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Any raise negotiated by the union is in addition to the salary schedule increase they will receive. The San Diego County Office of Education strives to offer competitive salaries compared to other employers in the education field around the county and region. Click link below for details: Accounting Specialist, Job #22-180 - District Office/Business. Posted 3/3/2023-3/10/2023 2019-20 Certificated Instructional Staff Salary Schedule - DRAFT . 2022-23 Classified Hourly 2% + 9.5% - Rev 20230209; . Apply Online, Custodian-Dunlap School #82881 Salary Schedules 2022-2023 Certificated Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 2022) Board Approved November 10, 2022.pdf 2022-2023 Certificated Salary Schedule + 15% (Effective July 1, 2022) Board Approved November 10, 2022.pdf 2022-2023 Classified Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 2022) Board Approved November 10, 2022.pdf 30 Day Sub Permit or California Credential, Transcripts with posted degree (unofficial are ok), Letter of Recommendation from the Professional/Educational field. Employee Contract Information. Comments (-1) 2018-2019 Salary Schedules. Labor Agreement. Salary Schedules. Hourly Enrichment (PE, Music, STEAM) Math Substitutes. Teacher Certificated Salary Schedule; Teacher Certificated Salary Schedule with Doctoral Degree; Calendars. HR Tech. Go online towww.cbest.nesinc.comor call (800) 262-5080 to find out more about the CBEST. 16/17-3157 SAUSD Campuses Non-Threatening Immigrant Rights Resource Ctrs. Workers Comp Physician Designation Form. Special Education Substitutes. Apply Online, State Preschool TeachersAide-Great WesternSchool#82967 Address 150 District Center Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92264. 21-22 Extra Duty Assignment Salary Schedule "C" Confidential Employees: 21-22 Confidential Salary Schedule: Classified and Certificated Management: 21-22 Cert. Onboarding Checklist for Certificated Employees; Certificated Salary Placement Procedures; Substitute Services. Certificated. Certificated Group 16 - 11 pay Timecards for work performed from the 16th-end of the month will be due to Payroll by the 10th of the month to be paid on the 1st. Management Salary Schedule. CLASSIFIED VACANCIES. Comments (-1) Psychologist Salary Schedule . Understanding Certificated Salary Placement & Movement. Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. Posted 2/6/2023-Until Filled 2021 - 2022 MTA Salary Schedules. Certificated Salary Schedule 22-23. Professional Growth Form - Classified. Classified Evaluation Form here. School Accountability Report Cards (SARC's), Teaching and Learning: Supplemental Programs. Posted 11/9/2022-Until Filled Certificated Salary Schedules. Classified Service Salary Schedule. Certificated Personnel Athletic Secretary-ReedleyHigh School#82966 SELECTED CERTIFICATED SALARIES AND RELATED STATISTICS - A Compilation of Selected Salary Statistics from "Salary and Benefits Schedule for the Certificated Bargaining Unit (Form J-90). Posted 1/9/2023-Until Filled Classified Staff Certificated Salary Schedules: Certificated Staff. Salary Schedule 3 - A+8% Percent Teachers - 11 Month. Posted 2/15/2023-Until Filled Speech Therapists' Salary Schedule 22-23. Once reconciled, this information is electronically submitted to payroll for automatic upload into the Skyward system. This salary schedule Is for a guaranteed year-long, seven period teaching assignment (six classes & one conference/prep) which includes, but is not limited to, Independent Study & CDC. Classified Salary Schedule and Classified Job Titles & Salary Ranges for non- credentialed positions such as Instructional . Clovis Unified School District. See the schedules below for a detailed breakout of certificated and classified wage increases each year. You must have a BA and passage of the CBEST examination. In the end, that employee experienced a 6% increase in compensation as a result of these two factors. Classified Staff Classified Staff Substitute Daily Rate Sheet 2022-2023 (Effective January 9, 2023 - June 30, 2023) Adult Education/ROP Salary Schedule for the Adult Education and ROP programs. The following documents must be attached to your Substitute Teacher application: For additional information or questions please, The Governing Board expects district employees to maintain the highest ethical standards, exhibit professional behavior, follow district policies and regulations, abide by state and federal laws, and exercise good judgment when interacting with students and other members of the school community. Livescan information will be provided by the District before attending the Orientation. 