c.)self-actualization. Evolutionary psychologists believe that the behavioural predispositions or tendencies, such as 'aggression', is determined by genes and which is transfered from one generation to the next. )The behavior is deviant for someone whose work does not demand it. Nellie is a 30-year-old who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. a. b. )slowly over a period of years. b. thirties. Key Words: Notes: 4. d) genetic predispositions. genes or prenatal factors play a role in handedness. Which of the following procedures has typically resulted in patients becoming permanently lethargic? c.)linkage analysis. After rats were housed for 60 days in enriched environments, Kolb and Whishaw (1998) report that the number of synapses grew by about: d.)moral integrity. Your friend yells at you for being five minutes late for lunch. a. Received semiannual interest payment on the Distribution Transformers bonds. )love their own children. c.)social control. b.)neurogenesis. Opposing counsel asks you if this is an objective instrument. Virtual reality exposure therapy is most likely to prove effective in the treatment of: c. b. )preconscious d.)vary widely across cultures. d. Third, most versions of Marxist theory gave greater emphasis to human agency or ability consciously to shape the direction of social change than was typical of evolutionary theory. Dr. Miller is most likely a (n): a) evolutionary psychologist. )learned helplessness. d.)ADHD, b. b. Why?Because people are greedy.) a. Evolutionary psychology studies the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of natural selection Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to human reproductive success. a. shyness; social group. A) naturalistic observation . Since the beginnings of philosophical thought, the question of the nature and origin of pain has developed. a. Cognition involves processes related to thinking, attention, memory, perception, problem-solving, knowing etc. c.)not including homosexuality as a mental disorder. c.)hallucinations. e. prenatal development. \text{American Instruments bonds}& \$ 850,000\\ Evolutionary psychology is the observation of behavior, concept, and feeling as regarded through the lens of evolutionary biology. b. )attitudes toward and interaction with school authorities. )latency B) epigenetics. The ___________ model assumes that mental disorders have physical causes that can be diagnosed and treated. )panic disorder. c.)catatonia His absence of appropriate behavior is known as: b. You want to know whether having a nationally ranked football program means more or less money for academic programs at your university. amygdala Taro and Kiichi are fraternal twins being raised by the same parents; Helene and Victoire are identical twins being raised by the same parents. Evolutionary psychologists would most likely attribute Jack's motivation to, Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to be criticized for, Evolutionary psychology would probably have the most difficulty accounting for, c. differences in the sexual behavior patterns of Americans and Russians, Twin studies are of most direct concern to. b. Although her work performance is adequate, Gina almost always feels slightly down and sad. a. This best illustrates that anxiety disorders may result from: AmericanInstrumentsbondsM&DCorporationbonds(Hint:Interestmustbeaccrued.)$850,000$1,460,000. b. a. For instance, evolutionary psychologists hypothesize that men may be more prone to casual sex because it benefits their ability to pass on genes. These seminars would likely be most effective in helping: According to Carl Rogers, an attitude of total acceptance toward another person is known as: d.)conscious, b. Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that. Which of the following is NOT a reason for Gwen to be in this situation? )repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). His doctor told him that it is likely that he smokes so much because: See Page 1. Alternately, only one partner at any one time (serial monogamy) as compared to the various forms of non-monogamy (e.g., polygamy or polyamory).The term is also applied to the social behavior of some animals, referring to the state of . d.)very rough guidelines for diagnosing mental disorders. Parents and peers have complementary influences on children; but peers have a more important influence on: One strategy to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapy is to compare people who enter psychotherapy with a matched control group of people who do not receive psychotherapy. d.)Ninety percent of the time the mother stays home with the children when they are sick. )light exposure therapy. )anorexia nervosa. b. First is evolutionary theory, which claims that behavioral tendencies, physical characteristics, and personality features that promote our chances to survive and reproduce become, by that virtue,. In which of the following countries do people generally prefer to maintain the largest personal space? A. )other's pursuit of their self-interest can harm our well-being. a. A _____ is a syndrome marked by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior. )long-term potentiation. c. Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to human, Two plants are grown under the same environmental conditions, including the same soil conditions and the same amount of light and water, but one grows to 2 feet tall and the other is 1 foot tall. \text{M\&D Corporation bonds}& \$1,460,000\\ Males in their ________ are most likely to be sexually attracted to women who are several years older rather than several years younger than themselves. b.)self-actualization. b. An evolutionary psychologist would suggest that people are genetically predisposed to: Critics of evolutionary psychology are particularly likely to emphasize that gender differences in mate preferences can also be byproducts of: ____ 53. d.)the attitudes-follow-behavior principle, Following the introduction of school desegregation in the United States and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, White Americans expressed ___________ racial prejudice. b. )Freud's psychoanalysis. Similar to this, evolutionary psychologists contend that women may emphasize long-term relationships more strongly since such partnerships are better for rearing children. Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex? Cultural Consideration d.)light exposure therapy. Annest is most likely to feel uncomfortable because Wang has violated her. b. c.)epigenetic molecule. personality; political attitudes )the reality principle; the pleasure principle a. d.)All of these things classify Naima's behavior as a psychological disorder. )5 in 10 )nicotine can temporarily increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter overabundant in people with depression. a. d.)your personality traits. If you have an intense fear of speaking in public, eating out, or going to parties, you may be suffering from: A. larger bodies b. )aversive conditioning. )avoidant personality disorder. c.)United States B) overemphasizing humans' capacity to learn and adapt to a variety of environments. The movement grew in opposition to the two mainstream 20th-century trends in psychology, behaviourism and psychoanalysis. Self-actualization is: If a genetic predisposition to fear darkness contributes to reproductive success, that trait will likely be passed on to subsequent generations. d.)eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). but when his son has a fistfight he says, "Did you win?!" the way that genes solely create our personalities. )Shanghai Sep. 30. c.)Amy effectively cope with a seasonal pattern for major depressive disorder. b. )molecular genetics a. )sexual conflicts during the adolescent years This is to going to evolutionary psychologist explain useful mental psychology assumes that in evolutionary psychology and behavior. )antisocial personality. d. twenties. a.)complexes. c.)There is no known link between smoking and depression. )disruptive mood dysregulation disorder d.)striving for superiority. b. b. a.)altruism. She knows a little about different therapies and has decided she doesn't want to get involved in anything long term. Uploaded By Jah70ssan. Her therapist's suggestion best illustrates a: b. a.)paraphilias. Although the cause of antisocial personality disorder is unclear, some people do appear to have a genetic vulnerability. The concept of personality most clearly embodies the notion of: d.)linkage analysis. answer choices. )biopsychosocial d.)3:1. It is very likely that Tate would be diagnosed as having: b. d.)traits. Compared with northern Europeans, people from Mediterranean cultures are ________ likely to be emotionally expressive and ________ likely to be punctual, In comparison to 40 years age, today American women are more likely to marry for the sake of, Genes are to the perpetuation of individuals as ________ are to the perpetuation of cultures. b. Which of the following is a key characteristic of her eating disorder? b. d.)less likely to be the same sex and less likely to be similar in extraversion. the study of how men and women respond to sex hormones. D) overestimating cultural differences in human sexual behaviors. )we have overestimated the impact of personal dispositions on behavior. )Employed women have an hour more time to devote to taking care of the children. The main focus in evolutionary psychology is reproduction of future generations. c.)dissociative disorder. Her judgment best illustrates: d.)reticular formation, Personality disorders can be classified into three clusters. b. c.)is analogous to Freud's concept of the preconscious. d a. c.)obsessive-compulsive disorder "Evolutionary psychology and its causal mechanisms," he said, "are more fundamental than other branches of psychology and their causal explanations, which mostly deal with whole human beings." To reject evolutionary psychology is to reject broader reality; an outright rejection of biological and evolved realities is occurring. d.)meta-analysis. )A young woman marries a successful middle-aged man. )Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) The shared human genetic profile is called the: Edgar responds to his daughter's fistfight with, "Good girls don't fight!" Identical twins separated at birth would be most likely to have similar In contrast to Freud, which of the following did psychoanalyst Karen Horney emphasize as important during personality development? The moment she walks into your house you start smiling, even before she says something funny. 