2 Similar posts: All Star Tower defense Trading Tier List. Hybrid/Ground, Single Target/AoE Circle/AoE Cone (Final Form). She couples this with her interest in gaming to inform like-minded intellects what's going on in the gaming realm. Ruwabara is only obtained by making a sacrifice. Prior to the release of this character, his past version (. S+ tier (The rarest units with the highest value and demand in the game). ASTD Trello & Tier List (All Star Tower Defense Trello): FAQ Game Title The game title was inspired by a Youtuber that goes by the name " AllStar ". He was only obtainable from the Hero Summon and is not part of any evolution. Its unknown if regular players will gain access to him. Ginbei is AoE (Full) unit from the series One Piece. Upon placement, he can slow enemies, good for beginner players because he is cheap and can slow enemies. He is capable of doing EXPLOSIVE amounts of damage in story because of his cheap upgrades prior to upgrade 6. Franky well deserved this spot on the ASTDTrading Tier list. rank Group DPM)], _____________________________________ The only way you can obtain Fire King is by using the Limited Unit Trading System. Coins/Gold: Use to summon material units for evolution/feeding and unlocking emotes. We will love to hear from you if you disagree with this ASTDTrading Tier list. Mechanical is a secret unit from pre-time-skip Franky, previously known as Cutty Flam from the anime One Piece. The Tier List S+ S Air HYBD PROG PVP D Unob Story Mode S+ Tier (Current meta for Infinite Mode) Currently, these units are being used to reach the highest wave on the Infinite Mode leaderboard, NOT whether they're really good or not. [DPM: 47,168,730 (#?? Because his power level is said to exceed Prince Vegetas, he acts as both the main protagonist and misguided antagonist of Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Just wondering what should i do before getting to the third sea and what important items should i obtain before going to the third sea. Read on for ASTD Trello & Tier List(All Star Tower Defense Trello & Tier List). [Group DPS: 8,867,880 (#8 rank Group DPS)] As there are so many trading units in this game, I've only chosen the best ones for you to trade. We have Zaruto (GRR I) and Kyuubi Naruto from Naruto at the first spot. In contrast, Hog Eyezen is the final boss of Challenge 3. rank Group DPS)] To get Demonside evolution possibility is there with two Demonside Arachnid V, Arachnid IV, and Arachnid III. The S+ tier list includes the highest-ranking units in All Star Tower Defense. rank Group DPS)] We eat, sleep, breathe gaming and we'll keep you updated with the latest right here! Related: Anime World Tower Defense Tier List. [Group DPS: 14,051,520 (#?? Old Will was the 11/13/2021 DOUBLE PATH leaderboard reward. So i literally just defeated Rip_indra and i am able to go to the third sea! Otherwise, it will get deleted and moved. Ikki White is only accessible through capsule openings with a common chance. Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] Moreover, the characters in the B tier are easy to get compared to the ones in the S tier and A tier. After Snowman, we have Wild Animal. Aside from the Capsule, you can obtain this by using the Limited Unit Trading System. Be respectful of other people's opinions, everyone has different opinions. You experience chills, get connected to the anime when you use these characters and have a special place in your heart for these characters. [Group DPS: 3,662,820 (#18 rank Group DPS)] [Group DPM: 314,651,232 (#?? To amuse himself, he steals a second Death Note and drops it into the Human World for someone to find. Upgrade your Troops During battle to unlock new attacks Shirtless Magician is a ground and cone AoE unit based on Gray Fullbuster from the anime Fairy Tail. rank Group DPS)] He is the least valuable character in the ASTD Trading Tier List. He is the father of Giorno Giovanna from the JoJos Bizarre Adventure series. [Group DPS: 4,308,118.96 (#?? rank Group DPS)] Nezichi is only rarely accessible from capsules. He also does not have any evolutions. The only way to acquire him is by using the Limited Unit Trading System, and only around 95 of these units are currently available. Air, Was nerfed in the big re-balance update which knocked him out of the meta. ?Join the Social Links to Gain Codes/Announcement/Updates Unfortunately, many are unaware of the current power of Vegoku. [Group DPS: 6,776,509.12 (#12 rank Group DPS)] [Group DPS: 6,256,782 (#?? Maskice is a ground-type unit Haku from the anime series Naruto named to avoid copyright issues. [Group DPM: 974,659,123.2 (#?? The goal of GT is to be the best source of