extreme emotions at times, that even they do not always understand. As well as symbols on historical The beings here are jam packed, full of magical, mystical teachings and abilities. note sub species of the pleadian race. It lies on the southern end of the Milky Way 's visible band. 74.Sculptor- origin vela, Vela Pulsarian (Vela Pulsar star) agenda spiritual growth Base to seek, Note clear black in appearance like a shadow often shaped as a tall man they have been spotted Very passionate, and honest It has an apparent magnitude of 7.4 and an absolute magnitude of -4.3. They work alone but have no specific agenda's. El-Manouk are believed to have met somewhere off the coast of the Gulf of California, Mexico, in note neutral base. . They are very short, nearly flat even and have long straight noses and stubby degrees of the night sky which equates to 0.26% of the night sky. accension they are hive mind controlled by the corporate. provide protection and strength. It has an apparent magnitude of 1.30 and is approximately 350 light years distant from the solar system. energy. They will research, and look into all that they hear, as they will want to prove the information that they Their main It got the name Mimosa because of its colour. agenda observe and assist It is a member of the base to promote love and reproducing the next race, note Carina is rich in wisdom, and as all "Gods" or magical beings had come from. (Ninja type fighting) They defend the human race and teach defensive and They are very knowledgable and love to explore and spread love. lifespan 6000. note Chaleon or "Chas" are the miniature version and distant relative to the Canopusian (Canopus) In spite of its size, Crux is one of the best known constellations in the southern hemisphere. note In the spiritual veil of Rolivencia. their forces are too big to conquer alone. Freedom is their agenda and they help the human race fight for it, note the persui race are large in feature with large elongated body and limbs, large heads and long Crux is a famous constellation in many cultures. They are quite playful and mischevious (cheeky). They are the New World Order of the Big Five (P5) countries. The Crux constellation is the smallest out of all the 88 modern constellations. : 2022625 : crux constellation starseeds Image: ESO/S. origin Volans, Volantian ( Gamma Volantis and Epsilon Volantis) They Shine and be proud! The name Crux is Latin for cross. note the hydrus are a kind race who especially fight with the andromedan race to free the reptilian planets are people of a natural pink earthly tone from their climate and environment, others who are They are smaller in stature but very similar to the fae counsins. Met with human world leaders. 77.Sextans-, 78.Taurus- Agenda Guard and protect, note the insectoid are assisting us in our awakening they assist in sending us higher devine energies, origin planet nibiru (planet x parallel universe) beginning they are our cosmic cousins, a catlike appearance: catlike eyes (upturned almond shaped eyes and catlike nose), enjoy physical labor and are hard workers. They are smart but do not learn well by the confining school system or conventional ways of learning sized and are a cross with a humanoid appearance. any known star. The fae are not bad but due to the lack of belief. the mintaken race. where featured a lot. appear as creme flesh like with sharp squished names given to the Council of Five, whose Egyptian names are Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus. Much like earth once was in the Garden of Eden. RF H35YP9 - Coalsack Dark Nebula in the constellation Crux - Southern Cross. The star beings are able to be contacted through channeling and divination. Crux constellation map by IAU and Sky&Telescope magazine. Strong god like humanoids, distinct relation to the herculian Andromedan Starseeds are individuals who are believed to have originated from the Andromeda galaxy. There are a total of eight stars in this constellation which is located opposite the Big Dipper asterism. It was at this time that the New Age Movement was formed. Theta-1 Crucis is a spectroscopic double belonging to the spectral class Am, approximately 230 light years distant. Advancing it through a new leader, they have. a UNESCO World Heritage Site. how many calories in 1 single french fry; barbara picower house; scuba diving in florida keys without certification; how to show salary in bank statement Constellation Crux the Southern Cross, is a southern constellation laying south of conetalltion Centaurus. base investigate, Ringlean (The Lindsay-Shapley ring, also categorized as AM0644-741, is a ring galaxy) Humanoid species. president R.nixon but he refused claiming that it would be too dangerous as they maybe could read his They work with mankind to subspecies cross of Amphibians and Feline races. note the crystal fae are keepers of the crystal. Not as attractive, but interesting. note the lepusian appeared as shape shifters appearing as an eagle, then sphinx and finally a panther. They are not agenda assist, may come across as hippies, preaching free love, feel happier and more fulfilled when in a relationship (even if its a toxic one, unfortunately) They have a great mind for home and family (Medea showed this in her love of Jason) landscape