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9X8//wDLVp33Sf8AVLFXfV/P/wDy1ad90n/VLFXfV/P/APy1ad90n/VLFXfV/P8A/wAtWnfdJ/1S Adobe InDesign 7.0 0000017825 00000 n
* This professional grade sanded grout features unsurpassed stain resistance with no sealing required.
saved . EBAQEBAUEQ8RERERDxERFxoaGhcRHyEhISEfKy0tLSsyMjIyMjIyMjIyAQsJCQ4MDh8XFx8rIx0j /;/metadata /;/metadata z/5MR4qg/NWoPZ3FuqW9hPyQmt8yKw3/AGObDbFUh/Tk3/LBon/IyL/mvFXfpyb/AJYNE/5GRf8A /;/metadata 2012-03-29T17:19:58-07:00 804q717bw0b/AICf/mnFXevbeGjf8BP/AM04q717bw0b/gJ/+acVd69t4aN/wE//ADTirvXtvDRv How long does Fusion Pro grout cure? 21ar4VxKhJfK2m6laeaJDqF1c3QhjKI87MUYsKtx5eFMFJZ/irsVSXXf+Op5c/7aUn/dO1LFXeTP O4gt9UVppFjDRRr8Rpu0jIv3k0xVabXSHLBnQNX4v3m4brvU4UIfzLbX9xZQRabevZv6gBkTdnXi /VLFXf4M1v8Am0z/AKRl/wCqWKu/wZrf82mf9Iy/9UsVd/gzW/5tM/6Rl/6pYq7/AAZrf82mf9Iy xmp.iid:39FA1574072068118C1483DFCB52BE94 2CI3h9q06V5xkpz8w7dfhMqH/hYsicc+9ujrNKP8mtOjeblbkPMTADcVeZv+ZeIxz70nW6Uj+7+5 It makes the grout resistant to water, stains, and bacteria build-up. /;/metadata If its a big job, make alternative accommodation arrangements. 31az/wCrbY/9xSL/ALKcVd9Ws/8Aq22P/cUi/wCynFXfVrP/AKttj/3FIv8AspxVEWuivehjZaHb Its latex based. What type of problems may you face? hbbd``b`Z$@s`OAb qO/ $MC(.`5DK-#3bFZ0 ]
After grouting, allow the entire tile assembly to cure for seven (7) days before running water in the shower. yuqNIZ7mihiAWPwDpirLf8D+V/8Alh/5Kzf9VcVd/gfyv/yw/wDJWb/qrirv8D+V/wDlh/5Kzf8A Ty5/20pP+6dqWKpT5T82eVbbyrotvca1p8M0On2sckcl1Cro6wxqysrSAggjcYqmc3mzyVcRtDca 0000104433 00000 n
2012-01-11T12:57:28-08:00 Do not expose to wet weather elements for at least seven days and maintain temperatures above 50F. Its more expensive and difficult to apply since it dries quickly, but it lasts for a long time. Press lightly that the grout comes out but not the grout of the tile joint. Adobe InDesign 7.0 /UoJ/wBJA/6p4q79z/1KCf8ASQP+qeKpjo+naRqDSi/0GHThGFKF5A/Ota9l6UxVNP8ADnlb/ljt p9kEmp/HFUt13/jqeXP+2lJ/3TtSxV3kz/lD9B/7Ztn/AMmI8VQfnCDRZIBLepBLfooFtHcTNCrK Manage Settings xmp.iid:F87F117407206811AB08C344DA1CB6C2 3. /SNb/wDNOKu/Q5/6uOif9I1v/wA04q79Dn/q46J/0jW//NOKu/Q5/wCrjon/AEjW/wDzTirv0Of+ xmp.iid:735F3BB6082068118A6D838E7B3D1870 rv8ACOrf780z/pBi/wCqeKpzYeXdPitI49QsrK4uRX1JUto0VqsStF4eFMVTO3t7e1iEFrEkES1I cc .3030i23da3cw` !>X[ ~-0s/y+7c8>F]W4|(+-, 7
190 0 obj
<>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[6 137]/Length 27/Size 143/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream
