When I was assigned to the M60 in advanced individual training, I decided that if I had to be a gunner I would learn everything there was to know about the weapon. We can all hold our heads high and be proud of our service. I was still pondering the move to 4th Platoon when U.S. Air Force jets screamed over the treetops with canisters of napalm. Terrified, I dropped down as fast as I could, pulling the gun and two ammo belts of 100 rounds apiece on top of me as I fell back into the dry streambed. We had 5 kias and roughly 50 wounded in our company so about one in three got hit. three, he believes he is doing what his country wants him to dojust like you So you better damn well treat him with the compassion you want for you!! By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE VIETNAM VETS ARE NOT. He was not the type to hump a radio. . The Vietnam War was the turning point for Communism. What were the life expectancies of soldiers during the Vietnam War? The planes doing the bombing near the village were VNAF (Vietnam Air Force) and were being flown by Vietnamese pilots in support of South Vietnamese troops on the ground. I was also told that the Radio did put a target on my back. As I remember it the life expectancy was based on after the ambush was sprung or the fire fight started. I was an RTO for 9-1/2 months for Hawk Recon 2/327 101AB from dec, 1969 to sept 70. And I know what youre going to say, Because the American cs! Bullcrap!!!! When Roeski got hit, I took over the M-60. As a point of reference, Patterson explained that combat troops in World War II, on average, spent 36 days in a combat environment; the average infantryman in Vietnam spent 245 days in constant. Background [ edit] Surrounded by an enemy battalion, our hopelessly outnumbered platoon waged a desperate battle for survival. Hi, the whole thing is going nicely here and ofcourse every one That same day, I along with 3/4 others was transported to Long Bhin Post. Thats my experience. If youre American (which you probably are), I could give a f***. The ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand stayed free of Communism because of the U.S. commitment to Vietnam. 1 Gun before my luck ran out. Nobody attacked, where we were. Sholly injured an ankle, and 1st Lt. Cary Allen took command of Company B. Out of thousands of men that invaded that town in southern Afghanistan, we have lost 19. I was a REMF but Ive heard of 05Cs that were stuck out in the boonies on a firebase. It was on the Job Training ! I am 81 now and survived the encounter by terminated the sniper. Now we know. The last American troops departed in their entirety 29 March 1973. The first six or seven months I walked point for our platoon and led many ambushes and green eye patrols. What was the life expectancy of a point man in Vietnam? They were lazy, cowardly and of questionable loyalty, especially the RUFF/PUFFS, and they would steal your under ware if given half a chance. They were Kims cousins not her brothers. Fact: Mortality studies show that 9,000 is a better estimate. Few areas of the world have been as hotly contested as the India-Pakistan border. Remember he wanted to reenlist for one more year in Vietnam. Information presented by SFC (Ret) David Hack. well i have been army infantry for 12 years with 2 deployments, and still going strong. I always felt that Infantry units were in more danger because of ambush issues and no permanent defensive structures. Originally I went to the 543d TC. Fact: 86% of the men who died in Vietnam were Caucasians, 12.5% were black, 1.2% were other races. An interesting comment I had. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. Rarely do we examine war through the unique bond between a man and his weaponin this case the M60 machine gun. MEDEVAC helicopters flew nearly 500,000 missions. I remember hearing a Lieutenant (Kennedy) say to one of his two platoon RTOs My RTO is Foxtrot Uniform. The CDC Vietnam Experience Study Mortality Assessment showed that during the first 5 years after discharge, deaths from suicide were 1.7 times more likely among Vietnam veterans than non-Vietnam veterans. Then we all, loaded on C-147 cargo planes. The helicopter provided unprecedented mobility. Vietnam Veterans represented 9.7% of their generation. waving then I realized they Werent shooting at him only at the If you ask people who live in these countries that won the war in Vietnam, they have a different opinion from the American news media. EACH OF US CARRIES OUR OWN MEMORIES AND THEY RUN THE GAMUT. Welcome home. 11,465 of those killed were younger than 20 years old. Fact: 2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers. never happened,we lost two sweep team members and some Interesting but something is missing. If you were an administrative officer or clerk in an air-conditioned trailer in Saigon, your war might be a lot like peacetime duty. Very memorable comments. Stop staring at your computer already, get up. rice farmer who was still working with is ox like nothing ever Bravo, 3/187th Inf, 101st Airborne Div, 2nd Plt, 2nd Sq, Hamburger Hill, May 69. As soon as he did, a round hit him in the forehead, blowing out the back of his skull. May was eventually able to hand off 2nd Platoons No. "The Rangers pulled themselves over the top," President Ronald Reagan said of the men, in 1984. Some 23% of Vietnam vets had fathers with professional, managerial As a result, less than one percent of all Americans wounded, who survived the first 24 hours, died. THE MAN I INHERITED THE GUN FROM WASNT SO LUCKY. US Wings is a veteran-owned business and an official supplier to the US Military. Every mission, I had the same thought. This Battle changed his life and his future, had it not been for his actions, every man on this FSB Gold would have died. It called for release of all U.S. prisoners, withdrawal of U.S. forces, limitation of both sides forces inside South Vietnam and a commitment to peaceful reunification. Some very close calls but I am alive at age 74. During that same Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served was: 9,492,958. Tony told me that either he or I would greet all incoming troops and we did- and here is the speech we gave to them. Deltoid muscle _____ 2. Fact: No American had involvement in this incident near Trang Bang that burned Phan Thi Kim Phuc. In your rucksack . 