Part of HuffPost Entertainment. When did Lincoln Parish leave Cage the Elephant? Octavia finds Lincoln's journal and begins to break down. Work is taking place on season seven, which is the final outing of post-apocalyptic drama. In The 48, Lincoln is taking care of an injured Octavia by a river, teaching her the Grounder language to pass as a grounder when they get to the sea. He tells her she is getting better and they kiss and have sex. A government that allows secession will disintegrate into anarchy. Lincoln was then made to kill the man by his father and was told that the world has always been trying to turn him into a monster. He removes the arrow from her leg, only to discover that the tip was poisoned and so was Octavia. Home Entertainment 13 Facts About Lincoln From The 100? He will also form a romantic relationship with Octavia Blake until he dies in season three, executed by Charles Pike. They never had a kid Octavia was never pregnant. 2023 TV GUIDE, A FANDOM COMPANY. (May we meet again)Lincoln's last words to Octavia Blake. His mother is from England and his father is from Jamaica. My personal well being is more important than this.". Octavia offers her arm to give blood as a universal donor but her blood won't work. Lincoln and the Drafting of the Proclamation By 1862, Abraham Lincoln realized that to restore the Union, slavery must end. If you google the 100 theres a clip of her telling Lincoln shes pregnant, then they show the baby, then they leave it behind for her brother to take care of. After being a regular character, Lincoln, The 100 's Trikru warrior, was killed off in season 3 because actor Ricky Whittle refused to continue working with showrunner Jason Rothenberg. Lincoln is not going down without a fight. 3. It does not take them long to realize that Lincoln is not himself anymore and Octavia tries to tell him that it's her but he attacks her anyway. But whatever the catalyst, the rift between Whittle and Rothenberg was so deep that Warner Bros. Television Group President Peter Roth and CW President Mark Pedowitz allowed Whittle to audition for American Gods because they saw "[his] character was not being used at all" on The 100. The 100: Why did Finn Collins star Thomas McDonell leave? 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. "I'm not sure if it was confirmed, but it kind of seemed settled that Lincoln was going to go at the end of the season, and then a script came out, and an amendment came out when they escaped the Ark, and Lincoln went with them, and then an amendment came out where he went back and was executed. Octavia starts crying and Lincoln tells her Trikru is in the heart and goes to kiss her but Octavia is too bothered by the jacket and turns away and leaves. He had a whole storyline that was cut, that was just nonexistent. It was my choice to go.". Even under great stress, such as being tortured, finding out his village was attacked, being chased by reapers and attacked without provocation, Lincoln does not express any emotion. One of the more funny things in the books to me is that Wells and Bellamy are half brothers. One of Pike's followers, Shawn Gillmer, throws a rock at Lincoln's head, telling him he doesn't belong. Pike executed Lincoln by shooting him in the head, leaving his body behind in a puddle of mud. Abby has called Lincoln to see her in Medical and tells him about her plans to make another trip to Mount Weather for medical supplies. Later, Octavia tells Indra it meant a lot that she forgave Lincoln. Later, Marcus Kane and Abby are talking with Octavia and Lincoln again and ask if Lexa would be willing to accept a deal where the Sky People put Finn on trial instead. The CW's "The 100," currently in its third season, killed off two of its most beloved characters in recent weeks, sparking much online discussion. Entertainment Television, LLC A Division of NBCUniversal. Pike points the gun at Lincoln's head and shoots him, killing him. Posted on February 21, 2023 by admin. Politically, Lincoln faced pressure on all sides: from African Americans fleeing bondage, from Union generals acting independently, from Radical Republicans calling for immediate abolition, and from pro-slavery Unionists who opposed emancipation. She tells him that he might wear the Guard jacket but he will never be one of the Skaikru. After being a regular character on The 100, Lincoln was killed off in season 3 because actor Ricky Whittle refused to continue working with showrunner Jason Rothenberg. After reading fan reactions, Rothenberg eventually apologized for the death with a blog post on Medium. The prisoners are all taken to a room and Pike tells the guards to shoot anyone who comes near. He found a badly injured man inside but because he couldn't speak English yet, he couldn't ask the man what was wrong. As it turns out, Lincoln wasn't supposed to die just yet, but Whittle made the decision to leave the show himself, citing bullying from showrunner Jason Rothenberg as the reason. Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim. President Abraham Lincoln firmly believed that a state did not have that right. Octavia is worried because of the Kill Order on Lincoln and they start heading toward the wall. Pike, however, catches on and tells the prisoners that there will be an execution today and if they all leave the sick grounders will be killed in their place. My personal well-being is more important than this.". Whittle gave no reason as to why he thinks Rothenberg's attitude towards him changed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Rothenberg later released a statement, which read: "Ricky Whittle is a talented actor; I appreciate his work on The 100 and wish him all the best moving forward on American Gods.". He then goes after Bellamy and is about to stab him in the neck when Octavia distracts him, allowing Jasper to knock him out again. Short Answer: Clarke is 18 and Lexa is probably 20-22. When Jasper spots grounders in the trees, he opens fire at them and Anya's accomplices shoot arrows back at the delinquents. Lincoln was avenged when Octavia killed Pike in Perverse Instantiation (Part 2), after A.L.I.E.s defeat. "I don't agree with the way things were handled, but it has raisedincredible awareness to a very important cause. Abby decides she needs to speak with Indra. Pike executed Lincoln by shooting him in the head, leaving his body behind in a puddle of mud. Lincoln tells Nyko that taking him to the Mountain was the only way to save him. Lincoln was killed off on The 100 after actor Ricky Whittle left due to a reduced role and toxic environment with show creator Jason Rothenberg. While walking, Bellamy asks why he protected Octavia before he knew her. Speaking about the characters death, Whittle claimed to Afterbuzz in an interview in 2016: "Lincoln wasn't supposed to die this season. After Charles Pike became Arkadia's new Chancellor, Lincoln was placed into lockup, as Pike saw all Grounders as enemies to the Sky People. In His Sister's Keeper, Lincoln brings Octavia back to his cave and proceeds to seal her leg wound shut and leaves again. November 6, 2022 After the fall of the Mountain Men, Lincoln resided in Arkadia, because the Commander placed a kill order on his head. Yes, Finn died in Spacewalker. He was killed when a meteor shower hit the Ark, causing him to be impaled by a piece of metal. Even that storyline, he was executed for no reason. He was marginalizing my character. They succeed, however, only Nyko is rescued as Lincoln is not with them. CW Actor Ricky Whittle Claims He Left The 100 Because Of Bullying, Ricky Whittle Says the Creator Bullied Him Off the Show,,, Lincoln has a collection of books in his cave including drawings of the Earth and the environment. why did lincoln leave the 100 Whittle says he approached the producers who were on set in Vancouver if they knew what was going on, but they just told him to talk to Rothenberg. After being a regular character on The 100, Lincoln was killed off in season 3 because actor Ricky Whittle refused to continue working with showrunner Jason Rothenberg. During the course of the show, characters have come and gone with only a handful of cast members still part of the story. Eventually in We Are Grounders (Part 2), Bellamy sees him as an ally and allows him to take Octavia to safety in order to save her from her arrow wound. Nyko shows up as Lincoln's condition is getting worse and Octavia brings him to the drop ship to help Lincoln. There was, however, somegood that has come out of Lexa's death in the weeks that have passed, thanks to the fans and their fundraising efforts for The Trevor Project, which provides support and works to prevent suicide in the LGBT community. In his youth, he saw a small dropship come to Earth from The Ark. In We Are Grounders (Part 2), Finn shows up at Lincoln's cave, looking for medicine for an injured Raven. Octavia and Lincoln nevr had a baby in the show. 4. "If this was in the playground, it would have got physical but Im an adult and violence isnt going to solve anything," he added in the interview. Secession would destroy the world's only existing democracy, and prove for all time, to future Americans and to the world, that a government of the people . Abby asks Lincoln about the supply runs jeopardizing their peace and Lincoln tells Abby to save Nyko. Lincoln was a warrior from Trikru. Lincoln wants to move Nyko from the Mountain because of all the death the Mountain caused. After Lexa betrays Clarke and the Sky People, Lincoln tries to intervene but Lexa has Lincoln apprehended. Lincoln first meet Octavia in Twilights Last Gleaming when she had been injured after falling from a steep hill. During an interview with AfterBuzz TV, Whittle revealed that Lincoln's death was not supposed to happen this season. In Inclement Weather, Lincoln is captured by Indra and the rest of his clan in revenge for him betraying his clan. She continues tending to his wounds and they talk about the relationship between the Delinquents and him. abused his position to make my job untenable. The journal shows he's been spying on the Delinquents and has taken a particular fancy to Octavia. William Armstrong is a senior editor with, where he writes on a wide variety of topics. ", CLICK: Jason Rothenberg explains Lexa's death. 