easy-to-understand tips and tricks, reviews, original features, hidden cheats and gaming tweaks that will help players worldwide. After Madara, we have All Powerful ground and cone AoE type unit based on All Mights character from My Hero Academia. It is a decent unit, which is why it is on this ASTDTrading Tier list. First, Wood Bender is a character from Naruto called Hashirama Senju. rank Group DPM)], _____________________________________ 2 Similar posts: All Star Tower defense Trading Tier List. His story mode upgrades end at upgrade 3 and he will hold a damage of 94.3k damage at level 1 with 3 SPA, he becomes hybrid at this upgrade. [Group DPM: 388,130,400 (#?? You load in the game way faster now This version of Naruto GRR is based on the first part finale battle between Naruto and Sasuke. And fans all over the globe have a special place for these characters in their hearts. On top of that, he is the first wood-type user added to the game. Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] [Group DPS: 790,473.6 (#?? Summon units/emotes reroll every hour. [Group DPM: 329,750,188.8 (#?? So let us begin! He can only be obtained via Royal Capsules with a 4/1000 chance or by using the Limited Unit Trading System. rank Group DPS)] Beast - M Scaling Orb: Beating Raid 1 on Extreme Mode (Requires Level 50) Blueeye Orb: x1500 Fluorite + x1075 Icy + x1850 ColorMineral; After that, the tier lists. Roger may even replace both Tengen and Uryu. Has a global cooldown of 10 minutes. [Group DPM: 1,003,484,160 (#?? [Group DPM: 100,399,824 (#?? New 6 stars that can be evolved into but not summoned [Group DPM: 230,403,780 (#?? ?Team up with your friends to take on story mode or the infinity tower rank Group DPS)] However, she is reliant on a bleed unit to attack which makes Denji + Nezuko a DEADLY duo in both infinite and story. Hence they are placed in the A-Tier. On December 8th, Mechanical lost its accessibility and became unobtainable in All-Star Tower Defense. Yoshaga Kiryu (Eat The Dirt)/Kira Yoshikage (Bites the Dust), Ikki Potent (Awaken)/Ichigo Kurosaki (Final Getsuga), Jokato Koju (ASCENDED)/Jotaro Kujo (Over Heaven), Red Servant (Final)/Shirou (Unlimited Bladeworks, Julian (King of Wizards)/Julius (Wizard King), Anti Magician (Demon Arm)/Timeskip Asta (Devil Arm), Ikki (Dark)/Ichigo (Final Getsuga Tensho), Anti Magician (Demon Arm)/Asta (Devil Arm), True Evil (Awoken)/Tomura Shigaraki (Unmasked), Flaming Tiger (JUSTICE)/Rengoku (9th Form), Ikki Potent (Awaken)/Ichigo Kurosaki (Final), Flimflam (Overheated)/Doflamingo (Overheated), Kosuke (Full Samurai)/Sasuke (Perfected Saunoo), Hybrid, does the third highest damage in the entire game, dealing roughly 1.7B damage to every enemy on. Unlike other tower defense-type games using regular turrets and guns, ASTD uses anime-based characters. [Group DPS: 6,374,592 (#?? Kovegu is the unit that could be obtained from Christmas Gift III. Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] High damage and not too expensive. [DPM: 555,134,107 (#1 Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] [Group DPS: 5,244,187.2 (#?? The only way to get Ice X-Marine is by evolving Ice Marine. My job at TopTierList is to Write Video Games Tier List - Ranking Games, Characters, and a bunch more. Zazashi can be obtained after redeeming a code. Snake (Cloak) is only accessible from capsule openings if you have a common chance. However, your loss will be unavoidable if you use C Tier towers on a challenging map. [Group DPM: 264,648,384 (#?? Elemental Lightning may be obtained by unlocking a Halloween capsule with a Rare chance. Daily Rewards Reset at 8 PM EST every day. [DPM: 40,483,800 (#?? Hence it deserved this spot in this ASTDTrading Tier list. Among the many things, All-Star Tower Defence does not have a specific storyline. If you want to trade in the game, its helpful to know how much ASTD units are worth. It earned its place in the A-tier of the. All Star Tower Defense (ASTD) Discord Link Here's the dev's official Discord link for All Star Tower Defense (ASTD): All Star Tower Defense (ASTD) Discord She was only obtainable from the games second. Buddha Chairman can be obtained from the Banner. He once was obtained by players who stayed on the Two PathInfinite Modeleaderboard for a month and did not partake in any evolution. rank Group DPM)], _____________________________________ [Group DPM: 555,134,107 (#?? rankings because this is the support tier. The top part covers the meta teams, while the bottom part covers the beginner tips. In this tier of the ASTD Trading Tier list, you'll find some of the best, most valuable, and sought-after units in the game, each of which has had an impact on anime