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Jack was devoted to causes that were for the great benefit of the country such as being executive director of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial," Bayard Marin, Wheelers attorney, said. I wonder if they could have been Wheelers. An autopsy conducted by the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office determined Ja'Nya Murphy died as a result of asphyxiation due to strangulation. 1. Wheeler also spoke about an interest in hacking to people he knew, in relation to an informal investigation he was making into corruption of Delaware public officials. Murphy was discovered during a well-being check by Wheeling police after she failed to report to work on Tuesday. }); Phone records show that he worked in DC for only a day. As heard in episode one of Unsolved Mysteries, Jack Wheeler was murdered on December 30, 2010. document.querySelector("#ads").addEventListener('click',function(){ That in and of itself seemed strange lol. Since then he has gone on to write for over a dozen websites, including 411 Mania, Comics Nexus and The Cult of Nobody. Wheeler's autopsy result concluded he died from blunt force trauma but as of today, his. The second season of the hit Netflix series features a number of different cases, with one episode focusing on the mysterious 2010 disappearance of former presidential aide Jack Wheeler. Wheelerwho was also diagnosed with bipolar disorderwas found dead in a landfill after a night of . He spoke about a stolen briefcase. In its very first episode, Washington Insider Murder, the show chronicles the bizarre homicide of a former presidential aide, who was found dumped in a landfill in Wilmington, Delaware. "The sensational aspects of Jack's murder were what first attracted me. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { The consensus of homicide stems largely in part from severe injuries to Wheeler's body: blunt force trauma, broken ribs, and contusions on his face. The first episode of Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 examined the curious death of Jack Wheeler. What robber is barefoot? window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event) { He left the Harlem home that he shared with his wife, Katherine Klyce, after Christmas, on December 28, 2010, but never made it back alive. He was a graduate of West Point Academy, Yale and Harvard and was a special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force through three. However, no concrete motive or evidence has ever surfaced in the decade since the dedicated public servant was killed. Another relevant detail is that Wheeler suffered from bipolar disorder. Proponents of this theory point to the fact that Wheeler's briefcase has never been recovered and that he contacted his employer about the theft but not the police an action he would presumably avoid if he were fearful that classified information had been stolen from his home. He is carrying one shoe. Its I go to dinner, not Her huge ego, but she responds to both. He appeared to be cautious of his surroundings as if he was scared that he was being stalked. Wheeler was last seen alive on surveillance video inside the Nemours. An hour later, Wheeler shows up in security footage at a parking garage. When the dumpster was picked up by a truck, the body ended up at the Cherry Hill landfill, where it was found December 31 (six miles from his home) shortly after the truck dumped out its contents. Related:Unsolved Mysteries: What To Expect From Volume 3. He was responsible for the smoke bombs in the neighboring house, and for trashing his kitchen. Police ultimately ruled his death a homicide caused. hitType: 'event', Wheeler's body was discovered December 31, 2010 in the Cherry Island Landfill in Wilmington, Delaware. It also covers everything from homicide to tales of lost ones to paranormal activities, all the while encouraging viewers to provide information that might help bring it to a close. Ultimately, his cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma, and his manner of death was ruled a homicide. On December 31, 2010, at 9:56 a.m., Jack Wheeler's body was found dumped in the Cherry Island Landfill in Wilmington, Delaware, a place where he had no business being at that point in time. The strangest thing, though, was the state of his New Castle home and the evidence found near there. On the one hand, some people say, as the result of a bipolar episode, Wheeler could have been confused and disoriented, and therefore made a seemingly odd decisionsuch as climbing into a dumpster for warmth in the middle of the night. "I think perhaps no one has been on the reward because they've already been paid," she told Slate. He may also have been seen in a cab. "Whats puzzling about that case is it wasnt just a random assault or street mugging. All the nudity of porn, but with the plot and storylines of mainstream film. The screen is still black as we hear birds cry and then, the