Since it is flip summon and Special Summon performed by Bubonic Vermin, you can use Normal Summon on Ra. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Thank you for visiting Duel Links wiki by GameA! Choose your product line and set, and find exactly what you're looking for. tbh nowadays i think qliphort is the best tribute deck but adding ra kinda makes it worse so you may as well just play regular qliphorts which isn't that interesting :/. How can remove the ban list to be able to add the 3 copies of the card that one wants? How do I use it right? *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. (Obedience Schooled is an SR card in Land of the Titans so do think carefully before buying that pack). I also Marik character is open and I was going to do Ra's 50th Level Marikle and it was closed and I could not get the Ra. The Winged Dragon of Ra uses the Graveyard quite a bit, especially its Immortal Phoenix version. The Insanity of YCS Sydney: TCG DABL Metagame Report. 0 reactions Cool 0 Funny 0 Angry 0 Sad 0 Egyptian God + and The Winged Dragon of Ra (series) + Attack Cannot attack + and Manages attack targets + Attribute DIVINE + Belongs to Main Deck + Card category Monster Card + Card image TheWingedDragonofRaSphereMode-GFP2-EN-GR-1E.png + Card type Monster Card + and Effect Monster + Card type (short) Monster + Class 1 Official + DEF string ? I used to use Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons to tribute, which used to give The Winged Dragon of Ra 13,500 ATK and 11,400. 7 New Cards: Cosmic Quasar & Crimson Dragon. Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution I got Winged Dragon of Ra in my first Bakura pack. The idea behind this deck is to flood your board with small monsters/tokens and to keep them alive with cards like Windstorm of Etaqua. Because you can only run 1 copy of The Winged Dragon of Ra, you wont be able to consistently bring it out every duel. La Invocacin Normal de esta carta no puede ser negada. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! TCGplayer Core Value #4. Even when Ras Disciple is special summoned you can still activate its effect to summon more Ras Disciples. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. By Samuel Frew. Serves the same purpose as Bubonic Vermin. 4 yr. ago. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Duel Links Forbidden & Limited card [Feb 27], Salamangreat Code Talker: deck recipe [Mar 3], The Phantom Knights Burning Abyss: deck recipe [Mar 3], Post-Banlist Tier List Prediction [Mar 4], Synchro Summon Guide: The Advent of Synchros in Duel Links. In this case the very rules are cheating, so following them is cheating as well. Will the Seven Barian emperors gets release soon? Order Now. Odion uses Temple of the Kings card's effect to summon "The Winged Dragon of Ra" by tributing "Mystical Beast Serket" and paying half of his Life Points. I'm coming back to YuGiOh from a long damn time ago, like I only played it back when getting a blue eyes in a booster was a big deal and the effect seems nonsensical. Dark Magician Girl TCG Accessories are now Available! How do you have Moltres when you haven't been to the Kanto Region. These are the cards recommended to fill your field with enough monsters to Tribute summon the Winged Dragon of Ra. Die Normalbeschwrung dieser Karte kann nicht annulliert werden. Newest Event Format AnnouncedTryout Duels - March 2023Most recent updates in Master DuelMaster Duel's 1st Anniversary | 03/01/2023 Banlist UpdateNew Selection Packs & Structure Deck ReleasedNew Steps for Duelists | Sprites of Miracle | Vortex of Magic. Ra is a Level 10 monster so it is unaffected by Worm Baits effect of unable to Normal or Special Summon level 3 or 4 monsters the turn Worm Bait was activated. It's the only summoning animation I am missing and don't own. Check back later for updates! When this card is Normal Summoned: You can pay Life Points so that you only have 100 left; this card gains ATK and DEF equal to the amount of Life Points paid. CardFight. Winged Dragon of Ra Deck Ngidi 0 Comments 71,239 Views Uploaded 4 years ago Fun/Casual Decks OTK 40 $37.00 300 330 330 240 Purchase Deck Playtest More. Worm Bait can be used if you control 1 face-up insect-type monster, which allows you to Special Summon 2 Worm tokens. Yu-Gi-Oh! This effect can be used multiple times in 1 turn provided you have Life Points to spend. well, other than the DSOD version, Blue-Eyes already has several variant artwork in the game that share the same summon animation. The Winged Dragon of Ra, known in Japan as Winged Divine Dragon of Ra ( () () () R no Yokushinry), is a series of DIVINE Divine-Beast monsters which represent the original "The Winged Dragon of Ra" and its different forms. I just had a darklords summon ra agaisn't me,it was the last thing i was expecting, obviously i lost, imean what would you do if were stared by 8100 attck winged dragon ra ? Where can I find Ra and if I do not find it again. Open New Zealand is Now Live! Mecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat is able to generate 2 more tokens when it is flipped summoned. Sometimes I even used Five Headed Dragon to tribute for more power. The downside to this card is that you need to control a face-up machine