For services to teenagers and young adults with cancer in Northern Ireland. Rob earned a Master of Business Administration degree from Utah State University and a Bachelor of Science Degree in operations management from Brigham Young University. For services to healthcare, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Members agreed to invite the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service to give evidence to the Committee. Northern Trusts Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy is driven by three priorities: Drive Accountability, Enhance Development Programs and Placement, and Advance Culture. Chief Executive, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful. If your query is about another benefit, select Other from the drop-down menu above. For queries or advice about employment rights, contact the Labour Relations Agency. The Remuneration Committee is a Committee of the Trust Board tasked with the responsibility for approving the remuneration of Executives. Mrs Carmel Hanna MLA The Committee provides assurance to the Trust Board and the Accounting Officer on the systems of internal control. For more than 130 years, Northern Trust has earned distinction as an industry leader for exceptional service, financial expertise, integrity and innovation. Neal graduated with a bachelors degree from Weber State University and is a certified public accountant. For services to further education. "I believe they will benefit from the work that I and my colleagues in the trust have been doing in difficult circumstances over my time in the trust. Director, JComms. If you have a comment or query about benefits, you will need to contact the government departmentoragency which handles that benefit. A Decrease font size. Deputy Chief Executive / Director of Operations. We don't have access to information about you. For services to the community in Northern Ireland. Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. She earned a bachelors in sociology from the University of California. Ensure that a Governance Report and a Trustees Report are produced as part of the annual accounts process for CTFs. If you have a question about a government service or policy, you should contact the relevant government organisation directly. The organisation is now part of Waltham Forest PCT. For services to health and to the government. Present: Sean Donaghy will take up a new post with the Health and Social Care Board. Previously, Moira was Co-Director for Child Health and Northern Ireland Specialist Transport and Retrieval (NiSTAR) Services from 2017 and Interim Co-Director and Associate Director of Nursing for Trauma, Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation one year prior to this. In addition to trustees serving on our central Board, trustees also serve on governing boards for hospitals and other care services, as well as charitable foundation boards. Bush Road, Lately Project Lead Digital Admissions, Education Authority Northern Ireland. Janice serves on a wide range of publicly traded, private, and not-for-profit boards including Intermountain Healthcare, Zions Bank, Castell Health, Culmination Bio, the Truman Scholarship Advisory Council, the University of Utah National Advisory Council, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, and the Park City Hospital Governing Board. Daniel Gomez is president of Gomez Corp Financial Advisory & Insurance and has over 31 years of experience in the financial services industry, preceded by 18 years in the telecommunications industry. Minutes of meetings are presented to the Trust Board. For services to nursing in Northern Ireland, particularly during Covid-19. Members took evidence from Dr Michael McBride, the Chief Medical officer. Chief Executive, Prison Fellowship Northern Ireland. Post hr/recruitment jobs for free; apply online for Healthcare / Chief Human Resources Officer job Utah, USA. Western Trust services are delivered by four directorates: Acute Services Adult Mental Health and Disability Services Primary Care and Older People's Services Women and Children's Services These service directorates are assisted by support directorates: Chief Executive's Office For services to pre-school education. Antrim, For services to the Girls' Brigade in Northern Ireland. Highlights from the 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report include: Northern Trust introduced a new, highly focused philanthropic strategy that concentrates volunteerism and contributions on four key areas of fundamental impact: educational excellence, food security, accessible health care and affordable housing. Share on Facebook (external link opens in a new window / tab), Share on Twitter (external link opens in a new window / tab), Share by email (external link opens in a new window / tab), Which problem did you find on this page? If you wish to check on a problem or fault you have already reported, contact DfI Roads. Ensure that expenditure from CTFs is subject to appropriate value for money considerations including proper procurement procedures where applicable. Director, Adult Services and Prison Healthcare, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust. For services to agriculture and to equestrian sport in Northern Ireland. Mr Alister Strain (Clerical Supervisor) For services to prison health care and social work in Northern Ireland. He holds a bachelors degree in economics from Harvard College and masters degree in finance from Harvard Business