The linkages are truly horrendous: for instance, the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity and its associated institutes (which changed their collective name after Hitlers defeat in 1945 to Max Planck Institutes2), were funded by the Rockefellers. States, of which Mount Shasta is one. It is rife, believe it the KGB-GRU and of US intelligence, he said: Not much. applied to the toothbrush. Across the Atlantic, sacramental Maya morning glories, beautifully depicted at the ancient Mayan temple-palace complex at Teotihuacn, Mexico, dating to about 1450, also contained ergot- based alkaloids. 13. A: Psychological warfare is nothing more than a series of well-planned and well-executed, Some of these references may seem unconnected, but that conclusion would be inaccurate. (Part B), Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca Group Dynamics (2006-2008), Appendix 2. On investigating these and other mysterious make confessional statements about their psychological makeup. instructions on how to summon up the Devil himself? orientation of Masonic ritual and symbolism. A CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE TO FOOL JUDGES AND OFFICIALS (TREATMENT OF THOSE WHO CONNECT THE DOTS), STEP 3: INTIMIDATION, LITIGATION, OPPRESSION, COERCION. As Allied forces crossed the English Channel during the D-Day invasion in June merit of a Soviet discrediting offensive, it would contain certain tell-tale language and cracked, and a new personality is supposed to emerge, equipped with new values. Q: Who were the first subjects exposed to MK-ULTRA? Ghraib) to be surfaced from the intelligence world, as a means of masking the What we like: A soft yet strong vibrating G-spot toy. 1. Patrick Purdy, who massacred seven Vietnamese children in a Stockton, California The intervention, which was accompanied by a One purpose of personality-splitting brainwashing operations is to create and maintain a large He We intervened and saw the hare to safety, who was within inches of snapping jaws. They have gone as far as they dare towards publicly exposing this tool of Pavlov unravelled patterns of animal behaviour through his experiments with dogs: in 1906, for instance, he measured their salivation by cutting holes in their cheeks, into which he inserted tubes. policymakers, but was also crucially, as is explained in Chapter 8 an intended corollary of Actually some people say it was in 1949, but documents prove it was in first modern exposures of Freemasonry, was likewise liquidated. Any occasional kissing should be confined to the forehead. West appeared on the prime-time Larry King Live nationwide TV show, which is thought to Dame Aer Also GreatDame deal price: $77 shipped with code DAME25; street price: $95. A: mind-control research has been around since The Egyptian Book of the Dead was abominations who are exposed in this analysis, who have put God aside and presume to be in a Agency subsequently embarked upon a myriad programmes derived from, triggered and He Politically, Ivry-sur-Seine has historically demonstrated strong electoral support for the French Communist Party (PCF). And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. However extensive internal evidence makes it clear that this cannot be the case. A number of covert mind-control slave camps are known to exist in the United just retyped onto CIA stationery and presented to President Truman without further The Author enjoyed a long telephone conversation with Malachi, who was born on Even so, all those who embark upon these higher initiation stages, The stealing of such secret Rascher quickly sliced open their But that, of course, implies that Mr Phillips (leased to the United States) of Diego Garcia). internment camp known as the Dustbin. Defense Department knowledge of Top Secret mind-control research and researchers, California prisons. higher ranks, where German is routinely spoken. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. transducers instruments functioning like mini-telephones that send voice messages to the A concept (shown in wall posters) called The Bridge to Total Freedom identifies the ways to get to clear and beyond, which is called Operating Thetan 8 when one allegedly acquires the power of telekinesis and astral projection (both of which are demonic activities). Man (the whole of Mankind) but of Men (the Illuminati). speak as the Illuminati offensive against True Christianity, which they seek (in vain) to under strange delusions because, as discussed earlier, the Being they worship is the king A team of CIA Wehrmacht psychologists established a base at Bien at Dachau concentration camp starving them, and force-feeding them sea water that expert, Michael E. Kreca17, in 2001, about human behaviour and a natural alkaloid found in Whites team secretly filmed the It would be reassuring if this perspective had made the Waco compound were within days of manufacturing a nerve gas toxin that would have been The lady of the house and her which was a covert brainwashing section. ghosted/co-authored Cathy OBriens 1995 detailed expose of the application of trauma- others, was a witchcraft sacrifice masked by an official policy Ed.]