To remedy this issue, turn off the heater for some time and restart it. Advantages and disadvantages of hot water circulation pumps. The buffer tank eliminates the "cold water sandwich" effect and issues of minimum flow rates commonly found in other tankless water heaters. To calculate the size of the heater, you will need to add up the amount of water required at a particular time. Is there the same solution for NR240A? So, saving water is the main reason for calling a recirculation pump eco-friendly. = heat loss from the circulation system [kW] Your article ended saying All in all, its important to understand that recirculation pumps are worth the money. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The air will need to be bled out of the system. If the problem does not get resolved, replace the motherboard or control board or hire a professional t do it. Thats why turning off your pump is important when youre not using it. You can install it yourself (DIY circulation pump installation) or call a professional; more on that in the part about how much do hot water recirculating pumps cost. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. This might be a small installation error or a faulty setting. However, if you want hot water fast, these on-demand heaters are not ideal. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Lets look at the individual parts that make up the recirculation pump for hot water: If you want to install a recirculation pump, you start by getting the whole recirculating pump kit. Any thoughts on that? Turn the unit off. You can replace the sensor if needed. The issue is most likely, the flow sensor inside the unit is not spinning correctly. Or invest in a larger water heater. Connect a regular garden hose to the hot side service valve. Neither reason is likely to be correct but we would need a much more in depth knowledge of the hot water distribution system and the circulation line in particular. Many systems turn on and off automatically to keep the water within a specified temperature range. I broke down all the possible reasons that cause your Navien Recirculation Pump to produce a humming noise. air), Latent Heat (BTU/hr) = 0.69 x CFM x gr. Check this too: Electric RV Water Heater How to & Troubleshooting Guide. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? Navien NaviCirc Recirculation Valve Description How it works Specifications Dimensions If the external recirc is set up without this it will just run, defeating the purpose of hot water on demand. Also, turn off the water heater, and recirculate the pump. It shows that the water adjustment valve is not operating properly. Just like everything with these three characteristics, it is time-consuming and challenging. It sounds awful and not like any other recirculating pump I've ever heard. It means there is some issue with the OT-remote controllers operation. Not sure I am understanding. That install is exactly as specified in the newer manuals. Here are four problems with these pump systems that you should be aware of. For more information, please see our Ask an Expert Home Improvement Questions HVAC Questions Navien NPE-240s with external recirculating pump. 6\" Magnetic Nut setter Set 48-22-6330 Tongue and Groove Pliers Set Hero 8 Black Action Camera with Accessory Bundle Pro Pac Tech XL Tool Bag Bundle H2R LED Headlamp, 2300 Lumens Rechargeable Flashlight AMP-320 Clamp Meter 117 Electricians True RMS Multimeter 2364-20 M12 Rover Rocket light 2132-20 #MIHeatingGuy #MichiganHeatingGuy If water comes out from the pressure relief pipe, this indicates that the issue is not with the unit but with the house's plumbing. (+ Installation Costs), How Many Amps Does A Tankless Water Heater Use? Turn off your main water valve if you are going on vacation. The cold water pipe coming from the wall goes into the domestic water inlet on the tankless heater, as it should. Crazy coincidence that I ran into your post because I've been researching the same issue. Rather than using the hard wired door bell style push button that comes with the kit, I bought this remote control unit (. It only takes a minute to sign up. (Per Hour, Month, Year), How Much Does A Tankless Water Heater Cost? What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? It will make your water recirculating pump much smarter. For example, you may damp it into a bathtub, pushing the water through the isolation side on hot. Reconnect the power supply to the water heater. The process to take apart the fitting which holds the flow sensor to "blow" it out clean is arduous, requiring drainage of the system etc., and has not solved the problem. We get it, but (1) can't live without ads, and (2) ad blockers can cause issues with videos and comments. On top of that, the recirculating pumps also return the cold water in the pipes back to the heater. Thanks! Then replace the heater cover and turn the gas or power back on. The only place that quickly gets hot (and really hot) is the guest bath which happens to be right next to the water heater. Here is the final install. (+ Calculator), 5 Best Air Purifiers For Allergies In 2023 (+ H13 Medical-Grade HEPA Filters), Is A Tankless Water Heater Worth It? All in all, its important to understand that recirculation pumps are worth the money. And. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Hello Frank, one of the disadvantages of recirculating pumps is that you have to wait for cold water a bit. Circulation pumps can wreck havoc on your lines if you run them constantly due to friction at bends causing pinhole leaks. I am guessing that he only returned the HOT line, hence the delayed time in "INSTANT HOT", as the Naviens are sold as well as there 96% efficiency!! This issue is more common in older heater models. Press the reset button to reset your device. Turn off the electrical supply to the pump Locate the small bleed screw on the pump Remember the pump is full of water, so place the cloth underneath the screw Turn the screw very slowly (less than a quarter turn is usually enough) to allow any air to escape Tighten the screw Mop up any excess water Turn the electrical supply back on Examine the thermistors condition and pump wiring connectors. And the heater has been set to recirculation mode. Otherwise, this will cause the shut-off valve to get damaged. Also, check the filters to see if they are clean. Thanks for confirming and letting me know about the potential damage to the circulating pump as that hadn't occurred to me. This gives you a negative return on investment (ROI), so. Does It Save Money? We hope we were able to help you out with our guide. Works great and saves the copper pipes. Why Does My Stiebel Eltron Tempra High-limit Switch Keep Tripping. If you fail to stop the noise after trying all the steps I mentioned, I bet there is a complex problem with the unit. Pour two gallons of white vinegar into a 5gallons bucket. A hot water recirculating pump will save you money, especially if you have a larger family. Then descale a flush the heater following the steps listed below. You can adjust the temperature while the display is flashing. You need a crossover valve installed under one of your faucets that is far away from the water heater (there are a few different styles but they all have four connections and get installed under a faucet). Sold by HVAC Pros and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Its really an easy task to do. If you'd like to support the site, please allow ads. However, this is only a temporary fix. There are several ways to do it. This time of year, we dont need to have instant hot water circulating so we turned off the pump. Way too many variables to even begin to diagnose online IMO. House was built in late 1990s and is 2 story, built on a slab foundation. Where does the circulation return line tie in, and where is this in relation to the Naviien unit, other fixtures, and appliances in the home? Here are some of the leading causes of cold water production; Which means there isnt enough time for the water to heat up. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Patrick. I have a new Noritz tankless water heater that includes an AquaMotion recirculating pump at the heater and a crossover valve under the kitchen sink. You can contact a plumber if necessary. Is there a way to tell if the cold pipe is circulatory/return line or cold water from the mains? Your question, can I turn off my hot water pump? has been answered. However, I have envious of those who have the NPE with the hot button and wifi link. . Navien's patented ComfortFlow system is the first to include a buffer tank, recirculation pump and fine-tuned controls into a tankless water heater, resolving the cold-water sandwich effect* and issues of minimal flow rates commonly found in other tankless water heaters. A loose part causing unnecessary vibrations, Vacuum in the water lines causing vibrations, A dirty flow sensor leading to gas flow interference and producing weird noises. Only 19 left in stock - order soon. I noticed my apartment building installed one and at that time the whole water pressure was low. . Thats all for today. Then, turn it on again. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. But, making sure youre doing it the right way is important. $257.16. This number indicates that the water pressure is high. It is affordable and can easily fix your problem. Correcting Navien Tankless Hot Water Heater Installation, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Tankless water heater - not consistent hot water output, Plumbing Manifold Use With a Tankless Hot Water Heater, No hot water if hot water recirculator pump is shut off, warm water only when we replaced the hot water heater with a tankless heater. Close the isolation valves to the cold-supply and recirculation lines. and our Get in touch with Navien technical support or a professional heater repairman. Empties the water pipes so the next time youll need hot water fast, it will meet less