58,148 were killed and 304,000 wounded out of 2.7 million who served. Cruz quite a lot. The Bronze Star was awarded to ALL that were awarded the CIB in WWII because the Infantry accounted for over 70% of the casualties in WWLL BUT NOT 70% )F ALL THE INFANTRY !!! I was told to show the new guy how to use it properly. If you have other information let me know. Take out the power center, youve got the edge. I think those numbers are percentages of US KIA, not mortality times. Dap, Hope this helps. The first man to die in Vietnam was James Davis, in 1961. His best friend is 86 and still alive. In the 1st Cav medics were right behind the rto making them a very easy find also. In that time 4 us kia and 4 wounded. Without that commitment, Communism would have swept all the way to the Malacca Straits that is south of Singapore and of great strategic importance to the free world. One out of every 10 Americans who served in Vietnam was a casualty. According to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) there are now officially 58, 318 names on the wall. So I guess I defied the odds. Staying alive was kinda of important. Some Brothers said why spend another year in this hellhole???? However, Shermans were very outmatched by the German tanks on the field of battle. In an instant the jungle erupted in gunfire. As mentioned, who kept track of that in the first place? (and yes, you cant ask them, so it would have to be derived from the AA-reports and survivors). An Hinglish word (Hindi/English). The average age of the 58,148 killed in Vietnam was 23.11 years (Although 58,169 names are in the Nov. 93 database, only 58,148 have both event date and birth date. Not much different than his unit. The CACF is the basis for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall): Average age of 58,148 killed in Vietnam was 23.11 years. Total fantasy. Bruce Grandstaff and my best friend, Sgt. _____ 1. If it was your day to get hit or die, it happened. Still shaken, I grabbed the gun and crawled to the left inside the streambed. Learned a lot from him. We used to provide cover for these guys. Nicknamed "the pig" due to its size, weight and sound, the gun struck fear into enemy troops. I was wasting ammo and didnt even have a target! !We dont abuse prisoners Now, if he reaches for his weapon to continue the fight BLOW HIS ASS AWAY THIS AINT SUNDAY SCHOOL!!! First thing we did was, Set up a complete circular perimeter. I had been shot in the back early in the battle and was lying behind a log with two other soldiers. Of the . If youre a foreigner, I respect what you think, but make sure you read ALL your facts, and dont come to rash conclusion until you know everything from BOTH sides. What were the life expectancies of soldiers during the VietnamWar? At Fort Lewis, every recruit learned to operate various weapons. Contents1 [] I was never formally trained as an RTO. They used the callsign MEDIVAC and were armed. The 4th Platoons single machine gun crewthe platoon had entered the fight short a gunhad been killed in the fighting, and I was to be moved there. Thanks. Lived too tell about it. Bob Sanzone. Well he didnt make it. That means you lose five RTOs in 5 seconds. Tumbling end over end, the canisters exploded in a white-hot fireball. Over 600 Navy FMF Hospital Corpsmen were killed in Vietnam. S/F, There were no door gunners on dustoffs. I quit trying to make sense of all the numbers that have been generated about Vietnam. I've never heard about the life expectancy of 6 weeks (even with a short google search). Rules may have changed, I was in the Delta region. It was just north of Saigon. And us the living that served, who suffer from PTSD ,that figure or percent-aged would be about the greatest of all. In a strange country scared shitless .I was a minesweeper.My first time out on a mission they put me on the drag line fifty yards from the road which was route 1, Then all hell broke lose The battalion was sending us to a village with a small river running through it. In 1973, Renza opened his own salon in Peekskill. Lucky you. I may not have hit anyone that day, but I am certain that No. located on the South End of, the Post. Then I dropped back down in the streambed to organize our ammo. I was a cmbt engr demolition specialist carried a 45 auto and an M70 grenade launcher in addition to the C-4 and Det Cord. If it had been up to me, I would have awarded my gun the CIB too. Me, a vehicle mechanic with Btry E, 41st Arty Quads 1970. The three of us had trained together at Fort Lewis and were good friends. Was a door gunner and crew chief for just shy of 18 months (I extended to get out early). Oh, and even the Air Force has ground units. The casualty rate in the current war today is a fraction. You just do the best job you can and if you got hit, so be it! I credit my longetivity to great training at Ft Benning. Sgt. Just to show that its hard to get an accurate number, note my typo of 56,220. As we approached the battle, we heard intense firing. They were a great bunch. Black fatalities amounted to 12 percent of all Americans killed in Southeast Asia, a figure proportional to the number of blacks in the U.S. population at the time and slightly lower than the proportion of blacks in the Army at the close of the war.. He pulled the company into a perimeter and dispatched 4th Platoon to recon the trail to the west, while 1st Platoon performed a similar mission to the east-southeast.
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