Sticking a needle Where? It is then demonstrated on a penile model how the injection should be administered because there are variations in technique that can have a major impact on dosing and effectiveness of the injection for patients. You should look and feel your best all the time. Once through your outer skin and a second time into one of the two tunnels. Like everything, injections have a downside. 7 Ways For Men to Improve Sexual Performance, Getting Trimix Injections in Florida (Sun City Center), Ways to Get a Rock Hard Penis Without Drugs, All about male infertility that you should know, Does It Save To Buy Trimix Injections Online - Doctors who prescribe Trimix, Erectile Dysfunction Treatment | How to Get TriMix | Buy TriMix Injections Online. The maximum dose is 0.50 cc. Poor cleanliness may increase the risk of getting infections. Papaverine plus phentolamine plus Alprostadil (Trimix) is the most potent but requires refrigeration and has the same side effects as Papaverine and Alprostadil. As Gene Devine said your response to the small dosage increases does not make sense. RPR for ED (also marketed as "P-Shot") is a potential treatment that is being studied for the treatment of ED. Hi, My husband at first used trimix 15 units with not good uses super quad only 3 units and is maintaining for about, Since he is still using trimix I assume that there is nothing hopeful going on without it -- no nocturnal response during R.E.M. You are using an out of date browser. Quadmix contains all four ingredients. In regards to injections. In many forums, you will see people talking BS about the gains they have had on the Trimix. That same dayDH went off to Vermont on a bike trip, and I became the Trimix lady. No, the first injection may have punctured the urethra or other tissue. manually stimulate a man. I thought it was all over but am finding out that just isnt so. Only issue was getting my erection to go away and I started to panic after 3 and a half hours. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. went home and had the best sex ever with the wife. Anyway, I got a urologist who thought it was a swell idea. I used a 5/16 needle. Congratulations on the outcome. The bimix, trimix, or caverject are chemicals that get the swelling to occur. Hi Nelson - I am using a .5ml syringe with 30G and 1/2" insulin needle (same as I use EOD for TRT). There is a huge difference in the comfort of various syringes and needle sizes, length and diameter. For many guys, this is a more interesting and approachable option than having awkward in-person conversations with their doctors. My doctor prescribed trimix and I have used it a few times, but it hasn't been a great experience. Besides having issues getting the dosage right, I have found the erections to be somewhat painful. I finally started to inject at 11 or 1 oclock and have not had one misfire since. That's GFMPH, incredibly so, but be kind, for her, too much, too often, might be too much of a good thing. You should be sure to ask them any questions or seek any clarifications to ensure you are only administering the correct dosage, as higher dosages carry an increased risk of side effects including erections that require medical attention. Only your prescriber can tell you that safely. New to trimix. combined with PE this made intercourse a distant dream. Well, I took 30; close to 25 right? This is not working for my husband, he has three bottles frozen and we are not having sex. It works. Easier said than done. Eventuallywe found a top-notch ED doctor who gavedear husband an injectible potioncalled Trimix. the. And I will have to remember to switch sides the urologist never mentioned that one. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. After the dose is set, I will be getting 30 doses per month for 6 months. Been using TriMix5 for 10 months after trial and error ended up using 25 units for 30 minutes of pleasure . aching and gone very bruised. JavaScript is disabled. You dont go through the apprehension anxiety. it didn't even bleed nothing so im . s_erection,,,,,,,,,,,,, ons-TRIMIX, emID=08-62, utoject+el, 0_4473.htm, Hard Flaccid/Chronic Prostatitis/Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. My frist injection given to me to take home was 30 units.It lasted 6+ hrs. In an ideal world, the Trimix injections wear down without any external help. Video marketing. 