What are some example patient cases/ clinical assessment questions you have gotten during your interviews? What do you do when someone you work with disagrees with you? If you want to study, review your major inpatient disease states before hand. 3 This ebook consists of two parts: - Part I: Top 101 pharmacy interview questions and answers (pdf, free download) - Part II: Top 12 tips to prepare for pharmacy interview 4. What was the biggest factor in how you ranked your programs? Teaching, clinical practice, or research? First thing I did as a pharmacist. We always ask this question twice to push the candidate: The medic insists now what do you do?, However, this type of hypothetical question may be challenging to score, particularly if an employer is trying to compare a large number of candidates, so it may be avoided in interviews given by community pharmacy multiples or other large pharmacy employers. o Exposed at a young age I was told that residencies might ask clinical questions during interviews. Think about your relationships with people you love, especially in your family. If you know who will be interviewing you, research their interests, where they graduated from and their specialties. , 87. What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic? 0
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@d3$@P C~ What differentiates you from your peers as a candidate for this position? Discussion with Current Residents. The place I'm at now for residency, it was all about what questions am I asking myself and where am I going to look up this information. Candidates need to come to the interview and have a clear idea of what salary they believe the job is worth. Hold a local or regional professional position They are often needed with other medicines so imply you would be part of a bigger team.. What are prospective employers hoping to find out from the trickiest questions and how should you tackle them? Why do you want to do a pharmacy residency? Residency Prep 101: What to Do While You are Still in Pharmacy School. It gives you a chance to stand out from. What type of leadership qualities does a pharmacist need? While apixaban is approved for the treatment of acute VTE, limited data support its use in cancer patients. PGY1, PGY2, and beyond accepted! But, what you should MAINLY prepare for is getting a lot of sleep the night before, and coming into the interview with energy and a clear mind! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What would be the title of your autobiography? When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Authored By: Timothy P. Gauthier, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCIDP Last updated: 2 February 2022 In the pharmacy profession the start of a new calendar year means the start of pharmacy residency interview season. Tell me about a time when you made a mistake. What motivated you to become a pharmacist? What 3 words would your last preceptor use to describe you? And, I know we are all familiar with the classic business on top, pajamas on the bottom look from our past year of Zoom meetings, but Id make sure youre in professional attire from top to bottom. Major bleeding occurred in 0% of 145 patients receiving apixaban, compared with 1.4% of 142 patients receiving dalteparin [P = .138; hazard ratio (HR) not estimable because of 0 bleeding event in apixaban group]. What are 3 areas in which you could improve? Alright if I had to give only ONE piece of advice to residency applicants when it comes to interviews, is to prepare SO so many questions for your interviewers. If youre newly qualified, dont go too far outside the rate for starting salaries. - doing this because it feels right. Stage 1: Preparing for the Interview. hb```fVviaf`0p40020\w@UA9! UR3d%|)HYf0XFR:*@a P3?rE -d! iPv f;O^3Hl{=x.3V i$AF0N Rl&. To prep for something like that I would run through a few cases with diff common scenarios like PNA, UTI, diabetes, etc. With match day coming up, it has me second guessing myself. Available. When doing group work, what role do you tend to take on? The elevator pitch- get ready for this one and have your answer DOWN. What 3 words would your last preceptor use to describe you? What was your least favorite rotation and why? @ Can you describe a time when you made a substantial impact on a patients care? - Self aware (limits, feedback, reflection) CONCLUSIONSOral apixaban was associated with low major bleeding and VTE recurrence rates for the treatment of VTE in cancer patients. How did you reach it? Stress management and dealing with controversy. Hi do you mean if you didnt know the answer you said.. like oh I dont know that but I could look _____? Is there a project you worked on that you are most proud of? How do you adapt and deal with the continually changing pharmacy environment? Musical Chairs & The ABCs of SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies, A Comparison Of Paxlovid Versus Molnupiravir: The First Oral COVID Antivirals, Five Things For Pharmacists To Know About The Omicron Variant, Molnupiravir The New COVID Antiviral Named After Thors Hammer, Having a basic idea how you will answer potential questions (listed below), Contemplating how thespecific program matches with your unique professional goals, Reviewing information about the program that is available online, Answer the entire question being asked and in sufficient detail for the interviewers to understand your response, Anticipate that you