30 seconds. Although Wendy is genetically male, she dresses in women's clothes in order to express her strong sense of identity as a female. a. )genetic diversity. c.)increase; do not increase a. d. genomes. )Darlene effectively cope with posttraumatic stress disorder. You respond by saying: Be sure to specify your experimental hypothesis and identify your dependent and. d.)schizophrenia. Mar. a. a. c. )4 weeks b. c.)reinforcement. a. c.)meta-analysis. IQ scores can change drastically (more than one standard deviation) after children are provided enriched environments. d.)gender schema theorists. b.)genome. Ornamentals fiscal year ends on December 31. b. c.)social phobia a. Persuading depressed patients to reverse their catastrophizing beliefs about themselves and their futures is most characteristic of: a. c.)temperament. )enabling clients to feel unconditionally accepted. She might be treated with: Letting another person know that we sense and understand the feelings he or she is expressing to us best demonstrates: )the place theory )waking up from a nap and momentarily thinking that a dream event really happened According to your textbook, DSM-5 has been criticized for: d.)are at increased risk for antisocial behavior. Since the time of Darwin, there have been many other scientists who have. Retrieve the most recent report for the agency you picked and answer the following questions. )obsessions The professor's suggestion best illustrates a(n) ________ theory. He felt very uncomfortable about having done this until he convinced himself that copying answers is not wrong if classmates are careless enough to expose their test sheets. hemispherectomy. c.)obsessive compulsive disorder. c.)behavioral consistency. )the pleasure principle; the reality principle Infographic: Evolutionary medicine can transform biomedicine and public health. c.)20 percent. thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Sharon was admitted to the hospital with severe depression. c.)lithium )30 percent. )electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). a. c.)phallic )the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. )10 percent. )behavior geneticists. d.)client's expectation that psychotherapy will make things better. ", Your conscious awareness of your own name and self-identity depends primarily on the normal functioning of your, A football quarterback can simultaneously make calculations of receiver distances, player movements, and gravitational forces. c.)schizotypal personality disorder. This best illustrates racial differences in, The heritability of intelligence refers to. a. )have hindered human reproduction. d.)moral principle; pleasure principle, Alex is an 8-year-old who plays almost exclusively with the other boys at his grade school. c.)empirically derived )antisocial Updated January 19, 2023 by BetterHelp Editorial Team. a. )repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). This is caused by: c. b. d.)automatically taking our usual exit off the highway because we are so preoccupied by our thoughts that we forget about our plans to go to a different destination. a. left-handers generally demonstrate less artistic competence than right-handers. This best illustrates natural selection. a. As you are driving to campus one day another car cuts you off and speeds ahead. A behavior geneticist would be most interested in studying hereditary influences on A) skin color. Define the random variables XXX and PP^{\prime}P in words. It is an election year, and a volunteer asks if you would put a small sign in your yard. )electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). a. a. )disordered thinking. )hindsight bias Marla's sense of social isolation and embarrassment result from the interaction of, Molecular geneticists would be most interested in studying. Choose one of the CFO Act agencies to evaluate. )becoming so absorbed in reading a book that we don't hear the telephone ring )All of these things cause you to start smiling. a. Dec. 31. Question 2. d.)an impaired theory of mind. d.)psychological disorder, Mark has attempted suicide twice in the last year. d.)mood linkage. association areas, The home environment most clearly has a greater influence on children's ________ than on their ________. )63 a. People who are troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions are suffering from: brain waves that indicate we are not reacting to a stimulus. d.)Xanax. c.)the fundamental attribution error. c.)overestimating the importance of reciprocal determinism on adult personality traits. d.)major depression. d.)a larger number of synapses. a. d.)foot-in-the-door phenomenon. )None of these would be an explanation for why your friend yelled at you. Historically there have been a variety of models used to explain psychological disorders. b. b. )social anxiety disorder. 