saved Sanded grout is more resistant to cracking and shrinking. But you can prevent it from slowing down due to external factors. It is different from other grouts. 5P6Yqi9M0vS767W2uPLEtlGwJM0jvxFBWnbriqd/4O8tf8sCf8E//NeKu/wd5a/5YE/4J/8AmvFU saved /wBJA/6p4q79z/1KCf8ASQP+qeKu/c/9Sgn/AEkD/qnirv3P/UoJ/wBJA/6p4q79z/1KCf8ASQP+ AL40P/kt/TFXf4Y1P/fGh/8AJb+mKu/wxqf++ND/AOS39MVd/hjU/wDfGh/8lv6Yqnln5b0EWsYv Fusion Pro the original stain proof, color perfect grout. Adobe InDesign 7.0 6Qlk4cfXXnH8Lqx5KQ3YYqxX/Bmt/wA2mf8ASMv/AFSxV3+DNb/m0z/pGX/qlirv8Ga3/Npn/SMv Owing to the sealant that acts as a barrier, moisture takes more time from the underlying grout to evaporate. You can use a grout sealer before applying the grout to your tiles. /;/metadata 0000003985 00000 n
saved Its patented formulation can be applied on all tiles and has built-in Microban antimicrobial product protection. AGUYqmWj+Uo5Gl/Tml2cSgL6X1Z5SSd+XLlK3tiqaf4O8tf8sCf8E/8AzXirv8HeWv8AlgT/AIJ/ Starlike EVO Crystal Glass: After 24 hours, the grout can be exposed to light foot traffic. It will not be suitable to dry the tiles surface grout. /;/metadata VXFXf4H8r/8ALD/yVm/6q4qm1hp9pplstnYx+lAhJVOTNQsandyx6nFUTirsVdirsVdiqS67/wAd A few days of inconvenience outweighs the risk of damaging the grout by walking on it or exposing it to moisture too soon. 2012-06-25T14:21:50-07:00 yLX+mKu/w3oH/Vut/wDkWv8ATFXf4b0D/q3W/wDyLX+mKu/w3oH/AFbrf/kWv9MVd/hvQP8Aq3W/ Adobe InDesign 7.0 VMVd/jPyf/1ftN/6TIP+qmKu/wAZ+T/+r9pv/SZB/wBVMVd/jPyf/wBX7Tf+kyD/AKqYq7/Gfk// Under normal conditions, 75F (24C), tiles may be grouted within 24 hours, full cure takes at least 48-72 hours depending on conditions. Use a bit of wet sponge and dump the entire area you apply the grout on before a few moments. /;/metadata xmp.iid:D60AE5D0522068118C1483DFCB52BE94 57LSlPDXY7sWgRYje6fGEZ7eNqD4Cw5U6VXxxVAeZNE1PzGmr6r5f8u3WkWj6bDZfVZoFt57qdbu Answer: Yes. hb``e`` ?P#0p4 B1C(?SH#Nnx!|%@Avm:'5B,"h
` ? saved View the full instructions. You will find different types of tiles. WhlkErrV26yKqg1G/TFVDXf+Op5c/wC2lJ/3TtSxV3kz/lD9B/7Ztn/yYjxVE6zrllodus93yZpC FUSION PRO SINGLE COMPONENT GROUT FEATURES / PERFORMANCE Question: Is Fusion Pro Grout really Stain-Proof and Color Perfect? irvr1j/y0xf8Gv8AXFXfXrH/AJaYv+DX+uKu+vWP/LTF/wAGv9cVd9esf+WmL/g1/rirvr1j/wAt s9j90eKu/RPlL/lnsfujxV36J8pf8s9j90eKu/RPlL/lnsfujxV36J8pf8s9j90eKu/RPlL/AJZ7 irv8T6j/ANWG+/4EYq7/ABPqP/Vhvv8AgRirv8T6j/1Yb7/gRirv8T6j/wBWG+/4EYq7/E+o/wDV If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. saved 1 0000009067 00000 n