should explain your answer if it is a yes or no type question, Ask for clarification or for the question to be repeated if you do not understand it, Avoidguessing if you get clinical questions you do not know the answer to it is better to say you are not sure and will get back to the person asking the question, rather than get it wrong. Instead, the main vibes I got from these sessions last year was that programs generally cared about my thought process and clinical reasoning, and how I would present a patient to a preceptor. Fast forward to your retirement party. Rachel with mentee experience I'm having a hard time judging a residency program because my interview left me unsure of whether it was just rushed and badly set up or if it raises serious questions about the program's values and culture. Then, once she had completed all of her interviews, she talked to her dad who was able to remember how she felt after each interview- he was able to tell which ones she was the most excited about after she left, and which ones she maybe wasnt as energetic after, and help her remember that when she went to rank her programs. Why was it not accepted? These are just my thoughts and things I wish I knew before going through interviews last year! I share my resources with others once I am done with them Lovenox bridging guidelines, Tell me about a situation when your job went through big changes. What are you hoping to accomplish by pursuing Pharmacy Residency training? The best thing to do in this case is to legitimately write out separate questions for each interviewer- thats what I did and I had my padfolio right in front of me to reference those if I needed. One was 20 minutes on site for a small and straightforward case. endstream
Being interviewed for a new job can be intimidating at any stage of a pharmacist's career. When they ask if you have any questions, it's important that you ask a few. V -`@~>b3NlAT@A="^+0ea&*d` m;(T `
Be cautious about overtly or subtly discussing any inappropriate or taboo topics (e. Keep things on a positive note, bashing others will not win you any points, Write down how you felt the experience went, so you can refer to it later when making your final decisions on which programs to rank in the match, Follow-up on any questions that you did not know the answer to and had said you would get back to them, Send thank you emails or letters, particularly to the residency program director and other people in key decision making roles. What did you do to ensure it would not happen again? Tell me about a clinical intervention that you made on rotation. . Complete a PGY2 What skills do you perceive to be important towards succeeding as a pharmacy resident? Interview at the program you want the most later in your interview schedule (mid/late February; try to avoid March for scheduling interviews). How are resident projects designed to meet the departments goals? Honesty with my performance American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) - an international association of clinical pharmacists dedicated to optimizing drug therapy outcomes in patients by promoting excellence and innovation in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education. Do whatever you feel good about! o The main reason I attribute to why I am here today What are 3 areas in which you could improve? Does anyone have any insight on what kinds of questions might come up and how I should prepare? What was your least favorite rotation in pharmacy school? Lauder highlights that the more senior the post the candidate is applying for, the more complex the example situation that would be expected. Describe what you do to keep up with the literature and tell me about a recent paper youve read or a presentation you have attended. He believes that candidates should give a brief summary of what led to the inquiry, including a few highlights that caused such a public reaction. What makes you a better applicant than others? Tell us about a skill you have improved upon since the beginning of pharmacy school and how you worked to improve it. Can you describe your experience working in the pharmacy profession? What do you expect to get out of doing this pharmacy residency? Schedule interviews. Have a thorough understanding of what is unique about each residency and why you are interested in it. They may be conducted via telephone or through the use of videoconferencing software, such as Skype. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, how do you think that might impact your residency training? If there are definite training opportunities, for example, a postgraduate diploma or independent prescribing qualification, that are part of in-house development then explain how achieving this will provide additional experience for future moves. Describe a time when you received feedback from a preceptor that you did not agree with. F recount the entire plot of the novel Digital scheduling makes it much easier, I even schedule out naps on my Outlook. Hat-tip to Dr. Mahoney for this question. Well, I believe there is a sixth vital sign: financial toxicity. Remember, the whole reason you are applying for residency is to gain more training on how to be a clinical pharmacist- youre not supposed to be an expert yet! On-site interviews include: Site tour; 1:1 time with the current resident; Three formal interviews with leaders in the department How would your best friend describe your strengths and weaknesses? If your interviewer springs a case on you, it may involve giving a case that you only have 30 minutes to complete a write-up about. o Utility as a pharmacist Tell us about a time when you had to make a difficult decision. Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond at work? What do you see your residents struggling with the most? Setting too high of expectations for myself But, something you should definitely be aware of is that the main point of these questions is NOT to see if you have every dose of lisinopril memorized, or you can perfectly name every bug that each of the cephalosporins cover off the top of your head. Can you describe your experience working in the pharmacy profession? Pharmacy PGY1 Residency Interview Questions. What was the most significant intervention you made during pharmacy rotations? o Operate at the fringe of my licensure. because that is something I've really been learning in residency that has vastly improved my overall clinical skills. In my PGY1 interviews 7 programs did cases, I would say in general know vanco, warfarin, and AFIB/ HF those were topics that I was asked about for general opinions and thought process, definitely agree on the PNA. A place to share about interviews during the first part of the year, discuss projects, or anything else pharmacy residency. - Old school mentality Which ones do you currently possess and how do you intend to develop the others? Do you consider yourself good at managing stress? Tell us about a time where you experienced negative team dynamics, and what you did to try and overcome this. She had several jobs and in each one she got an extra qualification and then left not long after they had trained her, she remembers. Just make sure you are up to date on guidelines and therapies pertinent to the program (depending on if it's hospital, amb care, etc). With features published by media such as Business Week and Fox News, Stephanie Dube Dwilson is an accomplished writer with a law degree and a master's in science and technology journalism. What was your least favorite class in pharmacy school? March: Obtain match results phase 1 You will want to know about the commute, suggested places to live and the cost of living. References. Id also encourage you to jot down notes after each interview too about what you liked and didnt like from your day- this will also be super helpful. Residency Program Resources Residency accreditation is an important driver for excellence, serving as a bridge between education and practice. Roles of a Pharmacist in a Hospital Pharmacy, The University of Texas College of Pharmacy: Surviving the Residency Application Process, Wilkes University College of Pharmacy: Interview Questions, General Surgery Residency Interview Questions. If you discovered a co-worker was stealing property from the pharmacy, what course of action would you take? Can you describe a time when you made a substantial impact on a patient's care? Describe a situation where you saw a problem and took steps to fix it. Residency Prep 101: What to Do While You are Still in Pharmacy School. The official journal of The Royal Pharmaceutical Society, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. One was really tough, but the other interviews were more reasonable. This is why you remain in the best website to look the unbelievable books to have. It is always interesting to reflect on how we come across to others, explains Brown. At your retirement party, what would you want your colleagues to remember about you? Has the COVID-19 pandemic afforded you any unique opportunities? hb```rVvf``0pt8@Xsk?50f7!a o&s:+f8T2 History with the college and PGY1 in the area What was it and what did you do to correct it? 2009 Apr 26; Orlando, FL. What qualities do you expect from your preceptors? Doing some sort of teamwork/group game with the candidates. What is your learning philosophy? Mindfulness, making time for myself N|(4OGgaXo"Dl
?!G2C - *Want a more individualized experience* All applicants must have a PharmD and be either PGY1 residency trained with an additional 3 years of relevant clinical hospital pharmacist experience or hold PGY2 Pharmacy Admin or Infectious Disease Residency training. She adds that it would be important that they kept calm, organised and delegated appropriately and had safety as their paramount consideration. What are your strongest and weakest subjects? Which is most important to you? Even if youre interviewing with a program that you may consider to be your back-up, really stay engaged and excited with whomever you are interacting with, as some programs will definitely surprise you! Grand Rounds. DONT stress about hitting every patient counseling point in the package insert. Can you tell us about a time when you were working in a group and had to take up a leadership role? Why was it meaningful to you? Tell us about a time when you had to manage multiple problems and/or priorities. H explain the meaning of the quotation as it relates to the novel Can you tell us about your support system outside of school/work? BCOP - Indications. 