2023 Meeting Agendas and Minutes. CLASSIFIED. Certificated Salary Schedule 2018 - 2019 To become a Classified Substitute, email Cindy Moreno. The Santa Ana Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning . 408-522-8200 x1054. Apply Online, Special EducationTechnician Learning Center#82901 MDEA School Counselor Salary Schedule 2022-2023 . Classified Staff SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES - The pay period is from the 16th of the month to the 15th of the following month. 2022-23 CVTA Salary Schedule 7.00% effective July 1 2022 - pending Board Approval. Bus Driver and Transportation Department Salary Schedule. certificated salary schedule . Marlena Ceja Warning! Salary Schedule F - Psychologists, Speech and Language Specialists, Nurses. Certificated . Adult Ed Certificated Hourly Rates 2021-2022 . Each year an employee is with the district, they may move up the salary schedule and may receive an increase in their compensation, depending on the step they currently occupy on the schedule. 2022-23 CSEA Salary Schedule BA 2.15.23; 22-23 APT Salary Schedules (Board Approved: 11-16-22) . In addition, all years experience are granted for teacher placement on the Certificated Salary Schedule. Apply Online, Food Service Worker-Reedley HighSchool#82964 Applicants must have all required documents attached to their application in order to be selected. For further information, please seeCTC Leaflet CL505-30 Day Sub Permit. Salary Schedules. Management Job Titles and Salary Schedule. MDEA Teacher Salary Schedule 2022-2023. Applicants are notified if they are selected. (Must be dated within 18 months of application date). Current Year Certificated Management ; Certificated Management (CM) Superintendent ; Certificated Non-Management; C3 Charter Dual Language Teachers, Charter Home School Teachers, Counselors, Court Community School Teachers, Independent Study Teachers, Mild/Moderate Sp Ed Teachers, School Nurses, Special Education Teachers, Speech Therapists, and Teachers on Special . 21-22 Classified Salary Schedule. Sex-based Discrimination, including Sexual Harassment: Title IX Coordinator: Jeff Lowell, (425) 456-4010 or lowellj . Classified Staff Vacation Payout 2021. RCW 72.40.028 provides that salaries of all certificated employees shall be set so as to conform to and be contemporary with salaries paid to other certificated employees of similar background . School Counselor Salary Schedules, Elementary School 7/2022. 2023. Classified Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Management Salaries Unrepresented Salaries . Salary Schedules or Policies. . Now Hiring Food Service Substitutes. Salary Schedules. Academy Director Salary Schedule. The Clovis Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a persons actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Support Employee Salary Schedule. ESS Employee Self Service Registration Guide. Classified Staff ** Remember to download the documents to complete or fill-in. Posted 2/6/2023-Until Filled Salary Schedules. Certificated Salary Schedule 2019 - 2020 Classified Salary Schedule 2019 - 2020 Confidential and Purchasing Supervisor Salary Schedule 2019 - 2020 Management Salary Schedule 2019 - 2020. Salary Schedules. 2022-23 Certificated Subs & Miscellaneous 200 N. Bernard Spokane, Washington 99201 Phone: 509.354.5900 Website accessibility; K-12 Hourly Certificated Pay Schedule & Adult Teacher 2022-2023. Job Descriptions. To the top. 10 clock hours are equivalent to one quarter credit on the salary schedule. 2022-23 Certificated-Psych, Nurse & MFT Effective . Apply Online, Custodian-AltaSchool#82959 Classified Staff The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity, gender/sex (including gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and pregnancy-related medical conditions) sexual orientation, immigration status, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (not union related), a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance. Minimum salary for certificated teachers $44,830 #Training increment. Classified Service (Non-Bargaining Unit) Effective 01/01/2023 Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM), School Accountability Report Cards (SARC), Board and Superintendent Operating Procedures, Measure H - SAUSD Board of Education Term Limits, Administrative Regulations & Board Policies, Santa Ana Unified School District/City of Santa Ana Council, Santa Ana Unified School District/Rancho Santiago Community College District, Reso. Certificated Salary Schedules CONFIDENTIAL SALARY SCHEDULES Classified/Substitute Salary Schedules. 