c. Interpret the results in (a) and (b). [ 8.3.3 - Identify threats and attacks to an acquisition program life cycle . Job enrichment differs from job rotation in that job enrichment: empowers workers by adding more decision-making authority to their jobs. What type of security is "part of your responsibility" and "placed above all else?". 2, 2017) and other dimensions of the remote work arrangement. Which of the following best describes the sources that contribute to your online identity? 1, 2019). Remote work (or working remotely) is often considered to be an arrangement where employers require workers to work somewhere other than at the designated worksite because of temporary unforeseeable circumstances, such as pandemics, states of emergency, or inclement weather. 0 votes . In most organizations, telecommuting is not a right; its a privilege that you earn. Of the following, which is NOT a method to protect sensitive information? Which is NOT a method of protecting classified data? A colleague complains about anxiety and exhaustion, makes coworkers uncomfortable by asking excessive questions about classified projects, and complain about the credit card bills that his wife runs up. Accounting is "an information system that identifies, records, and communicates the economic events of an organization to interested users." Instructions Categorize the accounting tasks performed by Genesis as relating to either the identification (I), recording (R), or communication (C) aspects of accounting. Abrams, Z. You receive an email at your official Government email address from an individual at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). What should be your response? **Classified DataWhen classified data is not in use, how can you protect it? In which situation below are you permitted to use your PKI token? Which of the following is an important managing-by-results guideline to implement Praise in public, criticize in private Developing a structured work plan includes All of the above All of the following are important pieces of a communication plan EXCEPT Of-site meetings that a teleworker would attend in person All of the following are reminders about telework agreements EXCEPT Should not be . As teams become more virtual, it may be impossible for a single person to direct an entire project, Kozlowski says. Call your security point of contact immediately. When teleworking, you should always use authorized and software. *MOBILE DEVICES*Which of the following is an example of near field communication (NFC)? The telework agreement should specify what equipment and/or expenses will be covered by the agency, employee, or shared. which of the following is true of telework. Avoid using non-Bluetooth-paired or unencrypted wireless computer peripherals. And such remote work can benefit both employers and employees, experts say. Alert box notification is currently enabled, please, Official Website of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, follow this link to enable alert boxes for your session profile, follow this link to disable alert boxes for your session profile, Telework Managing Officers & Coordinators, Virtual Telework Fundamentals Training Courses, Telework and Performance Management Webcast Trainings, Enhancing Workplace Flexibilities and Work-Life Programs. In a shared office full of potential interruptions, that can be hard to do.. The Act requires the successful completion of "an interactive telework training program" for employees prior to entering into a written telework agreement. Which of the following is true of the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)? 1 Answer 0 votes answered by admic (1.0m points) selected by voice Best answer You must have your organization's permission to telework Telecommuting supports the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing the employees need to commute by vehicles. Health-care company Aetna, for example, has a decade-old remote work program that screens, trains and supports teleworkersa group that now makes up around half of the companys workforce. A study of 101 virtual teams co-authored by Steve Kozlowski, PhD, professor of organizational psychology at Michigan State University, shows that shared leadership rather than traditional hierarchical leadership is associated with improved team performance (Hoch, J.E., & Kozlowski, S.W.J., Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. Additionally, when employees are happy, the . What other steps should I take before I leave my office (e.g., forwarding the phone)? The Act requires employees to successfully complete telework training before they can telework. As a security best practice, what should you do before exiting? For instance, a meta-analysis by Gajendran and a co-author found that telecommuters relationships with colleagues generally only suffered if they worked remotely three or more days each week (Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. Other researchers have found that formalizing a virtual teams goals, roles and communication methods at the outset improves effectiveness (Gibson, C.B., et al., Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. Avoid using non-Bluetooth-paired or unencrypted wireless computer peripherals. b. identifying those who might be wasting their talents and not taking school seriously. a. Analyze the impact of the transaction on the accounting equation. **Social NetworkingWhat should you do if you receive a game application request that includes permission to access your friends, profile information, cookies, and sires visited? You receive an email