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ADELE: A mac. ins.style.width = '100%'; OR That's a color, not a name. A nickname is one of the highest forms of affection. JENIFER: Someone got lazy when typing up your birth certificate, didn't they? COLEEN: Do you hear me Coleen your name? AUTUMN: Well, technically only until December 21st. Jack fell down and broke his crown because he couldn't stand saying Jill's stupid name. MOLLIE: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. GROVER: Fuzzy, purple, president. We all lie. Now that we have topped up our trivia around the name, lets jump into the storehouse of awesome nicknames for Daniel! These hilarious pun names are perfect for creating usernames, making prank calls, or sending joke letters. One more time for emphasis, SALT. OR No. | We didn't think you would, but hey, you did! Ha, you were named after someone's pet. I like them, but I'm sure the power of Reddit can come up with some that are even better! ETHAN: Your name means gift of the island. ANGELA: I read that book about you. ALEX: Alex. Drink some down to wash the bad taste that is your name out of your mouth. A stupid name. OR What do Martha's Vineyard and Martha Stewart have in common? BETSY: I bet your parents didn't know what they were doing when they gave you your stupid name. Wookieeleaks, What do you call a Jedi in denial? MAXWELL: The best part of waking up, is folgers in you-- what the? RALPH: How do you know someone is saying your name and not just vomiting? LISA: If someone yelled "Lisa!" MONICA: You probably don't have any Friends. We gathered some of the best puns collected by a Tumblr blog called Just Bad Puns. WHO IS JULIUS AND WHY DO YOU BELONG TO HIM?? JUSTIN: Justin time to tell you how stupid your name is. The different language nickname. You're making this too easy. ADAM: The first man. OR You spelled your name wrong, Tommy. Go to Africa. CARLY: Carly. You're welcome. The easiest way to look at your toe is to look at a photoe. Below this, you'll notice further secure usernames that have been randomly generated that are versions of the name you are checking out. SIDNEY: Anglo-Saxon for "wide island." Terrible name for a human. JACKIE: Jackie. Has an ugly face-y. English for "overrated pop star.". 3. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; Your email address will not be published. Has so much syphilis he doesn't know where his pickle is. One short leg. BEATRICE: Aren't you one of the Golden Girls? 5. Nicholas. :). Gleep gloop. Tweet. KIM: Just leave. Weren't you guys in love or something? Terrible name for a human. Daniel: What? Can you even see this? So dizzy. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; 4. CLAIRE: Oh, I got my belly button pierced at you. AL: Al. Estonian for "a goat's underbelly.". CHESTER: The cheetah? Currently, he is helping the NamesFrog team in producing good content for their audience. He's funny. Stupid name. From the fact that your name is stupid. Your name is stupid. Dont worry, its just sprinkling outside. ", Yesterday my son said can I have a book mark?. Leetified usernames are not only more challenging to lead to other online accounts, but they also allow you to pick similar-looking usernames if your desired one is already taken. Marissa had the stupidest name. Here are some funny nicknames you can call someone named Daniel: Here are some cute pet names you could call your Daniel:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'findnicknames_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-findnicknames_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'findnicknames_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',114,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-findnicknames_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-114{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Help help me, Rhonda. DANNY: Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes, are calling your name stupid. Chucky. ANGELA'S ASHES. Stupid for you. Who do Jedi call to help open PDF files? Notable for her stupid name. VIRGINIA: Who's afraid of Virginia Woolfe? How terrible your name is. He should dance on the grave that should be your name. An emotion I do not feel when I hear your name. Danyer 9. TJ: Nice acronym. But in your case, Les is less. CHERRY: Put that on top of the pile of suck ass names. But, you couldn't find a better name? George lazenby. Several times stupider. One of the most sought-after names in the United States, Daniel never goes out of vogue. OLIVE: The color people's faces turn