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The Iranian Magic Word (Persian) Ajji Majji la Tarajji. Possible meaning = I command this inn's sign to fall. Possible meaning = Avert back the terrible beasts. Literal translation = Here/hither again strive for/set out. As King Arthurs dragon powers, Merlin desires that it defeat him. What Language Would Merlin Have Spoken? He started to cast the spell. Latin spells can both help people solve their problems and do harm to people. and our Literal translation = Darkness/obscurity fasten/bind/tie, learn/see/behold me rough water, the/that mark upon something/mark me rough water when is increased sick/ill/sickness. The three soothsayers of the court of the. In the book, it is unclear whether it is Saruman who controls the storm. Literal translation = Him undo/destroy/kill Possible meaning = I heal you thoroughly from your mortal wound. Note: this spell is taken from the 8th century Old English poem "The Ruin". The dragonlord discovered his father alive, as well as the fact that he was also a Dragonlord and could save Camelot with a few words. Oh! Merlin uses Old English for their spells. The use of Latin in magic is pervasive from fictional spells to . Move the powerful javelin. Unlocking the quest. Literal translation = Outside/surface/covering/coverlet/veil fall down/be destroyed. She spoke. Merlin making the seal of nobility with the. Swim forever! Another's Sorrow: Dirigido por Ashley Way. Literal translation = Fly now/behold on/at moors/morasses/swamps/hills/mountains. Bring forth sleep resembling violent death. Literal translation = Loosen/release/let loose/free. A language consultant translated Old English into the spells written in English, sometimes transliterated into Old English. Meaning according to "Merlin the Complete Guide" = Cure. Literal translation = Stones rush/fall down. Literal translation = Help/ support/assist me. Oh! Be turned away from evil arts! All magic in the Ar tonelico series uses the Hymmnos language, which is mostly sung. Possible meaning = Illuminate my darkness! Literal translation = Avert/turn aside/remove back unhappy animals/beasts. It is also used to heal players by channeling spiritual energy. Possible meaning = Oh, spirits, assemble together your skill: mend this broken body. Literal translation = Illuminate/enlighten clouds/darkness/mist my. The language of dragon is Thuum. With the help of King Odin who blames Arthur for the death of his son Morgana invades the Kingdom of Nemeth in another attempt to take over Camelot. I bow/sink/submit this.Convey/bring/lead to golden. :D. The sublink (http://www.sunnyway.com/runes/galdr.html) that was on that website you send me; that was very interesting to read as It showed me not just the word, but helped me pronounce the words better. Literal translation = Shine upon/illuminate/flash/(noun) illusion/deceptive appearance make clear/declare/tell/make known/(adverb) brightl/clearly/mightily. Merlin, disguised as "Dragoon the Great", attacks Morgana with a. Literal translation = I here/in this place summon/call one storm of wind! Literal translation = Ill-treat/torment someone/why/a little while greedy/dangerous you Arthur. Literal translation = My to make strong might/power fervidly/violent/intense you crack/burst/open. When you speak to him as kin, he must obey your will.. These are the two sites that have been used to translate the spells and find their correct spelling. In the spells, Old English (Anglo Saxon) is used as the language of instruction. All Rights Reserved. Merlin, disguised as the old sorceress Dolma, frees Gwen's soul from Morgana's control. A spell could consist of a ritual action, a set of words, a verse, or any combination of these, many of which are archived in books. Drem yol lok, or the peace fire sky, is the name of the greeting. Illuminate the darkness, let me see through the rough water, mark the water when the pain is increased. Literal translation = Fall down/be destroyed roof. Morgana|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_English, http://archive.is/20120527080316/home.comcast.net/~modean52/oeme_dictionaries.htm, Spelling according to Merlin the Complete Guide =. Literal translation = Smoke/vapor/darkness go in different directions/part/separate! Historically in Europe it was assumed that if crops suffered blight, or food spoiled unexpectedly, that a curse was behind it. Possible meaning = Cover him with shadow! Possible meaning = Do good to the perforation. What does Merlin use the dragon language for? Liberate/free/release/ the/that/those/when darkness thee dwelling/in/inside inhabits/remains; begin/attempt/endeavor/attack/assail chaos/darkness. First he was found helpless. The ancient death he dies, terror with him. Literal translation = I thee heal thoroughly your wound/body