monster. The Official Magazine promotional cards, Duelist Road -Piece of Memory- Side: Yami Yugi, Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes, The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix, Armityle the Chaos Phantasm - Phantom of Fury, Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage, Firewall Dragon Darkfluid - Neo Tempest Terahertz, Gandora Giga Rays the Dragon of Destruction, Harpie's Pet Dragon - Fearsome Fire Blast, Meklord Emperor Wisel - Synchro Absorption, Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon - Air Raid, Raviel, Lord of Phantasms - Shimmering Scraper. PK Fire of RaMain Deck: 40 CardsMonsters: 31x1 Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx1 Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx2 Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx3 Destiny HERO - Maliciousx1 Fabled Soulkiusx3 Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx1 Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx1 Plaguespreader Zombiex1 Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx3 Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyssx1 Speedroid Taketomborgx3 Speedroid Terrortopx2 The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloakx1 The Phantom Knights of Ragged Glovesx3 The Phantom Knights of Silent Bootsx1 The Winged Dragon of Rax1 The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenixx1 The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Modex1 Tour Guide From the UnderworldSpells: 6x1 Foolish Burialx2 Mask Change llx3 Twin TwistersTraps: 3x3 Phantom Knights' Fog BladeExtra Deck: 15x1 Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning Abyssx1 Masked HERO Dark Lawx1 Crystal Wing Synchro Dragonx1 PSY-Framelord Omegax1 Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyssx2 Beatrice, Lady of the Eternalx3 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyssx2 Inzektor Exa-Beetlex1 Leviar the Sea Dragonx1 Number F0: Utopic Futurex1 The Phantom Knights of Break SwordSide Deck: 15x3 System Downx3 Anti-Spell Fragrancex3 Mask of Restrictx3 Effect Veilerx3 Maxx \"C\"Find out where to get each card here: Online Shopping at a cheapest price for Automotive, Phones & Accessories, Computers & Electronics, Fashion, Beauty & Health, Home & Garden, Toys & Sports, Weddings & Events and more; just about anything else Disfruta de las siguientes ventajas: Envo gratuito a todo el mundo Oferta disponible durante un tiempo limitado Devolucin sencilla The Pot Collection is Now Available for Pre-Order! The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix completes the trifecta of The Winged Dragon of Ra's various forms.It was the Immortal Phoenix form that Marik used against Joey in the Battle City semifinals to cause him so much actual damage due to power of the Shadow Games that he collapsed before he could win the Duel. This card does not have any stall potential though as the beast monsters are destroyed during the end phase. Although immune to Floodgate Trap Hole, The Winged Dragon of Ra is not immune to Spell/Traps or Monster effects after it was Normal Summoned, therefore your opponent can take use a variety of plays to handle your monster, such as Enemy Controller, Super Rush Headlong, Mirror Wall, Mask of the Accursed etc. This card will greatly help you in those situations. The Wings of Rebellion: Shay Obsidian Unlock Event, "Power Pros" App x "Yu-Gi-Oh!" The problem with bringing out The WInged Dragon of Ra, is uses up a lot of resources, but your Egyptian God can easily be taken out by cards like Super Rush Headlong, or your powerful attack can be stopped by Enemy Controller, Windstorm of Etaqua and similar cards. Just like Windstorm of Etaqua and Curse of Anubis this card will put all your opponents monsters in defense, even the ones summoned after this cards activation. - Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode - Bakura Booster - Obelisk the Tormentor - Seto Booster - Slifer the Sky Dragon - Yugi Booster Aside from Booster Packs, if you duel against someone who. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. This card is great because you can thin your deck by summoning Mystical Shine Balls, which you can send to the graveyard to activate White Elephant's Gift to draw more cards from your deck to help you search for The Winged Dragon of Ra. I cannot use Ra Sphere mode as he isn't in Legacy of the Duelist. Takes too long to summon, all 3 of its forms are highly situational, and at best, you could MAYBE do something if mound of the creator making ra unkillable, but at that point in the duel you might have lost by the time you get to use it right. Sphere Mode can end up clearing pesky monsters on the field by turning them into tribute fodder, much like the Kaiju archetype is known for. When Normal Summoned, other cards and effects cannot be activated. $18.01. 