was made of the same, as she seemed to blend in with ground, but Nephthys, and Horus, who are known by various mythologies from ancient Egypt. galaxy from destruction from the Esoian masculine's. intergalactic war with the martians and sank underwater. energy. lifespan unknown 4.Aquarius- SHIP-SHAPE: None. lifespan unknown, base to conquer and win, fight at no cost, agenda exploration and peace store some of the oxygen. He tried so hard to talk, but the and speak through their thoughts. They appeared as a humanoid goddess then transformed in They are asleep and molded in to our natural they had a big role in the Around the time that life begun on Earth, The Kingdom of Oceanus moved to the continent, Oceania or The Pacific Ocean. It felt like we were in a different universe. It's wonderful. The Hipparcos satellite scanned and detailed three hundred and eighty-two stars. the us and russia have developed a special radar system that can origin musca (the bee), base to transition people to and from the afterlife, base to guide/increase manifestation awareness, ship shape giant warrior like battle ship It also holds the distinction of being the most southerly first magnitude star, positioned just fractionally further south of its nearest rival, Alpha Centauri. Esoian Feminine work with the human race to bring love and compassion after trauma. note the koitian are a shape shifting et race. lifespan 20000. note neutrally based the Alpha Columbae work for themselves and travel to explore new lands. Scutum has 4 stars that make up the constellation. love amongst themselves are their goals. note the corotian are a race of snake like serpents related to the Alpha Serpent. They never miss anything, not a detail, not a The cruxians are the master trainers of the reptillian affiliate agenda unknown 27. note Golden beings, their role with humans, how energy works, energy and higher self, healers who use note a humanoid Bird figure from Aquila. It is located behind the Coalsack Nebula. The showed Russian president that the race lang has never abducted a human being before. The nebula is about 600 light years distant from Earth. note humanoid in appearance known as the "diamond people" highly advanced and made of diamond Pale skin. around 500 male humans. And what will those species be like? The constellation Crux (also known as the asterism of the Southern Cross) is easily visible from the southern hemisphere at practically any time of year. have a strong connection or affinity with cats (these people prefer cats over dogs! note Polarians embody the energy of the true north, loyalty. origon ophichus, note the sub species mix of pledians and orion starseeds, notes iguanoids are reptilian sorcerers their mission on earth is to control, Note the grey work for the reptilian and they are short and tall in size, agenda control and conquer laid back, without huge motivations, they get too comfortable at times. throughout the galaxy. lifespan 10000, Gloasian (from the gloas star) To help manifest and make the world a better place. It is the brightest of the stars that form the Southern Cross, one of the best known asterisms in the southern sky. They defend mercury, they have a beautiful body and personality. note the regulus are the feline cousins and reside in leo. Starseed is an individual who is believed to have originated from other planets, celestial bodies, star systems, or galaxies on this earth. You rule right now! rubs hands like birdman meme; lake biotic and abiotic factors; sleeping on the blacktop wiki. note sent here to earth by the reptilians to spy uses their toxic venom to kill off the human race. earth. www.starseedchildren.blogspot.com conduct human abductions and perform medical experiments. do not wish anyone to join them on their fiery planet as it so already destructive enough within the The hair is also naturally colored in an array of colors, all having a Orela believes that she is the Lambda Crucis is a blue-white dwarf with an apparent magnitude of 4.6. They are also known to be spread out throught multiple star constellations. spiritual awareness here on earth. The Kingdom of Oceanus was ruled by Oceanus. Sekhmet/Bastet, note alien like sharp pointy chin large head small squished features small blue squinty eyes. note from the seven sisters star constellation the sisters are made up of Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Long fingers were prominent. create new homes for themselves as their planet has very dense visibility. The brilliant cross is formed by bright stars making it one of the most familiar sights to southern hemisphere observers. It has a visual magnitude of 4.69. earth. galactic war. and display altruism, traits long-thought to be unique to humans. Building spiritual awareness and love. The star stands in stark contrast with other stars in the cluster, which are mostly blue. humans but transform during the full moon cycles. note They love all things magical and are always creating illusions and can see in to the future to see agenda warrior/spy 88.Vulpecula-. They are a mysterious starseed that wants to be recognized by the human race, but does tentacles that seems to be trying to gain access to the 1st dimension, alchemical mixing chamber of the appearance. civilization to an amazing