5. He was born on October 8, 1995, making him 23 years old at the time of his arrival on Earth. Book series: yes, Clarke and Bellamy are romantic partners and are engaged. Bankrupting America When the swap is made, Reapers ambush them and take Lincoln and Nyko with them. He had learned about the Roman emperor, Augustus, and named his sister after the emperors sister, Octavia. Octavia tries to stop Lincoln from turning himself in, but Lincoln refuses and hits Octavia with a reaper stick so she can't stop him. He later was captured by the Mountain Men, and forced to become a Reaper, but with Delinquents and Octavia's assistance, he was rescued and overcame his addiction to RED, the drug used to create the Reapers. A lot was made of something my mum said all over Twitter, but everything she said was true," he told host Ben Bateman. During Finn's cremation, Lincoln translates the words of Lexa when she is speaking the ritual for the burning. The pair develop romantic feelings, and Lincoln helped the Delinquents multiple times, causing him to be viewed as a traitor to his people. Lincoln tells him to stay put and do it for his son. Nyko has lost a lot of blood and they bring him to Medical. Abby tells him they can't do it but he argues with her that they need to do it to save Nyko's life. I think it's obvious, as we see him slowly become more and more animalistic, killing one of his own people for that precious "red drug.". Later, Abby approaches Lincoln in the old blood treatment room of Mount Weather and tells him Nyko is waking up. Lincoln tells them it's not possible because Finn killed innocent people and they're already lucky because if it were up to Indra, all of the Sky People would be dead. A seven-year-old Bellamy watched his mother give birth to his sister and even helped keep her quiet after the birth. Yes, Abby saves Lincoln. He saves her life again in We Are Grounders (Part 2) when he leaves with her in the midst of battle because of the arrow in her leg. Although Finn was very much dead and gone, the character made a brief comeback in season six as a memory. He is also accepted back by Indra after she had previously called him traitor and a Reaper, refusing his help with her injuries from the missile and the sniper. After gaining each others trust, Clarke takes Madi under her wing and raises her as her own child. But once Whittle decided to leave the series and doAmerican Godson Starz, they were forced to write the beloved character off. However, he did return for one final appearance in The Walking Dead series finale. Lincoln was killed off on The 100 after actor Ricky Whittle left. In Join or Die, when Bellamy asks Octavia how long she is going to remain upset with him she says she can't even look at him because when she does, all sees is Lincoln's death. He is then comforted by Octavia who wants to help him recover emotionally from his Reaper experience, however, Lincoln wishes not to speak of it. I love the show. Lincoln is a non-conformist, who always questioned the ways of Trikru as he grew up and is willing to risk his own life to do what's right, even if it's against the traditions of his people. I love that cast and crew. Lincoln takes the knife and heads toward Mount Weather and Octavia. During an interview with AfterBuzz TV, Whittle revealed that Lincolns death was not supposed to happen this season. It literally disappeared and the reason was Jason was trying to cut me out and it was childish, it was immature, it's narcissistical, really," said Whittle. In the fifth season, Raven is surviving with Spacekru on the Ark. As it turns out, the 23-year-old guitarist recently made the decision to leave CTE in order to follow his passion for producing. Boss teases finale. You protected my sister before you even knew her. In Unity Day, Lincoln takes an arrow for Octavia, saving her life. Eventually, Octavia hits him over the head and knocks him out. Some time passes and it's implied that Lincoln is becoming conditioned when another grounder is put in the room with Lincoln and a single dose of the chemical. All rights reserved. He chains her up so she won't escape again and heads back out. msu drop class deadline 2022; sydney shark attack video footage; find a grave complaints; decrevit quondam