1. What trainingchallenges have you faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and what have you done to overcome them? Completing a pharmacy residency is a required stepping stone for being able to practice as a pharmacist. Im pushing for simple clinical questions that are moreso behavioral based. How did you know this program was the one for you? Can you describe a time where you had to overcome a difficult situation? She adds: I would also not want a confrontational candidate who barges in. Review CV and LOI, career goals/interests, clinical knowledge. In an interview for a pharmacy residency, interviewers often ask in-depth questions to determine how you solve problems, continue your education and perform in a pharmacy setting. It's good to have questions written down prior to the interview and bring them with you. DO focus on having a friendly/helpful/patient demeanor. How can I contribute to your mission? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If it was a life-threatening situation, and you did your research, and they still dont accept it, what then? Never good at keeping a planner DONT read straight from your slides- make sure youre talking to your audience too! Preparing to interview for a post-graduate residency or position? 69ZfUQ0r0#3,W I made this list from many different resources- guides I found online, a guide my school gave me, and lists I had made over the years from attending residency information sessions. Thirdly, explain what the results and outcomes were, so that the interviewer can understand the impact of the behaviours on the situation.. What do you perceive to be the role of the pharmacist? Here are just a few ideas of questions you can ask. PATIENTS/METHODSPatients with cancer-associated VTE were randomly assigned to receive either apixaban 10 mg twice daily for seven days followed by 5 mg twice daily for six months or subcutaneous dalteparin (200 IU/kg for one month followed by 150 IU/kg once daily). 2. When doing group work, what role do you tend to take on? And sorry, I didn't apply to amb care programs. hXmo6+Q$",6fk 5~w'd'uHw8.gK&,Kj\a"BX3%, However, right before rounds you are told you must skip rounds and go help staff the outpatient pharmacy, because they are short-staffed and there are many patients waiting. Remember that in addition to interviewing you, you are interviewing the residencies to see which one you like the best. CAP, sepsis, heart failure, afib, copd exacerbation, etc. Submit match rank order list. Sorry that didn't read clearly, but the 20 minute straightforward case did have access to resources. Career Services: Wayne State University. @sf8KrWtls}kZiM]UOCt[~-o gew{(:H]_7OiO2-V%]^b"]^.~ _&]Ik6Jhk=X4 wc
)PwOjL E#*nwUUV@UYqtcxWQbQ6$Ks= 4Zz&wb:?yzYzHaf} nWN1!+2]cmmvYSz-)%l~I`*D#fn#*kyUOw4$ It is definitely no small feat, and you should feel so proud if you were selected for an interview (no matter how many- getting 1 interview is incredible). Describe a situation where you weren't satisfied with your job. Do residents have an opportunity to participate in decisions regarding which projects are assigned for the year? Are there any projects you would prefer not to work on as a pharmacy resident? I'm worried I won't remember every dosing and drug mechanisms is that a deal breaker? Or you might be given only five minutes to review a short case and discuss it. But again, if you dont send thank you emails, I sincerely doubt that it will go against you (I mean Id be shocked if it did- if anyone has experience to say otherwise then please let me know). Who do you admire the most of all your preceptors? Can you tell us about something not on your CV? Practice. But, dont focus so much on hitting all those points and in a specific order, that you forget about your demeanor and how you are interacting with the patient. Within community pharmacy, the Boots spokesperson explains: This is where the interviewer seeks to understand more about the candidates geographical mobility, current driving licence or access to transport, current salary and future expectations. They add that this type of question is not scored but help both the hiring manager and candidate to establish suitability for the role. In what ways did you put out extra effort to get the job done? What was your favorite clinical rotation and why? Can you tell us about a time when you were working in a group and had to take up a leadership role? How has COVID-19 impacted your professional goals and priorities? Tell me about a tough challenge you faced. What do you hope your colleagues will say to you? What is your learning style? Stage 4: Closing the Interview. Describe an accomplishment you are most proud of? 498 0 obj
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While we had assignments and topic discussions, making therapy recs was not a part of it. Haven't experienced this in my current role, but do have experience with these conversations (Walgreens --> both Plaza and Hopkins). DONT say I dont have any questions! This is the place you may be working at for the whole next year- take advantage of the time to ask questions! If you have a definite idea as to how you want to specialise then it is okay to mention it, but dont limit your options, he says. Example 1. long poems TheWasteLand\underline{\text{The Waste Land}}TheWasteLand, Beowulf\underline{\text{Beowulf}}Beowulf, Gilgamesh\underline{\text{Gilgamesh}}Gilgamesh, ParadiseLost\underline{\text{Paradise Lost}}ParadiseLost, Rubaiyat\underline{\text{Rubaiyat}}Rubaiyat. The purpose is to kind of simulate if you were asked clinical questions on rounds, by nurses, preceptors, etc. If you choose your own case, pick one that you understand thoroughly and are passionate about, and practice presenting the case to a fellow student first. education and PGY1 pharmacy . What are three things you must