Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. There are several reasons to abandon an outpost. If your community is depressed, they will start fighting and wasting resources. The maximum amount of Outposts you can have is 7 in Campaign and 8 in Heartland. Best bases there are Mazarra farm (for food production and location) or Squelones Brewery (for influence farming) If you are using or don't have the builder boon (free power and water), then the fire station in Providence is the ultimate base. Outposts are essential assets for your community's survival. Description for map choosing menu & legecy boon menu. Followers were expendables. Salvaged weapons now return their ammo to your Supply Locker instead of destroying it. PC. First, you need to open the in-game menu and navigate to the Base page of that menu. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. If you're constantly low on Meds, find a free outpost that supplies some. The last option when interacting with your Command Center will allow you to upgrade to level two for a couple of Materials and the help of two survivors. They also allow you to learn or improve your survivors' Utilities skills. If nothing else, manually removing outposts gives a partial material and influence refund. I suspect that with Update 30 we'll have to switch maps to have the new functionality kick in, so I'd like to bulk up on Materials now and if I'm given something back from the Outposts it'd be more than I could carry anyway, so it'd be a good start to getting the base I want set up and the . What make the bases better is, in no particular order; What boons you are using, what resources you need most. It is possible to know exactly which outpost to abandon. At the very beginning of State of Decay 2, only two outposts can be claimed. Privacy Policy. With the information shown from hovering over different icons on your map, you can see which buildings provide loot and which are possible outpost locations. Plus great looting area and built-ins. When the player uses a. Each home site has a maximum number of 2-8 slots for outposts. Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota (10) Claim a landmark outpost. As for switching characters, it has the same perks as the remote Locker. Since Update 25 we also have Landmark Outposts. The remains of Amani, a century-old scientific laboratory in Tanzania, are quintessential modern relics. Spreading outposts apart and setting their traps can allow an entire area to be free of zombies. Consider the needs of the survivors in your community to determine whether a particular outpost offers what they need. What I cannot figure out from research is whether any of the upgrade costs are refunded. However, using too many outposts in this fashion will leave most other parts of the map vulnerable to hordes infestation, which will affect morale and hinder missions. Cookie Notice RollingThief 5 yr. ago. Can be upgraded. Press J to jump to the feed. It's just a stable trading outpost I threw his way for a stable influx of . For State of Decay and State of Decay 3 content visit r/StateofDecay and r/StateofDecay3! What started with creative writing blossomed into sharing her gaming passion with the world. Once the area is secure, approach the camp lantern and interact with it to pull up the menu to claim an outpost. I don't remember if there was a resource cost to reclaim it, will have to check next time I'm on. We can also learn or improve the Chemistry skill by spending influence. State of Decay 2: Heartland gives me what I was asking for. The U.S. Military is the largest organization present in State of Decay, and among the only notable law enforcement agencies still active and operational throughout the outbreak, albeit relatively unseen. Other Rare weapon cases are further away from the starting base but they come in bunches of 2-3 that are close to each other, allowing you to make very precise loot runs for high end items. Yes, go to your Base screen and the outposts are in slots on the top right. Or you can just clear a building, make it an outpost and then fast loot everything and dismantle it for zero penalty and move on. CRAZY GAME DEALS! 2023 Undead Labs LLC. To abandon an outpost, press the View button to bring up the map, go across to Base and highlight the node on the outpost you wish to abandon. As for actually claiming an outpost, there are two requirements: Clearing out the nearby zombies is an easy task, as there tend to be only a handful of the undead in the vicinity unless of course you are trying to destroy a plague heart. Not with his hair matted with sweat and dirt, and skin marred with filth. If youve got plenty of food, medical supplies, and a decent stash of ammo, you probably arent benefitting from having an outpost that provides these. Only a a system where you need the right few distant outposts still send contacts to get the best spare regular updates. Water. Abandoning an outpost directly from the map view. You'll then need to select the 'Demote' option. For more State of Decay 2 tips and tutorials, be sure to check out our otherState of Decay 2 guide coverageto learn aboutall base locations in State of Decay 2as well ashow to sleep and recover stamina. Instead, it would be better to abandon one of them and claim an outpost that grants you building supplies. One of the core aspects of State Of Decay 2 is building, so having a good understanding of the mechanics behind it will help you speed up your progress throu. This way you can have a convenient place to offload items while scavenging and exploring without having to return all the way back to your home base. Pretty sure providence ridge houses the biggest bases and map, fire station, and lumber mill. Claimed Outposts can also be abandoned if you don't need them anymore. Different outposts will give you different things. Early on in the game, you will only be able to claim two outposts. minimum distance between toilet and shower. Rucksacks must be brought back to your current Home Site despite having these Lockers, because they can only be deposited into your Storage. You can also purchase mods and books from traders and enclaves. To the right-hand side of this page are your outposts. At your home base, you can upgrade various different facilities so that you can craft more items and raise production levels. By playing Daybreak you can also get +1 Slot by recruiting a Red Talon Contractor with the Hacking Quirk Skill. If you are using or don't have the builder boon (free power and water), then the fire station in Providence is the ultimate base. Cheats. Updated August 1, 2021, by Sharnelle Earle: Though State of Decay 2 is around three years old, Undead Labs still works on keeping it up to date. At the bottom of that popup are two options: upgrading the outpost and abandoning it. Outposts can now be upgraded to increase production for your community. For more information, please see our Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Fabric hangs from his body in nothing similar to finery; they're rags, not robes. To do this you will have to go to the command post of the outpost> select open outpost to find two options, update and leave the outpost. Ammo Outposts provide you with some Ammo per day. Can be