at your official Government email address from an individual at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Teleworkers also appear to work more. Simplify the expressions with all exponents positive. **Physical SecurityAt which Cyberspace Protection Condition (CPCON) is the priority focus on critical functions only? (b) Explain the rationale for the use of the lower-of . What should you do after you have ended a call from a reporter asking you to confirm potentially classified info found on the web? Despite the largely positive findings on the benefits of telecommuting, just 7% of American companies offer the option to most or all of their employees, according to recent BLS data. Telecommuting supports the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing the employee's need to commute by vehicles. -It must be released to the public immediately. Store it in a General Services Administration (GSA)-approved vault or container Based on the description that follows, how many potetntial insider threat indicator (s) are displayed? List (not a written letter of reference) of a minimum of three (3) professional references with complete name, title, organization where he/she works, description of relationship, and with . A) The U.S. workforce is becoming older, and younger workers are more educated B) The U.S. workforce is becoming younger, and younger workers are more educated C) The U.S. workforce is becoming younger, and older workers are more educated The state may verify the information. How many potential insider threat indicators does this employee display? Use TinyURLs preview feature to investigate where the link leads. Telework is here to stay, says industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologist Timothy Golden, PhD, professor and area coordinator of enterprise management and organization at, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. *INSIDER THREAT*What threat do insiders with authorized access to information or information systems pose? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. you are indicating that all information is true and correct. -Unclassified information cleared for public release. Which of the following is NOT considered a potential insider threat indicator? You must have your organization's permission to telework. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. How many indicators does this employee display? What is the best example of Protected Health Information (PHI)? How should you protect a printed classified document when it is not in use? Telework helps make great places In 1964, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke predicted that doctors on one continent would one day operate on a patient on another continent, but missed the. For example, the EPA confirmed a year-to-year drop of over 30% in pollution levels in San Francisco following the shelter-in-place order. Get IT support Teleworkers are dependent on fast, reliable, consistent connections. 22, No. You should only accept cookies from reputable, trusted websites. Which of the following is NOT a way that malicious code spreads? In the 1970's the objective of telecommuting was to avoid traffic, that is, it was closely associated with transportation [32]. But experts say that without firmer boundaries, employees can experience exhaustion and burnout and that such overwork should be discouraged by managers and organizations. the details of pay and benefits attached to the job. It uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations. -Personal information is inadvertently posted at a website. Of course, some jobs are better suited to remote work than others. A colleague has won 10 high-performance awards, can be playful and charming, is not currently in a relationship, and occasionally aggressive in trying to access sensitive information. Remove your security badge after leaving your controlled area or office building. Which of following is true of protecting classified data? Who can be permitted access to classified data? How are Trojan horses, worms, and malicious scripts spread? Its time for organizations to move beyond seeing it as a family-friendly work arrangement. Your comments are due on Monday. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management offers online telework training. 7 How the project work will be carried out, monitored, and controlled? Malicious code can do the following except? Employers can hire geographically distributed talent and reduce overhead expenses, while employees can gain flexibility, save time, and reduce transportation and some child-care costs. Shockley, K. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2014. B. Follow instructions given only by verified personnel. Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? Still, he says, companies that offer telework arrangements strategicallyby making it contingent upon hitting performance targets, for instancemay be able to avoid such pitfalls. C. PAQ ratings cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. What does Personally Identifiable Information (PII) include? Only persons with appropriate clearance, a non-disclosure agreement, and need-to-know can access classified data. **Mobile DevicesWhich of the following helps protect data on your personal mobile devices? -Delete email from senders you do not know. -Remove your security badge, common access card (CAC), or personal identity verification (PIV) card. What should you do? -Never allow sensitive data on non-Government-issued mobile devices. Which of the following is true about telework? What should you do? Employees