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Japanese Purple Sweet potatoes have an oblong shape and a vibrantly purple colored flesh which maintains its coloring when cooked and processed. Sweet potatoes, as a group, prefer hot, humid climates. Sweet potatoes have a high content of zeaxanthin along with its isomer lutein. The most abundant phytosterol found in sweet potato is -Sitosterol (55.277.6% of all phytosterols found). Japanese sweet potatoes provide 264 calories per 200 grams, which is the equivalent of one medium potato. This is evidenced in a 2018 systematic review that analyzed the effect of glycemic diets in patients with Type 2 diabetes. The more cooking and processing the potato goes through, the higher the glycemic index. Daily Goals How does this food fit into your daily goals? Japanese purple sweet potatoes contain dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Talk to your doctor to develop strategies to address any health concerns you may have [1]. Satsuma-imo, or Japanese sweet potato, is a sweet, yellow-fleshed strain. Percentages are based on a diet of 2000 calories a day. You will often find serotonin included as an ingredient in antidepressants. Sweet Potato Raw Unprepared (Includes Foods For Usda's Food Distribution Program) Serving Size: Save Food. Choosing low-glycemic foods such as Japanese sweet potatoes, may help prevent obesity and chronic disease. Boost Your Immune System With the Right Diet, 4 Keto-Approved Recipes For Your Weeknight Meals, Foods You Should Include In Your Weekly Diet To Lose Weight, The Ketogenic Diet Is The Fat Burning Diet. While passing through the digestive tract, Okinawan potatoes can lower the potential health risk posed by heavy metals and oxygen radicals. A protein (defensin) isolated from sweet potato tubers prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria. offer some protection against the development of advanced age-related macular degeneration, especially to those who are at risk for the disease. Studies have also shown that the potatoes have antibacterial and antifungal abilities, and may help with blood sugar regulation. Hawaiian purple sweet potatoes, also known as Okinawan potatoes, are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Is a chef doing things with shaved fennel that are out of this world? In addition to being fat-free with a low GI rating, the high content of dietary fiber in Japanese sweet potatoes may help you stay on your weight-loss plan. You'll also find that purple sweet potato nutrition benefits are plentiful, with a taste and texture to rival the more familiar orange types. Harvard T.H. These cookies do not store any personal information. Sweet potato 26% 71% Protein: 1.5 g Fats: 0.2 g Carbs: 26.46 g Water: 70.64 g Other: 1.2 g 2% 21% 76% Protein: 2.01 g Fats: 0.15 g Carbs: 20.71 g Water: 75.78 g Other: 1.35 g Contains more Fats +33.3% Contains more Carbs +27.8% Contains more Protein +34% Contains more Other +12.5% Equal in Water - 75.78 Fat Type Comparison She has served as a book columnist since 2008 and is a member of the National Book Critics Circle. In a study of human cancer cells, polyphenols (caffeic acid and 3,4,5-tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid) extracted from sweet potato leaves suppressed cancers growth [17]. The purple yam (ube) is a starchy root vegetable that's a great source of carbs, potassium, and vitamin C. One cup (100 grams) of cooked ube provides the following ( 1 ): Calories: 140 Carbs:. Carbs help fuel your brain, nervous system, cells and heart. If you feel confident that the skin on your sweet potato is pesticide-free, make sure to eat it, to get as much dietary fiber as possible. Traditionally grown in Japan and Okinawa, it is now available at grocery stores across North America. Fiber is filling, without adding significant calories. But if you are on a low oxalate diet, you should talk to your doctor about what amount of sweet potato (if any) is safe to consume [1, 2]. Japanese sweet potatoes contain approximately 4 grams of dietary fiber, providing about 16 percent of the daily value for fiber. Calorie Lab: Satsuma-imo: Even Better Than a Sweet Potato, and Now Available in Purple, Harvard T.H. Japanese sweet potatoes contain only an insignificant amount of fat and no cholesterol. It makes a healthy choice for diabetics. They help prevent heart disease, cancer, Parkinsons disease and other neurodegenerative disorders [10]. With more nutritionists advocating adding highly nutritious ingredients like avocado, prunes and sweet potatoes into dessert recipes because they provide nutrients without adding saturated or trans fats, it's no surprise that purple sweet potatoes have their place in the world of healthy ingredient substitutions. Japanese sweet potatoes have a dark reddish-brown to rose-colored exterior skin. Log In. The quintessential purple sweet potato pie dessert recipe is