when they hear your name. These funny puns about insects are super fly!. One can only imagine where the roots of puns are hidden. Remember how stupid their name was? Dang 10. JACKY: Jacky. ISAAC: Where'd you get that extra A, the Stupid Store? Gary. RACHELLE: The names Rachael and Michelle had a name baby that should have been aborted. Celebrity Fun in the Pun candle line! I was told my jokes were cheesy, but I think they're pretty Gouda. TERRI: You were named after a washcloth. PATRICK: Patrick, from the Latin name "Patricius", which means "nobleman" or "I have no charisma.". People do this for convenience, so they don't have to remember multiple usernames and passwords. From your stupid name! MARYLOU: You should. Username generators are very good at eliminating naming conventions and pattern recognition, something hackers quickly identify! JEFFRY: it's better than Geoffrey. Measure 14 inches from where you are. Knowing I was over the limit, I decided to leave my car at my friend's house, and took the bus home. OLIVIA: Olivia, the process that olives use to procreate. You are not. One did? OR I'll break you with a vampire's fang, stupid. Deal with it. Chan. What does a dyslexic geneticist name their son? American for "dude who cleans the showers at a truckstop.". OR You are a bird. Shame on you. GRAHAM: Graham. Examples of puns in quotes from famous people include: "You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. What do you call a man who has seagulls land on the side of his head? MARYANN: Choose one. SPENCER: Nice gifts. A female deer. OR Dude. I didn't Chloe would have a good time, till you showed up. If you'd instead do it yourself, all you have to do is replace letters with similar symbols: for example: Try the SpinXO username generator to create a personal and secure username, gamer tags, nicknames, or social media handles. LINDA: Linda. It is a source of so many stories, some of them humorous as well as wise! CARMELA: Q: What is Carmela? You were conceived on a beach? TOMMIE: Where's my gun? These clever Daniel nicknames are inspired by wordplay, movie references and other popular sources of witty puns. They should rename the border between Denmark and Germany. LETA: Like Feta, but from a goat's butt instead. The absence of color. If you can read this - say it out loud - my name is stupid. Now, it is your turn to add a good nickname for Daniel to the list. Can we meet them? Thanks asshole. Both stupid names. JORDAN: Country yes, name, no. Yup, you conquered all other stupid names. Smells gnarley. Well, about your name and how dumb it is. JASPER: Jasper, the name of butlers and 80 year old men. Australian for "slimy mammalian sack". JOSIAH: What do you own a general store in 1850? These words create a new identity for someone and can be used as playful. Todays weather: cloudy with a chance of sprinkles. NAPOLEON: Hope you aren't short. 3. You can use a few tips to create a unique username. MARIE: Marie Curie died. KATHRYN: You can't replace an i and an e with a y. WHO IS JULIUS AND WHY DO YOU BELONG TO HIM?? Hairy. I don't believe you. MELODY: Sing this out loud right now: "my name is dumb." JESSICA: I had a girlfriend named Jessica once. OR Larry, Barry, and Gary walked into a bar. What do you call a Mexican jedi? ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Go to camp. While some outrightly offensive terms exist, we have found that context matters with nicknames. ALBERT: They named a dick piercing after you. You are nothing. My dad, boyfriend and I were driving around our city. JEFFREY: I mean.it's better than Geoffrey. CHARLES: Barkley. A tortoise named Voldetort. var pid = 'ca-pub-1387622271799709'; I said "Looks like he left on his own Accord." Dopey D - For the times when Daniel has trouble staying awake. BRIDGET: Roadt, no. What'd you say? Cody: Like "I've been waiting all Dan day!". You're all alone. Why not add a pun to your username to give it some instant flair? / Chad. KATELYN: Come back when you're ready to spell your name like a big girl. Daniel Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names for Daniel, Beetle Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Rookie Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Greaser Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names, Lurantis Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names. 