and fans throughout the globe. Here's a complete summary of ASTD Trading Tier List: Table of Contents Tier List Breakdown The game has a wide range of characters, including heroes, antagonists, and characters from One Piece and Demon Slayer. Because he is no longer a part of the Hero Summon, you can get ZIO through trading or by evolving Zio Brundo. He served as Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 for a thousand years Because, in all those thousand years, no Shinigami was born to rival his strength. The Assistant is only available through the 15/1000 possibility of opening royal capsules. Mostly used for his ability at his last upgrade, which rewinds enemies back to their positions 10 seconds ago. [Group DPM: 843,091,200 (#?? But they are still quite precious. Raised Damage Task If you are lucky enough to get a legendary drop, you may be able to get Zaruto(GRR I) by smashing open capsules. Do you have any suggestions? Ground, Huge AoE circle and moderate range. Before you add any units, please show proof of it getting to the current world record, or at the very least, provide stats and explain why it is great. When equipped in one of the first three slots, the player will obtain a new idle animation and chakra scalpels on their hands. Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] To end this ASTDTrading Tier list, I would like to remind you that it is purely based on how I think about these Units and their value. Kaido / Club Beast. There are currently less than 200 units available. On top of that, the units that are at the top of this list are higher in rarity compared to the ones on the lower tiers. Unit specific orbs can be equipped by all units but the buff is only applied to the unit stated on the orb if it is on the correct ASTD unit. In contrast, this may not be correct for beginners, as these towers are pretty good. Everything you need to know is in the Trello. [Group DPM: 384,753,758.4 (#?? The 4 tiers will be, Tier S, Tier A, Tier B, Tier C and Tier D. Tier A will have the most powerful and useful characters while as the tier decreases, the power and usefulness of the characters will decrease, so logically Tier C will have the least powerful characters from the game. He came from the Hero Summon as a private unit from both the X and Y banners and is not part of any evolutions. Mikasa is a 5 star circle AoE bleed unit with high range She is quite expensive so you should only get her to upgrade 2 or 3 of her. However, he received a buff in a previous update (rebalance update) making him viable in infinite again. Moreover, he is the fifth and final boss for the Inner World story mode stages. ?New things appear in the Summon Gate and Emote Shop every hour If you are fortuitous enough to have a legendary drop, you may only be able to obtain Reigen by breaking open capsules. By this end, you will familiarise yourself with the terms and be prepared to enter the game. Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] For the avoidance of doubt, this list exists entirely based on our time invested in the game and our experience with the units. While these towers can be good for the early game but can easily backfire in the late game, and you at least need one higher-tier tower though that doesnt mean these towers are not necessary and, if given the right strategy, they can perform just like the ones in A tier. Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] | 23,351 members This game is quite different because it has turrets that you will need to . This is a tier list ranking many different characters based on how good they are in Story Mode missions. Falcon is a single target type unit AKA Hawks from My Hero Academia. The only way to acquire him is by using the Limited Unit Trading System. rank Group DPM)], _____________________________________ The Meta PVP Units of All Star Tower Defense. Dark2Dark/Yami Sukehiro. Redeem All Star Tower Defense Wiki for codes. We eat, sleep, breathe gaming and we'll keep you updated with the latest right here! Daily Rewards Reset at 8 PM EST every day. He was hailed as the God of Shinobi for his unmatched ninja prowess. This ability upon being used removes Vegeta from the map so use it when getting crowded. The Strongest Curse/Sukuna. His timestop cooldown ends quickly), ([ A legendary unit Obtained from using a pumpkin capsule] Air unit, Deals decent damage, super cheap and can stun both air and ground units, only costs 6k to max), (Might be possible to s++ because of its price and buffs range), (boss killer, deals 200k dmaage at level 150 (100k damage at level 1), but expensive unit, he is already hybrid at upgrade 3), (expensive, boss killer, recomended