9, Issue 1 promotional card, Yu-Gi-Oh! You can pay Life Points until you have only 100 left, in which the Life Points paid will contribute to this monsters ATK and DEF value. + Legendary Duelist: Rage of Ra (LED7) Dragons of Legend The Complete Series (DLCS) Rise of the Duelist (ROTD) Battles of Legend: Armageddon (BLAR) Legendary Duelists: Season 1 (LDS1) Toon Chaos (TOCH) Eternity Code (ETCO) Secret Slayers (SESL) Ignition Assault (IGAS) The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack Secret Edition (MVP1-S) Cannot be Special Summoned. It won't come to DL because the only way to get all 3 gods into the field requires more than 3 monster zones. Then summon them again the next turn. Virtual World Deck Guide Sky Strikers In order for you to successfully put points into the winged dragon of raw without using your life points you need to have Marik new skill level power of the tribute that will let you use the attack points of the monsters you sacrificed and will be transferred into Ra's attack and defense points, Umm how to obtain that skill? The Wings of Rebellion: Shay Obsidian Unlock Event, "Power Pros" App x "Yu-Gi-Oh!" My idea was that it specifically Special Summons the 3 Gods from the GY, then fuses them like it did in the anime, and can only be activated if the player has My True Name in their hand. To facilitate summoning sphere mode, I recommend using tribute fodder such as nimble beaver, edea, eidos, and by using . Some beasts youd want to run with this card are Hane-hane and Mogmole. The original Winged Dragon of Ra ends up having pretty high stats whenever it is summoned, whether through its own effect or by the help of another version of itself. 8/14/2021. On top of having one of the strongest effect-negating monsters in the game in Herald of Ultimateness, Drytron Fairy Decks can easily overpower the titular Winged Dragon of Ra on top of having multiple ways of clearing the board. Black-Winged Dragon Blackwing Armed Wing . YGOPRODeck Cup - Master Circuit Sign-ups! Playstyle For the non-legal card, see, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. tribute decks work best, you can still tribute sphere mode with your own monsters and use his effect right away instead of waiting a turn. No pode ser Invocado por Invocao-Especial. Wish they would release the alt art again, I missed it by a month. Slifer Deck | March 2023 | DarkArmedDuelist, SPIRIT MESSAGE DECK (YAMI BAKURA INSPIRED). Open New Zealand is Now Live! : , 100 LP LP . Notes-This mod was intended to add content only, not remove or alter existing stuff that much, so it can be used as a . This trap monster, just like Tiki Curse/Tiki Soul, can be special summoned the turn after you set them. Yu-Gi-Oh deck builder, card database, pricing information and more! Speed Duel: Cofanetto la Citt dei Duelli, Shonen Jump Vol. The Winged Dragon of Ra-Sphere Mode has one glaring weakness. BUYLIST. This card is very good to thin your deck and to easily fill your board. $83.80. The Arabic, Croatian, Greek, Irish, Russian, Serbian, Swedish, Thai and Turkish names given are not official. You must be logged in to see that page. But off course he did it against an AI, If Mai has a line with Ra then Bakura should have one too. Cuando esta carta es Invocada de Modo Normal: puedes pagar LP hasta que slo te queden 100; esta carta gana ATK/DEF iguales a la cantidad de LP pagados. Allows you to stall, thin your deck, and provide tribute fodder for The Winged Dragon of Ra. YGORed Decks; Cards; Deck Builder; Dashboard; YGORed on Android; Build a Deck. Also deep diver can be used to topdeck Ra. The Insanity of YCS Sydney: TCG DABL Metagame Report. Yu-Gi-Oh! We highly recommend you check out the Other Useful Cards section to get more inspiration, and to find the cards the best suit the strategy you want to use with Ra. YCS Lima Peru Registration Info Announced! you can special summon ra in monster reporn and we see marik do this to summon ra from the graveyard you can use the skill of marik to tribute a monsters to summon ra pts = to the pts of there, A great combo is Ra and golden ladybug. The Dawn of Destiny promotional cards, Shonen Jump Vol. These three are obvious picks for a deck that wants to stall and keep monsters alive for as many turns as possible. Update: Okay so Mai does have a line with Ra, but Marik doesn't tell her she can't read Egyptian, which would have been awesome exclusive (sorta) dialogue. The opponent cannot activate anything to counter this card's Special Summoning, and it can send a monster to the Graveyard at a cost of 1000 LP, without any limits. Legacy; Commander; More. L'Invocation Normale de cette carte ne peut pas tre annule. Wild Hearts Review: Wild Gameplay Held Back by Terrible P Honkai Impact 3rd's 5th Anniversary Rewards Include Focus Hi-Fi Rush Review: Adrenaline-pumping Hack-and-Slash Rhyt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Walkthrough Wiki, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Walkthrough Wiki, Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Wiki, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Walkthrough Wiki, Super Smash Bros. Leveling Up for Limited Formats #1: The Basics of Limited, TCG Meta Snapshot: Kashtira February 2023, The Design of Yu-Gi-Oh 1: Built for Spectacle, 2 New Cards: Elemental HERO & Code Talker. Use ATK: 8800 Pulse skill to boost its ATK. This section is currently under construction. Really, the only Ra card worth playing is Sphere Mode, but might as well just play Gamaciel. Use ATK: 8800 Pulse skill to boost its ATK. Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news.
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