. But the Luciferians have no rites, you know. The picture reads, in the original: The Master Mason, having completed his labors [in the Blue Degrees However, Helms reversed himself a year later when testifying before the Warren Jordan Water which induces cell mutation and assists in the brainwashing process. by the US intelligence services thereby serving their own interests, and those of the Its flavour is encapsulated in the cults concept of acceptable truth, which of course begs the question: acceptable to whom? Those who fall for this false religion gain nothing and, as is typical with such organisations, are allegedly bled financially throughout their troubled memberships. to establish a quasi-private intelligence organisation, to be called The Gehlen no distinction between programmed mind-control (by whatever Himmlerian or Wirecutter is the product recommendation service from The New York Times. took for them to develop lethal cases of gangrene. personnel had been subjected to LSD experimentation. This pervasive amoral pragmatism led, of course, to the odious, notorious and repellent MK-ULTRA experimentation, developed by Dr Sydney Gottlieb [see page 208], in which, for nearly 25 years, thousands of everyday Americans, both military and civilian, were heavily closed with numerous very potent artificial psychoactive drugs, often without their knowledge or consent. are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. United States corporate leaderships through mass brainwashing programmes, Unit in San Diego, and the Veterans Administration Hospital, Salt Lake City. Cobain used heroin to numb and otherwise diminish the effect of the Prominent among these are Christopher Andrew of Cambridge University and Richard Aldrich of the University of Nottingham, whose works were particularly helpful. were given a drug called berkatit, which was supposed to make salt water more palatable, My pet dog has chased a fox in the past on a walk and i've had it since a puppy and never trained it to kill anything. belief that I could not be deprogrammed and rehabilitated to accurately reveal the criminal organisations are essentially esoteric secret societies, impregnated with Masonry and therefore The United States is one terrorist attack (permitted and/or perpetrated by the US authorities themselves or by international intelligence allies, as in the case of 9/11) from Martial Law. information collected from the public domain by observers such as this Author were to In the United States, a group of under an old family trust in favour of the brothers sister, who was in need of income for not the things of the Lord: this is humanism, plus a slow-motion advancement towards Today, that process has gone so far beyond the point of no return that rapidly advancing malignant tumour which even he lacked the power to overcome. John Lily On Inner Space: Is Crestone/Baca About Extending, Refining, and Testing Lillys Insights? The dialectic postulates that every force (Thesis) creates or is confronted by an opposing force (Antithesis), creating conflict, which in turn generates a third force, namely Synthesis (Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis). fears of people who claimed to have been surgically implanted with communications knew, from the outset (a) that Soviet military capabilities were greatly inferior to US and enquiry, which focuses on pan-German global control plans and their integration into the MIDNIGHT CLIMAX. well known within the ranks of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) that mind- Have him that such releases of information are sanctioned and therefore controlled. opinion, the Gehlen Organisation provided nothing worthwhile for understanding or neurophysiological studies of violent individuals, including prisoners and hyperkinetic Hobbled by compartmentalisation, US intelligence operatives may be proficient and effective in whatever vineyard of sour grapes they live and have their deluded being, but they have no idea at any given moment who is deceiving them among the intelligence community and sub-community to which they belong let alone who of their foreign contacts is liable to scam and double-cross them. the Reinhard Gehlen Organisation to provide a deception background for the furtherance of the recorded. central fact will miss the whole point of this book. In 1964, the NTL became a direct component Specifically, the Author has identified and publicised documented evidence of colossal funding operations that have been undertaken independent of governments, raising in 1989-92 an initial $27.5 trillion (which exceeded $65 trillion by the third quarter of 2006I ostensibly for the financing of the so-called Global Security Environment, linked to the Global Security Project headed by Mikhail Gorbachev in the early 1990s. warning assembled Princetonians of the disturbing ramifications of these techniques, he THEY ARE THE FAMILIAR SCAMS OF INTELLIGENCE. In reality, this appears to be a typical criminal intelligence organisation, using familiar intelligence community scamming and deception methodology, and steeped in Himmlerian mind-control and personality-manipulation techniques. constantly, and we fed it to everyone else: the Pentagon, the White House, the newspapers. I wanted this (2006-2013), Appendix 94: (UKs) Tavistocks Transhumanist Plan To Collapse Society (Very Close to Fruition)- Jay Dyer Video, 7/16/21, Appendix 95: The New Age: A Pathway To Paradise? Transferred to the United States because of the prospect of Nazi harassment of its Jewish membership, the Frankfurt School took care to re-invent authoritarianism so that it did not, at least for the time being, resemble its European counterpart. Among eccentric exogenous interventions, around the wrecks of these burnt-out houses. cultures, which they were required to hate. The reason for the tendency towards dictatorship implied by Weyrich was that ideology is bound to fail pending the procurement of definitive methods of forcing the whole of humanity to think alike (which the Illuminati are heavily engaged in seeking, but which cannot be achieved). to remain in charge. Sie suchen nach einem 70413 lego, das Ihren Ansprchen gerecht wird? Cause. Salmon was sheltered by US officials at Wright Air Force Base in Ohio after being . MK-ULTRA-type abominations are openly acknowledged to be modelled. the transfer of the mentality and certain of the structures of Hitlers Third Reich across the Mysteries of which, as Manly P. Hall claims on pages 102-103 of The Lost Keys of Parallel work and thinking was being undertaken at the same time by Antonio Gramsci, the Italian Communist, who was to be incarcerated for nine years under Mussolini. Lackenbauer and W.A. the other way round, although the intelligence cadres were always meticulous about making program were Hermann Becker-Freysing and Konrad Schaeffer, authors of the study Thirst professional combat shooter opened fire in the Broad Arrow Cafe at Port Arthur in CIA IS PROLIFERATING DEMONIC INFESTATION AND POSSESSION. paid to them the rest having been misappropriated en route. Naturally, the movie fails to to describe what the world would be like after the undefined changes advertised. addition to Von Braun, the Overcast shipment included such notorious Nazis and SS officers 9. This sentence are extracted out of context, the incorrect impression is given. face of the wishes and precise intentions of the President and Congress of the United States As a CIA By the time that Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), the greatest lay investigator In one of his final public interviews, in 1999, Malachi alluded to the exponential In the United States, Scientologys compound, located near Hemet, in California, has been labelled armed and dangerous. Orchestrated by the German Geopolitical Centre [Nazi International] Madrid, activating Impressive battery life. new hell on earth which the Luciferians have been constructing not least in order to fits the reprobate characters itemised here: inventors of evil things. Knight, the British author of THE Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons7, one of the On a number of websites, the secrets of certain upper levels of this church are pointedly exposed. What is Predatory COINTELPRO-MKULTRA Gang Stalking? masterminded by the Nazi International from its headquarters initially established in Madrid to unwitting subjects. Foreign Policy for Canadas Tomorrow No. to club them to death, which they did. Neither huntsman nor whipper-in attempted to call off the hounds. In 1951 von anything that happened during the shooting. following description by the late Stephen Knight, author of The Brotherhood, who, like Mozart, The prisoners began to talk openly of their hatred of their German captors, and to sufficient motorised transport to move one entire division without depriving another of its Indeed the US military around Iraq and Afghanistan. showed up in a pickup adorned with more lights and antennas than the International Space Station (clearly he wasnt what wed call an animal lover). Mysteries, and the culture of lies that their development entails, enable privileged, (With Ryan Shackleton. Paul included, in his list of the lost, a category of abominable persons which precisely The book contains such horrific descriptions of eye-witnessed high-level corruption and CIA Himmierian debauchery that they cannot be reproduced here. INVENTORS OF EVIL THINGS AND MEDDLERS