Discovery Ranch only wants to know and talk about their truth which is nothing close to reality. Parents have no clue what they are getting themselves into by sending their children there. He said that he was abused by a staff member while there. Our parents (his Mom and step-father) regret sending him there even all these years later. I had to raise a baby cow for the slaughter to learn to deal with loss, exercise until I threw up blood, pick up cow shit every day, I could go on and on. Im in therapy, on medication, have been to three AA meetings in the past three days, and just feel like I am out of options and suicide or getting constantly fucked up is my only option at this point. My mind sometimes uncontrollably cradles and turns to static when I hear the same radio noise as the staff used at DR. I had to raise a baby cow for the slaughter to learn to deal with loss, exercise until I threw up blood, pick up cow shit every day, I could go on and on. Although you move on and mature, its a wound that never fully heals and cuts deep. They picked favorites and we were treated like garbage. The ranch horse manager Jerry put a phone in my face showing horses having sex. There is not enough research of the negative effects places like DR have on a young person, people dont like to talk or hear about places like DR, the system is extremely flawed, its a corporation that works very hard to keep you there as long as possible for obvious financial reasons while hiring unqualified staff. Phil McGraw is wrapped up in a new scandal after sending multiple young guests to a treatment facility that has been accused of abuse. With the help of a REAL rehab and AA, I had achieved 14 months sober. You have tried community resources or other programs. They report that in January 2104, the boy was placed in a dorm at Discovery Ranch with three other boys, one who began grooming him and another resident for sexual victimization until he was violently sodomized. The attacker used threats of violence, coercion, guilt, and the merit system of Discovery Ranch to manipulate (the boy) to avoid reporting increasingly deviant sexual behaviors, including discussions about sex, pornography, masturbation, and sexual violence. According to the complaint, Discovery Ranchs merit system also prevented (him) from reporting the assaults because he believed that his inferior status and past interactions with Discovery Ranch staff and administrators would result in him being punished if he attempted to disclose the assaults. The family claims the sexual assaults went undiscovered and unchecked throughout the months of January and February and were only revealed when he [the assailant] was transferred from Discovery Ranch after being discovered engaging in bestiality with a horse. The family says that Discovery Ranch failed to adequately investigate the assailant for psychosexually deviant and violent tendencies before admitting him to Discovery Ranch and placing him in the dorm. Additional Information: Family Alleges Bestiality at Alternative School, 9/20/2020: (SURVIVOR) Discovery ranch seems to actively try to remove as many negative reviews as they can, many were mine being removed over and over. We were indirectly expected to manipulate visiting parents of troubled kids who have not yet been sent to treatment. Although the system failed us, my peers and I have created somewhat of a little support group to cope and its helped us tremendously. A friend of mine stabbing his arm 15+ times with a pencil. He began his career working in Admissions at Provo Canyon School, which is widely regarded as the birthplace of the WWASP organization. The program has a maxmimum enrollment of 60 boys, and the average length of stay is reported to be around 10 months, but this can be substantially longer if the boy is deemed resistant. Staff care about one another and take a genuine interest in the girls. They are left up to their own with limited to no help from the teachers. You are a survivor of an abusive environment that is very similar to a prison. They strip you of everything, even contact with your own parents, and dangle it in front of you as motivation to do/act how they want. Im in therapy, on medication, have been to three AA meetings in the past three days, and just feel like I am out of options and suicide or getting constantly fucked up is my only option at this point. Have been in contact with many former students that have not done well once leaving the ranch. Listen to your child, and dont fall into the traps that programs make which lead parents to think their child is untrustworthy, a liar, manipulator, etc. Your job as parents is to help your child, you guys are the problem not your kids. They dont want to discuss whats actually wrong. It brought everything back because I lived that experience, except for ten months and it was real. I stopped feeling emotions and didnt for two years. They have the same goals in mind. This isnt how we should treat precious children The staff have no idea how much damage theyre doing as theyre just following orders This is a mess it needs to be shut down.. Allegations of abuse that have been reported by survivors include malnutrition/food deprivation, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and solitary confinement used as punishment. My brother was at the Ranch over a decade ago. John (Yelp), 10/28/2019: (SURVIVOR) There are plenty of articles that prove why Discovery Ranch is dangerous for the mental development of children. They love tossing kids emotional and mental state around for worse, or they will lie about problems that a kid doesnt have just to keep kids there longer.They will try to keep kids from telling you from what is really going on, the use their security measures as a punishment Instead of safety and they can, have, and will threaten kids. He began his career working in Admissions at, , which is widely regarded as the birthplace of the. When you fail thats on you, dont punish your kids for your actions. 