known as sweet potato haupia pie, a Hawaiian favorite. Nutrition Facts for Sweet Potatoes - Get a bar chart of the top 10 nutrients, and click to see an expanded list of over 151 nutrients, including amino acids. Ana has many years of experience in clinical research and health advising. All these characteristics help prevent infections and also reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. All sweet potatoes are good sources of fiber and potassium, along with vitamins A, B6 and C. They are rich in natural sugars, but their mitigating high fiber content means that they don't deliver as high a glycemic load as regular white potatoes. Now that you know the foods included in Okinawan diet, you can incorporate this wonderful, healthy, and naturally sweet vegetable in your meals throughout the year. The secret of the long life of the residents of Okinawa perhaps lies in their diet rich in purple-fleshed sweet potatoes. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Various types of sweet potatoes contain almost similar quantities of nutrients. Helps regulate glucose levels - Sweet potato starch is higher in amylose than amylopectin, which raises blood sugar slowly. Eating a Japanese sweet potato provides 63 grams or about 20 percent of your daily value. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. When chunked, purple sweet potatoes can even add a beefy look to a Vegan Miso Sweet Potato Poke. Joe Cohen flipped the script on conventional and alternative medicine and it worked. Satsuma-imo, Japanese sweet potato, is a sweeter, red or purple-skinned, yellow-fleshed option packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. There is also lau lau, which is pork wrapped in ti leaves, as well as poi, which is a favorite food often eaten with meats like chicken or fish. How to Cook Purple Yams: Baked, Boiled or Roasted, University of California's Agriculture and Natural Resources, Why Potatoes With More Color Are Healthiest, University of Hawaii at Manoa: "Sweet Potato, Okinawan", Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: "Sweet Potato History", University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources: "Vibrant Purple Sweet Potatoes", Harvard School of Public Health: "Sweet Potatoes", US National Library of Medicine: "Effect of Domestic Cooking Methods on the Anthocyanins and Antioxidant Activity of Deeply Purple-Fleshed Sweet Potato", USDA My Food Data: "Cooked Sweet Potatoes", University of Hawaii at Manoa: "Sweet Potato Haupia Pie", University of Hawaii at Maui: "Purple Sweet Potato Haupia Pie", University of Maryland Extension Service: "Baking, Chemistry, and Purple Sweet Potatoes". The USDA recommends that 10 to 30 percent of your calories should consist of protein, which amounts to about 56 grams for men and 46 grams for women per day. Normally found in purple, blue, and deep-red foods, anthocyanins appear to provide antioxidant protection, particularly against heart disease. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a328d2b894c7ae4b2a7cd6c0675c5068" );document.getElementById("a6cbe26769").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As PSP is rich in potassium, it helps regulate blood pressure. Note that these are extremely early results, and these studies do not suggest that eating sweet potatoes prevents cancer. Japanese sweet potatoes are a variety of sweet potato with yellow flesh and dark skin. None of these calories are provided by fat. In Japan, it is known as. This vegetable is unique nutritionally in that it's very low on the glycemic index compared to other types of potatoes and sweet potatoes, meaning they won't have as strong an impact on your. UCANR's research found that purple sweet potatoes do contain beta carotene, along with the specific phytonutrients that blue and purple produce provides. As the potatoes have grown in popularity, we've seen deeper research into the anthocyanin content of purple-fleshed sweet potatoes. One cup (132 grams) of cooked taro has 187 calories mostly from carbs and fewer than one gram each of protein and fat ( 1 ). Controlling blood glucose can help prevent and delay the onset of complications, including heart disease, stroke and damage to your nerves and kidneys, advises the American Diabetes Association. Vitamin A is known to help prevent dry eyes and night blindness. Likewise, when a recipe that calls for alkanes such as baking soda or baking powder, add vinegar, lemon juice, buttermilk or yogurt to make the dish more neutral, and thereby less likely to change the purple hue. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, the Japanese Purple Sweet potato offers a sweet earthy flavor with a buttery texture. PSP cultivars are unusually high in antioxidants. Note that each number in parentheses [1, 2, 3, etc.] Japanese sweet potatoes are a rich source of a variety of vitamins essential for optimum health, including vitamins A, C, E and B-6. The findings, published in Nutrients, reported that low-GI diets are more effective in controlling fasting blood glucose levels compared with a higher-GI diet for people with diabetes. It also contains the following: Fiber: 6.7 grams Manganese: 30% of. According to USDA figures, a medium-large sweet potato weighing about 180 grams provides about 162 calories. No human studies have yet investigated the effect of Japanese sweet potato on heart health. Sometimes, these purple sweet potatoes are called purple yam, but yams are quite different from both sweet potatoes and common potatoes. American Diabetes Association: Explore: Complications, Diabetes Self-Management: Cooking Methods for Healthy Eating, Nutrients: The Effect of Dietary Glycaemic Index on Glycaemia in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials, Nutrients: A Plant-Based High-Carbohydrate, Low-Fat Diet in Overweight Individuals in a 16-Week Randomized Clinical Trial: The Role of Carbohydrates. or "How many meals a day should you eat?" Low Glycemic IndexOkinawan potatoes come with a low glycemic index. Purple sweet potatoes aren't just cool for their novelty factor although their hue is sure to liven up any picnic table or dessert sideboard. The macronutrient, micronutrient, and phytonutrient information provided below are for the tuber, which is the part thats usually eaten [1, 4]. In Japan, it is known as beni-imo. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Of course, if you eat your baked potato with butter or sour cream, you will increase the fat content. There exist several varieties of the root vegetable sweet potato (, ). Soluble fiber helps stabilize blood sugar and cholesterol levels. In short, purple-fleshed sweet potatoes are fat-free, low in calories, high in fiber, and are loaded with antioxidants. No clinical evidence supports the use of Japanese sweet potato for any of the conditions listed in this section. White Sweet Potato Nutrition. While there is ample research indicating that Japanese sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants, there is very limited research on other health benefits. Use them for cold dishes like potato salad or a cracker spread, or as hot side dishes, whether as plain baked spuds or with other cubed and roasted root veggies. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. The purple anthocyanin pigments such as peonidins and cyanidins, responsible for the rich purple tones of the flesh, exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Eating a sweet potato might help you chase away the blues. Sweet Potato Nutrition Sweet potatoes contain many vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that are helpful for your overall health. Japanese sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber and provide a number of essential vitamins and minerals. You can make colorful cakes, ice creams, pies, doughnuts, soups, etc., using Okinawan sweet potatoes. Sweet potato leaf extract is also available, although different from Japanese sweet potatoes. Harvard Health Publishing says potassium manages the conduction and transmission of electrical signals in your nervous system, which protects against irregular heartbeat.. Your blood vessels need magnesium to relax and to transport calcium and potassium. Calorie Goal 1868 Cal 132/2000Cal left Fitness Goals: Heart Healthy Fat 66.6 g 0.4/67g left Sodium 2300 mg Since 2005, a community of over 200 million members have used MyFitnessPal to answer those questions and more. Japanese sweet potatoes are botanically known as Ipomoea batatas and can be either the Satsuma or Kotobuki variety. University of California. Potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron and magnesium are all minerals that Japanese sweet potatoes contain in large amounts. This effect has not been studied in humans, so its unclear whether the effect would be similar and how much we would need to eat [16]. Japanese sweet potatoes contain approximately 27 grams of carbohydrates. Good source of fiber (12% of DV/100g). Along with considering purple sweet potato calories, be sure to think about other factors such as fats and carbohydrates. 3. National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. Contains a low amount of risky components that may include sodium and sugars (0%/oz). Okinawan potatoes come with a low glycemic index. Neutralization of Free RadicalsSporamins, storage proteins in sweet potato, also have antioxidant properties. Research conducted by UCANR determined that purple sweet potatoes deliver immunity-boosting anthocyanins, the same beneficial compounds found in other purple and blue foods like purple cauliflower, eggplant, plums and blueberries. The National Institutes of Health suggests that eating a vegetarian diet high in calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber, and low in fat, such as Japanese sweet potatoes, may result