first image we see is tons of garbage. THE JOHN F KENNEDY, JFK ASSASSINATION AUTOPSY: The Naval Ambulance arrived at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Episode One of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries Volume Two details the death of a former Pentagon official and presidential aide. But Meurer says this is not the case. Yes, he did have a second home in New Castle, Delaware, but Wilmington was a completely different area. And why dont they ask more introspective and investigative questions to his wife about her husbands demeanor, mood, idiosyncrasies days before he died? Klyce maintains Wheeler's death was a hired hit. I think your theory is right, some kind of mental break/psychosis. (This theory shares some similarities to anotherUnsolved Mysteriesdeath Rey Rivera, who some believe died as a result of his own delusions.) It was,apparently (opens in new tab), not the only office building he went to; he also visited a Mitre office. Additionally, it seems unlikely that Wheeler would have gone to ground without making some kind of effort to make sure his wife and children were protected if he thought he was being targeted by assassins as the result of a long-term investigation into government corruption. Episode One of Netflixs Unsolved Mysteries Volume Two details the death of a former Pentagon official and presidential aide. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You can follow his adventures on Twitter, @senseistarman. On the morning his body was discovered, his neighbor called the police to report a burglary at his place. Fell asleep in the dumpster. He served three presidents -- Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Jack Wheeler's death is the focus of an Unsolved Mysteries episode Credit: YouTube Jack's body was found in a Delaware landfill one day after his disappearance in December 2010, having last. He was several blocks from the parking garage where his car was located, and he appeared visibility distressed, repeatedly telling the attendant that his briefcase had been stolen. } Wheeler had been beaten severely and suffered a heart attack, according to the cops. I feel like when it was said he heard the cab was traveling to Newark maybe he thought they said New York. Wheeler had bipolar disorder and was on medication for his condition, but he was usually good about taking his medicine. Reportedly he was rambling about how his briefcase had been stolen. To make matters even more confusing, Wheeler's phone was found by the police at the construction site across the street from his home after his death, as they were investigating the possible arson attempt. Wheeler reportedly was in a running dispute with a neighbor who was building a house across the street from his home in New Castle. What Happened to Xavier Dupont de Ligonns? hitType: 'event', He also maintains a personal blog called My Geeky Geeky Ways which hosts his extensive episode guide for the television series making up The Arrowverse as well as his comedic Lets Play videos. He was beaten and thrown around in such a way that he had several severe injuries all over his body. It is possible, however, that the stress of his briefcase and phone disappearing may have triggered a manic episode. He oversaw Jacks property, so when he noticed that a second-floor window was open, he decided to check it out. He was trying to stay out of sight because someone might have been following him," she said. Whenever possible, actual redditors have participated in investigating the events. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The second school of thought regarding a potential bipolar episode is that Wheeler was met with foul play. There's also the fact that muggers who kill their victims usually don't bother with hiding the body, much less transporting it 15 miles out of their way to a dumpster in another city. The autopsy report doesn't correlate with someone getting crushed by a compactor. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), We know that the 66-year-old husband and father's body was discovered in a Delaware landfill on Dec. 31, one day after his disappearance. ga('ads.send', { Somebody didnt want his body to be found. Wheeler considered the construction "sacrilegious" and was in the process of filing legal challenges against the homeowners. He had left his car in the city before he went home for Christmas, so it seemed as if he just wanted it back. Also, Jack had some cash on him when his body was found, had his Rolex and West Point ring. Family, friends, and investigators express in the episode their hope that someone has information about what happened to Wheeler in his final days. According to an Associated Press report, Wheeler was seen on December 29, 2010, wearing a single shoe and . Given Wheeler's connections at the Pentagon and his background in biological warfare and cybersecurity, it's possible that he could have been the Edward Snowden before Edward Snowden had he