wound/mortal wound with those special powers the/that are ancient/old oh/alas! Merlin talks to a dragon named Aithusa. It shows how many Merlin Trials there are per region and how many you completed. The Map Chamber. This was the basics of Runes section but it still helped me with understanding the language and which category of magic the word originates from. Possible meaning = Set the solitary beast free! souls/spirits/breaths/human beings might/courage/skill/ability your ("ige" indicates possession): knit together/mend this body/corpse broken/worn out/useless. Visit Site. In The Last Dragon, Balinors name was revealed to be that of Merlins father. Literal translation = Consume by fire/burn up. sun dried tomato bread recipe jamie oliver; laura englander levin wedding; how a guarded man tests you; red thread spaces llc east hartford, ct Possible meaning = I Grunhilda come with great humbleness and seek an audience with you, eminent Sidhe Elder. Mary Collins putting the court to sleep by singing a. In this case, he demonstrates that he is willing to accept the dragons decisions and that he is aware that it has the ability to make those decisions. Not counting Herpo the Foul, who predated him by several . Meaning according to Wiki = We [of] spear-danes in your-days, [of] people-kings, trim (glory) afrained (have learned of by asking) how those athelings (princes) arm-strong feats framed (made/performed). Release the darkness that remains inside you; chaos, begin! They all get marked on the map when you go near them. Possible meaning = I, the High Priestess, kill you, by the power of the Old Religion! Translation onscreen = To hold life and death in your hands. Merlin using magic to block the path with a wave of. This spirit becomes torpid and callous to my friends and enemies. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! * - (a small clay model of a ziggurat) Spell Tags: Communication Social. Literal translation = Darkness/obscurity fasten/bind/tie, learn/see/behold me rough water, let/loose/free/liberate/deliver him, to Camelot he comes. In this video, we discuss how this came about. Quickly breath now. Click on a word or phrase to get a translated version. Possible meaning = Conceal us! Translation from "Merlin the Complete Guide" = Here. What language does Merlin speak to the Dragon? Possible meaning = Use my great might to arise from death to help your son. The ancient death he dies, terror (with) him. Merlin/Languages The language used in the spells is Old English (Anglo Saxon). Literal translation = Trap/pitfall/fall ceiling. Literal translation = Snake/serpent Morgana attack/assail. Possible meaning = Heal thoroughly the wound. Ridikkulus: Banishes boggarts; magical creatures that take the appearance of whatever the viewer is the most afraid of. Possible meaning = Come to me. Mana is slowly, but completely regenerated every day, and every spell cast on any given day in a particular language has to share the same pool. 3. Who was Merlins father in The Lord of the Rings? So/as the/that they not low/incline/submit and not die not at all, but live for ever and ever (always in eternity). The White Dragon is unable to attack because the Dragonlord abilities of Merlin keep him from doing so. Literal translation = Kill wild beast/animal. Only lets me translate one word and not a sentence. Literal translation = Restrain/action to restrict. Come to earth! Thee participated money/treasure/riches yes. Healing, Spells & Occult. Literal translation = (I) command/summon pull (imperative). Help/remedy/relief and treat/cure. Anyway, thank you for the interview with Dr. Mark Faulkner. Literal translation = Burst open/spring asunder/burst open. Spiders of the night come, bind them in their sleep. Expert Review. This tool is not intended to be a spellchecker or grammar checker (for both dragon and English). Intelligent deer! Later, when Merlin discovers that something terrible has occurred to Aithusa, he orders her to leave. Speak with Agabus Philbert. Merlin is a three-part 1998 television miniseries which originally aired on NBC that retells the legend of King Arthur from the perspective of the wizard Merlin . A sorcerer in training has to gain confidence and fluency with the language of a spell to fully utilize his magic. After he tells the dragon about his quest, he agrees to help him. Literal translation = Move/rouse/disturb/excite, move quickly/start up/burst open. He loves her when he awakes. A version of Functional Magic where spells are cast by speaking in a particular language. The writers wrote the spells in English as well as . His father, Balinor, also knew how to speak in this language, as did all Dragonlords . Literal translation = Come here, conflagration. The majority of their spells are derived from Old English. Merlin uses the dragon language