5 days before to 30 minutes after the New Moon. To figure out your best SURGERY DATE, plan your surgery based on the Moon: 1. Personality Traits of Those with Pluto in the 8th House Having Pluto in the Astrology, Eclipses, Full Moon, North Node, South Node. A client asked me if a fixed sign is best for the surgeon to have a steady hand. Venus: Vein-related problem Mutable, or changeable, astrology signs are Virgo (Earth), Gemini (Air), Pisces (Water), and Sagittarius (Fire). All dates are good for getting success in your work. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Get ready for a year full of growth, magic, and good fortune, Aries. Bharani, Swathi, Kettai. Avoid surgery when transiting moon is combust or within 17 degree of natal sun, moon or mars. We also need to look for other aspects like hard squares, so if Mars is transiting square with a planet like stern Saturn then this would definitely not be a good time to consider going under the knife. 2022. Add during the Waxing Moon: Lucky planet Jupiter is touring your zodiac from May 10 to Oct. 28 part of a transit that . But if you have a choice about when to schedule surgery, chose a time in spring, summer, or early autumn. This will be a bit troublesome for those who have rheumatism, nerves disorder or leg aches. The first half of next month is revealed on this page. For a two-week vacation, I recommend to fly a week before the full Moon, be there for the full Moon, then fly out one week after the full Moon. I am a Capricorn/Sag moon and need cataract eye surgery on March 30,2022. The individuals, If you are suffering from a chronic disease, the. Venus can also come into play if the surgery you are having is cosmetic in nature as Venus rules beauty. Do not be on the south side and avoid taking alcohol and non-vegetarian on this day. And convenient suggestions. January 20 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn or Aquarius? Our astrology website has a lot of Astrology Best Days For Surgery information. Anticipate possible mercurial mix-ups such as incorrect billing. 3 - Sagittarius hips, thighs, liver, sciatic nerve Medical staff have a busy life too! So for any surgery, block out 3 days before, the day of, and the 2 days after the full Moon. Is that good dat if not when? Any suggestions or is the 9th a good day? DOB. I have permanent facial cosmetic injections scheduled on the full moon lunar eclipse 5/26/2021. The sign of Aquarius rules the circulatory system and the calves, ankles, and lower legs like the shins. It lays at the base of our A spiritual medium is a medium that can connect with the spirit world and helps others communicate Like number 56 in numerology, Number 65 too is auspicious and fortunate number. Avoid scheduling surgery on the Monday morning after a holiday when hospital staff could be hung over from the weekend, or not yet in their weekly rhythm. Kind regards, Gut related issues are common for those born under this sign, but they are also said to be wise and have a strong sense of intuition or gut instinct at the same time. They can be prone to chest infections and other ailments associated with these body parts. Darina B., Alberta Canada, Thank you for expertise Susan! As per Indian astrology, certain combinations of tithi (lunar day), nakshatra (stars) and vaar (week days) are considered auspicious and therefore ideal to perform certain activities or start something new. But yes Full Moon for an event! Mercury retrograde in both Earth sign Capricorn for realistic assessment of career and finances, and in Fire sign Sagittarius to see the point and go right to it. As each horoscope has different planets in different signs, there can never be a "pure" Aries or a "pure" Gemini. Aries is the ruler of the head, face, brain, and eyes. I wanted to ask if during Venus going direct in a few days untill Dec. 17, would cosmetic surgery be advisableI understand it is not during venus retroI thank you soooo much ..hope to hear from you soon. Treatment/Surgery Decorating House Break Ground for Building Moving Residence Relocation Break Ground for Tomb . I intend for shoulder surgery to my daughter who is 9 years old on 10th April 2017 for her eens palsy treatment, it is known that full moon day is on 11th April, please advice is this right time to get it done.her details are as follows. It also tells you yearly predictions which is icing on the cake. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Required fields are marked *. while saturn can produce new complications. January 1st, New Year's Day, is a feast day in many cultures. Always Astrology. I was born August 15th close to Midnight, 1949. But of course, there is more to it then the above, one has to consider the whole chart, as a whole. Good times to have surgery: A week before a New Moon, for example, is an auspicious time for surgery as is the time when trines and sextile are transiting Mars. - Profuse bleeding is possible so make sure blood is available ), I want to thank you for your advice on our elopement date! March 2023 Lunar Activities Guide Pacific Standard Time. Moon Void of Course is good for activities that do not require much conscious energy, such as cleaning house, doing laundry, and other routine domestic chores, or completing a task before expanding into a new area. . Instead, align your sign and your surgery when the moon is in alignment with fixed signs, including Leo and Scorpio. Organize your home, especially the room where you will rest and recover after surgery. I had the surgery and everything went better, than expected. Scorpio is often said to be one of the sexier signs, and with that in mind, the sign of the Scorpion does indeed rule the sexual organs as well as the bowels, bladder, and rectum. And note: The above is not to say if you are not born under one of the signs, you will not suffer health issues as indicated by the zodiac signs, it depends on how the transits are affecting your natal planets, Here is my Testimonial. April . When positions and/or phases are suitable, tradition says that activities are more likely to yield favorable results. April 2022: Favorable. Sign up for Susan's lunar astrology newsletter sent out on new and full Moons! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In surgical procedures whereby the adding is more important than the removal, then schedule your surgery during the waxing lunar cycle. Keep up the good work. Librarules thekidneys, lumbar region, and buttocks. Both dates are not good astrologically and should be avoided. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius for the next 12 months will see many of transform and push for freedom. If your surgery is for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons, then avoid Venus retrograde. What dates are even better.? These are the luckiest, and unluckiest, months of Hereunder are auspicious child birth dates in each month of 2022 and 2023 for you to choose based on the Chinese almanac calendar . Very easy to understand. July 8 2021 is the best date. 15/5/18 or 18/5/18 . Birth charts and forecasts include your complete Western charts plus your Taoist Four Pillars (BaZi) charts. Very useful website for predictions of life, it's remedies are also so easy. The above mentioned days with a combination of either Thithi or any one of the Star is also should be avoided. 5 - Leo heart, chest, spine, spinal column, upper back Avoid cold and flu season if you live in a cold climate. Ovulate on the full Moon! We eloped on September 19 and it was AMAZING! This is often why Aries like to be touched on the head but also why they tend to suffer from ailments such as tension headaches/migraines. Remember, no Full Moon for surgery! For the next two months, the best days for dental care are January 13-14 th and February 10th. the surgeon's hand will also be stable. As Venus becomes direct on 19th November 2018. Pisces rules the lymphatic system as well as the toes and feet. In January 2022, days are around 9.5 to 10 hours long and sunset is between 4:45 pm and 5:20 pm. The waxing Moon begins on the new Moon until the full Moon, but stop three days before the full Moon for surgery. Eclipses, New, Full Moons North & South Nodes Accurately Predict the 11/02/2022 Riots, Uprisings, Instability, and Deceitful Manipulative How do I contact you for help choosing a surgery date? It was perfect report shared to me and based on that prediction help me in my life to face challenges and to grab opportunities. Monthly . And that is on Full Moon. Please let me know if any of those dates are good. Best of the best highly knowledgable,friendly astrologer. Jun 12, 2022 . - Medical Astrology by Eileen Nauman 3 - Gemini arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, nervous system, brain Go with the Moon sign you like and is good with your natal birth chart, but just be sure that the Moon sign does not rule the body part that needs surgery. She mentioned that If I did it early then, there might be a problem with infections. Plan quiet, restful time during the final days of the lunar cycle during your menstruation. Even elective surgery can be one of the most important decisions that we have to make. Rest the day or two before surgery, not running on empty before it begins. Please help. According