in lower blood pressure.. SelfDecode does not treat, diagnose or cure any conditions, Sweet potatoes contain oxalic acid, which may combine with calcium in the kidneys to produce kidney stones in people who are susceptible. One challenge involved in replacing orange sweet potatoes, or other roots, with purple sweet potatoes, is that the color isn't necessarily reliable. Components in Japanese Sweet Potato Tubers, Health Effects of Japanese Sweet Potatoes, Animal & Cell Research (Lacking Evidence), Japanese Sweet Potato as Part of the Lectin Avoidance Diet. Sweet potatoes are known to improve blood sugar regulation and some studies have discovered significant antibacterial and antifungal properties. Japanese sweet potatoes contain approximately 4 grams of dietary fiber, providing about 16 percent of the daily value for fiber. Specifically, the Okinawan purple sweet potato has about 1643 units of vitamin A, according to University of Hawaii figures, which is only slightly less than the USDA's report of 1729 units of vitamin A for an average sweet potato. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, Nutrition Facts for an 8-Ounce Sweet Potato. Sweet potatoes contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which provide health benefits. Gluten (or gliadin), a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, is a particularly dangerous type of lectin that can cause a lot of damage in the body [19, 20, 21, 22]. Results, published in the journal Nutrients, found the study group had overall loss of body weight and body fat after 16 weeks. The amounts, per potato, are as follows: Potassium : 940 milligrams Calcium : 80 milligrams Magnesium : 50 milligrams Phosphorus : 92 milligrams Iron : 1.4 milligrams Copper : 0.36 milligram Manganese : 0.88 milligram Antioxidant ActivityPSP extract, which has potent antioxidant activity, can be used to treat hyperlipidemic (abnormally high concentration of fats or lipids in blood) and hyperglycemic (diabetes, an excess of glucose in blood) disorders. A high-fiber diet may also be beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes, says the Mayo Clinic. Magnesium in Japanese sweet potato helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar as well as maintain muscle and nerve function. Diets rich in vitamins A and C help protect the skin, eyes, heart, brain and more from damage. If you were to consider a medium-sized red skin potato, it will contain 150 calories with 0.14 oz (4 g) of protein, 0.11 oz (3 g) of fiber, and 1.12 oz (34 g) of carbohydrates. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! Japanese Japanese - Purple Sweet Potatoes . Japanese Purple Sweet potatoes are available in the fall and winter. American Diabetes Association. The skin retains the bitter flavor of the root and it is recommended to peel the potato prior to eating. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition: Dried Fruit and Public Health What Does the Evidence Tell Us? Updated June 3, 2020. Moreover, they neutralize oxidizing agents and help mitigate the symptoms of several disorders. Chan School of Public Health, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. Applications In addition to antioxidants, they are packed with fiber, vitamin C and potassium, which can help with weight loss, immunity and heart health. Although the orange types may be more familiar to us, sweet potatoes can be several other colors, including purple, red, white and yellow. The skin of Purple Sweet potatoes can range from a light tan to a deep, dark purple, depending on the variety. They are rich in the following vitamins and minerals: 1 Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Potassium Fiber Zinc Magnesium Regular consumption of steamed or boiled PSP can help prevent cancer, as the vegetable helps prevent oxidative damage to our cells. Japanese sweet potatoes are rich in healthy minerals, especially potassium, copper and manganese. When mice were fed a high-fat, sweet potato diet for 16 weeks, their arteries hardened less than mice who were fed a high-fat diet without sweet potato. . They are nutritious for humans and many types of animals. Many polyphenols work as antioxidants in the human body. Minerals Japanese sweet potatoes are also a good source of some minerals (especially magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium) and low in sodium [ 1, 6 ]. In animal studies, it lowered blood sugar and cholesterol and had anti-fatigue effects [13, 23]. Updated February 14, 2020. Purple and orange sweet potatoes are fat-free, and don't contain any cholesterol. While Japanese sweet potato is considered safe to eat as food, it should never be used in place of something your doctor recommends or prescribes. The flesh is dry, starchy and subtly sweet. While passing through the digestive tract, Okinawan potatoes can lower the potential health risk posed by heavy metals and oxygen radicals.