Adobe InDesign 7.0 For the final cleaning up, you should use a microfiber towel. nnb/AKscX/SRH/1UxV36U87f9WOL/pIj/wCqmKu/Snnb/qxxf9JEf/VTFXfpTzt/1Y4v+kiP/qpi . 0000031919 00000 n
So its important to check. 5M/5Q/Qf+2bZ/wDJiPFVHzJ8UkUba3FpKMprFLGkgkoftfvGXpiqRehB/wBTXaf9I0H/ADXirvQg /;/metadata Do I need to seal Fusion Pro grout? 5. For cleaning, you need a grout sponge, a bucket with fresh water, and some microfiber cloths. +a8Vd/g7y1/ywJ/wT/8ANeKu/wAHeWv+WBP+Cf8A5rxV3+DvLX/LAn/BP/zXirv8HeWv+WBP+Cf/ 0000191230 00000 n
View the full instructions. The pinhole problem is the most remarkable problem of Fusion Pro grout. xmp.iid:AC688BB70A20681188C6AF115C29BC50 saved Adobe InDesign 7.0 xmp.did:44182CFA102068118C1483DFCB52BE94 As a result, epoxy resin can prove to be tenacious even under tough conditions like high humidity and exposure to lots of dirt, debris, and dust. EZTQ7Zh
jT^J zeC]CzXWJfzX)Iz{Cz. If you take more time to clean it, it will be challenging to clean the tiles properly. Fusion Pro #640 Arctic White 1 qt. saved 256 0000002859 00000 n
AOqOKu/QF9/1Y77/ALiEf/VHFXfoC+/6sd9/3EI/+qOKu/QF9/1Y77/uIR/9UcVd+gL7/qx33/cQ nalirvJn/KH6D/2zbP8A5MR4qp+Yb3yxazQrr0SSSMpMReIyUWu+4U03xVKP0x+XX/LPD/0jN/zR The most disgusting part of this cleaning process is to clean the print-like grout from the tiles. 2012-05-04T16:33:12-07:00 ABFqn/V9m/7hyf0xV3+ItU/6vs3/AHDk/pirv8Rap/1fZv8AuHJ/TFXf4i1T/q+zf9w5P6Yq7/EW n/VXFXfov8t/57f/AKSpP+quKu/Rf5b/AM9v/wBJUn/VXFXfov8ALf8Ant/+kqT/AKq4q79F/lv/ 2ptHV4Fjf0nJGzD1NuC7SDbx/XiqFu5PMfNWsre2IAILT1DA8kPwqkhBBUMPtDf2HxKqb2d+FeNb Adobe InDesign 7.0 to 1/2 in. When you apply pressure, scrub it with a brush, the main grout between the tiles may come out. Use this as an excuse to go to a nice hotel or camping for a few days nearby, where you can still go back home to check on the grout or do some touch-ups. xmp.iid:01801174072068118C1483DFCB52BE94 U+EtKafRiqM/xn5P/wCr9pv/AEmQf9VMVd/jPyf/ANX7Tf8ApMg/6qYq7/Gfk/8A6v2m/wDSZB/1 2012-03-29T15:38:38-07:00 /;/metadata Adobe InDesign 7.0 AJrxV3+DvLX/ACwJ/wAE/wDzXirv8HeWv+WBP+Cf/mvFXf4O8tf8sCf8E/8AzXirv8HeWv8AlgT/ 2012-06-25T14:53:31-07:00 AKsOm/8ASHB/1TxV3+DPJ/8A1YdN/wCkOD/qnirv8GeT/wDqw6b/ANIcH/VPFXf4M8n/APVh03/p bTP+kZf+qWKu/wAGa3/Npn/SMv8A1SxV3+DNb/m0z/pGX/qlirv8Ga3/ADaZ/wBIy/8AVLFXf4M1 Custom Building Products Fusion Pro #544 Rolling Fog 1 Gal. xmp.did:F77F117407206811AB08C344DA1CB6C2 WPfpyb/lg0T/AJGRf814q79OTf8ALBon/IyL/mvFXfpyb/lg0T/kZF/zXirv05N/ywaJ/wAjIv8A /;/metadata /;/metadata /Itf6YqmQAAAGwGwGKt4q7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqkuu/wDHU8uf9tKT/unalirvJn/KH6D/ANs2 O5/6q4q7/CWr/wDVr0n/AIO5/wCquKu/wlq//Vr0n/g7n/qrirv8Jav/ANWvSf8Ag7n/AKq4q7/C Fusion Pro Grout is an acrylic plus silicone resin formula that offers unmatched crack resistance and minimal shrinkage. PDF/X-1:2001 MX/Br/XFXfXrH/lpi/4Nf64q769Y/wDLTF/wa/1xVWjkjlUPEwdT0ZSCPvGKpPrv/HU8uf8AbSk/ This is lengthened by low temperatures and shortened by higher temperatures. saved /;/metadata /metadata Make plans, so youre not rushing to use the newly-grouted area. HRPLVzdXF/FaXtl9Z1TUNNtY55xK0cUkaughkEcdGarCM9AMVTZNZnFz5UsrHUH1CHVjcXMt28aK 2012-06-25T14:54:27-07:00 dirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVSXXf+Op5c/7aUn/AHTtSxVKfKfmzyrbeVdFt7jWtPhmh0+1jkjk saved /wDVtt/+4jD/ANVcVd+iV/6ttv8A9xGH/qrirv0Sv/Vtt/8AuIw/9VcVd+iV/wCrbb/9xGH/AKq4 They never change color. saved P+qmKu/xn5P/AOr9pv8A0mQf9VMVd/jPyf8A9X7Tf+kyD/qpirv8Z+T/APq/ab/0mQf9VMVd/jPy saved /;/metadata But, what is happening? temperatures and higher humidity will slow the cure times. saved QuicTile Frost Pre-Mixed Urethane Grout: This grout doesnt need to be sealed. Or you may think that this grout will vanish after a normal wash. But waiting for up to a week will give a sense of certainty that you have given your grout all the time necessary to reach its full potential. saved P/8Ay1ad90n/AFSxV31fz/8A8tWnfdJ/1SxV31fz/wD8tWnfdJ/1SxV31fz/AP8ALVp33Sf9UsVd 2012-05-03T15:02-07:00 This usually occurs when you expose the grout to moisture before its fully cured. 2012-08-06T16:25:42-07:00 Dg/6p4q7/Bnk/wD6sOm/9IcH/VPFVG58seRbKIz3mj6TbxDYvLbW6L97IMWePFPIaiLPkltrD+Vl 0000049066 00000 n
White Dry Non-Sanded Grout: Mist occasionally with clean, cool water for three days. Its a more durable grout thats resistant to stains, cracks, chemicals, and weather changes. b7/gRirv8T6j/wBWG+/4EYq7/E+o/wDVhvv+BGKu/wAT6j/1Yb7/AIEYq7/E+o/9WG+/4EYq7/E+ Though it is said that this grout is easy to apply and clean, you will find several problems after using it. 24-72 hours before applying grout. mjFXevZf9SpD/wBJK/8ANGKu9ey/6lSH/pJX/mjFXevZf9SpD/0kr/zRirvXsv8AqVIf+klf+aMV saved WJIFNzt9BGFqSgvPPLEw4M/qJxjq3Xl0epP6sBSGUxp6aKleXEUJPUnxOKrsVSXXf+Op5c/7aUn/ In the following sections of this article, I provide: The best way to understand how long it will take grout to dry is to read the instructions on the packaging. 110 0 obj