senatus ut. Lincoln catches her and holds her still to save her from being killed by the other Grounders who kill Roma Bragg instead. My money is on this one. Being both moral and rational, he seeks peace among his own people and the Sky People in spite of previous armed conflicts that have taken place and soured relations, which shows that he is a visionary who understands what needs to be done to ensure long-term prosperity. Just another site. Octavia frees Lincoln in Day Trip while her brother is gone and the rest of the delinquents are hallucinating from some Jobi nuts. Jasper tells her it's ok to break down but Octavia tells him that "a warrior doesn't mourn her losses until the war is over." Finally, in episode 5.14 (The Gospel of Josephine), Clarke mentions to Madi that she has been feeling sick recently, which could also be a sign that she is pregnant. Thats it. READ MORE:The 100: What happened to Charmaine Diyoza and the Anomaly? He has a lean muscular build and has tribal tattoos on his head, back, chest, and arms. There is no stunt double for Lincoln's stunts. There is lots of physical exertion required, stunt work, loads of extras to worry about. The 100: Ricky Whittle played Lincoln in the series. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. It's sabotaging the story.". He forced me to make that choice, to walk away. In Resurrection, Octavia and Lincoln come under fire from a sniper from Mount Weather who helped set the location for the missile. Nyko tells Lincoln that their people are wrong and places aren't evil; people are. Bellamy meets with Octavia at the dropship in order to help her free Lincoln but she instead sedates him and chains him up in a cave. Three days after finding him, he told his father about him and his father made him kill the man. 1. Lincoln carries a book, which he uses to document what he sees and make maps. Lincoln was avenged when Octavia killed Pike in "Perverse Instantiation (Part 2)", after A.L.I.E. He catches sight of Octavia in the distance and tells her "meibi oso na hit choda op nodotaim" (may we meet again), before Pike shoots him the head, killing him instantly. Later, after the disease is sweeping through the camp, Clarke sends her to Lincoln to find out if there is a cure. Octavia thinks they are using Lincoln and tells him she doesnt want them to live with the Skaikru and wants them to go far away to Lunas clan. Lincoln (played by Ricky Whittle) was one of those characters. In an interview with AfterBuzz TV, Whittle said, "Jason Rothenberg bullied me off the show. Kane and Sinclair escaped, but Lincoln remained behind when Pike threatened to kill the rest of the Grounders he had locked up. Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. In Blood Must Have Blood (Part 2), Lincoln again picks Octavia over the Grounders and risks the alliance between the Mountain Men and the Grounders in order to go after Octavia at Mount Weather. At Mount Weather, Lincoln, Abby, and Jackson are rushing Nyko to the medical area. Lincoln, however, refuses saying the only way the Farm Station survivors will see him as different than other Grounders is if he stays. Over the next several years, Diyoza and Octavia raise Hope together, forming their own family with Octavia becoming Auntie O to Hope. It was my choice to go. "He chose to belittle me and neglect my character and myself. Octavia arrives in Arkadia and begins to put her plan into action. After the lesbian character Lexa was killed off in March (to accommodate the actress' role on Fear the Walking Dead), Rothenberg was accused of contributing to the #BuryYourGays trope. Pike asks him if he has any last words but Lincoln says "not for you". After Octavia pushes him off her, Lincoln goes after Bellamy, causing Octavia to shoot him, wounding him in the leg. Firstly, in episode 5.13 (Damocles Part 2), Clarke has a dream in which she sees herself giving birth to a baby. Whittle also wanted to make it clear that he has nothing against the show itself. He is still restrained because he feels he is still a danger to others. After the fall of the Mountain Men, Lincoln resided in Arkadia, because the Commander placed a kill order on his head. He burdens himself with the well-being of Octavia, the Sky People and Trikru, and always gets involved in major political issues. . Whittle claimed showrunner Jason Rothenberg had bullied him, which was the reason he left the series. Clarke calms her by telling her that he and Bellamy are going to be all right. Every time a script would come through, I would see literally nothing for Lincoln.". It's your boss. Clarke replies, "You are my people," and kills the sniper in one shot through Lincoln's shoulder. In The 48, Lincoln returns to his village and almost certain death in order to get medicine to treat Octavias poisoned wound. After a few false starts, they eventually become lovers and are devoted to each other. Keep watching The 100. 