to command Kilgharrah. The Translator attempts to translate phrases and expressions whenever possible. Possible meaning = Cleanse the sickness. Take/receive/get command/message with this night/darkness thine/thy ruler/king/lord. Thanks for the link!! The ancient death he dies, terror with him. Literal translation = Guide. I submit this. (Note: Achtung; a German word for something like a warning Look out or watch out. To earth come! In some versions of the story, it is specifically stated that he could speak with dragons. Moreover, when the target speaks, any creature that knows at least one language and can hear the target understands what it says. Possible meaning = Destroy this spirit-gate! Literal translation = Rise/mount/ascend you reptile/serpent/snake/worm hostile and tame/oppress/enslave the/that heart/spirit this (of) servant. During his time as Uther Pendragons advisor, Merlin transports stones from Ireland to Stonehenge. Literal translation = Evil/ill/wickedness spirit/breath go/come/move you from this body/corpse. Literal translation = Lay hold of honor/recognition move quickly. The accomplishment of his fate is visible. Behold, mighty you to be enchanted. Stories about King Arthur's pal Merlin have been casting a spell in print for at least 800 years, according to researchers. With all that I have and all that I am, you will open! Most spells in Merlin are in the language of Old English, though not all pronunciations seem completely accurate. Heal thoroughly! Literal translation = Die a violent death, Merlin. Answer (1 of 3): First of all, to make things clear: the epic long-distance combat between Gandalf and Saruman in the movies is not mentioned in the book series. Can be Words Can Break My Bones or I Know Your True Name taken to the N th degree, where every word in the language is a "true name", but this need not be the case for it to be a language of magic.. Black Magic is often paired with Black Speech, White Magic is often in Angel song. Anyone think that's too ambitious of a goal? Possible meaning = Dance now just as flames with wings. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Guide the boots. Unlike modern-day magical phrases like, say, "bippity boppity boo," practitioners of magic in ancient Greek and . Merlin uses dragon magic. Note: No verbal spells are chanted in this episode. He frequently speaks backwards while using his magic. I utter thee presence! Obliviate simply derives from the medieval Latin word obliviscor, which means "I forget.". Canticle/song/voice mucose/defiled/filthy wound. Possible meaning = Heal thoroughly my body wound. Her mind is free again. That honor. So that I may my revenge strike. I really want to know so I can translate those words from that language to English (I know a lot of the spells are found on the Spells section on the wiki but this is for self-uses). It is actually a skill the player acquires by learning the language. A spell could consist of a ritual action, a set of words, a verse, or any combination of these. In the beginning, he was a prophet. Why does my dog grab my arm with his paw? Literal translation = I your soul noble lock/shut up/close/enclose, order/proclaim/command/summon that I thee loosen/set free/liberate/release. Merlin spoke out the words. To keep track of how many you found, fully zoom out on the map and check the region-counter in the top right corner. Enter a Melbet promo code and get a generous bonus, An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. Possible meaning = Extinguish this blaze! Even if a dragon is unable to communicate with its surroundings, it would be able to understand spoken words. Possible meaning = Now I command you to leave behind your carnal body similar to sorrow. Possible meaning = Yea, I restore the bond we made. Yea bond (n) made restore. King Arthur Pendragon (voiced by Justin Timberlake) is the current king of Far Far Away as a result of his powers. what language does merlin speak when casting spells. Literal translation = Persecutor/attacking/pursuing flame/lightning, persecutor/attacking/pursuing flame/lightning. I utter your presence! Possible meaning = With the heavens, seize the horse. So that they won't submit and they'll never die (at all), but (that) they'll live forever. Wrapped in your shroud, dead to the world just like my son: dead, dead, dead, DEAD! Dragonlord magic, however, utilises Homeric Greek, and Sidhe magic Old Irish. In the spells, Old English (Anglo Saxon) is used as the language of instruction. Literal translation = Dark/dusky/lurid snakes, from the/that (of) earth/ground bosom/surface/womb rise/mount/ascend ye/or. Magicians use the magic word Abracadabra. Literal translation = Pain in the throat. Possible meaning = Guide us, bring us forth, lead us. Literal translation = Begat/bring forth sleep resembling violent death. That honor. Possible meaning = Good sand arrived. Magic Spells in Latin Love spell in Latin Latin protection spell Spell to Heal and Cure Spell in Latin to bring back an ex-lover Latin spell to bring a person closer to you Obsession Spell with a Jar Spell to make a couple fall in love Spell to invoke the wind Spell to bring the rain in Latin Pronunciation of Latin Spells Kilgharrah prefers to speak English, as he frequently speaks with Merlin in English. Possible meaning = She spoke. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What it does: Commands a dragon to stop attacking Performed By: Merlin 133 Spell: O, Dragarn! Merlin uses the dragon language to command Kilgharrah. what language does merlin speak Merlin uses Old English for their spells. How does Merlin use his powers as a dragonlord? Possible meaning = Clasp your woman so that she will desire him! We placed the book on a pedestal and it brought to life an extraordinary map of Hogwarts and the surrounding areas. Nigh the bath in the dark-secret lake. Note: the Sidhe and pixie's spells are in Old Irish, while all the other spells are in Old English. 3 FREE Mins + Rates as low as $1/Min. Deep within yourself, you must find the voice that you and Kilgharrah share, for your soul and his are brothers. The ancient death he dies, terror (with) him. Possible meaning = Fire, attack! Literal translation = Come (to) me, raven/sign of the raven dark/dusky/lurid flow round/surround/enclose/reach/extend me. Heal thoroughly flesh. 1 What language does Merlin speak to the Dragon? Possible meaning = Overcome the sickness in this man. Possible meaning = Go, boots. When Merlin discovered this betrayal, he became angry with Kilgharrah because the Dragon possessed the ability to foresee the things that have not yet come to pass, thus knowing when he advised Merlin to go to the Isle of the Blessed to save Arthur that Merlins mother, or another innocent, would very possibly be . The main man may not have tasted huge success in the US like many of his co-stars yet, but Colin has chosen his projects very wisely. Obedience is owed, over the Camelot sea, obedience is owed. Magic objects or beings are still controlled by modern languages, which retain some of their power. 3 1 More answers below Literal translation = Arise/get up/spring from with my to become great/to make great possible/increase power/omnipotence/might/strength your son to help. Dragon Language is a language spoken by Dragons and Dragonlords. Possible meaning = I bound you cunningly. Privacy Policy. Possible meaning = Earth, air, fire, water, obey me. The accomplishment of his fate is visible. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Possible meaning = You, needing food, arise! Anglo Saxon (Old English) is the language used to cast the spells. Not in this world. He played Tom . When he does, Merlin responds, O drakon, fthengomai! This is what I command the dragon to do: come and attack and destroy this child. Possible meaning = Heal the injury! Literal translation = Vile/weak careful/wary/circumspect. Possible meaning = Cover their true faces from every sight! You visualize the goal at which you want to direct this force, i.e., the change you wish to bring about. He lived as a hermit for twenty years after being forced into hiding by Uthers Great Purge before being persuaded to use his talents to save the kingdom. Earth and stones, obey me. Literal translation = Renew/make new/restore my youth. Merlin sends the wyverns away. Literal translation = Take away/send away/remove/destroy this of spirit/soul/life door/gate. Possible meaning = Inhabit this child and become one with her! Click Mode is the most convenient and simple mode for texting or using a mobile device. Gaius trying to stop Edwin, but mispronouncing the words of the. Literal translation = Fly you so/as so/as the/that (of) storm of wind rage/hasten on. In the same way, a mortal can be granted a Dovahzin (Dragon Name) by a dragon who believes they have earned it. Like what happens with Morgana later when she has her magical outbursts and she's freaked out. what language does merlin speak when casting spells; what language does merlin speak when casting spells. Take/get it his (to) owner/master/possessor hand/person/holder. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term. One expectation. Possible meaning = You are surrounded by light! What Language Did Merlin Use To Talk To Dragons? what language does merlin speak when casting spells. There is a separate global "mana pool" for each language. Alternatively, he may have used a magical form of communication that was not based in any specific language. For example, Merlin was able to cast a stunning spell by emitting a dragon-like roar in The Tears of Uther Pendragon. One of the most obvious characteristics of witches, is their ability to cast spells; a "spell" being the word used to signify the means employed to carry out a magical action. Possible meaning = Die violently, gold-borne. Possible meaning = Far and wide the slain perished, days of pestilence came, death took all the brave men away; their places of war became deserted places, the city decayed. Literal translation = Pillar/column/bolt those. Possible meaning = Revile the savage commander. Possible meaning = Disturb that burning hot column! Control/guide us from/thence/away there/towards/moving thence! Literal translation = Search/find out/inspect you the/that/those/when footsteps/track/trace Possible meaning = You, search out the track Literal translation = Wax/go/arise/come forth you needing food/destitute! Possible meaning = Clean and dispose of the dust. Literal translation = Drive/push through/strike/pierce/perforate her/them sword/blade/weapon. You are rich. Literal translation = Was/were cut off belt/girdle. 6. Most spells in Merlin are in the language of Old English, though not all pronunciations seem completely accurate. Literal translation = Ill-treat/torment someone greedy/dangerous you, Arthur. Literal translation = Convey/bring/lead to golden. I also suspect he's got spells that would allow him to understand and speak probably any language if needed. On/at this not world/earth. Greedy, I torment you, Arthur. Merlin reading the top of the Elanthia Beetles' box. Literal translation = Come here, pain/anguish/torture of a sorceress/witch/spectral/phantasmal. Although majority of the spells are spoken in the native language of the witch, some spells require the use of other . Cookie Notice Literal translation = Vanish/cleanse stain/spot/mark. Possible meaning = Greedy, I torment you, Arthur. ), Spelling according to "Merlin the Complete Guide" =. Possible meaning = when you bound that, you obtained this gift in this life. Ready again and destroy again. Knights of Medhir, your souls. Literal translation = Come whirlwind/wind/violent wind. In verse 3, the Mark of Nimueh is mentioned. Literal translation = Weapon/sword/blade materials/instruments invite/adress to. Literal translation = Fell dwelling sword/torch/weapon. Obey me. Literal translation = Fire/flame on/at burning/fire/flame. Possible meaning = Kindle all the magic of her soul! This language is known as "The Language of Magic" and is used by wizards and witches to communicate with each other and the natural world. He was back in the 12th episode of the fifth and final season. Quest Type. I thee command that you not sleep. Literal translation = To scorch/pain/frying pan that to be increased immediately/at once. I thee command/instruct with all/everything/entire strength/power/violence the/that you blow and plot/contrive/devise strongly/violently! what channel is the spurs game tonight; mike epps microsoft theater; optimal binary search tree visualization He is often portrayed as a wise and kindly old man who helps those in need. Literal translation = Draw/swing/transform/move/charge powerful spear/javelin. Literal translation = In/with friendship/kindness/peace/freedom give rest/lodge. Literal translation = Unfasten this maiden. The Spanish word for pineapple is mgico, which means pineapple. Translation from "Merlin the Complete Guide" = I command you to rise up to life. Merlin calls the Dragon for help. I command you not to sleep. Spiders of the night come, spin your silky webs. Merlin using his dragonlord magic to control Aithusa. It was written in Ancient Draconic by Merlin. Literal translation = Sword stand still/stay. Literal translation = Command thee arise/come forth ancient. My medicinal spring/bath dark secret lake nigh. Possible meaning = Throw [them like] dice! Possible meaning = I come again to Camelot. It was a very uncommon skill, and was known to be an almost exclusively hereditary trait. Literal translation = Command/order/summon I the/that living being the/that is old/ancient oh/alas! The French poet Robert Wace (c. 1110-1174 CE) then translated . Literal translation = I command thee thine king kill/murder. Possible meaning = You, evil spirit, go away from this body. Literal translation = I, that/the high priest, thee die strength/power old/aged/ancient piety/firmness in law/religion. Joyless (adj) died/endured he conquered/obtained lasting/ long/protracted (adj). As Merlin's escaping past the guards, he sets the torches. Guest Experience Host (Part Time) Madame Tussauds San Francisco 145 Jefferson St #600 San Francisco, California, 94133 United States Job Title: Guest Experience Host - Part-Time, Seasonal (March - Sept 2023) Department: Operations, Retail, Admissions Reporting to: Guest Experience Supervisor Pay: 20.00 per hour ** Candidates must have at least 1 year of customer service experience, and be . Now