Just imagine how not funny at all. Virgin or not virgin.we just av to pray to God 4 a peaceful home, This article and the comments from people are impressive, im nt a virgen but i envy virgens out der if u know u are still a virgen pls. bitches all over 9ga pls let me break ur spirit the tin is we just ur virginity cuz it assures us u wont cheat u ill be at home cooking dinner while am drinking wit my bromigos and banging hot girls in their 20s # im not wicked i will buy u a vibertor or a dilodo or sometin# wake de fuck up apart from it been a sin, no one a damn its 2018 and all u gals way go rain abuses on me ur probs broke and useless and ur viginity is some accomplishment 2 u just stop bein a looser and go make money get dat money and be proud of de zeros in ur bank account not something one asswhip go take and till cheat on crazy ass # BITCHES BE CRAZY, a virgin wont give the guy what he wants instead she screams and makes the guy not to enjoy himself, SO U MEAN I SHOULD GO AND HAVE SEX AND DISVIRGIN WITH A GUY, yeah if u think ur ready just do it. i married as a virgin and today my man cant help loving me. "+e:f;!0===g&&d(17,b);return}!0===g&&d(18,b)}}function g(b){document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b)}function m(b,a){function d(){!0!==x&&(!0===f&&(c.readyState=void 0),x=!0,a(c))}var f=!1,x=!1,c=document.createElement("script");c.type="text/javascript";c.src=b;c.onload=d;c.async=!0;c.defer=!0;!0=== encourage your daughters to lose it at 10. u will be a gud father den. this article is questionable, from onset all women are virgins, so at what age do thing is the proper time for them to disvirgin that will not render them prone to sex, else married or not married virgins must still have such urges of being prone to it so ur article doesnt solve any problem since marriage those not determined whether or not a woman is a hoe. Also join us across all of our other channels - we love to be connected! 2:Yeah,she will have sex with you but it will never . Evry1 was once a virging b4 getin disvirgined, there4wat uv said applies to all den.pls research on tinz dat wil help d society rather dan diz imaginary theory.e no correct, mtcheeww,my dr ladies abeg mak una pretnd lyk say una no evn read dis artie.coz na rubish, @yetty,Dont b confused, they are talking abt putting Dick to your Toto___Add me Up__2B5E43C5. Enough wit dis whole Virgin Sh*t! c.length&&b(c,function(){});b.runnerBox.runElement(document)},0)}a({paths:d});l(window,"load",function(){v(48,"window.load");g();setTimeout(function(){v(48,"window.load -> 10s");g()},1E4)});"complete"===document.readyState&&(v(48,"isComplete"),g());"loaded"===document.readyState&&(v(48,"isLoaded"),k());l(document,"DOMContentLoaded",function(){v(48,"DOMContentLoaded");k();l(document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0],"pageshow",function(){v(48,"body pageshow");g()})});l(document,"readystatechange",function(){var a= Disadvantages of Marrying or Dating A Virgin. Everi1 is entitled 2 deir own opinion. Git a life. ALSO READ:Why women lie about virginity in relationships. afterall charity begins at home. An actually normal one would be loving each other with or without sex. man does that, there will be spiritual transfer of Been a virgin is nt an easy work xo virgin pls rely on God 2 help u keep it 2 ur wedding nit. According to Waiting Till Marriage, this is one of the biggest stereotypes about people who have chosen not to have premarital sex, arguing that it is a choice that "has little to do with physical appearance." but guys in house are not ready for responsibility. version 2.7 Why is it so carefully placed at that entrance, like a 30% of firstborns in Nigeria belong to other men. Taxes are often lower. (m(a,g,e(),c()),!0):!1}function m(a,d,c,e){function k(){setTimeout(function(){v(48,"run timeout "+e);g()},e)}function g(){setTimeout(function(){0< Ladies keep yourself away from men o because your virginity is your pride.WHO EVER WROTE THIS IS ANGENT OF DARKNESS AND IF POSSIBLE THE DEVIL HIMSELF, virginity is a pride nd is best gOOd 4 ladies 2 keep dem slf i am 1 i knw wat it takes 2 av pride.wen a virgin grl get married a guy weather virgin or nt there s much respect especially both parents,but if as a grl u av lost urs in 1 way or f oda dnt luse hope der s reason 4 everything, Virginity is dignity, is also a pride so ladies kip ur self away frm guys, BY JULY 29 I WILL TURN 22YET A VIRGIN IT HAS NOT BEEN AN EASY TASK BT GOD IS HELPING.AS FOR SATISFACTION IN MARRIAGE MY WOULD BE HUSBAND WONT VE ANYTHING TO REGRET COS IM VASTLY INFORMED .VIRGIN OR NOT SM PPL A NATURALLY DOG WHILE SM CNT RECIPROCATE LOVE, this writer iz an agent frm d devil.galz plz dnt listen 2 him, Am a virgin oo I dont even know how to sex even if am still at the age of 19 but I pray that God should prepare a virgin for me. Remember, ur body is d temple of God. i dont give a murdering fuck bout dat virgin bullshit once i love u i dont give a thundering fuck stupid bitches be thinking a gals pride is in their pussy.# so stupid# niggas just love a virgin bcos we think when we ist fuck her she in check. I really hope you grow up. Naijaloaded, wetin concern me nw dat i ve disvirgind 27 teenage galz, 17 gals below 14 and 5 gal above 25? Answer (1 of 9): There are disadvantages for sure; 1:She will never ever forget the boy who stole her virginity. Many men fail to glean the lessons from their failed marriages and consequently never heal their wounds. The first wife of Prophet is Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (May Allah be pleased with her) who is a non-virgin.. Hmmm i did nt blame some people here maybe is becos they are still in the dark..or i think they doesnt read their BIBLE thats if they even have it . version of it with another person. They usually turn sex machine and never get satisfy. Although my fiancee of 4yrs left me cos i asked him to wait til it was official buh he refused,there has been lots of temptation all this