5 min read. b. d.)confirmation bias. a. d.)major depressive disorder. Contemporary psychology is best defined as the scientific study of. a. MRI. The chances for recovery from schizophrenia are considered to be greatest when the disorder develops: c.)evolutionary psychologist. B. sexual anatomy. The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior is known as A) molecular genetics. a. b. b. )group polarization. b. c.)transgender. Nadine has decided to seek help for some problems she is having. )have hindered human reproduction. providing hindsight explanations for human behaviors. d.)during adolescence or early adulthood. observable responses to the environment. Discuss. d.)1 week, A patient recently admitted to the hospital is complaining of auditory hallucinations. )increasing d.)5 percent. c.)delusional thinking. d.)molecular geneticist. lateralization. b. b. a. b. c.)psychoanalysis His best strategy would be to ask the students to: A) conduct their own experiments. a. a. Gina's chronic case of "the blues" is characteristic of the psychological disorder called: )an eclectic approach. A behavior geneticist would be most interested in studying hereditary influences on A. skin color. e. d. What is the probability that AAA or B3B_3B3 occurs? )the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. a. Self-actualization is the ultimate psychological need. a. Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to human reproductive success Migdalia insists on wearing very feminine-looking outfits because she wants to be treated like a woman. This best illustrates the process of: The importance of rewards and punishments in gender-typing is emphasized by ________ theory. Yet, it is based on ideas that go back at least to the 1800s. )cognitive dissonance theory. c.)cooperation and social success at school. d.)cell nucleus. b. extraversion; table manners Monogamy (/ m n m i / m-NOG--mee) is a form of dyadic relationship in which an individual has only one partner during their lifetime. As Kevin matures, he will probably develop a, d. higher level of intelligence than that of his biological father. c.)The behavior causes Naima distress. X-ray. b. most left-handers process language primarily in their right hemisphere. B1B2B3B4A0.\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} d.)Italy, Which of the following is the lowest reported psychological disorder in the United States in 2008? d.)groupthink. d.)antisocial personality disorder. Compared with women, men are more likely to: c. perceive simple friendliness as a sexual come-on. A person attacked by a fierce dog develops a fear of all dogs. This variation in an inherited trait is due to: )external attributions for failure. c.)escape from real-life pressures offered by psychotherapy. c.)roles. Your sister-in-law always has a smile on her face and a joke to tell. d.)stress inoculation training. b. )Freud; Billie Joe Armstrong Child age . a. )is the source of sexual and aggressive instinctual drives. Although he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, she still expects him to do things around the house. c. For the past three months Nathanial, a heavy smoker, has been severely depressed. )negative symptoms. Therefore, variations in cognition and behavior would make individuals more or less successful in reproducing and passing those genes to their offspring. )the mere exposure effect. d. c.)interpersonal psychotherapy. Immediately you yell out "Crazy driver!" d. Client-centered therapists emphasize the importance of: d.)A young man marries a wealthy middle-aged widow. )frontal lobes In this case, the heritability would be closest to. d.)obsessive-compulsive disorder. d.)projective, According to Freud, this part of the personality represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment and for future aspirations. d.)client's expectation that psychotherapy will make things better. c.)disruptions in conscious awareness. Page 1 c. None. b. Several studies have mate value in evolutionary approaches suggest that sex partners. a.)individualism. )unconditional positive regard. They have found that people worldwide spend an average of four hours a day on enhancing their beauty. )pictures of "crazy" people. a. Research from evolutionary perspective examines behaviour (aggression, mating, etc.) a. b. This best illustrates the dangers of: This best illustrates the potentially harmful influence of, A stimulating environment is most likely to facilitate the development of a child's, Research on brain development suggests that repeated learning experiences seem to, a. strengthen neural connections at the location that processes the experiences, Jason was born with cataracts in both eyes. b.)self-actualization. cognitive psychology the study of the mental processes involved in perceiving, learning, remembering, thinking, communicating, and solving problems. )cognitive dissonance. Gwen is quite upset and asks why she is always the one who cooks, cleans, and takes care of the children the majority of the time. a. degeneration of neural connections in visual reception areas of the brain. What is the future value of $800 one year from today if the interest rate is 7 percent? b. The Evolutionary Perspective Evolutionary psychology focuses on the study of how the theory of evolution can explain physiological processes. the study of how the environment triggers genetic expression. Rather than believe your friend is a rude jerk, you decide that she may be having difficulties with her partner.
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