2023 E! How old was Bellamy when Octavia was born. When Octavia gets angry that Lincoln is injured, Indra states that Lincoln should be dead, implying that they would have finished the "death by a thousand cuts" punishment for Lincoln since he had betrayed his clan. Cage Wallace arrives and begins injecting him with some sort of red drug while using a device that emits a loud tone during the drug's harsh onset and also while they're electrocuting Lincoln. In Long Into an Abyss, Bellamy and Octavia take Clarke to the drop ship where they have tied up Lincoln once again. "Controversial, so here we go," he began, after the host asked when he found out Lincoln was dying. As he carries her back to his cave, she pleads with him to help her brother who is also out there. Later, at the bridge where the meeting is taking place, Lincoln stands beside Octavia and Finn. In The 48, Lincoln returns to his village and almost certain death in order to get medicine to treat Octavia's poisoned wound. Ricky Whittle left The 100 because he found it impossible to work with showrunner Jason Rothenberg. Madi is a young Nightblood who runs into Clarke in Eden as the only Praimfaya survivors on the ground. When they arrive at the underground entrance to Mount Weather, Bellamy and the other captured grounders are marked for harvesting. After being a regular character on The 100, Lincoln was killed off in season 3 because actor Ricky Whittle refused to continue . After he is captured by Reapers, Octavia does not give up hope of finding him, finally succeeding in Fog of War. His bag is looked through and a collection of vials and a journal are found. If you google the 100 theres a clip of her telling Lincoln shes pregnant, then they show the baby, then they leave it behind for her brother to take care of. Diyoza is about to give birth by herself when Octavia emerges from the Anomaly and helps her to deliver the baby. These two meet on opposite ends of a war for the planet, but end up having to survive, just the two of them and Diyozas daughter Hope, on a planet away from everyone else they know. The 100 season 7: Will Clarke Griffin star have a new role finale? When Bellamy Blake, Zoe Monroe, Finn Collins, and Jasper Jordan are under attack by the hostile Grounders, Lincoln sounds a horn to falsely warn the Grounders of an incoming Acid Fog. It has not yet been explicitly stated on the show. He has a complicated history and backstory that is revealed throughout the course of the show. Yes, Indra is stil alive on The 100. Lincoln was a Trikru warrior but frequently aided the teen Delinquents, who'd. When the Grounders are pinned down by the Mountain Men and are unable to detonate the charge at the door, Lincoln shoots a flaming arrow at the charge, setting it off. While there is no confirmation yet that Clarke is actually pregnant, the evidence seems to suggest that she may be. He finds Octavia with an arrow in her leg and, with Bellamy's blessing, takes Octavia away to save her. He has acted as the group's prominent leader since the show's debut and, in turn, has become the . One example of this is creating a plan that involved attempting to flee to the coast to escape the armed conflict between the delinquents and Woods Clan. In Day Trip, when he is visited by Octavia again, he reveals to her that his name is Lincoln. "I came back home for the kids, and . After Charles Pike became Arkadia's new Chancellor, Lincoln was placed into lockup, as Pike saw all Grounders as enemies to the Sky People. ", Rothenberg has yet to publicly apologize for allegedly bullying Whittle, but told BuzzFeed in a statement, "Ricky Whittle is a [talented] actor; I appreciate his work on 'The 100' and wish him all the best moving forward on 'American Gods.'". Octavia asks what would happen to him and Lincoln tells them that because Finn killed 18, he will suffer 18 deaths as a result. In an attempt get him back, Octavia abducts Nyko and uses him to swap for Lincoln as Nyko is the clan's only healer. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. jeff foxworthy home; walk with me lord old school; tucson parking permit map; cavalier king charles spaniel rescue michigan; When Bellamy arrives at the cell, Sinclair requests immunity as the chief engineer and begins to pretend to Bellamy of their plan. In Welcome to Bardo, when Levitt scans Octavia's memories with the Disciples' Memory Capture device, Lincoln is amongst the memories shown. She dismisses Lincoln and tells Jackson she will be back in Medical in a minute. If this is the case, then it wold seem that Octavia has been keeping Hope a secret from her father (Bellamy) and the rest of the group. More info. Abby helps Raven off her horse because she cant get down on her own. While she's pushing the arrow through, Finn