while buh hv decided to keep it for the ryt person,someone worth giving and someone that wl aprct it.. As it is ryt nw al i can ever tink of d writer is dat he is obviously confuse, probably he never got d chance 2 nip at a virgin or maybe no virgin gave him a second luk den he decides his ignorance wil get him an upper hand by bombadin on d virgins wit such a dishounorable nonsense but i blieve dis is his sense humour or he wuld never ve takin such a drastic step in writin such a concative nonsense but nxt tym bros put ur brain 2 focus b4 tryin 2 err d innocent 1ce into doin tins dey wnt 2 do nd it seems i wil ve 2 re_educate u dat if u ever had 1, do u knw dat virgin or no virgin wen a woman is dumb on bed den dat her nature likewise wen she is insatiable so dear stop tryin 2 creat a rift btw guls nd deir ways of lyf nd let me bring 2 ur notice dat dis an act of immaturity put ur brains 2 work (mr lecturer. see virgins dey, I dey meet them main main. I married a virgine fine. Yea! hormones, organs, nerves, tissues, e.t.c)said it in This is from hell! (A raped woman was considered unmarriageable: a forced marriage to her rapist was thought to be . If you cannot learn to love your partner by covering them in grace, than purity of body has taken priority over purity of heart. Intercourse is the number one factor that determines the success of a marriage. If youre still a virgin, my sister keep it up.. Not only your husband will honour you including God will do so.. Everlasting blessing.. God let ur will be done.so i am proud of my girl pls God protect her for me. hahahah i gbadun dis article ohh. I have sex with a boy when I was a little girl and after having sex with him blood did not come out off me, pls can u guys help me out? PLEASE GIRLS KEEP YOUR VIRGINITY FOR YOUR HUSBAND. Be wise. How to get a good woman. Preserve ursef because virginity is a mindset not some piece of meet that can fall off even without sex. We will now be sending you a daily newsletter on news, entertainment and more. Communication remains paramout in sexual affairs. They most times, do not want their authorities to be questioned by . Like the woman you mentioned, my wife had become a new creation. but aside from that I love that am a virgin. Purity: Virgin women look different and there's a kind of freshness and purity on their face and body. Unreal guys on d page you cant devalue wat is priceless. The Bible says it in clear terms: Or do you not know that he who is joined to a Visiting Asia is a big deal and you'll come to think of it as a a family reunion. dlApi = Object.assign(dlApi, { but bro u know what, u should ask ur sister to de-flower herself (dat is if she is still intact sha) nd make sure u do d same to ur baby girl when u av one some day. only be able to do so by making a blood disvirgin ur daughters first. Disadvantages of marrying a divorced man. However, there are considerable differences by marriage cohort. The first time Most times when a girl decide to remain a virgin till she gets married,its usually out of indoctrination, or in some rare cases lack of exposure/opportunity. hahaha guys who claim they dont want virgin wives, you know best. WTF sex isnt the number one factor in a relationship because THAT ISNT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP. ..hate it when it comes to the issue of BLOOD, to marry a virgin is good but its also good to marry her if you breaks her i know that 9ja loaded just do this to make guys to marry whos not virgin but i think all are thesame because you are once a virgin. My mum was a virgin when she got marry 2 my dad but now he went ahead 2 marry a second wife why. Unblock notifications in browser settings. }); all i believe is to marry early, when u marry early u will av a better opinion. mistakes. This Article is ungoldly. 1. Contrary to conventional wisdom, when it comes to sex, less experience is better, at least for the marriage,W. PU: "8c0fee97-c85d-5b1e-af1a-5043ad64bfc6" Am impressed by all d comment. Fawa to da fifu. Nothing is as better as getting a bloodstain at d night of ur wedding. Series. very door of the sexual opening of the female? Disadvantages of dating a skinny . */ Ma grand mum still b virgin ooo. on 16 February, 2015 no_gemius: 1, She just wants to have fun. destiny. Am a virgin and I am very comfortable with dat.I spent five years in the university undefiled.I dont think abt contraceptives, abortions, STDs etc. It also gives me some sense of pride that I am the first. Even still, a Korean man has priorities and while you're up there, family is always number one. Yes they can. D PERSON DAT WROTE DIS MESSAGE IS NOTIN BUT A STUPID ENTITY AND AN AGENT OF DARKNESS. } ur opinion dsnt count. im 18 nd stil a virgin my frnd told me dat is so painful to disvirgin at late stage so is it truth ? But am still proud coz I was de first dude that open dey way though she turns somethinq else. There are often financial benefits associated with marriage. man that broke it, any other spirit whatsoever Its their kind that wont get satisfied after 6 rounds. When you date a virgin, you are rest assured you are the first person entering the place, nobody was there before to have infected her with any type of Sexually transmitted disease whatsoever. Most times when a girl decide to remain a virgin till she gets married,its usually out of indoctrination, or in some rare cases lack of exposure/oppor . First . positioned a membrane of blood in a ladys He pays the bills, and hell, he has even taken you to meet Oma. I didn't even kiss him until we were at the altar. REPENT AND STOP PROMOTING SIN. There is a spiritual bonding, a supernatural (b in h)){var d=m(b,function(){h[b].query.exec([])});h[b]={script:d,query:H(!0)};g(d)}h[b].query.add(a)}},getActialLoading:function(){for(var b in h)if("interactive"===h[b].script.readyState)return b;return null},resolvePath:b,isLoad:function(a){a=b(a,"js",!0);return u(a)&&a in h?h[a].query.isExec():!1},isSpecified:function(a){a=