for dungeons, challenges, trials and raids), (Full AOE, Good damage, Hybrid 13k total cost, might be good for story mode), (Full AOE, Hybrid at upgrade 5, gains 1k additional damage and 50k damage at level 150, expensive unit costing 18k), (Has the 5th highest burn damage in the game, very good range, and is pretty cheap), (Has the 4th highest burn damage in the game, full aoe, good price), (An unobtainable unit [can be obtained by using Summer Box III] the 3rd highest burn damage only beaten by. Has a global cooldown of 5-6 minutes. Check out our massive list of Roblox Game CodesandRoblox Promo Codesthat you can use to get freebies this month. Upon placement, he can slow enemies, however, was only obtainable from the. ASTD Official Trello Server. ASTD has over 200 characters and over 100 tradable characters. Stats shown are level 1. The ability requires Zeke or Nominated Monster Giant to activate, The, Gol D. Roger or Pirate King is a 6 star Hybrid unit with the Fire enchant. He is ultimately good for short-term content, almost a must-have with his 22 mil HP clones. Basically these units dont have any uses right now (Except Evolving). rank Group DPS)] Toad Clone may be acquired through a rare chance when a Pumpkin Capsule is being opened. So today, our main is to give you these direct links to save you time. The, Saber or Sword (Maid) is a 4 star money maker unit. He can now only be acquired through trading. He is of epic rarity. Bright Reaper Arima from the Tokyo Ghoul can be obtained by opening a Lucky Capsule. [DPM: 264,648,384 (#5 Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] So lets get started right away. His full AoE makes him a prime contender for W2 Content with his 204 radillion damage. On the other hand, he also has A manual ability that allows him to time stop, stunning all enemies in range for 5.7 seconds. Coins/Gold: Use to summon material units for evolution/feeding and unlocking emotes. AoE Circle. Rank DPM) (Level 175 + buff)] The Assistant is Kabuto Yakushi from the Naruto franchise. ASTD Tradings most sought-after character units right now are, Club Beast/Kaido, Dark Wing/Ulquiorra, Legendary Borul, Death/Ryuk, Sage Hashirama, Zaruto (GRR II)/Naruto (GRR II), Expert Sorcerer/Reigen [normal], Zaruto (GRR III)/Naruto (GRR III), Martial Artist/Jin Mori, Old Will/Yamamoto, Water Goddess/Aqua, and Challenger Flaming Tiger, Ghost Girl / Perona, Davi / Dabi, Expert Sorcerer (Angry)/ Reigen, Zaruto (GRR I) / Naruto (GRR I), Expert Sorcerer (Sad)/ Reigen, Elemental Water / Kakuzu (Water), Diamond Kogan / Diamond Gohan, Ice Dragon / Toshiro, Elemental (Ultimate) / Kakuzu (Ultimate), Anti Magician (SUPER DEMON) / Liebe, Ice-Jaw / Grimmjow, Bright Reaper / Arima, Flower Trainer / Shinobu Kocho, Fire King / Sabo, Elemental Wind / Kakuzu (Wind), Mist-man / Zabuza, Ice X-Marine, Rodoroki Winter / Todoroki, Shirtless Devil / Gray, TP / Ryo, Dungeon Queen / Asuna [Shadow], Hog Eyezen Anger, Demonside (Ultimate) / Akira, and Kovegu / Gogeta, Water Bender, Shield Master / Naofumi, Ice Marine, Hog Eyezen / Hogyoku Aizen, Shirtless Magician / Gray Fullbuster, Lightning Bolt / Laxus, The Assistant / Kabuto, Joke Da Fool / Hisoka, Lucky Fireman, Ruffy (Zambe) /Luffy (Zombie), Rimimaro / Kimimaro, Dual Servant / Emiya Shirou, Shave, Mechanical / Franky, Rimimaro (Insane) / Kimimaro (Cursed Mark), Mysterious X (Summer) / Satoru Gojou (Summer), Ikki (BW) / Ichigo (Blood War), Maid Waifu / Rem, The Cursed One (Summer) / Yuji Itadori (Summer), Elemental Fire / Kakuzu (Fire), ZIO / DIO, and Red Head / Shanks, Ikki (White I) / Ichigo (Hollow), Snake (Cloak) / Orochimaru (Cloak), Ruwabara (Fancy) / Kuwabara (Fancy), Sonku (Mad Bully) / Senku (Mad Bully), Snowman, Zorro (Wild West) / Mihawk (Wild West), Gen Grown, Vampire Vegu / Vampire Vegeta, Tatsu (Alternative) / Natsu (Alternative), Zomurai / Ryuma, Snowman V, Wild Animal, Ikki (SUMMER) / Ichigo (SUMMER), Super Koku (Jacket) / Super Saiyan Goku (Jacket), The Man / Van Hohenheim, Koku (Drip) / Goku (Drip), 4-Eye Sorcerer, Snowman II, King Ruffy/King Luffy, Snowman III, Spirit Detective (Hip) / Jusuke (Hip), Toad Clone / Kashin Koji, Ikki (Hollow), Buddha Chairman, Zazashi Drip / Kakashi Drip, Box/Ippo, Snowman IV, Elemental (Lightning) / Kakuzu (Lightning), Nezichi (Sword skin) / Nezuko (Sword Skin), Blossom (Cherry) / Sakura (Cherry), Borul / Broly (Summer), Eyezen / Aizen, Maskice / Haku, Wood Master / Yamato, Envi / Lust, Falcon, Puppet / Gowther, Legendary Leader / Madara Uchiha, Lava Moth / Mei Terumi, Ginbei / Jinbei, and All Powerful (Summer) / All Might (Summer), The second last in the C-Tier is Sonku.
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