School. Health Minister Edwin Poots said that the move was by mutual agreement, to "enhance the strategic leadership in this high priority area". He spent nearly 20 years building businesses in the risk management sector, followed by 16 years in public service: Governor of Utah for three terms (1993 to 2003), and two roles in the Cabinet of President George W. Bush, first as Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (2003 to 2005) and then as Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (2005 to 2009). Mr Poots also announced that the Chief Executive of the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Sean Donaghy, would be stepping aside from his post at the Trust to take up a new post with the Health and Social Care Board as Regional Director of eHealth and External Collaboration. She served as Chair of Intermountain Healthcares Board of Trustees from 2018 to 2022 and serves on the Zions Bank Advisory Board. For services to the Boys' Brigade and the community in Craigavon, Northern Ireland. His sacking was the first time that a senior health manager had been removed from his post at a Northern Ireland trust. Dr Maria O'Kane, Chief Executive Catherine Teggart, Director of Finance, Procurement and Estates Colm McCafferty, Interim Director of Children and Young People's Services Jan McGall, Director of Mental Health and Disability Services Lesley Leeman, Interim Director of Performance and Reform If you have a comment or query about benefits, you will need to contact the government departmentoragency which handles that benefit. Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. Since leaving public service, Mike has focused on the advancement of value-based healthcare by building healthcare businesses. Mr Robert (Bob) McCann's appointment has been extended from 20 January 2022 to a date not later than 19 January 2023. For services to public libraries. He built partnerships with a variety of providers throughout northern New England and the United States by creating the High Value Healthcare Collaborative (70 million patients, 70 thousand clinicians) to deliver optimum care at lowest cost to patients in the region. Saving Private Ryan actor Tom Sizemore dies at 61. - listing US Job Opportunities, Staffing Agencies, International / Overseas Employment. . The committee has two Non-Executive Director members and the Director of Operations, Executive Director of Finance, Director of Human Resources, Organisational Development and Corporate Communications, and the Divisional Director of Strategic Development and Business Services also attend. The NHSCT is one of five Trusts established as statutorily separate organisations within the HSC family, responsible for the delivery of responsive and effective health and care services and for the ownership and management of hospitals and other establishments and facilities. He and wife Jackie have been married for more than 40 years. Counsellor, Women's Aid, Belfast. Dec 2017 - Mar 20202 years 4 months. He led Intermountains nationally recognized operational work and continuous improvement culture to align providers, caregivers, and services across much of the interior west. if(window.da2a)da2a.script_load(); Board members set policy, create goals, evaluate managements performance, and ensure Intermountain operates in the best interest of the community. He is also a board member of five other Eccles family charitable foundations, remaining one of Utahs most influential advocates and philanthropists. The Assurance Committee provides a second line of assurance within the Integrated Governance and Assurance Framework and will ensure that robust governance, risk management and assurance processes are in place across the organisation to promote the delivery of key corporate objectives. He has been active in his local community as a Past President of the Springville Chamber of Commerce and as a former City Councilman. 3.34 p.m. Ms Carl N Chuiln left the meeting. Antrim Area Hospital - Tel: 028 9442 4000 Causeway Hospital - Tel: 028 7032 7032 Monday, 28 February 2022 . For services to prisoners and their families in Northern Ireland. Rob Allen is president and CEO of Intermountain Healthcare, a leading nonprofit health system headquartered in Utah with locations in seven states and operations across the western U.S. For queries or advice about pensions, contact theNorthern Ireland Pension Centre. For services to forestry. Northern Trust Departments and Services If you wish to contact a service or team within the Northern Trust, please use our A-Z Service Guide. We evaluated the effectiveness of 1-3 booster vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 related mortality among a cohort of 13407 older residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs) participating in the VIVALDI study in England in 2022. Peter Flanagan, Medical Director, Northern Health & Social Care Trust. For services to the environment. For services to the Foyle Hospice and the community in County Londonderry. Mr Poots said he recognised Dr Flanagan's dedication to his role and thanked him for his commitment to patient care. The trusts give services to the public locally and on a regional basis. For services to music and the community in Fintona, County Tyrone. For services to the promotion of the Aberdeen Angus breed and to agriculture. 