discovered something illegal. The following morning, December 31, a neighbor noticed an open window in Jack and Kathys home, and went inside to make sure all was okay. Because he was such a well known figure people just dont want to accept that its not a conspiracy theory. Murphy's 1-year-old daughter, Jacklyn "Angel" Dobbs, remains missing. During his mental break, he might have made a pass at one or both of the guys who was . ", 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. },false) gads_event = event; There wasnt much damage but police found a cell phone at the scene and when they examined it, discovered it was Wheelers. So either someone robbed him of it and set off the smoke bombs or he did it. This was the last time anyone reported seeing him alive. eventAction: 'click_ads' Jack Wheeler was a 66-year-old former Pentagon official. },false) (opens in new tab)Wheeler's body was found on December 31, 2010, in a landfill, under mysterious circumstances. A one-year old is missing in Wheeling, following the murder of her mother. Discussing Jack's final hours show's co-creator Terry Meurer told The Wrap: "Jack went into the pharmacy and he asked the pharmacist, who he knew, to give him a ride to Wilmington. Then the theory of mugging comes into play, yet even that seems next to impossible, mainly as Jack had been carefully disposed of, and he still had some cash, his West Point ring, and a Rolex on his being when he was recovered. An autopsy was performed that same day which determined that Jack had been murdered. The former aide of President George W. Bush . A Washington insider with an exemplary career as a soldier and security expert, Wheeler's beaten and bruised body was found in a landfill in Wilmington, Delaware. A witness did come forward to state that they shared a cab with Jack at around 11 p.m. that night, which Jack had climbed into after hearing that it was headed to Newark. Per the crime scene, Wheeler's body had ended up there because it had been in a dumpster in Newark, DEmiles away from Wilmington. SkyFOX was over the scene where a body of a toddler was found Thursday. I dont see that, plus the ruling is homicide. Investigator Joe Salerno said that since Jack had a very strong network with the government, "he may have been a target of a murder-for-hire type situation. Steve Volk, an investigative journalist, said, "What we know is that at the time of his death, he was working as a consultant for the Mitre Corporation, which is a defense contracting firm. Everything is 20% off (and we've broken down our picks by dress code, naturally). #unsolvedmysteries.". Apparently, he spent the night and part of the day there. His entire life had been dedicated to public service, even as he personally battled depression and bipolar disorder. }); As mentioned in the episode, Wheeler's emotional distress and his death seem unconnected to each other. At 6.42 pm the same day, Wheeler was seen at a garage trying to find his car but he was at the wrong garage. }) I thought I was the only one to think of this. A prominent figure and a strong advocate for veterans, Wheeler was known for his passion about the causes he supported. But the circumstances of his death are a mystery. Netflix revealed images of Wheeler's autopsy which lists several injuries, including. if(document.querySelector("#google_image_div")){ In addition, Wheeler's Rolex watch, West Point ring, and wallet with money were all left on him. Investigators believe he must have left DC and went home to New Castle the same day as the smoke bomb incident. Witnesses and family members say that Wheeler arrived at the wrong parking garage in Wilmington as his car was actually parked in a different garage. }); On December 31, 2010, the body of John P Wheeler III, a former White House aide was found badly battered and bruised in the Cherry Island Landfill in Wilmington, Delaware. Given the nature of his work and the circumstances of his death, there are no shortage of theories regarding who might have wanted to kill Jack Wheeler, though the evidence in the case is wildly contradictory in regards to the most-likely suspects. More:Why Unsolved Mysteries On Netflix Doesn't Have A Host. The video footage and eye-witness accounts of encounters with Wheeler during his two days in downtown Wilmington would seem to confirm that something had happened to him, with some theorizing that he may have suffered a stroke or developed amnesia as a result of a traumatic encounter. The show uses re-enactments and in-depth interviews with professionals and loved ones to retell the circumstances surrounding old cases that are, well, unsolved. Another theory is that Wheeler, either confused or making an effort to throw off his pursuers, sought shelter in a dumpster in Newark. Investigators soon found Jacks phone, but it was in the under-construction house across the street, making them think that maybe Jack had set off those smoke bombs. He was trying to stay out of sight because someone