0. The last few years of my life have felt unreal, Ive had migraines with frustration wondering how places like this exist, and how theyve gotten away with so much deceit. You and your son will work to rebuild your relationship with weekly. I understand that people need to help themselves and I cannot blame Discovery Ranch for my decisions but this environment definitely did not promote positive change in my life. Im scared to mention my real name because Discovery Ranchs aftercare program still controls my life. I literally cant live with these memories. The program is affiliated with several other Ascent Company programs, such as RedCliff Ascent, Discovery Academy, Discovery Connections, and Oxbow Academy. They report that in January 2104, the boy was placed in a dorm at Discovery Ranch with three other boys, one who began grooming him and another resident for sexual victimization until he was violently sodomized. The attacker used threats of violence, coercion, guilt, and the merit system of Discovery Ranch to manipulate (the boy) to avoid reporting increasingly deviant sexual behaviors, including discussions about sex, pornography, masturbation, and sexual violence. According to the complaint, Discovery Ranchs merit system also prevented (him) from reporting the assaults because he believed that his inferior status and past interactions with Discovery Ranch staff and administrators would result in him being punished if he attempted to disclose the assaults. The family claims the sexual assaults went undiscovered and unchecked throughout the months of January and February and were only revealed when he [the assailant] was transferred from Discovery Ranch after being discovered engaging in bestiality with a horse. The family says that Discovery Ranch failed to adequately investigate the assailant for psychosexually deviant and violent tendencies before admitting him to Discovery Ranch and placing him in the dorm. Additional Information: Discovery ranch seems to actively try to remove as many negative reviews as they can, many were mine being removed over and over. They do a terrific job at keeping kids quiet. They picked favorites and we were treated like garbage. Countless amounts of times seeing staff restrain kids in inhumane ways. If any of you also went there shoot me a pm id like to hear about it. Staff refusing to let kid use the bathroom, and making him pee/poop himself. As I walked away in shock he was tackled by staff.This was after I had already seen two separate suicide attempts. We all cope in our own ways, but if we can help by sharing our experiences and what we learned, theres not a single one of us that would turn down a younger DR peer that is currently battling our same battles. He previously worked at the confirmedly abusive, organization. As part of the therapeutic learning process, all boys participate in weekly ropes activities that build character and help develop lifelong skills. When we have the opportunity to get together, its a very special and meaningful time for all of us, we reminisce about the little funny stories that helped us get through the day during our time, we think about about all the suffering we endeared and how we survived, and we always take the time to honor our close friends that didnt and have passed. They later sued the show, saying . There may be more reports for "Discovery Ranch for girls" For more results perform a general search for "Discovery Ranch for girls" Showing 1-1 of 1 . Id go on to say I have PTSD. To them, there is one way that every kid learns, and if you have learning disabilities thats too fucking bad and ask the doctor to raise your meds the next time he comes. They emotionally and mentally compromise kids for fun. (Check glassdoor reviews) In return, we have lots of untrained, unequipped young adults who arent prepared to deal with seriously mentally ill children. Staff parents "were expected to replicate a. Also the staff there (although there were some that I liked) were extremely rude. You and your son will work to rebuild your relationship with weekly family therapy, family visits, and Parent Day Seminars. If youre a troubled teen thats reading this that just recently got out, or its been years and its still effecting you, please believe me when I say that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The chidren cant even have open discussions with other inmates there for fear of being punished and losing privileges. You have been warned and I still have ptsd and Ive been going to therapy for 2 and a half years and more to come. There are over 600 people in 2 different groups put together, and we are all in contact with many kids that just left. The amounts of times I screamed out loud in physical/mental exhaustion from being undermined and unheard is uncountable. They dont want to discuss whats actually wrong. While enrolled at Discovery Ranch, your son will experience a safe and structured environment. They would arbitrarily lock me in a tiny pitch black closet devoid of food, water, a bathroom, or human contact for days, usually because I made an inappropriate facial expression like crying or raising my eyebrows when they screamed at me that I was worthless and no one could ever love me. On top of that I was forced to study 7 hours straight on the weekends if I didnt meet academic requirements. I was there almost ten years ago, and it feels like yesterday because of my PTSD. To them, there is one way that every kid learns, and if you have learning disabilities thats too fucking bad and ask the doctor to raise your meds the next time he comes. My first treatment center was Redcliffe ascent, and I did really well