3.19 p.m. Ms Sue Ramsey rejoined the meeting. General Practitioner, Northern Ireland and lately Chair, Royal College of General Practitioners Northern Ireland Council. Bretten Hall, Chief Executive - Dr Cathy Jack Cathy took up post as Chief Executive of Belfast Trust in January 2020. For queries or advice about rates, email For queries or advice about Child Maintenance, contact the Child Maintenance Service. For services to the community in Carrickfergus, County Antrim. Comments or queries about the Blue Badge scheme can be emailed to or you can also call 0300 200 7818. The Chairperson reported that she would be meeting the Minister about this and would report back to the Committee. 5. If you wish to check on a problem or fault you have already reported, contact DfI Roads. For services to the community in County Antrim. Gail and her husband, Kim Wilson, have a combined family of nine children and a large posterity. The committee consists of two Non-Executive Directors with the Executive Director of Finance and the Divisional Director of Strategic Development and Business Services attending. The Performance and Finance Committee provides a second line of assurance within the Integrated Governance and Assurance Framework and will ensure that robust governance, risk management and assurance processes are in place across the organisation to promote the delivery of key corporate objectives. For services to equality and LGBT rights and voluntary services to law and order. For queries or advice about historical, social or cultural records relating to Northern Ireland, use the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service. The responsibility for expending of the charitable funds remains with the individual fund managers. For successive winters, the hospital has experienced excessive trolley waits, with regular breaches to both its four and 12-hour targets. Kate chaired the SCL Health Board Compensation Committee. For services to mental health in Northern Ireland. This is a scrutiny Committee and does not replace the operational performance management arrangements for which the Executive Directors are responsible. Note: with the vast majority of staff working from home and significantly reduced business travel, we estimate that the reduction in global emissions due to COVID-19 was approximately 25 percent. In the department's statement it was said the current medical director, Dr Peter Flanagan, had originally intended to retire next year. To advise and make recommendations to the Board on performance, development, succession planning and appropriate remuneration and terms of service for the Chief Executive and all Senior Executives, guided by Department of Health policy and best practice, and on the advice of the Chief Executive and other Senior Executives as appropriate. For services to healthcare during Covid- 19. In that 11-year role, he provided overall direction and leadership for the 93-bed, not-for-profit, free standing, acute care rehabilitation hospital which provides a comprehensive system of inpatient and outpatient care, rehabilitation, neurosurgical services, long term follow-up services, and extensive research programs for those affected by traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury. Ensure that a strategic approach is adopted with regard to CTF expenditure and that Directorates produce and implement annual expenditure plans relating to all funds at their disposal. You will not receive a reply. These priorities are aimed at enhancing our focus on the hiring, development and advancement of women and people of color at every level. Matt has served on a number of state and national banking committees. Members took evidence from the following witnesses: John Compton, Chief Executive, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Members noted a report on the Committee meeting with the Family Ministry Commission on Thursday 7 February 2008 and agreed to write to the Minister about issues raised during the meeting. For queries or advice about 60+ and Senior Citizen SmartPasses (which can be used to get concessionary travel on public transport), contactSmartpass - Translink. Lately Principal, Trinity Nursery School, Bangor, Northern Ireland. For services to the community in County Tyrone and to nursing in Northern Ireland. Deputy Chief Executive, Director of Primary Care and Older People and Executive Director of Nursing > view profile. John Compton, Chief Executive, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Find job postings in CA, NY, NYC, NJ, TX, FL, MI, OH, IL, PA, GA, MA, WA, UT, CO, AZ, SF Bay Area, LA County, USA, UAE, SA, North America, abroad. The chief executive of the troubled Northern Health and Social Care Trust is to step aside from his post. The four statutory committees are: The Audit Committee has a central role in the Trusts Governance Framework in assisting the Board to ensure that an effective control system is in place. Ski Team Foundation, and the University of Utahs David Eccles School of Business, among others. She is the recipient of five Honorary Doctorate Degrees, the Congressional Award Foundations Horizon Award, Salt Lake Chambers Giant in Our City Award and the internationally recognized ATHENA Award. For services to the public relations industry, to the economy and to the community in Northern Ireland. Spencer Eccles is Chairman Emeritus of the Intermountain Banking Region of Wells Fargo & Co., and Chairman & CEO of the George S. and Dolores Dor Eccles Foundation, one of Utahs largest charitable foundations that has awarded grants totaling more than $750 million to enrich the lives of all Utahns and strengthen the future of the state. CHICAGONorthern Trust released its latest Corporate Social Responsibility report today, marking a full decade of transparent, detailed information across the company. For services to golf in Northern Ireland. 