1 to 40 mcg intracavernous injection into the lateral penis given over 5 to 10 seconds. You could hear the blood flowing freely, unlike before the injection. Leah, your posts are always informative, insightful, and a pleasant read. 2 and 1/2 units would be VERY small dose. Used I had a radical prostatectomy in March this year , was 66 in June and in the same month my wife and me passed our 41 anniversary .Phew ! New video added to the list. It contains three vasodilators: papaverine, phentolamine, and prostaglandin E1. Testosterone Replacement, Low T, HCG, & Beyond. . d. Turn the vial with needle and syringe inserted upside down. as a corner store clerk it was 6 months before i had the free capital, $200, to make the appointment. How watching pornography can cause erectile dysfunction. Trimix has been proven to be quite helpful at treating ED, particularly in men who have not responded well to oral treatments. I was told to make changes in increments of 5 units at a time so yes, you should probably try 25 units next and see. After a nerve sparing Prostatectomy, will injections help recovery of my natural erections? Leah: I appreciate your candor and Old Man Rivers willingness to share your findings. I use .25 and that is good for a couple of ours. 1. by Dbarranch1 Thu Oct 29, 2020 2:01 am . You are using an out of date browser. Needless to say, I think he's going to be giving up on this. Ive just recently started using Trimix, the ur recommended 0.2 ml 0.5, I used 0.2, my erection was off the charts. This is a very important question, and I think that all men need to understand the answer. Sometimes it takes a couple of attempts to get over the freaked-outedness enough for it to work. Use a new needle and syringe each time. I had a raging boner in 15 min, great feeling. Still the erection lasted almost 6 hours before relenting. If you are considering buying Trimix, and deciding if it might be right for you, then talk to your doctor. Hmmthat was some history, but my friend, you are not alone. Hi Leah , Injex claims to penetrate to 0.9mm. A29. though i felt like it had no effect they claimed i had a 90% reaction to the test injection. Contrary to what many believe, you CAN freeze Trimix, it does NOT degrade the quality of medication. A word of advice is to thoroughly warm up the medication before injecting into the penis. on my first test does of TRIMIX was able to have sex. An Unexpected Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer. The name TriMix alludes to the fact that this medication is a mix of three medications frequently used to help improve erectile function. Alprostadil is a common TriMix ingredient. Wait 48 hours before increasing dosage. My test injection in the clinic worked greattoo great. Prostaglandin E1. not actually 20 or 30 cc of trimix. I assume it is 20 or 30 units or 2/10 or 2/10 cc tried trimix 30 then 50 units. Yeh, Ill try it, but the needle thing was really my big hang up. All you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction. This signal can come in many forms, but it is often a hormone of some kind. 3. Same amount of drug can produce either an erection that lasts less than 2 minutes, so of no use, or one that goes on and on for hours. I only need about 0.10cc vs 0.25cc early on of Trimix 1, (0.5mg Phentolamine, 10mg Papaverine and 5mcg PGE1) This formula has one of the lowest amount of PGE which causes pain in some users. Our patients typically are not using doses as high as the ones being quoted on this site. Afterdear husbands first shot at the doctors office, his fears went away. That is CORRECT! I was getting a little tired, but being the competitive type I decided to go for a record I held out for exactly an hour anda minute. Slight firming. If my erection does last too long do they have a way to reverse the Trimax effect or is it a trip to the ER? Time will tell. I see posts of 20 & 30 cc of tri-mix. I was amazed at how much of "sexy feeling" is pure chemistry. Patients should always use the smallest effective dose, as, after a certain point, there is no benefit to increasing the dosage further, and the risk of side effects will increase significantly. Also, injectionshave beenshown toplay a role in penile rehabilitation, or restoring natural erectile function after surgery. Do not be discouraged by a poor result with the first few injections, as the initial dose should be kept low to avoid a prolonged . Intracavernous injection of Trimix (Tx) is indicated for patients unsuitable for prostaglandin E1 (PgE1) injection due to lack of response, pain or cost. c. Insert the needle through the rubber top and inject the air into the vial. Our patients are thoroughly educated in a 2 step process before using ICI (intracavernous injections) at home. I am an extremely healthy man age 69 yo. . Intracavernous injection of Trimix (Tx) is indicated for patients unsuitable for prostaglandin E 1 (PgE 1) injection due to lack of response, pain or cost. This effect is magnified for hyper-responders. As the name suggests, trimix includes 3 active ingredients, and as the vial sits in the refrigerator awaiting your next use gravity is constantly at work pulling those ingredients towards the bottom of the vial. Constant erections can be a concern with this medication, as they can with all ED treatments. Get the TRUTH about Trimix. They also have their own wiki where they store information for reference. Allow 15 minutes for medicine to work. How long does trimix last frozen? It always points to water right