there. Paris Hilton just came out with a documentary on her experience at another abusive program just down the street from DR. (and have it be removed weeks later). We earned academic accreditation through Discovery Academy, Contact one of our well-trained representatives now. I am at a loss for what to do at this point. Your child will be put in with kids that are older than their age group, that were in gangs, that are addicted to drugs, etc. "Defendant White took the minor child on a hunting trip where he gave him alcohol . The average stay is OVER a year not under like they love to say. When the program opened, it housed both boys and girls on the same campus, but kept them completely seperate in different parts of the campus. san andreas fault, palm springs. When you fail thats on you, dont punish your kids for your actions. These issues include: At Discovery Ranch for Boys, all the professional departments work together. Its sick and I hope in the future these places will be illegal and I will NEVER send my kids to one of these places. The decision you make for your child will stay with them forever. They would yell at us and use excessive force. You can find much better treatment for a better price. The tuition is reported to be anywhere between $6,500 to $12,000 per month. (During my stay, a kid in a different house was repeatedly raped by another kid for days until he was caught.) Our academic program meets your son at his level. They are there only to try and give the staff (who by the way have no training in psychology at all) an easier time. (Blood sprayed on me). We all cope in our own ways, but if we can help by sharing our experiences and what we learned, theres not a single one of us that would turn down a younger DR peer that is currently battling our same battles. My cousin went to a place 2 years ago called Shortridge Academy and had a much better experience there. We have all suffered enough, its time to heal and create a system that works. Carebear (Yelp), 2015: (SURVIVOR) This place is horrible. Your teen is struggling. Overpriced, over rateddo not send your child there if you care about them. In comparison, most of the other residents had serious drug problems, were in gangs, were extremely violent, etc. DO NOT RECOMMEND AT ALL! , The Troubled Teen Industry: Commodifying Disability and Capitalizing on Fear by Catherine Kushan. Also, I would sit there and talk to my therapist while he takes notes and this is a direct quote is that it? Then the session was over. We had a close friend that took her life during our time there, we lost a friend to drug addiction that spiraled after leaving DR, and we had another friend who lost her life to cancer, which could have been detected in the earlier stages if DR didnt fail to seek proper medical attention (she was actually punished quite often for complaining about the pain and was either made to do hard manual labor or the staff would put her in isolation for days on end. Listen to your child, and dont fall into the traps that programs make which lead parents to think their child is untrustworthy, a liar, manipulator, etc. While at Discovery Ranch, your son will participate in a variety of outdoor activities. If they mention these sorts of things to parents (over heavily monitored phone calls and letters in the mail), contact between student and parent would be cut off. We have all suffered enough, its time to heal and create a system that works. , This place is horrible. It wasnt until he left the program that people even found out about this happening!! However, the abuse overshadowed it. The program is located at 1308 South 1600 West, Mapleton, Utah 84664. Blind Frog Ranch Lawsuit. You might feel that you are all alone. In other words, do not trust them. Find out more about the assessment. For many parents, this focus on parental participation is the reason they choose our program. I literally cant live with these memories. This is not just a couple of resentful people. We were victims of abuse. It is NOT your fault and youre NOT a lesser being despite what DR drilled into you. While at Discovery Ranch, your son will participate in a variety of outdoor activities. May their souls rest in peace. This website uses cookies and third party services. This place did not save my life it scared me to have problems. , I attended Discovery Ranch 5 years ago when I was 15 years old. I had never done drugs, drank, or even smoked a cigarette at this point in my life. Any complaints about the program and the abuse kids witnessed would be brushed off by program coordinators and therapists. Your child will be put in with kids that are older than their age group, that were in gangs, that are addicted to drugs, etc. My brother was at the Ranch over a decade ago. , There are plenty of articles that prove why Discovery Ranch is dangerous for the mental development of children. Your Participation Is Key To Success I will never forgive Discovery Ranch for the damage they did to me, and the damage they continue to do to future generations. I ended up running away from this program and deciding on a much better program that actually wanted to help people. Are they just being a teenager? Grand Ledge Courts. I can still hear the screams of kids being restrained and having their arms pinned behind them and blood flow cut off because they didnt follow simple orders. I stopped feeling emotions and didnt for two years. Abuse at its finest.. we were totally and utterly underfed, one morning we were fed one mini bagel and one cream cheese. Discovery Ranch combines the power of traditional and experiential therapies to create a clinically sophisticated, relationship-based residential treatment center for boys ages 13-18. They will do everything to keep themselves looking like the best option at all costs just for money. ORDER AND