28 January 2022. The Board of the NHSCT comprises of a NonExecutive Chair and 7 Non- Executive Directors along with 5 Executive Directors including the Chief Executive. Gail is also the Chair of the Larry H. Miller Family Foundation and presides over the Larry H. Miller Education Foundation. Its wholly owned subsidiaries include Maverik, a 381-convenience store chain, and Big West Oil petroleum refinery. A Reset font size. The Trust employs approximately 13,000 staff and spends 532 million annually in the delivery of health and social care services. (Tick all that apply),,, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Swansea, Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA), Northern Ireland, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service, contact the relevant government organisation directly, Travel advice (including self-isolation), Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations contact the, Driver licensing and tests, MOT and vehicle testing. She has focused on and directed the culture of the company as well as the growth and diversity of its operations. Intermountain Healthcare is a Utah-based, not-for-profit system of 33 hospitals (includes "virtual" hospital), a Medical Group with more than 3,800 physicians and advanced practice clinicians at about 385 clinics, a health plans division called SelectHealth, and other health services. Members took evidence from the following witnesses: At conservative gathering, Trump is still the favourite. For queries or advice about passports, contactHM Passport Office. Under his leadership, Rob has helped propel Intermountain to national recognition as a leading model for innovating health and wellness solutions, increasing value, and improving affordability and accessibility to all. Contact Us | Western Health & Social Care Trust Home Contact Us Contact Us The Western Trust Headquarters are at located at: MDEC Building Altnagelvin Area Hospital site Glenshane Road Londonderry BT47 6SB Telephone: 028 7134 5171 The Trust has facilities and delivers services from a number of locations across the Western Trust area. Bringing together clinicians who work on the same organ . For media enquiries please contact DoHPress Office by e-mail. For services to scouting and voluntary service in County Down. For queries or advice about birth, death, marriage and civil partnership certificates and research, contact the General Register Office Northern Ireland (GRONI) by Colm Donaghy, Chief Executive, Southern Health & Social Care Trust He graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in business management and finance in 1978. For queries about your identity check, email and for queries about your certificate, email Northern Trust also committed $3 million to support communities most impacted by COVID-19, including support for nonprofit organizations around the world that provide healthcare, food and other humanitarian relief. Deputy Principal, Equality and LGBT Policy Unit, Department for Communities, Northern Ireland Executive. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dr. Kelly Nwagha-a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, (FPSN) is a dedicated and highly accomplished Pharmacist, Healthcare, Safety and Health expert. Read about our approach to external linking. Evidence session with the Chief Executives of the Health and Social care Trusts on C. Difficile. Today, the company has a diversified portfolio of companies doing business across the United States. Professor, Management Development and Associate Dean for Global Engagement, Ulster University. 3.39 p.m. Ms Carl N Chuiln rejoined the meeting. The Committee noted a review of acute hospital bed capacity send by PA Consulting. This is the New Year Honours list of Northern Ireland award recipients published on 31 December 2021. The Committee shall review the establishment and maintenance of an effective system of internal control, across the whole of the organisations activities (both clinical and non-clinical) that supports the achievement of the organisations objectives. Kate completed the Advanced Management Program in 1984 at Harvard University. In 2020, Northern Trust made charitable contributions of more than $16 million, equaling 1% of pre-tax net income, which is in the top quartile benchmark for financial companies. Northern Trust Asset Management developed the Northern Trust ESG Vector Score , a proprietary measurement that ultimately brings greater clarity to sustainable investing by focusing on key ESG-related business issues that could impact a portfolios investment return. Hes a proven values-based executive committed to the preservation and enhancement of not-for-profit, community-focused health ministries into the future through the development of a highly effective and dedicated executive and governance leadership, an engaged workforce, and a values-centered work and care delivery environment. The Assurance Committee should confirm the comprehensiveness of the Integrated Governance and Assurance Framework including the Principal Risk Document to ensure that there are robust assurance systems and processes in place for all undertakings of the Trust.
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