might have been following him.". A lot of people claim to be patriots. "His family was travelling, so no one reported him missing," Farrall said. That was seemingly forgotten on the show. The way they disposed of his body, its a miracle anybody ever found it. Curious to know all the details? Prior to the pharmacy, he emails his work saying his security badge was stolen, although never reports this to police. This would also explain the heart attack Wheeler suffered, as he could have either had it during the night of December 30th and been left too weak to leave the dumpster when it was picked up or had it while his body was being crushed by the compactor. But because there was video footage of Jack from days before his estimated date of death seemingly not acting himself, it brought more questions into the fray. He didn't seem panicked at all to us, maybe senile or in a confused manic state which would explain losing his possessions. What you are about to read is not a news broadcast. Who Is Hasnat Khan, Princess Dianas Boyfriend on Season 5 of The Crown. The neighbor called the police to report a burglary in the Wheelers home, but the police had just before been notified of Jack Wheelers beaten bodystill endowed with his West Point ring and Rolexwhich had been discovered in a landfill by a truck driver. Family members say that he could have periods of manic energy and depressionbut that it fueled his energy and drive, and that his disorder was well-controlled. In light of the case getting attention again as part ofUnsolved Mysteries Volume Two, many have been sharing their theories online of what could have happened to Jack. On the evening of December 30, he was seen in the basement of an office complex in downtown Wilmington. pg.acq.push(function() { However, those who knew Wheeler best say this wasn't too out of character; he was constantly getting lost and forgetting things, and apparently had a terrible sense of direction. }); In the immediate aftermath of Unsolved Mysteries Volume Twopremiering on Netflix October 19, many viewers are puzzled and downright distressed by Wheeler's story. When Wheeler's body was discovered and the circumstances of his death confirmed, many presumed that he had been assassinated by an enemy nation or a rival of his employer. But the latter part of this gets thrown away when his autopsy and injuries are looked into. Jack's autopsy was performed the day he was found. However, Jack was entirely in the wrong parking lot. As mentioned in the episode, Wheeler's emotional distress and his death seem unconnected to each other. reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. Dill also reported a bare footprint. Netflix owes us answers after that ending. I agree. At around 7:15 P.M., EST. Related: Unsolved Mysteries: How The Original Series Is Still Solving Cases. Also, Jack was wearing only one shoe, carrying the other in his hand, and repeatedly telling the personnel there that his briefcase was stolen. "I think he might have pissed someone off and I think his movements reflected that. And what about the people that drove him from the pharmacy to the garage? The Mountbatten-Windsors have been recastagain. Wheeler's death was ruled a homicide. "He left the pharmacy, and there was a couple there, a man and a woman, and he asked them if they could give him a ride to Wilmington, and they did, and they dropped him off there. At 6:42 p.m., he was seen in a parking garage there. Jack said No, thanks,'. On December 31, 2010 the body of John "Jack" Wheeler III was discovered in a Delaware landfill after it had come off of a dump truck. Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 | Official Clip | No Evidence | Netflix, How Unsolved Mysteries Could Find Real Answers. This coincided with an apparent break-in at Wheeler's home in New Castle and an apparent act of arson at a construction site across the street. The person driving the car panicked and hid the body in the nearest dumpster, that would explain the extreme injuries and that he wasn't robbed. When you look at the autopsy and the degree to which he was beaten, its just not consistent with a fall from the dumpster. He also added that Jack could not have been mugged as street robbers leave the body where they attack and usually dont load it into dumpsters. eventAction: 'render' He was also seen on CCTV cameras at a parking garage, looking distressed as he claimed his briefcase had been stolen while he walked along in only one shoe. Plot details forUnsolved Mysteriesahead. Could be useful. John 'Jack' Wheeler's body was found in a landfill His body was found 14 hours later on December 31 in a landfill after being dumped from a trash truck. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, murdered, and his body dumped with the garbage into a landfill, Wheeler's body was discovered New Year's Eve. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotOnload', function(event) { Unsolved Mysteries: Every Jack Wheeler Death Theory, Explained, Unsolved Mysteries: What To Expect From Volume 3, Everything Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About The Oslo Plaza Woman, Unsolved Mysteries: How The Original Series Is Still Solving Cases, Why Unsolved Mysteries On Netflix Doesn't Have A Host. He didnt beat himself up.". That's why it is so sad and ironic, his friends say, that he himself would be murdered, and his body dumped with the garbage into a landfill not far from his home. 2023 FOX Television Stations, from SAT 8:00 PM CST until WED 4:30 AM CST, Newton County, until SUN 12:00 PM CST, Lake County, Kenosha County, from SAT 12:00 PM CST until WED 6:00 AM CST, Jasper County, from SUN 6:00 AM CST until MON 6:00 AM CST, Lake County, Newton County, is in effect, Kane County, Lake County, McHenry County, Porter County, Jasper County, Indiana State Police trooper killed after suspect fleeing from police strikes him with vehicle on I-69, 6 injured, 2 seriously in 3-car crash on Near West Side, Feds raid suburban Chicago home of businessman who ran for state office, Lightfoot loses re-election bid, this is the date she will leave office, Police investigate 4 smash-and-grabs in Chicago suburb, Man found shot to death in North Side home: police, Police Chase: Gunman waits for kids to cross street near Lakewood; Opens fire at several different locations, Chicago weather: Slushy, stormy conditions take hold Friday, Replay Lincoln Park transforms into iconic 'Paddy's Pub'. Although at least 10 different agencies, federal, state and local got involved in the murder case, including the FBI, ATF and DEA, running down every possible lead, the murderer was never found, making it one of the more high-profile cold cases which were never solved. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), }); He also reported that his house had been broken into and claimed his briefcase had been stolen. After spending the evening and most of the day of December 30 in the basement of the Nemours building in downtown Wilmington, Wheeler was captured on camera leaving the Nemours building at 8:30 pm and was last seen walking past the valet station at the Hotel du Pont at 8:41 pm. Lauren Kranc is the assistant content strategy editor at Esquire, where she runs the brands social media accounts and covers pop culture and television, with entirely too narrow an expertise on true crime shows. The discovery prompted an investigation into his mysterious death and the investigation unearthed some bizarre circumstances surrounding the days before his death. He was stopped by police while driving a maroon 2020 Dodge Grand Caravan that was also sought by police, based on video reviewed by officers, authorities said. Another theory is that Wheeler's strange behavior wasn't related to his bipolar at all. He told the people in the parking garage that his briefcase had been stolen. "What's important now is to establish the location of the crime.". Looking for a new Netflix series to binge or the best movies to watch on Amazon Prime? This does seem most plausible. },false) What little spare time he has is devoted towards acting, role-playing, movie-riffing and sarcasm. He had one shoe off and the other shoe in his hand. ga('ads.send', { eventAction: 'click_adunit' Geez. The investigation revealed several days of strange behavior leading up to Wheeler's death. One of the to-do lists Wheeler left behind, dated Dec. 5, mentions hacking a target associated with the construction dispute. Jan Scruggs, founder, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, said, Jack was a very exceptional person, a graduate of West Point, a graduate of Harvard Business School, a graduate of Yale Law School. That just sounds like a pro to me.". By the way, whenever I need a ride somewhere I always go to the pharmacy and ask someone to take me. The body of John Wheeler III, also known as Jack Wheeler, was discovered . The autopsy lists a number of severe injuries, including a collapsed lung, broken ribs, swollen lips, and external neck injury, lacerations, and more. Inside the kitchen area, Dill found the door ajar, a plant tipped over, spices and cleaning supplies knocked onto the floor and broken dishes in the sink. Wheeler lived in Washington, D.C. and part-time in the historic district of New Castle, Delaware. UNSOLVED Mysteries viewers have raged at a 'major oversight in CCTV footage' from missing Jack Wheeler's case. At the time of his death, Wheeler was a consultant for the Mitre Corporation, a not-for-profit organization in Virginia that manages federally-funded research and development centers that support various U.S. government agencies. Hours later, he was seen in an office building unconnected to him, wandering around, staying the night, camouflaging himself in a hoodie, and walking away. The theory of him being in the dumpster and getting compacted makes sense. For what it's worth, Klyce believes her husband's death was a planned assassination. "It was definitely homicide," she says.