MEMORANDUM DECISION. Discovery Ranch is reported by many survivors to be an extremely abusive program. He also worked for a time as the Director of, Teenagers at Discovery Ranch have extremely limited contact with the outside world. Youre parents will love that, Ha!). linus pauling vitamin c, lysine protocol. Both boys have turned out well however, my brother has trauma from the experience. Both boys have turned out well however, my brother has trauma from the experience. My Mom says she wishes she had heard of that school at the time. The amounts of times I screamed out loud in physical/mental exhaustion from being undermined and unheard is uncountable. The parties fought over depositions and the production of documents, among other things, in various states where witnesses were located. survivors to be an extremely abusive program. If you are LGBTQ and need support, call the Trevor Project Hotline 1-866-488-7386, If you are having suicidal thoughts, call toll free 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741741, If you are a child being abused or know of a child being abused call toll free 1-800-422-4453. It is reported that they are only allowed to communicate with their parents through heavily censored and monitored letters, as well as a once-monthly phone call, which is also monitored by staff. After I graduated I was transferred to discovery ranch. Your family is struggling. Staff unresponsive, administration unresponsive and kept to company line to detriment of my son. It is reported that they are only allowed to communicate with their parents through heavily censored and monitored letters, as well as a once-monthly phone call, which is also monitored by staff. TENA CAMPBELL U.S. District Court Judge. Anyone is free to fact check this, and contact me with further questions [redacted]. In fact, the administration at discovery ranch intentionally delayed my high school graduation by refuting me the right to do my classes in order to keep me there longer. The Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch, which airs on Discovery Channel, is currently in its fifth season. The pain doesnt just stop, they dont forget what you did to them, regardless of your intentions. And the scariest part was that it was fantastic during the day; we would do ropes courses and go skiing and horseback riding and talk to a truly kind therapist every day who genuinely though I was insane or a pathological liar and convinced me I was hallucinating or having nightmares. Basically non-existent education. Although there are no support groups for people like us and since the program is so small & were from all over the country, it feels and looks very real that you may be alone, YOU ARE NOT. It got heated on the ranch and Duane kept referring to this person as a "freeloader." The ranch hasn't been short of intruders, in many forms including surveillance cameras and spy drones. It is degrading and disrespectful and I will forever hate this program as they manipulate people into spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to not help there kids. Please reach out to me for questions, I will do my best to educate you on what is happening and get you current information. Sanoy (Google Reviews). Discovery Ranch is the Top Residential Treatment Center for Troubled Teen Boys 1318, Located in Utah. They tear children apart, and they come out broken. We would act like we loved the treatment center, and that there wasnt any abuse going on. We Have Helped Struggling Teens To Learn The Skills They Needed To Heal, Thrive, And Reunite With Their Families. They gave all the kids the same level of trust, none. We support & vent to each other about how difficult and lonely it was for us to get back to normal life after we left, how it shaped us into the adults we are today, and what steps we took to try and heal from this horrible experience. You get used to the screaming and pleading for help, it becomes background noise. This creates a streamlined experience for your son. They gave all the kids the same level of trust, none. The trauma Ive witnessed, and seen other kids witness was unbearable. The pain doesnt just stop, they dont forget what you did to them, regardless of your intentions. Even though I have left the program, if I dont follow their horribly rigorous and reclusive aftercare rules I go back. Parents have no clue what they are getting themselves into by sending their children there. The facility in Utah is run like a prison. Last year, Granby Ranch Metropolitan District, a homeowner-controlled metro district, filed suit against the group of entities associated with the Granby Ranch development. Also a staff there named Matt polson threatened to restrain me several times. It makes me fucking sick that this place, along with HUNDREDS of others, still exists, quietly protected under the umbrella of the state government of Utah, and that parents are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for their children to be tortured and driven insane or into obedient, soulless sociopaths. Anonymous (Tales from the Black School), 7/8/2013: (SURVIVOR) DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO DISCOVERY RANCH IF YOU CARE ABOUT THEM! Let us help. Its sick and I hope in the future these places will be illegal and I will NEVER send my kids to one of these places. However, the abuse overshadowed it. If you are at all struggling and/or would like to talk to someone who can relate, please do not hesitate to contact me through this post and Id be happy to exchange information so we can talk. how to walk a human a dogs guide. He said that he was abused by a staff member while there. We do all this so that you can know your son is safe with us. Discovery ranch was hell on earth for me. My cousin went to a place 2 years ago called Shortridge Academy and had a much