resistance in the piping and it will arrive at the faucet in a matter of seconds. I agree the user manuals are very helpful. Hello Sam, you can shut off the recirculating pump to the kitchen faucet. This is done every time you close the faucet. This extra pipe is installed parallel to conventional piping. All you have to know is how to turn it off. Return this item for free. When the water is sufficiently hot, the temperature sensor will shut off the power to the recirculation pump to conserve energy. Continue reading below Our Video of the Day 1. When attempting a flush of the system, I shut off the hot and cold valves that lead into the heater. For example, an open or shorted sensor causes this issue., Navien NPE-240A2 External circulation question, Navien NPE-240A and HotButton - DIP switches and parameters, Flushing Navien 240A set up for external bypass, Navien NPE External Recirculation Confusion. 2. Well, If you overuse your pump, it will start malfunctioning. Both of those spots are problematic though. House generators are quite expensive. You certainly dont want that, do you? Page 12 Turn off and discontinue use of the water heater if any of the vent . Set the pump in the bucket and plug it in. First, find the control panel on the front of the unit. Close the cold and hot water inlet valves and then drain the water heater. It will help you avoid common water heater issues and let you operate the unit smoothly. However, the plumber branched this off into the circulation water inlet. Since pumps cost about $200 each, the recirculating pump will pay for itself in 3-4 years. This is because the motherboard or control board is the units brain responsible for receiving and transmitting information in the heater. I obviously dont know much about this but the plumber is giving reasons that feel like he is making up dont make sense to me: 1. An open or short thermistor can be the root cause of this problem. On the other hand, if you find no foreign stuff, ensure you purge the air out of the system. Not only that, by now you should know how to turn it off and why its important to do so. Plug n play (after removing front panel to access the plug). Also the unit needs to be set to utilize the recirculation feature. When he is not busy trying not to electrocute himself, you can find him in the garden tending to his vegetables and chickens. How To Turn Off A Water Recirculating Pump? some homes require multiple recirc lines in order for all fixture group to benefit. This propels the water to your faucet or shower much quicker. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? Is this a common drawback with the under-sink crossover valves, for the heater to turn on when a cold water faucet is turn on? Pump the white vinegar into the cold side, up through your water heater, and out the hot side. I recently had a 240A2 installed. Once the display stops flashing, the temperature setting is stored. This is known as recirculating home pump comfort system (Type #2) and its the most popular way to get hot water quickly. Make sure there are no loose connections. If a hot water faucet is open, you can adjust the temperature only from 98-110 F (37-43 C). Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. 30000466A Navien Circulation Pump NAPU9GLPCT33 . Open the hot and cold service ports and turn the pump on. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. rev2023.3.3.43278. He said he tied in both in the master bath and the kitchen but it seems if that were the case at a minimum they would have hot water quickly. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Foreign materials like small pebbles may get into the recirculation pump. Therefore, when it malfunctions, it is a sign that the heater has another major underlying issue. Remove and clean the cold air intake filter. Purchase and install a rocker switch or "doorbell" style buttons to activate the NRCR "on-demand" mode to prime the pump for use only when you want it. You need to run white vinegar through the system, to descale the water heater. Timers and wifi sockets are quite cheap. You dont have to install an additional pipe. Unfortunately, the heat exchanger cannot be fixed and has to be replaced. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The timer has control over when the pump is working continuously. It means there is some issue with the flow sensor or switch. Depending on the size of the pump and installation difficulty, the average cost of a hot water recirculation pump costs anywhere from $200 to $800 (installed). air), Sensible Heat (BTU/hr) = 1.1 x CFM x t (std. We don't tend to provide any plumbing advice or any advice that should come from a certified professional. Examine and confirm the pressure sensor and wiring are in good condition. Full Recirculation Pump System - Going this route adds additional piping to your system, allowing for a "hot water loop" to be created, ensuring the water doesn't end up sitting and going cold in your pipes and instead is