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xmp.iid:53FCFAF3072068118C14FB79E66FC0D5 YoIZRDzqwrVmVsVYp+gL7/qx33/cQj/6o4q79AX3/Vjvv+4hH/1RxV36Avv+rHff9xCP/qjirv0B Adobe InDesign 7.0 AAAAAAABAAIDBAUGBwgJCgsQAAIBAwMCBAIGBwMEAgYCcwECAxEEAAUhEjFBUQYTYSJxgRQykaEH irv0tc/8sOg/8j4P+quKu/S1z/yw6D/yPg/6q4q79LXP/LDoP/I+D/qrirv0tc/8sOg/8j4P+quK 0000048321 00000 n
If the mold grows behind the tiles, it can be impossible to remove without breaking the tile. NP8Aui/piqZDStJIBFlbkHcH0k/5pxV36J0r/lit/wDkUn/NOKu/ROlf8sVv/wAik/5pxV36J0r/ +An/AOacVd69t4aN/wABP/zTiqrbagLOdLm1bR4po90dUnqKin8vviqY/wCMdZ/5b9L/AOBn/wCa VdiqS67/AMdTy5/20pP+6dqWKu8mf8ofoP8A2zbP/kxHiqD81and2Fxbpbag9iHQkqlstxyIPWrD xmp.iid:A503BCBF112068118C148FF3BA709A30 proof:pdf qf3Sf814q76t5Z/6l7U/uk/5rxV31byz/wBS9qf3Sf8ANeKu+reWf+pe1P7pP+a8Vd9W8s/9S9qf PDF/X-1a:2001 But this grout isnt suitable for all tile types. Therefore, it is also money wasting. Indoor plants can also affect how long grout takes to dry. /metadata da/9lOKpnZebfLUNusd75m0y7mBPKUXFvEDU7fAJW6YqgNZ82eVZdR0B4ta090g1CSSVluoSEQ2F Question: Is Fusion Pro Grout really Stain-Proof and Color Perfect? hvv+BGKu/wAT6j/1Yb7/AIEYqyLFUl13/jqeXP8AtpSf907UsVd5M/5Q/Qf+2bZ/8mI8VQ/m7RrS PLn/AG0pP+6dqWKu8mf8ofoP/bNs/wDkxHiqXecbSWaWCdbF7uKJCHlW5FuqVPRq4qxf0Y/+rd/3 HW[o~)Env7g. Adobe InDesign 7.0 PDF/X-1:2001 After grouting, allow the entire tile assembly to cure for seven (7) days before running water in the shower. +q6d/wAsuk/9J03/AFXxV31XTv8All0n/pOm/wCq+Ku+q6d/yy6T/wBJ03/VfFXfVdO/5ZdJ/wCk To know how long various grout types will take to cure, you should immediately refer to the product manual. Learn more. Adobe InDesign 7.0 d/4H8r/8sP8AyVm/6q4q7/A/lf8A5Yf+Ss3/AFVxV3+B/K//ACw/8lZv+quKu/wP5X/5Yf8AkrN/ xmp.iid:B06C1574072068118C14D051CB68CF14 XFU402e/uLUSajbCznJIMQdZKAdDyXbfFUXirsVdiqS67/x1PLn/AG0pP+6dqWKu8mf8ofoP/bNs The cracks, crumbles, weak joints, and flaking all allow moisture to penetrate the grout, which can lead to mold and mildew. After applying this grout, again, you need to clean up the extra grout from the tiles. This grout does not have a quick emergence rate. Hopefully, this encourages you to always read and follow the instructions before using any grout sealing product. +szfyw+vcWyhYkaYQoQzqG5OxUDr44qwr9Er/wBW23/7iMP/AFVxV36JX/q22/8A3EYf+quKu/RK /wDkWv8ATFXf4b0D/q3W/wDyLX+mKu/w3oH/AFbrf/kWv9MVRtta21nCLe0iWGJakIg4qKmp2GKp xmp.iid:E73E8BF10E2068118C14D22FE257B684 U9FRLRq8kB3A+MpQGv6sw9FoJ4MvETY4a+5y9ZroZ8dAdf1r9SsbrRPM+o6lrOg3Hmi11Wztbaze 256 2012-08-06T17:04:49-07:00 In the list below, youll find the actual drying time and instructions for five popular grout brands: SimpleGrout PreMixed Grout: Let it dry for a minimum of 24 hours. MVTDT9U84arE02nzabPGjcGYCUUalafEB44qi/8Anf8A/tXf8lMVd/zv/wD2rv8Akpirv+d//wC1 saved 0000198674 00000 n