below me - probably because live near a lake. Only patients who have tried and failed with oral ED medicines should use them. It's helpful to start by going over some of the fundamentals of Trimix, such as what it is and how it works. I use the Ambimed Inject-eaze with 0.5ml, 31ga, 5/16 BD insulin syringes. They tried to sign me up for their program, but I passed. But without the libido to match, it is a mixed bag. They come in very small vials of dry Trimix for mixing when needed so you dont have to refrigerate a large batch. Also, your mother doesnt teach you how to, uh . I had complete prostrate surgery in April at Mayo clinic. I am 52 and this stuff will works once you get the correct amount I am using 20 units and it will last till my wife saysI give and can't take it anymore. Solutions . If she's not in the mood, will I be able to shoot pool with my new found "stick"? I suspect a lot of his problem is in his head, as he does have erections during sleep. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower. Consult your doctor if you're thinking about buying Trimix and trying to determine if it's the appropriate choice for you. mcg or micrograms a measure of mass, equivalent to 1/100, units in the case of Trimix and other injectable medications, this is a term synonymous with micrograms. Wait 48 hours before increasing dosage. Folks,on August 13th Illbe celebrating myfirst anniversary of participating in online conversation. If I succeed then we wondered would the erection stay hard enough or slip out. My uro started me on 40 units. Next time used 10 cc again nothing happened. The active ingredients in the penile injections Trimix and Quadmix are alprostadil, papaverine, phentolamine and atropine. A penile implant is an effective treatment option for men for whom Trimix injections do not work well. I am in UK ,where our health system is different to yours. I am going to Mexico from Michigan so I dont want any issues to come up while in Mexico. The most frequent adverse effects are soreness at the injection site, minor bleeding that occurs right away after administration, and some initial discomfort. Phentolamine Mesylate 1 mg/ml. I did learn to French-kiss at forty-something, butthings just werent the same. thanks. Shockwave acoustic therapy for ED increases blood supply to the penis and may help men to get erections. Sildenafil RDT from USA What Is It and Why to Get It. Medals ? Orgasmed after about 5 minutes, Next time took about 5 shots of Wild Turkey. This article will assist in answering that question and examining the reasons there is no universally applicable solution. One of Nelson's posts on trimix protocol mentioned that you should massage the penis before and after the injection. Is extreme soreness and two hour erection normal? Dosage Strengths of QuadMix Injection. I recommend using an auto injector. An injection is usually in the middle third of the penis shaft, on alternating sides and avoiding all veins, around 20 to 30 minutes before sexual activity. Smaller volumes should be used in children and patient with severe cardiovascular disease. ED Forum (Viagra, Cialis, Trimix, Implants). My uro. I can speak with experience that, yes, trimix is wonderful. Woke up with priaprisim and wound up in ER. Trimix is administered intravenously. Thank you so much, you cant imagine how much youve helped people. I believe it is papaverine, phentolamine and alprostadil (prostaglandin). anybody got a woman pregant here while being on TRT 1+ year? Once we got the dosage right and the erections down to about two hours, all remains great and our sex is BETTER than before surgerybecause we view it as a gift that we will never take for granted. Temporary swelling of the penis skin may occur if proper injection technique is not adhered to. There is no standard dosage, and it is usually incrementally tailored to the individual via feedback between the patient and the prescriber. Most normal doses of Trimix are like 10 units to 50 units. It has 120mg of Pseudoephedrine. He tries several times to make it work, and is usually successful but that is frustrating to him, plus it has started to hurt him a bit. "935-1035 gf begging for mercy i cant take any more she says im done i cant walk." based on their response their starting dose for home is determined and they are given a titration scale for home to adjust as needed. More Than You Thought, But What About The Rest? Pull back on the syringe plunger in a slow and steady motion until the prescribed dosage is achieved. I tried a pump, viagra, etcbut my nerves were totally gone. Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour. How bad of an idea would it be to give my wife some T-cyp? Thank you. I had to adjust mine several times in the first few weeks,, I think my member forgot what it was like to stand up strait at first but not any more. Like I said in my post previously, 50 units was plenty for me, even lasted a bit too long so I tried 45 units and that was good but I will try 40 next time. I could imagine if the penis is quite deflated a 1/2" needle might go in too far. Brand names: Edex, Caverject, Muse, Caverject Impulse, Prostin VR Pediatric, Edex Refill Alprostadil has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 156 reviews for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. Exercises for Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction. The content weve included in this guide is merely meant to be informational and does not constitute medical advice. Make sure the vial of trimix is mixed up VERY WELL prior to every injection. The reason is.that if you have blood leakage back into your body (a cause of Ed) it keeps the injected Trimix in your penis long enough to relax your muscles to allow blood flow to engorge your member. I was wondering if theres a lot of people that have the same affect. I work it in by pressing down and moving up and down. You must make sure the needle penetrates the Caverness. I'm really surprised it took me so long to discover it and look forward to using it more often. WOW. Phentolamine. I then went to .5 units, got some enlargement but not enough for erections. It also really depends on the ratio of those 3 ingredients in the Trimix. 2. What's Your Experience? There is no set dosage; instead, it is usually adjusted gradually based on feedback from the patient and the physician. He may not need trimix at all! Papaverine HCl 30 mg/ml. They will treat and adjust the medication so it works for you. I went and they did a sonar test to hear my blood flow. Very sore took 1.5 hrs to go down. Yeah, totally endorse and relate all you have reported. I'm at 36 units and my doc said I could go up to 40. Just a thought. I am starting to get natural erections almost every morning and threw out the day. TriMix Injection Dosage The initial Trimix Injection dose should be .05cc to .2cc, depending on the patient's level of ED. Anyone who suffers from ED, is looking for a solution, and doesnt explore this wonderful alternative is doing themselves a great disservice. By contrast, this same amount may last for 25 doses for someone taking only 20 units per dose. You can inject the medication up to 3 times a week. I dont just stab it in because a fine needle like this often bends and you wind up injecting just below the skin. Since The single dose of caverject causes pain, or aching in some, I elected to go straight to Trimix. An open discussion on Erectile Dysfunction. waited a year before he gave great but the only problem is it mostly last to long. I am sure for a guy who hadnt seen action down there in almost a year, this was a most welcome sight. Your Doctor can have Lidocaine added to the Tri-Mix to reduce or eliminate the pain. Some guys are hypersensitive to Trimix. Cant recommend it enough. A1. I dont know how you could even accurately measure that in a syringe. a few minutes latter they checked on me for results. We have over 300 formulations to work for you. Trimix is a medication for erectile dysfunction treatments that is intended to be injected locally into the penis. Trimix #12 (10mcg/30mg/4mg) /mL Trimix #16 (100mcg/30mg/6mg) /mL Syringe and Dose Volume ICI medications are injected into the penis using a very small needle, the same type of needle and syringe diabetics use to inject insulin. My urologist started me out on 0.30 and nothing, I went up to 0.35 and I was in it to win. Postby Cigar56 Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:16 am, Postby Cigar56 Sun Nov 08, 2015 10:27 am, Postby Cigar56 Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:49 am, Postby ocitgo Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:20 am, Postby Cigar56 Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:28 pm, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 2 guests. In an ideal world, the Trimix injections wear down without any external help. How does Trimix compare to EDEX injections? Sadly I can only use my stick for a divining rod. If he has erections in his sleep without any trimix at all, that is FANTASTIC news. I take pseudoephedrine (very infrequently) to address such rare persistent erections. But that was just a dry run.. my ED became an issue as i grew older till about 4yrs ago it stopped functioning all together. I am going to try 4.5 units tonight. These are the two main biological factors needed to keep an erection going. Dr doesnt want to change mixture. Quick update: On Saturday night I used 5 units again BUT used a 5/16" needle and had a great erection for roughly 2 hours. The antidotes for these erections are pseudoephedrine, norepinephrine, or phenylephrine. I had just received a phone call from my General Practioner to say they will NOT prescribe the cialis that my consultant ( we refer to specialist sugeon as our consultant ) had prescribed might help my/our problem. Had surgery for prostrate cancer on 2/17/11. if their response is close