upgraded for additional benefits. A secure outpost means there are no zombies in the area. This makes some maps more worth going to than others, depending on how good their Landmark outpost is. Provides Ammo each day. Brewery is one of the best bases in the game - Middle of the map(This is extremely important,base in middle of Meagher Valley is ten times better than base in the corner of Providence Ridge), only need 6 people to occupy it, has built in Stills for Influence farming, and you can fit in : Trade Depo , Food Farm, Workshop , Infirmary , Shooting Range (Stamina Bonus,Wits training), Fighting Gym(Health Bonus,Fighting Training) and Watchtower also there is built in kitchen that allows you to use Enact Rationing - if you have these facilities you are set. Influence is earned in many different ways. Outposts no longer require any materials per day to maintain. The best part is you get all your influence back with no cooldown and short action times, so you can pop up and tear down outposts for utility purposes as you scavenge. In-game description: At an outpost, we can swap active characters and access our supply locker in relative safety. Yes, go to your Base screen and the outposts are in slots on the top right. Abandoning an outpost refunds some of the influence points, which can be used to claim another outpost. But claiming outposts is different. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Veteran Reinforcements. So if someone Im not controlling kills a zed, I get influence? 15% chance of missing allies coming home safely on their own. After you build a home base and begin recruiting survivors in State of Decay 2, you will eventually need to branch out and start claiming outposts throughout the zombie-infested town. Select an outpost, and youll see a popup page for it. . Otherwise, I'm fairly certain you get a similar refund through simply changing maps, the same way you get a material refund through swapping bases. A place to resupply without traveling all the way home. The amount it provides depends on your game's Community Difficulty. Unclaim outposts?? Bringing resource rucksacks home will give you five. See at . Another advantage of having many outposts scatted in the corners of the map is that they act as safe places where you can safely sit in the menu while you upgrade skills and deal with improving the community morale. Not sure if it's intended, but to my knowledge there is no consequence to buying an outpost and then refunding it. These are usually simply an extension of the main community base, it is not possible to live here, however, it is possible to get some benefits from them, such is the case of some sources of food, medicine or increases in morale, however, knowing how leaving an outpost is . Can be upgraded. After the outpost is established the resources can be looted without affecting the outpost type (e.g. Water Outposts provide water for all of your facilities and a morale bonus for your community. This menu shows what the outpost will provide up the top and the requirements for claiming the outpost down the bottom. Balanced all 4 Legacy Boon. These features make outposts even more beneficial than before. This. Killing small elites, like Screamers and Bloaters, will give you five Influence. It has a utility room that provides both. Yes, you get it refunded I believe (read it on another thread, could be wrong!) Can be upgraded. Her interests lie in fantasy adventure games and well-brewed black tea. Note: This needs to be added to your account manually, I will need your information. If you want to abandon the outpost, select that action and confirm it. Available on Steam for the first time, this edition is packed with new and remastered content for the ultimate zombie survival experience. Reviews. Press J to jump to the feed. We contuniue with the co-op gameplay and work on upgrading our base and upgrading our command center. Can be upgraded for additional benefits. The fire station is technically better if you can live with the built-in features and annoying blockage out front. Take out all of the zombies in that area and head over to the interaction point to get it. New to Shacknews? Fewer entrances for zombies than the lumber mill / easier for you to defend. In SoD1 it would tell you outpost 1 or 2, but I don't see that here. As of some recent update, you do not get a full refund on Dread or higher difficulty. Each home site has a maximum number of 2-8 slots for outposts. Provides three times the baseline outpost Ammo income. 60% of the Outpost's cost and the Outpost Slot will be refunded when doing so (only 40% if the Community Difficulty is on Nightmare or Lethal). Note: Materials Outposts can't be upgraded in Heartland. Providence Ridge but you have to complete the introduction. Note: The Learn Utilities Outpost Action is not available in Heartland. From here, you can remove outposts without being anywhere near them. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Claiming an outpost offers a host of benefits for the home base and the survivors, so its a vital step to take. Killjoy, Blacktalon Intel, and The Obsidian Citadel. Destroying Plague Hearts grant you 150 Influence. Set up the outpost THEN take the resource, this way you get it plus get the outpost reduction boost. Upgraded Materials Outposts provide more Materials and allow you to learn or improve your survivors' craftsmanship skills. Applying this upgrade will increase the number of outposts you can claim for your community in State of Decay 2. In addition to dozens of vehicle wrecks and abandoned buildings, the presence of makeshift Home Sites (such as the container fort and the bridge . Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Look for buildings that have this Potential Resource icon and loot them to find mods and books. This makes claiming outposts more beneficial gives you a reason to revisit them. This limitation will play a large role in the decision of what outpost to claim. Another benefit of the upgraded outposts is the fact that they can unlock three new achievements, for a total of 50 gamerscore! The Zedhunter Update launches today, free for all SoD2 players including Xbox Game Pass, and owners of the Standard and Ultimate editions. Every single outpost. Before you go out to claim outposts in State of Decay 2, . Radagon lingered at the boundary of the charged array, brows furrowed . Read Also: State of Decay 2: How to beat the Juggernaut The first way to upgrade an outpost is within the outpost after claiming it. How to Abandon an Outpost. Each mod will only affect the one facility you equip it to. Providence having less heart? and those who've come back from the dead. Add this game to my: Favorite Games. It takes 1500 Influence and six survivors to claim, and it's well-worth the trouble. The best part is you get all your influence back with no cooldown and short action times, so you can pop up and tear down outposts for utility purposes as you scavenge. Lawkan 4 years ago #6. State of Decay 2 is available on May 22, 2018 for Xbox One and Windows 10, priced at $29.99 with Xbox Play Anywhere support. These missions are not equal with the Legacy Missions you get after wiping out the Blood Plague.
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