must take responsibility for the security of the data and other information they handle while teleworking. Under DLA policy, a first-line supervisor may be delegated authority to: Approved telework requests. As long as the document is cleared for public release, you may release it outside of DoD. Use TinyURLs preview feature to investigate where the link leads. Phishing can be an email with a hyperlink as bait. Note that the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), enacted March 11, 2021, amended and extended the tax credits (and the availability of advance payments of the tax credits) for paid sick and family leave for wages paid with respect to the period beginning April 1, 2021, and ending on September 30, 2021. In the teleworking sphere, psychologists are confident about a continuing upward trendBell anticipates such growth as businesses aim to attract employees in a tight labor market and as communication technologies become more sophisticatedbut theyre still probing a number of unanswered questions. 3, 2017). What level of damage to national security could reasonably be expected if unauthorized disclosure of Top Secret information occurred? If authorized, what can be done on a work computer? Ive tried all the answers and it still tells me off. What action is recommended when somebody calls you to inquire about your work environment or specific account information? -Its classification level may rise when aggregated. **Insider ThreatA colleague has visited several foreign countries recently, has adequate work quality, speaks openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy, and recently had his car repossessed. When using your government-issued laptop in public environments, with which of the following should you be concerned? Which of the following is NOT a criterion used to grant an individual access to classified data? Some early adoptersincluding Best Buy, IBM and Yahooare even reversing policies that once allowed employees to telecommute, citing leadership changes and a growing need for creative collaboration. When done well, remote work has the potential to improve performance, increase employee satisfaction and benefit a business., Supporting Virtual Collaborations **Insider ThreatHow many potential insider threat indicators does a coworker who often makes others uneasy by being persistent in trying to obtain information about classified projects to which he has no access, is boisterous about his wife putting them in credit card debt, and often complains about anxiety and exhaustion display? Which of the following is NOT a correct way to protect CUI? Decline so that you maintain physical contact of your Government-issued laptop. What information should you avoid posting on social networking sites? Which of the following is a best practice for handling cookies? Answers: Apples, pears, oranges, bananas. *SOCIAL NETWORKING*When may you be subject to criminal, disciplinary, and/or administrative action due to online misconduct? How are compensating balances reported in financial statements? It is permissible to release unclassified information to the public prior to being cleared. Knowledge workers such as computer programmers who can do most of their work on a laptoptasks like creating software code, reports or spreadsheetsand people whose productivity is easily monitored, such as insurance claims adjusters or call center workers, are the most likely to telecommute, says Ravi Gajendran, PhD, assistant professor in the department of global leadership and management at Florida International University. **Social EngineeringWhich of the following is a practice that helps to prevent the download of viruses and other malicious code when checking your email? To secure IoT devices: Examine the default security options available Enable any security features Set a robust password at the device's maximum length, if possible 42, No. The strength of Answer computing and the growth of the mobile digital platform allow organizations to rely more on telework, remote work, and distributed decision making. Trust among team members starts lower in virtual teams than in face-to-face teams, but over time, it can build to the same levels, she says. As part of the telework arrangement, be clear about when teleworkers are expected to be completing tasks and when they should be responsive to incoming calls or emails. Which of the following is true of self-managing work teams? Examples include but are not limited to the following: 1) an employee has a short-term need A. Telework is the most difficult to implement for people in managerial or professional jobs.B. What action should you take? How many indicators does this employee display? Which of the following is NOT true of traveling overseas with a mobile phonePhysical security of mobile phones carried overseas is not a major issue. Which is NOT a way to protect removable media? DoD employees are prohibited from using a DoD CAC in card-reader-enabled public devices. Maintain possession of your laptop and other government-furnished equipment (GFE) at all times. whether the employee is expected to work during agency closures or other Continuity of Operations (COOP) related emergencies or situations that may result in a disruption to normal office operations). (23)2\left(\frac{2}{3}\right)^{-2} Which of the following is true about knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that are required for a job? If you participate in or condone it at any time. What should you do to protect classified data? 92, No. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. You know this project is classified. When would be a good time to post your vacation location and dates on your social networking website? Additionally, if you are using assistive technology and would like to be notified of items via alert boxes, please, This website uses features which update page content based on user actions. The parameters of this agreement are most often laid out by the agency policy and/or collective bargaining agreement but should include the following key elements: The manager and teleworker should work together to periodically evaluate the arrangement, make changes to the agreement as necessary, and re-sign the document. A coworker has asked if you want to download a programmer's game to play at work. Note any identifying information, such as the websites URL, and report the situation to your security POC. A man you do not know is trying to look at your Government-issued phone and has asked to use it. Based on the description that follows, how many potetntial insider threat indicator(s) are displayed? The way teams are configuredthe number and distribution of members and sitesalso matters. You must possess security clearance eligibility to telework. A colleague has visited several foreign countries recently, has adequate work quality, speaks openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy, and recently had his car repossessed. Which of the following is NOT true of traveling overseas with a mobile phone? *SOCIAL ENGINEERING*What action should you take with an e-mail from a friend containing a compressed Uniform Resource Locator (URL)? Which of the following is true? In addition to formally exploring any cultural or ideological differences, collaborators should also consider how such teams are led. Of the following, which is NOT a characteristic of a phishing attempt? Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! It considers only the inputs of a work process, ignoring the outputs. On a NIPRNET system while using it for a PKI-required task. d. All of the above are steps in the measurement process of external . You are reviewing your employees annual self evaluation. 62, No. **Classified DataWhich of the following is true of protecting classified data? **Insider ThreatWhich of the following should be reported as a potential security incident (in accordance with you Agencys insider threat policy)? Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Record the transaction using debits and credits. Use a common password for all your system and application logons. For more information about agency-based telework training and/or information technology training, please consult your agency Telework Coordinator or TMO. Which of the following is NOT a correct way to protect sensitive information? In a survey his team conducted, nearly all companies interviewed said they intend to continue offering teleworking or expand its use in the future (Workplace Redesign: Current Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities, CAHRS White Paper, 2019). What information most likely presents a security risk on your personal social networking profile? *Spillage.What should you do if a reporter asks you about potentially classified information on the web? Telecommuting is a management tool just like any other, Gajendran says. In a study of 273 teleworkers from sales, marketing, accounting, engineering and other departments at one organization, Gajendran and Golden found that employees whose jobs were highly complex but did not require significant collaboration or social support performed better when telecommuting than when working in the companys office (Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. -Phishing can be an email with a hyperlink as bait. Your comments are due on Monday. Which of the following job design techniques involving the addition of decision-making authorities to a job is credited to Frederick Herzberg? You can find your Telework Coordinator by searching OPM's Telework Contact Tool. Which of the following attacks target high ranking officials and executives? What is NOT Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? The process of getting detailed information about jobs is known as _____. Which of the following is a good practice to avoid email viruses? Which of the following demonstrates proper protection of mobile devices? C. Telecommuting supports the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducingthe employee's need to commute by vehicles. In todays global economy, virtual teams can be distributed across different offices or departments in a single organization or they can span time zones, industries and national borders. Those workers tend to be older, more educated, full time and nonunion. **Classified DataWhich classification level is given to information that could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security? A coworker removes sensitive information without approval. New interest in learning a foreign language. *CLASSIFIED DATA*What is a good practice to protect classified information? Determine if the software or service is authorized. For the current COVID-19 Requirements please visit the following link. Which of the following is NOT a typical means for spreading malicious code? As our readers might expect, new guidance from the Department of Labor and recent . Which of the following is an appropriate course of action while formulating job descriptions? *SpillageWhich of the following may help prevent inadvertent spillage? Box 5000 Lawrence, KS 66046-0500 Something you possess, like a CAC, and something you know, like a PIN or password. Which of the