2022-2023 Payroll Schedule. Classified Staff Posted 2/15/2023-Until Filled Certificated and Classified Management Management Salary Schedule in accordance with CCR 570.5 and CCR 571 ; . Apply Online, Bus Driver Route # 53Transportation Department #82948 Posted 3/1/2023-Until Filled Sorensen Magnet School of the Arts and Humanities, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Frontline Log in to report or accept a teaching assignment. Salary schedules. 2018-2019 Salary Schedules. 2022-23 Plumbers and Steamfitters 2022-23 Warehouse Employees 2022-23 Unified Trades 2022-23 Technology and Information Services (TS) 2022-23 Technology and Information Services (ET) . Posted 2/6/2023-Until Filled range i (0-29) Holiday Schedule for Current SDCOE Employees: 2022-23. Please contact Human Resources if you have any questions regarding Salary Schedules. District Social Worker Salary Schedules 12/2022. Food Service Worker I, Job #22-177 - PHS. APPENDIX-A 190 DAY WORK YEAR. Speech Pathologists Salary Schedule 2022-2023. Long-Term Substitute positions are paid at $200 per day, starting on the twentieth (20th) consecutive day in the same assignment. Posted 2/24/2023-Until Filled Paraprofessional Specialist, Job #22-178 - PHS . Apply Online, Bus Driver Route # 9Transportation Department #82854 2022-2023 Attendance Schedule. CVTA 11 to 10 Month Payroll Agreement 3.25.2022 effective 2023-2024. Salary Schedules. Education Center and Adult School Salary Schedule 2022-2023. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Early Childhood Teachers Salary Schedule 2022-2023. Engaging all students in world-class, future-focused learning. Certificated Salary Schedules 7/2022. Teachers Salary Schedule. Certificated Teacher Job Description. Inquiries regarding compliance with this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to the Section 504 Program Coordinator or Director of Human Resources at the District Office, 1400 N. Northwood Center Ct., Coeur dAlene, Idaho 83814, (208) 664-8241. Certificated Counselors Salary Schedule 2022-2023. 2022-23 Certificated Teachers Salary Schedule 04/06/2022 Step RN RN+30 **BA **BA+15 **BA+30 **MA **MA+15 **MA+30 **MA+45 **PHD Generator Base $27,030 Generator Base $32,566 . All Rights Reserved. Posted 10/14/2022-Until Filled Classified Staff Classified Staff Administrative Salary Schedule. Certificated Employee Salary Schedule. 4151.10, 4251.10, 4351.10 EXH 9 Pep and Cheer Competition Positions Salary Schedule; 4151.20 Certificated Salary Schedule; 4151.21 Psychologist and Mental Health Support Provider; 4151.22 Adult and Career Technical Salary Schedule; 4251.10 EXH 1 Classified Salary Schedule Schematic; 4251.10 EXH 2 Classified Management Compensation Schematic MDEA Ext. For fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, the following 16 paid holidays are provided to all eligible employees . Certificated Salary Schedule. 2021-22 Certificated Calendars ; 2022-23 Certificated Calendars; 2020-21 Certificated Calendars; 2019-20 Certificated Calendars; 2018-19 Certificated Calendars; . Academic Calendar. Board Policy 4351 related to Employee Compensation now offers district certificated staff the opportunity to earn Professional Growth Units for attending LUSD developed professional growth opportunities. Personnel Services. Hesperia Unified School District 15576 Main Street Hesperia, CA 92345 Phone: (760) 244-4411 (714) 424-5000 Phone | (714) 424-8925 Fax, @2018-2022 Newport-Mesa Unified School District, Non-Discrimination StatementUniform Complaint ProcedureSexual Harassment PolicyTitle IXWebsite Accessibility Resources, In addition to the salary schedules provided above, information can also be found on the, Harbor Council Parent Teacher Association, School Accountability Report Cards (SARC), Facilities Development, Planning & Design, Residential and Commercial Construction Pathway, Important Information & Parent Agreements, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), World