to the Health Predictions 2022 for Gemini natives based on Vedic Astrology, at the beginning of the year, Mercury will be in the eighth house in conjunction with its lord. Do not schedule surgery three hours before to three hours after the Moon goes VOC; it can be a chaotic or confusing time. Thanking You. Top 10 Symptoms of Evil Eye and their Remedies, How to become Successful in Business using Numerology? Consider the season and temperature in your location. Allow at least one month before and after Venus retrograde. Libra rules the kidneys and the lumbar area of the lower back as well as the buttocks. Pooram, Poradam, Purattathi. This astrology calendar outlines all of the major astrological aspects for 2023, helping you plan for the year! Note, that it is better to plan any surgery according to the Moon on the waning Moon. So avoid it all by not having surgery during these days. Joyce. June 28: Neptune . Read on for some very important things to consider! The evaluation included 16,965 cataract operations and 132 eyes with complications (0.78%) (see Figure 1 for the individual years). 1 - Libra kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocks For example, if you are having throat surgery, then you would want to avoid the time when the Moon is in Taurus, as Taurus rules the throat. Then avoid the Moon sign that rules that body part. No need to focus on negativity, obsess or overthink. If possible, try to avoid not only the Moon being void of course as this is a cloudy period when people are not operating at their best. Start New Projects Gemini rules thelungs, including the shoulders, arms, hands, and nervous system. Astrology Election Predictions 2021. Bruising and swelling is much greater on a full Moon. 2 January 2023 - Uttara Phalguni Nakshatram. So decide what Moon phases you want to experience when you get to your destination. Current & Upcoming Transits. Regards Following are guidelines for planning operations astrologically; i have questions and this site is very wise w/ all the correct answers thank you for not beating around the bush , or swaying off course . Thanks in advance. This site is not only for getting to know about your horoscope and future predictions but to also learn astrology in the simplest way possible. Anatomical Zodiac Man from Les Trs Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, a 15th century illustrated book, Books Pick the Safest Day. Get 25% off with code: Best-Worst25. AVOID timing surgery 30 minutes to 36 hours after New Moon. Deciding the right time of day for starting the medication or any treatment procedure is important in medical astrology. Im need knee replacement surgery and June 2nd, 7th, 9th, 14th & 16th are days open to have the Surgery in 2021. : 29:02:2008 Its the hidden Secret to the Law of Attraction. When choosing a surgery date, it is also important to look at when the Moon is in the sign that rules the part of the body that you are having surgery on and try to avoid that period. Get 25% off with code: Best-Worst25. Time. Name: Niveditha Chinese calendar and its relationships to human life is one of the greatest achievements of the ancient Chinese Astrology. We'll guide you about the procedure to get the report. The 2023 Best Days Calendar dates are based on several factors, including the position of the Moon in the 12 signs of the Zodiac, as well as the lunar phase. The waning Moon starts the day after the full Moon and lasts for the next two weeks as the full Moon wanes down. This gives us twelve quite different basic types. Get instant access to the next 12 months - Join the Farmhouse now. Still, avoid Mars retrograde if you can. 23.01.2020 14:14 comment on Im going through the list above as best I can, but any insight otherwise would be so helpful. Consider Dec 5 Jan 8, 2024 to be Mercury retrograde. 2022 is a time that will bring big love to everyone - after we get through the first two months of the year. Best Days are indicated in Yellow. Mary Selfridge. My birthday is July 13,1976 born 1:13pm in Cleveland, Ohio. So, for knee surgery, avoid Moon in Cancer as well. I am happy with the prediction. I contacted Bree for a date for the best time for my Hip replacement surgery. I am 59 years old. The 2023 Best Days Calendar dates are based on several factors, including the position of the Moon in the 12 signs of the Zodiac, as well as the Moon phase. Dont know when the Moon is new or full? The report suggest remedies which is very good. Good Mars transits bring strength and courage. which began December 19, 2021, and continues until January 29 . Place of birth is Bangalore, INDIA Moon Signs: from