asks him why he is helping the delinquents. Series TV is a grind, and no show is more grinding than TWD. Ricky Whittle left The 100 because he found it impossible to work with showrunner Jason Rothenberg. The character formed a romantic relationship with Delinquent Octavia Blake (Marie Avgerpoulos) and subsequently branded a traitor by his own people. However, this does not come withut cost. Because of Octavia, his clan now thinks he is a traitor so he is leaving. Beginning with Eden, she is portrayed by actress Lola Flanery. Why did Lincoln leave the 100? A guard shouts from the walls that there is a "fighter" approaching, disrupting them. Lincoln helps Octavia find the correct antidote to save her (and Finn). "I don't want a witch hunt, and my strong message is blood must not have blood, none of this eye for an eye business. In the final episode of season 3, Jaspers journey was meant to end with him taking his own life; they wrote the scene, they filmed it, and as far as actor Devon Bostick knew, that was the end of his time on the show. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! The 100 season 7 will be the last one for the show, The 100 season 7: How will The 100 end? He says he didn't understand the man but tried to help him. When Finn takes his horn, Lincoln stabs Finn in the chest. A Reaper raiding party appears, however, and Lincoln quickly grabs Bellamy, strips him of his clothes, and uses him as a prisoner to keep their ploy from being discovered. 1 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Charlie Mcclain: Blacked out Dodge Charger HIGH SPEED PURSUIT in dense fog - Arkansas State Police TEAMWORK with PIT Lincoln was killed off on The 100 after actor Ricky Whittle left due to a reduced role and toxic environment with show creator Jason Rothenberg. Whittle discussed his departure from the show in an interview with AfterBuzz TV, claiming that Rothenberg "abused his position to make my job untenable." ", "I want people to know that no one should ever suffer in silence. In Wanheda (Part 1), three months after the events at Mount Weather, Lincoln lives in Arkadia where he is engaged with Bellamy in a melee combat demonstration while a group of people, including Monroe and Harper, watch. Lincoln was a Trikru warrior but frequently aided the teen Delinquents, whod been sent down to Earth and establish whether it was inhabitable following a nuclear holocaust. Before his death, Lincoln whispers to Octavia, who devastatingly watches from afar, "Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim", meaning "May we meet again" in Trigedasleng. In The Calm, Anya tells Clarke that it was Lincoln who told her of Clarke's medical expertise. In Wanheda (Part 2), Niylah is seen being beaten and thrown around inside her trading post by Roans partner. Who Did Clarke have a kid with in the 100? Her physical age reflects the amount of time that has passed since she was born, while her mental age reflects the amount of time she has been alive. Later on, Clarke tries to clean his wounds but he sees Octavia enter the room and refuses to let Clarke do so. However, there are several pieces of evidence that suggest Clarke may be pregnant. Lincoln stops breathing again when the grounders arrive, causing Octavia to believe him dead. The reapers are crazy cannibals who kill people mercilessly and seem to lack all humanity. He was professionally bullying me, cutting out all the storyline that I was supposed to be doing, cutting lines, trying to make my character and myself as insignificant as possible to the point where it was starting to get me down. "I approached other producers and said, 'What's going on? You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Actor Andrew Lincoln has become known for his role on The Walking Dead as Rick Grimes. maison d'amelie paris clothing. During that time, theyre a family. What do they say in The 100 when someone dies? He took care of her injuries and he saved her from being found by the other grounders and she thanked him for his help. May we meet again. This is the phrase used by the Sky People (those that grew up on the Ark space station) to show their respects to the dead or to say goodbye to their loved ones who have passed. In Blood Must Have Blood (Part 1), he listens as Lexa and Clarke explain the plan to break into Mount Weather. After Octavia demands a swap for Nyko, Indra's only healer, she agrees to let Lincoln go. Whittle is now busy shooting on American Gods season three opposite Ian McShane. Cain and Lucifers Complex Relationship Analyzed, Introducing Cote de Pablos Adorable Daughter, Tali, Finding the Best Way To Sleep Soundly with Occipital Neuralgia. He tells Octavia to remain behind to help solidify the Grounders-Sky People alliance since she knows both of their ways now.
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