Languages - State Seal Of Biliteracy, Informal Bidding List Prequalification (CUPCCAA), 2022- 2023 Bid, RFP and RFQ Opportunities, Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers (NMFT), Classified School Employee Association (CSEA), Visit us at our Nutrition Services website, Seamless Transition Enrichment Program (STEP), School Health & Immunization Requirements, Transportation Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions, Emergency Preparedness Supply Information & Order Form, Language, Speech, Hearing/Audiologist (191 Days ), SDC Language, Speech and Hearing (186 Days ), Teachers and Elementary Counselors (188 days), Summer Salary Schedule Appendix A and other hourly rates, Classified Bargaining Unit Classification and Range Listing, Classified Bargaining Unit Salary Schedule (Hourly), Classified Bargaining Unit Salary Schedule (Monthly), Supervisory Classification and Range Listing, Confidential Classification and Range Listing, Management Salary Schedule in accordance with CCR 570.5 and CCR 571, Management Transportation Stipend Schedule, California State Controllers Government Compensation Website. ROTC Salary Schedules 7/2022. **Notify the Office Manager at your site(s) of your address change and send the "Change of Address" form to the District Office, . Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Certificated Salary Schedule 2022-2023. Posted 1/30/2023-Until Filled Classified Staff Posted 3/1/2023-Until Filled Classified Staff Bargaining Agreement (CSEA) Personnel Commission. Editing this pageset section will affect all pages on your website. 2021-2022 Attendance Schedule. Clock hour . Currently KCUSD employs 450 classified staff members. exhibit no. (Salary Schedule Increase & Union Negotiated Raises). Beginning September, 2011, schools will enter and reconcile all staff absences and certificated substitute "time cards" in Aesop. Classified Staff Posted 2/15/2023-Until filled Apply Online, District Instructional Coach Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Timecards for work performed from the 1st-15th of the month will be due to Payroll by the 25th of the month to be paid on the 9th. Get In Touch. Educationally Related Mental Health Service Providers. Comments (-1) Subscribe to RSS Feed - Certificated Salary Schedules . Salary Schedule E - Head Start Teacher, Associate Teacher. Independent Study Salary Schedule 22-23. Classified Staff Current News and Information: Certificated Teachers who turn in "Purple" time cards. CSEA Classified Contract. Certificated Substitute Teacher Evaluation Forms #01753Link District Financial Audit. CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE 2019-2020 7 PERIOD WORK SCHEDULE. Kings Canyon Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Apply Online, Groundsman-Maintenance Department #82955 Salary Schedules (Current) SAEOP and Paraprofessional SA1 and PA4 Salary Schedule, 260 - 8 2022-2023. 2019-2020 Attendance Schedule. Speech Language Pathologist. SEA Calendars, Salary Schedules and CBAs 2022-23 Certificated Staff Calendar 2022-2023 Certificated Staff Final.pdf 163.74 KB (Last Modified on August 16, 2022) SMEEA Certificated Contract. Apply Online, Clerk Typist Adult School #82957 AZDE - 2020_06 - Roadmap For Reopening Schools, Know the Curves - Guide for COVID-19 Testing, SUSD - 2020_08_24 - COVID-19 Response Plan, 22-23 Administrative Salary Schedule 8.30.pdf, 2022-2023 Guidance Counselor Salary Schedule, 22-23 Update Guidance Counselor Salary Schedule 8.28.pdf, 2022-2023 Certified and Nurses Salary Schedule, 22-23 Certificated and Nurses Salary Schedule 8.28.pdf, 2021-2022 Speech & Language Salary Schedule, 21-22_Psychologist_Salary_Schedule_2022 Aug 29.pdf, 2021-2022 Guidance Counselor Salary Schedule, Classified Salary Schedule Placement Guidelines, Classified Salary Schedule Placement Guidelines.pdf, 22-23 classified salary schedule 8.25.pdf, Public Concerns/Complaints About Personnel Form, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Equal Opportunity Employer Certificate. Apply Online, Athletic/PE Custodian-ReedleyHigh School#82968 For inquiries related to Section 504, please contact: Bianca Barquin, Assistant Superintendent, K-12 Teaching and Learning and District Section 504 Coordinator, 1601 E. Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92701, or by phone at (714) 558-5656 or via email at
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