I live eternally and I can rule my kingdom! Possible meaning = Little snake, suck his true nature! Behold, mighty you are to be enchanted. Merlin's Grimoire is an ancient grimoire. Now I live eternally and I may rule/possess/control my castle/walled town. Certain words, such as fire, frost, and wind, can be incanted to create magical effects. The earth but stone obey me. A binding ceremony is a powerful ritual that is able to bind the magic of a witch, to . There are several possible answers to this question. Literal translation = O dragon, suffer/permit fierce/raging wise-minded utter a sound here appeal for a rehearsing of a case! Guide us away from here! 2023 I love Languages. What it does: Summons a Dragon to come to you Performed By: Merlin 158 Spell: Nun de de gei s'eikein kai emois, epe'essess hepetei! Literal translation = Burn mountain wood. Literal translation = Iron/of iron fastenings/bonds//protections unlock/open/disclose me. Merlin's whole body started to glow, Merlin was trembling. The Kilgharrah is Merlins most powerful magical creature. You, strong and unstoppable storm of wind, obey! Literal translation = Open/unlock the chest/box/casket. Possible meaning = Attach instruments to the sword. The ancient death he dies, terror (with) him, Arthur Pendragon. Literal translation = Command thee arise/come forth to desist/cease. Literal translation = Sand arrived good. Literal translation = Counsel/persuade/decide/decree burnt ash/dust pour/pour forth/shed/gush. This ability likely played a role in his legend as a powerful wizard. While there are many fan-made translation tools available online, there is no official tool that has been released by the shows creators. I have the knowledge to break the stones into pieces. How do I keep my furniture from sliding in DIY? Possible meaning = Consume by all perfectly good fire! Literal translation = Command thee arise/come quick alive. True or false, Merlin was a significant figure in Arthurian legend, and his abilities helped shape Arthurs reign. Literal translation = More, fierce/savage commander of four men/break revile. pronounced: Ar, drag-arn! In retrospect, its interesting to note that the dragon cannot speak, but it understands whatMerlin is attempting to convey. Colin Morgan (Merlin) BBCGetty Images. If no direct translation exists, some translations provide synonyms or close words in place of translations. Requirement (s) Reach level 10 and complete In the Shadow of the Undercroft. Dragonlord magic, however, utilises Homeric Greek, and Sidhe magic Old Irish. Possible meaning = Reveal the true fidelity! At first, the two of them clash, but they soon form an unlikely, deep friendship. In fact, Gwen discovered that she is in love with Arthur, and she does not want to let him go. Possible meaning = I decide to pour the dust. Magic in a certain world works as follows: Elvish is the "language of magic", meaning all magic is chanted/invoked using Elvish To invoke the fire spell, the user must: Chant "fire" in Elvish either out loud or in their head Understand the meaning of "fire" in Elvish (you can't use it without knowing what "fire" means) Literal translation = She holds/keeps your heart/affections. I left my 'comfortable' job on Facebook to fulfill my dream - educating people worldwide. Possible meaning = I command you to kill your king! Literal translation = I command/instruct snare trap. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Possible meaning = Guide. Possible meaning = Dwelling, fall like a weapon! Is he under wisdom/wise and devil/evil spirit sickness his heart causes to fall/demolishes. Hither again strive for/set out on this not world/earth your son were. Literal translation = Grows strong/prevails/moves with energy bushel/barrel. In our language we use curse words and cursive writing. In the Ar tonelico series, magic is mostly sung in the Hymmnos language, which is the primary language of magic. Possible meaning = Die violently, Merlin! Possible meaning = Guide us away from here! Morgana and Arthur become close because Morgana knows the truth about Arthurs birth, so he refers to her as a brother. Absent knight, arise! Possible meaning = True form, what is right for me. Behold, mig. Description. The sound of my voice causes filthy wounds. Magic objects and beings remain under the control of modern languages, which retain some of their power. Now are his palms/hands bloody and the/that/those/when not may/can/be able to he scour/cleanse/furbish. Possible meaning = Now send (her) to sleep! Possible meaning = Out of a violent death. Is his hope/trust/desire/joy that he here/noble/excellent pupil (of an eye)/regard/strain/ filter/see with the eyes speaks/pleads one/each/every/all/solitary withholds when entirely guilt/sin/shameful evil deed/crime/shameful action/wickedness/many.