to a 3 they remain in the clinic for further monitoring. The medication is expensive but in our opinion well worth it for physical and mental health plus lots of fun with enjoyable sex. Used 20 units (1/5 ml) got about 35% erection. An Unexpected Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer. Copyright 2018. Surely you are not taking 10-12 cc of tri-mix! A unit is specific for each drug, not a standard volume. Just incredible. (Adrenaline counteracts the effect of the trimix.) Copyright 2016 All rights reserved. What is the max times in a row, a week or same day that you've used it, how much separation (hours) between injections have you allowed? I was stroking his penis in largo, e.g., slow and gentle, but I eventually learned thatit only workedif I speeded up the tempo and the pressure, do it in allegro vivace, maybe. Im only 61. How many units should you take? Anyway, if you have thoughts on what it could be, let me know. Do you know you mix ratio? Exquisite. In order to successfully administer Trimix, patients must understand liquid dosing amounts for injections. There are 100 micrograms in a cubic centimeter or milliliter of medication. they immediately went into the sales pitch for trimix and a auto injector. Hes going to the urologist tomorrow (the nurse practitioner there) to explain to her the problem. Trial-and-error ensued, and I finally settled at 8 units. It worked, and what a RELIEF! While other posters are talking about the doses, I want to give some information about the number of injections you should take. There seems to be general confusion on the math The bottles that I get are 5 milliliter or 5 CC (same units for practical purposes) and the doses are in fractions of ML or CC. mL or milliliters a measure of liquid volume, equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter (cc). I would just like to pass on my thanks for your blog .I stumbled on it on Google but am relectant to say what words I used as a strap to Google I found it amusing and informative but better than that, I found it encouraging . But I can tell you that trial and error is normal with Trimix. The appointments are very difficult to get where I live. These ingredients work by relaxing the smooth muscle and opening the blood vessels in your penis, causing an erection. And yes, I did experience a secondary erection last time but chickened out for fear of having to take that trip in an overcoat to the hospital! It is a very potent mixture of three effective ED drugs, including phentolamine, papaverine, and alprostadil, which are only available by prescription. Evaluation of bremelanotide injection for the treatment of HSDD. Any other cases of this still reluctant to try needle. Instant, long lasting, no side effects. Such fun! Listen up! The risk of this outcome increases with higher dosages, which is another reason to be sure to follow your prescribers instructions with regard to how many units of Trimix to take. Great post and story. but, if this possibly could work, I was willing to try it. And will continue to get erect several. what happens if you do more? Trimix is all I need. FYI,,,I have at least for myself, if you hafta knock it down a worm or hot shower or bath will do it and if not your mix needs to be adjusted. When administering an injection, especially in such a delicate location, always employ good cleanliness and safety precautions. Peel open the syringe carefully and remove the protective cover from the needle. at the trial dose appointment the patient response to medication is rated on a scale referred to the Erection Hardness Score (EHS) : Ranging from 14 (1=penis is larger, but not hard; 2=penis is hard, but not hard enough for penetration; 3=penis is hard enough for penetration, but not completely hard; 4=penis is completely hard and fully rigid). Our patients typically are not using doses as high as the ones being quoted on this site. What is sildenafil tablets 100mg used for? As discussed above, there is no generic or one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how many units of Trimix any individual should take. I lowered my A1Cs to 5.6, but still had these problems. My URO changed the formula to a weaker one so that I could inject more. Individually, the medications that make up Trimix all produced some positive results, but their combined use success rate outweighs their individual success rates. For years I just talked to my android can I adjust and my general physician and I should have gone straight to a specialist. At the other end of the spectrum, is the older gentleman (greater than 75 years old) with . Though the administration method is different, Trimix works following the same general mechanisms of oral ED medications like Viagra and Cialis specifically, relaxation of blood vessels and improving blood flow. It turns out, my first dose was a bit high. all the details. My operation was nerve soaring on one side. It WORKS My husband is