Aries that rules the head to Pisces that rules the feet. June 30 Dec 6, 2023, Pluto is retrograde yearly for about five or six months: Hi, which of these days are best for gastro surgery: march 2020: 6, 20, 25, 27 or april 2020: 1,3,8, 10,29 Also, which dates are good in February 2020? Moon day: is a number between 1 and 30, part of which has a positive effect, and part - a negative. Ask For Favors Therefore, when planning surgery according to the Moon, exclude such days at first. The days with combination of Day, Thithi and any one of the Stars (mentioned above) should be calculated as the Bad Days for getting a new treatment. By doing the right thing at the right time, Chinese uses these auspicious date and . Thank you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is the quiet time to rest, release your blood, and honor your body. For example, 2, 5 and 27 lunar days are some of the best for haircuts, and 1, 4 and 28 considered unfavorable. Moon Tracks Astrology Moon Signs Guide is a great tool for scheduling your daily activities by using the Moon's transit. Harley Weir. Chinese Spring Festival. Any insight appreciated. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2016 2023 Bree @ Spiritual Design Astrology.Copyright Notice: This content is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. 21-31 october. Cardinal Moon signs are good for accomplishments. Astrology - Learn Your Horoscopes, Planetary Alignment, & Zodiac! Jan.31. Is 16th or 17th better or should i wait for a date in July or further? Astrology Kannda. Ever wonder why some things work out that shouldnt, and other things dont work out that should? The difference is TIMING! When Venus in going direct is it ok to have cosmetic surgery? Pluto: Die on the table, resurrected, die and hopefully resurrected again, 5When the Moon is in the Zodiac sign ruling the organ or body system, and when the Moon is in the opposite sign, 1 - Aries head, face, brain, eyes Cosmetic surgery should not be considered when Venus is retrograde or combust. Though, of course, this may bring its own dangers. Mesha Lagna. However, try to avoid surgeries of the organs under the influence of the zodiac sign the Moon is in on the day of the surgery. Harvest. By Lisa Stardust. Dec 12 Jan 1, 2024 Make your love relationship, do buy and sell on this day. Many of our readers have asked for lucky colors and unlucky colors for people born on various birth dates. Below chart help patient to choose auspicious date to undergo surgery in 2022. The doctor is just waiting for me to confirm this date. Thank you. Website: https://www.alwaysastrology.com. Thank you for your time. Astrology plays important role in undergo surgery. Mars retrograde ended on Jan 12, 2023 so is no longer an issue this year. There are many other favorable days for dental . Your email address will not be published. Then you can plan travel and other stimulating events on or near the full Moon. THE MOON. Want to try something more unique? 2. Know the exact surgery location if its different from where you usually see your doctor. What if your surgery both removes from the body and adds to the body? It was cleared up by the right dates. Sagittarius rules the liver, hips, thighs, and sciatic nerve. Bad health of your spouse will weaken your financial situation this year. Keeping your spirits up. Avoid the full Moon to avoid swelling and complications! Moon in one ofthe Watersigns Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio events can flow and there can be good connections with healers, but people can be more emotional. Old colors here: Green = Best, Gray = Worst. Some physicians, nowadays, use this technique for effectively curing patients. Avoid surgery when transiting moon is square or opposite or in conjunct with natal or transiting sun or mars or Saturn. Avoid when the Moon is void of course, meaning that the Moon is changing signs. Mars especially can cause loss of blood and inflammation. Updated Feb 1, 2023 by J McCaul. You'll find the major planetary transits, retrograde periods, all phases in the lunar cycle including New moons, Full Moons, and Quarter moons, zodiac sign changes, as well as what it all means for . Stay current by following my Lunar Astrology Newsletter. They only do operations on Thursdays! January represents a new beginning. Hello I am having liposuction of my double chin and love handles/flanks. Not every Best Day is favorable enough for a super-important new beginning, though Worst Days should be avoided for important activities as general rule. They often risk hurting themselves by causing injury to their bone structure, such as to their