recirculated, ready for the next time you turn on the tap. It means there is some issue with a water pressure sensor. Another suggestion I can give you is to maintain and service your Navien water heater according to the manual. We were advised of this upon installation. Why Does My RV Carbon Monoxide Detector Keep Going Off? Nobody really likes waiting for the hot water to start flowing under the shower or doing the dishes, for example. Navien NPE-240s with external recirculating pump. if you do have an external recirc line BUT it was installed when the Navien , then see if you can find where the recirc line connects to the hot water line - maybe it's serving a portion of your fixtures and the other fixtures are not benefiting from the recirculation. The bigger the house, the longer these water pipes usually are, and the longest it takes to get hot water. Hathaspace Smart True HEPA Air Purifier Reviews, 4+6 Best Whole-House Dehumidifiers (Ducted, Portable), 4 Quietest Dehumidifiers (Best Bedroom Dehumidifiers): 52.1 dB Or Lower, energy-efficient way of getting hot water. link to How to Connect a Generator to Your Tiny House Without a Transfer Switch, Electric RV Water Heater How to & Troubleshooting Guide, Richmond Water Heater How to & Troubleshooting Guide, Insinkerator Hot Water Dispenser How-to & Troubleshooting Guide. Therefore, the only task you can attempt on this list is the gasket replacement for the leaking water connection. Ensure the recirculation pump was installed correctly. So, there is such a thing. The answer is that leftover water in the pipes has cooled over time. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Years of experience in the HVAC field have taught him many lessons, not the least of which is that the value of quality and knowledge far exceeds any promised initial savings. Then, you can change the tank thermistor if needed. I've bled the system top and bottom and even removed the return line then switched to internal pump yet it still makes this noise. We might be able to do something about it. You can isolate the pump from the vibration in two ways. This error informs you there is something wrong while you reset the unit. Im interested in information on a tankless water heater with a built in recirculating pump. Having a tankless water heater is an energy-efficient way of getting hot water. Hope this illustrates well why this might be occurring; its a pretty standard thing. From the valve, try to loosen up the cap to remove air from the system. Examine the wiring and thermistors condition. Once again, there are a few different things it could be. Is the cable harness compatible? I got a Navien NPE 240A2 installed in my home with dedicated recirculating line (hopefully I got the lingo right!) If enabled you would find that your hot water is ready to go almost anytime you need it, without a long wait. Going off the grid sounds noble, satisfying and eco-friendly. You May Forget to Purge The Recirculation Pump, 03. Navien ComfortFlow is the first and only system that incorporates a built-in insulated buffer tank and recirculation pump. I can figure out occupied or not from a home automation or alarm system. Weve tried to include every concern you might have regarding turning off the water recirculating pump. Then check to see if the plumbing lines and the heaters water lines are clogged. By installing a hot water circulation pump, you will have a hot shower right away. Thats 2,920 gallons of water per year wasted. If your system displays this code, you need to confirm the water pressure is within good ranges. They are not without upfront costs or disadvantages. The DIP switch setting has some problems. Then what are we waiting for? Water recirculating pumps just circulate the water; the water pressure should stay the same. It is propelled only by water pressure. Below are different Navien water heater error codes and their solutions; Navien error code 003 how to fix indicates that there is an ignition failure in your unit. Answer: It really depends on your model type. The error code E736 informs about the issue in cascade communication, and error code E740 indicates that the outdoor temperature sensor is not working correctly. Obviously, you might be wondering: If the recirculation pump loop is running continuously, youre probably expanding too much electricity just to get hot water faster. On-Demand Mode. That means that this household wasted 8 gallons of water per day just waiting for hot water. Why Its Important To Turn Off The Water Recirculating Pump? The default setting is usually around 120 degrees Fahrenheit. A hot water recirculation pump can be sized for a given system using the following formulas: Water flow qc = /T x 4200 The cost of a separate recirculation pump would fall in the range of $200 and $500, depending on the size required. Open the service port on the host side and the isolation valve on the cold side, pushing water through the system.
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