However, the exact drying time depends on the type of grout, humidity levels, and whether youre working indoors or outside. Join our free newsletter and get the latest reviews, deals, giveaways, and exclusive content. 4BTawTyMrqoLcmm7k4qyHFXYqkV/GW1G4RXZGliQ1T7Q6r8PvtiqBW01D6yZEuiHeP02mEFWFCTT Installed and maintained correctly, Fusion The environment (indoor or outdoor conditions), humidity levels, temperature, and even the kind of grout laid out all matter. Adobe InDesign 7.0 After drying the grout, you will notice the same problem again. rv0p52/6scX/AEkR/wDVTFXfpTzt/wBWOL/pIj/6qYq79Kedv+rHF/0kR/8AVTFXfpTzt/1Y4v8A The less moisture thats in the air, the quicker it will dry. You can look up the waiting time mentioned in the manufacturer manual. xmp.iid:A8688BB70A20681188C6AF115C29BC50 2/8A3EYf+quKu/RK/wDVtt/+4jD/ANVcVXwaPA88aT2FvHEzqJHGoxEqpPxNQS9hir0S2vtGtLaG 2012-01-11T10:46:58-08:00 Adobe InDesign 7.0 saved Over the last 7 years, I have been blogging about home improvement and yes, I own Once you form a paste, apply it with a flat trowel. S3pfWqnn6FeFK/DTl7YqgNd/46nlz/tpSf8AdO1LFXeTP+UP0H/tm2f/ACYjxVQ8zand2bRW0Mdj False xmp.iid:8D902F75112068118A6DFD4A9B9964ED Fusion Pro's state-of-the-art technology gives end-users the time . It is applicable both inside and outside your home. G9A/6t1v/wAi1/pirv8ADegf9W63/wCRa/0xVdH5e0OJ1kjsLdHU1VhGtQfuxVb/AIb0D/q3W/8A 2012-04-11T20:07:27-07:00 /;/metadata Adobe InDesign 7.0 SW Florida Victims Picking Up the Pieces After Hurricane Ian, 5 Benefits of Polishing Your Stone Countertops. xmp.iid:06801174072068118C149BB6826A8006 Tpv+q+Ku+q6d/wAsuk/9J03/AFXxV31XTv8All0n/pOm/wCq+Ku+q6d/yy6T/wBJ03/VfFXfVdO/ Sanded grout is less likely to shrink and crack, making it ideal for wider gaps and floor tiles. xmp.iid:F924071C122068118C148FF3BA709A30 I was worried about not having enough working time to clean the grout after application, but I set a clock in the room and after about 5 minutes would start sponge-cleaning the tiles that I had . Drug the towel across the surface of the tiles before cleaning it completely. saved /;/metadata Furan grout: The average drying time for furan grout is 24 hours. V3G7/wCWfXP+ktf+qGKu43f/ACz65/0lr/1QxVwS7JoLfXCT/wAva/8AVDFVT6rqP/LHr3/SSP8A +Rd1/wBU8Vdzs/8Afmh/8i7r/qnirudn/vzQ/wDkXdf9U8Vdzs/9+aH/AMi7r/qnirudn/vzQ/8A saved But for thinner gaps, unsanded grout is more feasible. 2012-01-12T10:59:04-08:00