following actions is appropriate after finding classified information on the Internet? The potential for unauthorized viewing of work-related information displayed on your screen. Which of the following is true about telework? The website requires a credit card for registration. You check your bank statement and see several debits you did not authorize. The email states your account has been compromised and you are invited to click on the link in order to reset your password. Issues that should be addressed include: This website uses features which update page content based on user actions. In these cases, leadership functions need to be shifted to the team itself, so members with specific expertise can drive problem-solving in various areas.. Which of the following is an example ofmalicious code? Classified material must be appropriately marked. Decline So That You Maintain Physical Control of Your Government-Issued Laptop. -Make note of any identifying information and the website URL and report it to your security office. **Social EngineeringWhat is TRUE of a phishing attack? Of the following, which is NOT an intelligence community mandate for passwords? Which scenario might indicate a reportable insider threat? **Identity ManagementYour DoD Common Access Card (CAC) has a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) token approved for access to the NIPRNet. Someone calls from an unknown number and says they are from IT and need some information about your computer. What should you do? On the one hand, family and social obligations can easily bleed over into work hours. Which of the following definitions is true about disclosure of confidential information? Which of the following should you NOT do if you find classified information on the internet? What should you do? *Sensitive InformationUnder which circumstances is it permitted to share an unclassified draft document with a non-DoD professional discussion group? Which of the following is an example of Protected Health Information (PHI)? And because teleworkers cant make social connections during watercooler chats, Jacoby also suggests alternative ways to support staff relationship-building, including online message boards and small stipends for virtual lunch or coffee dates. B. PAQ reports provide concrete recommendations useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. A type of phishing targeted at high-level personnel such as senior officials. 50, No. -Monitor credit card statements for unauthorized purchases. *SOCIAL NETWORKING*When is the safest time to post details of your vacation activities on your social networking profile? . **Insider ThreatHow many potential insider threat indicators does a person who is playful and charming, consistently wins performance awards, but is occasionally aggressive in trying to access sensitive information display? People choose to work remotely to avoid daily commutes, reduce workplace distractions and fulfill family care responsibilities (Owl Labs State of Remote Work, 2017). 2, 2015). Which is a way to protect against phishing attacks? Always use DoD PKI tokens within their designated classification level. Tech-Marketing Inc., an advertising firm located in Ohio, requires its employees to be at work between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. When using a fax machine to send sensitive information, the sender should do which of the following? includes a one-time $200 Amazon allowance for ordering at-home office equipment or preferred supplies to support the telework experience. In a 2015 research review, Golden and his colleagues found that, overall, telecommuting increased job satisfaction, performance and feelings of commitment to an organization among employees. 62, No. TERMS AND CONDITIONS By creating an account (login and password), I understand and expressly consent to the following:. *SpillageWhat is a proper response if spillage occurs? You DoD Common Access Card has a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) token approved fro access to the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet). The CAC/PIV is a controlled item and contains certificates for: Classified Information can only be accessed by individuals with, -Assigned a classification level by a supervisor. Classified information that should be unclassified and is downgraded. Telework Eligible: No For More Info: HR Section 000-000-0000 jobs.usembassy.be@state.gov Overview Hiring Path: Open to the public . A colleague has visited several foreign countries recently, has adequate work quality, speaks openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy, and recently had his car repossessed. *INSIDER THREAT*Based on the description below how many potential insider threat indicators are present? -Using NIPRNet tokens on systems of higher classification level. He found that when telecommuting is less common at a company, employees tend to perform best when they work primarily remotely. Which of the following is NOT a typical result from running malicious code? When checking in at the airline counter for a business trip, you are asked if you would like to check your laptop bag. Which of the following is NOT a best practice to protect data on your mobile computing device? Additionally the National Archives & Records Administration provides guidance to agencies and their employees that applies to Federal records in a telework environment on NARA's FAQs about Telework. Under what circumstances is it acceptable to check personal email on Government-furnished equipment (GFE)?
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