have in a preferred residency program? Adaptability 2. What was your most favorite rotation in pharmacy school? I have to be honest- I dont know if Im truly team thank you email or no thank you email post residency-interview. Topics for our 2023-2024 class will be: 1. . He explains that the question may be looking to see if the candidate is self-aware and will indicate how the interviewee would like to be perceived. Gurjinder Bhella, chief pharmacist at Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, agrees. A list of pharmacy residency interview questions is provided here. How did you prioritize the elements of your project? Leadership experience preferred. What did you do? DO think about how you would work up and present a patient, and be prepared to do this out loud. Describe how you organized the project, beginning with when you first received the assignment. Your pharmacy residency interview may involve presenting a case that you picked and prepared in advance, or being given a case that you only have a little time to prepare for, or even both. How did you respond, and why would you consider yourself successful or unsuccessful? Remember- try to think of more of those opinion-based questions rather than those operational things that can be found on the program websites! o Looking for more residency training, but an experience which will allow me to self-direct However, for me, it is more the overall experience the job can provide and additional terms and conditions that can make or break a persons decision to come to work for you, she says, adding: Money is not the be all and end all of that particular conversation for me. What are you looking for in a resident candidate? What do you do outside of school to learn and contribute to the profession of pharmacy? What experience do you have with medication use evaluations? Try to demonstrate an all-round optimistic attitude with a desire to succeed, but with a degree of humility., He adds: Avoid the standard honest, reliable, friendly, approachable type responses that everyone would give thinking this is what the interviewers want to hear.. Feel like I'm hitting my stride, want more training to develop more confidence. You may have to engage in a fake patient counseling scenario, particularly if you are interviewing for community or ambulatory care-focused scenarios (I had to do one of these last year). What are you most proud of achieving during pharmacy school? Prepare a list of questions in advance that you can ask current residents. Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? This might be asked to see how the interviewee reacts to an off-the-wall question, according to Lauder. But, I sincerely doubt programs are like checking to make sure their applicants sent thank you emails. r/pharmacy stop answering questions about people's meds on reddit. What areas of pharmacy most interest you? << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Brown suggests heart medicines might be a good choice. This easy-to-read text addresses skills that facilitate interprofessional interactions in the workplace and increase safety in pharmacies by improving communication. Lauder emphasises: This has become a common question so there is no excuse for not having knowledge of the report and some insight into the relevance to pharmacy.. Teamwork is a huge part of residency & healthcare- programs probably want to see that you can work well with others! What is your teaching philosophy? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Give one of your most significant clinical interventions during your rotation experience. What attracts you to this organization/setting/position? What experience do you have with medication use evaluations? What unique skills or abilities do you possess that sets you apart from other candidates? Other sets by this creator. Passionate The below list was super helpful to me last year, and I actually made physical flashcards with many of these questions which I thought was the best way to prepare (checkout my other post on residency interviews for more details on how I prepared). A place to share about interviews during the first part of the year, discuss projects, or anything else pharmacy residency. For a couple interviews last year I actually wrote hand written thank you notes (and would not recommend- makes zero sense and takes a ton of time and you never know if they will actually get to the right person). You will want to know about the commute, suggested places to live and the cost of living. This is a standard competency-based interview question where the interviewee is expected to give a real life example from personal experience that shows how they dealt with a particular problem or setback, explains Lauder. Ifyouhadtoliveyourlifeoveragain,whatwouldyouchange? Can you describe the components of your continuous professional development plan? DONT stress about getting every question exactly right! Dont leave the response hanging on a bad or negative experience always turn it into a positive one, To answer a competency question, a candidate should focus on three aspects, they explain: Firstly, they should describe briefly the context around the situation they are describing. (i.e., more of a leader or more of a follower?). So when I asked one resident last year how they ended up making their rank list, I heard a great tip that I wished I would have used.
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