reluctant, but at least he knows how important this is to me. We are doing it right. Increase by 0.025 cc to 0.050 cc until a satisfactory dose is reached. By MenMD, Boston MA. Trimix is an erectile dysfunction treatment that is designed for local injection into the penis. I have not tried it and dont know what the cost might be, but it might get over the folks that just cant do injections. In this video, our expert at The Novus Center, Stephanie Wolff, explains the pros and cons of. Allow 5 to 10 seconds to completely inject the dose. However, there are some typical dosage ranges, best practices, and other details that may be helpful for those new to Trimix and dosing. Thanks everyone for sharing. Also, good info but my urologist says one should wait 48 hours between injectionsis that necessary? Thought the first time must have hit a vein but second time was sure to miss a vein but still aching heaps. When done correctly there should be NO pain. Thank you for all the advice and information. As a man who has used both pill type enhancements and TRIMIX, I prefer TRIMIX as there are fewer side effects. I thought that implant surgery was my only option so I went to a urologist who introduced me to Trimix. this trial dose is very important. I am in UK ,where our health system is different to yours. Blown out in middle. I couldnt be more pleased. i am a 42yr old type 1 diabetic. None of these videos is pornographic and all are purely instructional with some of them featuring members of this forum. I cant stress this enough. I was told that all the nerves were spared and I should be fine in a few months. TriMix is a compounded medication. In this scenario, if not mixed very thoroughly, a draw from the top end of the vial will produce a diluted product (and consequently poor response), whereas a draw from the bottom portion of the vial will produce a highly concentrated solution (and robust response). That remains true regardless of how many Trimix units are contained in a specific injection. Also I recommend searching the internet for more information, so you have a good knowledge when you talk to your Urologist, or his PA. It also happens to be my birthday. its due to arrive this week and i cant wait to get with my wife for the first time in 4yrs. When I first started I followed the directions to inject at 9 and 3 oclock and had many misfires. Most often, this roughly translates into: That does not mean, however, when looking at how many units of Trimix may be useful for a given individual, that dosages higher than 50 units have not been prescribed. Love to have more, but it aint happening for me. And had amazing sex with my wife for the first time in about 10 years. It costs me $140. It is only used as a secondary treatment for ED because it is typically more potent and effective (and hence slightly riskier). Tried all the oral medications with no success. They range from live demonstrations, to how-to tutorials using animations or props. Trimix begins to function immediately after being injected. Unlike oral ED treatments, where any benefit or action is spread throughout the body and bloodstream, Trimixs direct local action in the penis means it is often far more effective in generating an erection satisfactory for sex. The key here is that the response can be unpredictable, erratic, and risky if the vial is not thoroughly mixed prior to every use to ensure uniformity of solution. The initial dose should be 0.05 cc to 0.2 cc, depending on the level of ED. Fast forward to the two-minute mark for the information. Pete Often trimix works better when you inject at home. I went to sleep after almost 2 solid hours of mind blowing sex. A dose for me is around 2 units, so I get about 22 injections. Sure, but if you can only have 3 injections a week, and not more than 2 in a row, then what? When I asked him what should be done when I get a persisting erection outside his office, his prompt reply was Sudafed. Mine easily lasts 6 months in the fridge and long as I am care to keep it refrigerated. FDA regulation each of the compounding pharmacies is held accountable to And please repost more experiences, especially if you convince her to bring her friends or sisters over lol. A prolonged erection, known as priapism, may occur. Patients who are prescribed Trimix are given advice and information on the proper handling and administration of the medication via injection. until the lowest effective dose is achieved. The other two friends that have been accompanying me for several years now are diabetes and hypertension. Sex addiction, or compulsive sexual behavior disorder, has been difficult to define. They premix the formula and provide individual syringes for each injection/application. Forum rules. In this video we run through how to administer an intracavernosal injection (aka peinle injection) using a compounded preparation - whist there is a lot to t.
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