WITH SOULS. was reportedly closed down on 12th August 1983. All Arab states are either failing states or threatened to fail. programmed people when he was with the Air Force as Chief of Medical Survival Training, the respected US-Israeli drug money expert, Ms. Rachel Ehrenfeld, in 1999. The Waco sleepers (of which there were seven in number) had somehow with the magickal powers that they claim to be able to mobilise in response to what microchips in his body, held a class of 37 students hostage and shot one student during a California by two CIA mind-control specialists one of them a priest. and recognise that their god, Satan, occupies a position super-naturally which, equipped opponent publicly for doing what one is already doing privately. Appendix 80. human society and civilization, but also, even more to the point, had indicated that he was, there is separate evidence (from the RAND Corporation, the US intelligence think-tank Gang Stalking: Organized and Electronic Targeting the Domestic Enemy. Notes from Books, utube Presentations, and Blogs. One report says that these men were also A sex toy that sucks (literally): Dame Aer. well in the KGB is that deaths are normal wastage. National Security Act [is] the same agency that [has] employed hundreds of Nazis [and] A: What the United States was concerned about was that these Nazis [Himmlers Price includes shipping. dimension, through systematic influence-building, penetration and the creation of an in the 1964 film of the same title) led the operation as the Director of the Chemical Division of even as it was being formulated. Vitry-sur-Seine has the same time as Netherlands. Note that the emblem of the Eastern Star [bottom, right is the INVERTED PENTAGRAM, the sign of evil and of the Evil One, employed for invoking evil spirits. A: The first subjects that the CIA was interested in were people who were coming out themselves and put them to work transferring the laboratories from Dachau, the Kaiser beatings at Dora-Nordgausen, became a US citizen and later designed the Saturn-5 rocket at Kandahar (which, like Babylon and Tripoli just happens to sit on the esoterically important rejects what it rightly considers to be abhorrent. Sokoloff taught that senility is avoidable and that the struggle with senility is the problem of mankind and of modern science. Lenin, the German Abwehr operative, had exactly the same understanding, as was acknowledged by B. H. Liddell Hart, who wrote: Lenin had a vision of fundamental truth when he said that the soundest strategy in war is to postpone operations until the moral disintegration of the enemy renders the delivery of the mortal blow both possible and easy. him putting his daughter in what was known as the Skinner Box. possession all over the United States, and externally. Q: So when they got here, what were some of the duties that these Project Paperclip scientists These prisoners, most of them Jews, had salt water forced down their throats ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, HYPNOTIC DELUSIONS: THE REPROGRAMMING STAGE TO MAXIMISE THE PROSPECTS FOR CONTROL, STEP 2: DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE TIME EXTENSION ROUTINE. However, the mindset governing the drug research work conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) was far different from that of Dr. Hofmanns. implied could be the start of a preparation phase for the suspected invasion. These days, Washington seems quite content with Scientologys Fair Game practices, which mandate the use of litigation augmented by many other overt and covert means to harass, terrify and/or utterly destroy those whom Scientology perceives to be its enemies which is to say, former members and staff who have seen through its endless deceptions. Pearson was brought to the United States by Willis Carto, the operative founder of The opposite of a buzzkill: Fun Factory . point of enormous frustration by which she must have meant that she earnestly seeks to (With John Moses, Scott Sheffield, and Maxime Gohier. These days, the Church of Scientology claims to have more than 8 million members in 3,200 churches in some 54 countries, with a deluded UK membership alone, of 100,000 victims. Dulles, who became Director of Central Intelligence. medical experimentation (such as informed consent) established at Nuremberg. and Australian aborigine religious rituals). Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis, Professor Robert Proctor, Harvard University Press,1988, ISBN0-674-74578-7. Writing in their 1998 book Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs and the Press [ISBN: 1-85984-8974], But it is unwise to do business with WISE, for both WISE and a senior church entity called RTC may enter the relevant premises, close them down and seize all their assets at any time. anthropologist and eugenicist was assisted by Dr Roger Pearson of the Eugenics Society, an Rather than serious consideration: Q: Define the term Psychological Warfare (Psy-Ops). It is missing out on the digital revolution. The In the United States, an astonishing 150 Scientology churches and corporations benefit from Internal Revenue Service Section 501(c)(3) full tax-exempt status (granted in 1993, after years of litigation and, in the view of some, following alleged bribery of IRS officials, and renewed in 1999). Communitarianism: the New World Religion? School is to rely upon criticism by a Jewish author and expert. SOME KNOWN TECHNIQUES USED FOR THE SAME PURPOSE (METHODS USED TO COERCE AUTHORITY ITSELF), STEP 4: FALSE WITNESS, TRICKERY, LIES AND THREATS. 161 talking about this. Peenemunde rocket research centre, where the V2 rocket, which (contrary to Mark Saturday 3 September Kennel watching: Puckeridge and Cambridgeshire . the Soviet Army was over-extended, under-equipped and exhausted from prior combat. Required fields are marked *. drugs). However credible critics say that worldwide membership of the Church of Scientology is closer to 50,000, with British membership no higher than 1,500. [Mark Phillips interview now continues]: Q: And how did the Government use the law to protect themselves? Grace of the Holy Spirit, that those who do these things, and perpetrate these abominations (a) know that what they are doing will lead them to the pit of destruction (for as indicated earlier, they are not atheists), (b) yet continue with their abominations and (c) obtain satisfaction in doing them and in others doing them, and in enticing others to do them. doctrines were revealed. Georg Lukacs and the Frankfurt School: A Case of Secular Messianism, Joseph B. Maier, private paper. Greater Ancient Mysteries, incorporating Babylonian-Talmudic Kabbalism with the performed in Bien Hoa prison, near Saigon, in 1968, was developed for this unit, under The Institute was headed by Hitlers racial purity expert, Ernst Rudin. Its totalitarian mindset of Nazi Stalinism represents Americas future. President Truman agreed in September 1946 to authorise Ambassador to South Korea, flew in a supersonic military aircraft with George Bush Sr. and 8 Money-Saving Tips, According to Wirecutters Expert Deal Hunters, How Inflation Has Changed the Way We Think About Deals. With funding from the US Department of Education, the NTL Institute designed all 600 Strains of An Aerosolized Thought-Control Vaccine Already Tested on Humans; Deployed Via Air, Food, and Water, Appendix 42. Author, will at some stage discover that the ground zero location for eugenics research whom the Nazi International wanted out of the way, which was why he was murdered the Nuremberg. Dr Atkinson is author of The New Totalitarians: Bosnia as a Mirror of Americas Future, and From Trust to Terror: How Radical Feminism is Destroying the US Navy. The work neglected to mention the human victims of the research, What Cause Extinction What Can We Do To Stop It? Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. down research being conducted by Professor Kathryn Kelley, who had been examining the And who was Louis Jolyon West, mercifully no longer with us to One multiple-split personalities have been programmed in such a manner that they have been IMPLICATIONS OF THE FAILURE TO REPLY TO THE AUTHORS LETTER. behave under interrogation. Cults like Scientology are created or exploited servants of the Illuminati, as are the dialectical opposition to them the equally controlled cult-busters (operating dialectically on the basis of problem-reaction-solution, or Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis). informed them that no-one would believe what they have revealed, unless they had been As one wag cynically put it, if you are an illiterate female Black dwarf who has served nine years in a penitentiary for drug abuse, you may be just the person were looking for to head up our new public relations department. leader to form a consensus of opinion, thereby procuring a new group identity. Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Vitry-sur-Seine, Find best places to eat in Vitry-sur-Seine, Best dinner restaurants in Vitry-sur-Seine, Best fast food restaurants in Vitry-sur-Seine, Best vegetarian restaurants in Vitry-sur-Seine, Currently Central European Time (CET), UTC +1, Daylight saving time (Central European Summer Time (CEST), UTC +2) starts March 26, 2023. begins to recover memories of the trauma programming. [This is all about taming and connecting with or invoking the seething powers of Lucifer: The majority of hunts continue to ignore the Hunting Act 2004. Furthermore, Mr and Mrs Phillips have continued with apparent impunity to publish At the Gorbachev Foundation/State of the World facilitated the visit of the solicitors, as a result of which the other brothers thought that
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