better experience there. However, our neighbor whose son went there the following year had all good experiences. The school uses research to help create an individualized treatment plan for each teen. Amy Golden. I cannot even put into words the pain I feel even today when my experience gets brought up or when I read about other kids that are STILL suffering from having to go through this program. In comparison, most of the other residents had serious drug problems, were in gangs, were extremely violent, etc. I am at a loss for what to do at this point. I am not the only victim. It is reported by survivors that these calfs are later slaughtered, apparently in an attempt to teach the residents how to deal with loss. This practice is extremely cruel, and is reported to be very traumatic to many survivors. Please reach out to me for questions, I will do my best to educate you on what is happening and get you current information. . I still have insomnia and night terrors of being at that place. Listen to your child, what do they think they need? Anyone is free to fact check this, and contact me with further questions [redacted]. Any minor infraction is punished severely. 25 votes, 28 comments. STOP DISCOVER RANCH they will play you out of so much money its unbelievable. I still maintain close relationships with both girls and boys who are around my age (23-27) that have gone through exactly what you are going through now; so whether its easier to talk to a guy or girl or someone with a similar case to yours, I can put you in contact with them if youd like (Free of charge too! This is not just a couple of resentful people. 9/17/2020: (SURVIVOR) Please do not send your child to this horrific and abusive program. Discovery Ranch combines the power of traditional and experiential therapies to create a clinically sophisticated, relationship-based residential treatment center for boys ages 13-18. The program has a maxmimum enrollment of 60 boys, and the average length of stay is reported to be around 10 months, but this can be substantially longer if the boy is deemed resistant. Also they lie to the kids about the effects of marijuana, such as the claim that you can withdrawal from it, but I know that isnt true. This isnt how we should treat precious children The staff have no idea how much damage theyre doing as theyre just following orders This is a mess it needs to be shut down.. Residential Treatment is an Intensive Healing Experience, Individual, family, and group therapy all take place within a residential treatment setting. Not a single one of us agree that this program helped us or our relationships with our families. A kid was put in isolation for about 4 weeks before being moved to a different treatment center. Even when I started feeling feelings again I realized on Wednesday that I had been experiencing emotions with maybe 50-75% of the intensity that I normally should, which was put into perspective when I finally accepted that these things truly happened to me and felt for the first time in my life the appropriate pain and humiliation that corresponds to being treated in such a way for such an extended period of time. They want the parents to say only what they tell them to say. These programs are money makers. At Discovery Ranch for Boys, all the professional departments work together. We were victims of abuse. The civil lawsuit seeks a minimum of $350,000. And before you tell me that was a long time ago, I am a part of multiple survivor groups online for former students from DR and other abusive programs in Utah. DIAMOND RANCH ACADEMY, INC., Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant, v. CHELSEA FILER, Defendant and Counterclaim Plaintiff. They will dream about it years after, waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares about being back there. But I fucking wasnt. The night staff was apparently fucked up on heroin, meth, pcp, etc the whole time and had virtually no training or qualifications, which I learned when a male staff member sexually propositioned me over Facebook when I was 18, so three years later, and told me what happened behind closed doors. Your PRECIOUS child is NOT safe here! I was there almost ten years ago, and it feels like yesterday because of my PTSD. The boat bought with funds by Discovery Ranch was not once used for the kids, the owners just use it for personal use. The trauma Ive witnessed, and seen other kids witness was unbearable. If you are like most parents of Discovery Ranch students, you have been looking for help for a long time. My parents (his Mom and step-father) note sending him away added to his sense of rejection started by peer abuse even though they were desperate due to his issues at home and school. We would act like we loved the treatment center, and that there wasnt any abuse going on. I am a victim of emotional and physical abuse by Discovery Ranch. There are over 600 people in 2 different groups put together, and we are all in contact with many kids that just left. In addition to taking part in the equine therapy and horsemanship programs, he will have access to the fully-equipped music studio. If you want to send your kid to either wilderness or discovery ranch why dont you do us all a favor parents and send your child to Disney Land so theyll be happy rather then send them to whats pretty much a mental institution for parents that have no idea what the fuck there doing. Until now I had remembered my experience there as a happy one- I literally only remembered what went on during the day. After I graduated I was transferred to discovery ranch. I posted this exact review several times spacing itself out several months. The representative will help connect you with resources that can help your family--even if that help is not from us.
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