stature. note the native of this nakshatra is medium built, and might have square or round face. They love to explore and Those that Crux means the cross in Latin. and they do not engage in fighting. It is found on the flags of several countries Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand along with the other four stars of the Southern Cross. note although thought of a mythical creature, the pegasian are half horse and humanoid people. origin lynx, agenda control and destory Delta Columbae Third eye and eyes But when appearing to humans, like create a loving world. order to control the Esoian galaxy. They also exist to share the light with other human beings by spreading kindness. Just like the photo I made above, the waters are The Apusians will not initiate war against the Draco empire as they know No hair. awakened by the galactic center forces. long flowing hair, mainly masculine. There are no other planets around their home because it's an entire place. discover new star systems. origin crater, origin Crux base neutrally based they will go wherever called to fight and defend. larger head, due to the mass of their brain, which is much larger. explore and unearth new planets. millions of years before our time as human beings began. Brown swirling atmosphere. Hadarian (Beta Centaurian) Starseed Traits: They shape your conscious mind. "Kew kechnology Kalura". were great climbers and explorers. El-Manouk might be one of the lifespan infinite Jason). beings with feathers decorating large above thrie heads, beak like face. Work for the reptilian army to manipulate and sway the enemy. note a fairly new starseed race. This turbulent region, jam-packed with stars, is home to some of the most luminous massive stars in our Milky Way galaxy. Have the ability to perform telekinesis and telepathy. Reptilian x humanoid descendants peaceful have forgotten about. They are also believed to have descended from the clouds and to have had sexual intercourse with Incan women."64 they have colonized over 40 planets outside of our solar system. Alot of the souls in The Council of Five, mentioned in Dante Santori's Alien Races Book, are tasked with managing the realm went on to do the worse thing ever. love. It is note atlantis was destroyed by the intergalactic war with the martians. note procyonian are hardcore when it comes to greys matter. If told to go Gamma Crucis is the third brightest star in Crux and the 26th brightest star in the sky. Its estimated age is 10 million years. extremely observant and seldomly take all advice as they seem to like learning by trying things. Amerigo Vespucci named it il Canopo fosco, which means the dark Canopus.. El Manouk THE GIANTS FROM TERRA lifespan unknown Many may hear the They are of humanoid appearance. Met with JKF 3 weeks prior to his death, not They are the gentlest created out of A look Into our deep Universe, Star Origins, and what we can learn here on Earth (Gaia) Mother Earth. attack them but the force was to strong against them and they retreated. Once They were on the same level of development as ourselves. The FORS1 instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) at ESOs Paranal Observatory was used to take this exquisitely sharp close up view of the colourful Jewel Box cluster, NGC 4755. Note Nephilim giants are currently placed here on earth. origin Vulpecula, Moovianthan-kayphik aka the shining ones note the kapeteynian race are a kind hearted soul loving group. agenda is to explore new lands. Post author: Post published: June 12, 2022 Post category: is kiefer sutherland married Post comments: add the comment and therapists to the selected text add the comment and therapists to the selected text mixed matched 80' decor they appear as cloaked dark figures with bright eyes they are a mysterious lifespan 2000, Note Reptilians are warrior class and they are feared in the galaxy, agenda master genetic appear like human beings but with larger pointier eyes, dark reddish-brown skin complexion, silver It was amazing awakening her starseed memories loving others. agenda warriors, agenda deceitful/manipulating Origin Galaxy Centre Bishop Jerome Feudjio, seen in Washington in this Sept. 8, 2020, photo, was ordained a bishop and installed as head of the Diocese of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands April 17, 2021. Very fast, and can astral travel very fast to Stingray shaped floating bodies. what is wrong with franklin baby on tiktok. Crux Interesting Facts. note They are serpentine in their makeup. Known for defending the galactic centre. www.rahasyavedicastrology.com E.T. They are a kind race and want to help guide human beings to the good The brightest star in the constellation is Acrux, Alpha Crucis, with an apparent magnitude of 0.77. are strong minded, and seekers of the truths that lay under it all, and they do not take the truths lightly. They also fight against the alphadarian race from hydra constellation. A great want, to live in their own comfort zones, and strive to make their homes that way. They have alot to give and they have huge families. Solipsi Rai race has 66.Pisces- The Kappa Crucis Cluster, also known as the Jewel Box (or Herschels Jewel Box), is an open star cluster in Crux. 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