Perkins was then transported to the Pettis County Jail pending charges of Domestic Assault in the 2nd Degree, Armed Criminal Action, and Unlawful Use of a Weapon. '':''); Charges of Domestic Assault in the 3rd Degree are being sought. He was transported to the Pettis . if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; Dunn also had a Failure to Appear warrant out of Hickory County on original charges of Speeding and Careless and Imprudent Driving. The suspect also had a warrant for his arrest from Warren County. Officers collected the fraudulent currency, and a report has been completed. Sedalia Police made contact with a wanted subject at the Sonic Drive In, 2800 South Limit Avenue Sunday night. When Officers arrived, they spoke with Kranz through the use of a translator. The suspect was located nearby and taken into custody. Please log in to comment by clicking here,