knees or back. The sneak peek Moon Tracks Astrology Moon Signs Guide is a great tool for scheduling your daily activities by using the Moon's transit. Many Taureans often have a thick-set neck and they usually have mellifluous voices and make wonderful singers. Is this a good day? AS ABOVE = SO BELOW is an ancient truth-bomb. Are these dates appropriate or should and of them be avoided? I am not sure if my reply went through so I am sending it again just in caseI am sorry. Not every new beginning is of equal importance, and the level of importance of the beginning determines the strategy to use. Day and Time Selection based on Chinese Almanac / Tong Shu / Tong Sheng Chinese Calendar. But, it is not just so simple. Wonderful session I had win Dr Chandra. Also, an illness can cause much suffering and distress if it has set in one a day ruled by your Birth Nakshatra or the 3rd, 5th or 7th from it. The Signs. Next Month ~ March 1 - 15 ~ Lunar Activities GuidePacific Standard Time. where aspects need to be beneficent to that particular sign as well as your own natal aspects. And best of all it's a great day to have sex, since cortisol levels are at their peak. June 2022: Favorable. Scroll down to see previous months. It has so much details. 4 - Capricorn knees, joints, skeletal system The influence of Mars retrograde is less of an issue in modern times. This includes your personal transits and transit bi-wheel so dont forget the birth time. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); Need to Know When You Should Decide to have Surgery? Time: 18:43 About Chinese Almanac Calendar (Tung Shing) Chinese Calendar, developed from Chinese Lunar calendar, is a perpetual calendar with daily auspicious and inauspicious events. Hi Astronlogia, I am in need of total knee replacement sometime in July 2019. I am SO thankful that I consulted you and appreciate your expert advice. - Traditional Medical Astrology by Oscar Hofman, To know the Energy Exchange for electing auspicious dates, and how to formalize your request, Next:A Selection of 15 Sayings in Astrology. Lunar Cycles: The waxing cycle is best to add to the body like an implant. The best attendance will be on or close to a full Moon. Mars is retrograde every 2 years for about 2 months. People do not hemorrhage as much, bruise less, and swell less during Last Quarter Moon to New Moon vs. Full Moon to Last Quarter Moon. . Lastly, we also need to look at the Sun and the Moon, as well as the planet that is linked to the part of the body that we are having surgery on. Figure out when you menstruate and get your body in sync to produce your egg when the Moon is full. The waning moon, gradually disappearing from the night sky, takes away all illnesses, bad habits, excess weight, and in general all unnecessary of human life. Mondays are the only days my surgeon operates. For many of us, surgery is scary! preparing for it. Feel like it's "negative" to talk about worst days? THANK YOU. This is why people often say that those born under the sign of Gemini are live wires who can seem nervous when you first meet them or have a certain kind of nervous restless energy about them. And avoid the week before and the week after Mercury retrograde, the shadow period that still feels the influence of Mercury. Would end of May be better? If you have any sort of sensitivity to loss of light in winter (SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder), it will be easier to keep your spirits up when there is more light outside. Following are some. Its well known never to have surgery during a full moon & 3 days after also, because of the issue of bleeding more. Appreciation for your advice. 06 /13 Leo. And excellent client assistance. In the panchangam calendar, there are certain rules of astrology, which are applied to identify dates and times suitable for certain activities. Very nice service, affordable, accurate. Rising And Moon Signs In Astrology. Planetary relationships may also be considered. The date is after Venus becomes direct and auspicious for getting good results. Taurus rules thethroat, including neck, vocal chords, and thyroid gland. which is THE archetype for the father/ the wise old man/Teacher/authority/ Patriarch. To that end, it is very important to note which sign and thus which planet rules which part of the body. July 2022: Favorable. from Aries the head down to Pisces the feet. I plan to have arterioliac surgery October 2018, which are the best dates to have that surgery? Celebrations and parties are best on the full Moon, or as close to the full Moon as possible.
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