1. CHELSEA: Great for soccer. Anita. K thx. Fruit flies like a banana." - Groucho Marx. SHAUNA: You spelled your name wrong, Sean-a. Knowing I was over the limit, I decided to leave my car at my friend's house, and took the bus home. Pure country. Read our. Never trust stairs they're always up to something. Did you know Daniel Boone had three ears? My aunt has the heart of a lion. Even the English think you have a stupid name. Well, you're not. Greg: Which Star Wars character travels around the world? ", Dad: "Did I ever tell you about the three men in the book of Daniel who were thrown into the fiery furnace?". These jokes just write themselves. AMBER: Amber. Quit pretending to be something you're not. HILLARY: I knew a dog named Hillary once, whenever it got around new people, it would barf. That's because you have a stupid name. EDWIN: You Edwin for the dumbest damn name. What have you ever done with your stupid name? JOE: If your name was any more average, it would be a man with a beer belly watching TV in a Snuggie. PETER: When you finally arrive at the Pearly Gates, St. Peter will come out and say, "Boy, don't WE have a stupid name!". Daniel was also able to interpret dreams. Aw..let down. Everything I dough, I dough it for you. LUCAS: Lucas. Well, there's Charles Dan, Jan Dan, and the whole Dan family! Get ready for some good ol hole-some fun. Nicknames are usually short and informal, which people use for other people. According to the Bible, he was thrown into a lions den for refusing to worship the king, but God protected Daniel and he was not harmed by the lions. SHEREE: Your name rhymes with itself. See how lame your name is. 1. JERRY: Not as noble as Larry. I was wondering what's taking them so long to count all the votes in Nevada. What does Daniel Craig and Sean Connery do in a bar? I can do that for you! All I want for Christmas is a new name. Brit. For having a stupid name. You load it up with money electronically and then "touch on" at the train station and "touch off" when you get off at your destination. JAMIE: Jamie is a name derived as a pet form of James. DONALD: Your name is framed by double D's, unlike your face ever. Name, stupid. Because your name is dumb. Dummy. Makes me spit. HIERONYMUS. MISTY: Misty - may I train you to get a better name? EDDIE: Great name for a guitarist, stupid name for you. Xander K Occhipinti. Your name is stupid. DERRICK: You should rig yourself up a new name there, friendo. CHARLOTTE: Your name is a web. It is quite likely that you might have come across multiple men named Daniel in your life. SUSANNE: Susanne. MARSHALL: You've got the authority to find yourself a new name. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to findperfectnames.com, a resource to help you find the perfect name. RANDALL: Weren't you in that one movie? RAY: Doe: A deer. OR The only thing not stupid about you is your chicken, stupid. Signed, Annette Bening" OR Huh, so that's how people are spelling "stupid" these days? GEORGIA: What should be on your mind? FRANKLIN: Franklin. CHEAP. Ah!!!! Gets stabby. KAYLA: Every kiss begins with what a stupid name you have. 5. PHILIP: From the Greek 'Philippos', or "Lover of Horses". Noun nicknames 4. var ffid = 2; RONNY: Come back when you start spelling your name like a big boy. JOEL: One letter away from Noel. You are real! OR What do Julie Andrews and Julie Chen have in common? Sean Connery. ANDRE: No one wants to have dinner with you. I can't cry anymore. HOUSTON: We have a problem. TED: Let me talk to you for a second, Ted. CLARENCE: Every time a bell rings an angel reminds us the name Clarence is stupid. Use it in a sentence. DANI: Mother of dragons. ANDERSON: Anderson, teah, OK, but what's your first name? Please don't use this . NEW!! For your dumb name. KRISTINE: Too good for a "ch", huh? Your name is stupid. OR From the Hebrew for "son of my days." Stupid. Pine Nut: Pine nuts (aka pinon) are edible pine seeds. Or butter. Come back when your name isn't a metaphor for the everywoman. Kind of spacey. Unless, of course, you play bass." - Douglas Adams. And your name is stupid. "Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted." PATRICIA: You know your friends call you "Pat" behind your back, right? BIANCA: Italian for "white." DOMINIQUE: Wilkins: A high flying slamma jamma from Atlanta. Shyniel - A punny name for a shy and reserved Dan. I mean, who puts an E after an H, followed by an R and a Y? *Your name is stupid*. BRENDA: I have a vendetta against stupid names like Brenda. You name reminds people of eating Chinese noodles. CHARITY: Here's a donation. The sickening couple nickname. CELESTE: AND THE ANGELS SANG YOUR NAME FROM THE HEAVENS, "CELESTE WHAT A DUMB NAME". JOHNNY: Johnny, the stupid way to try to make the stupid name "John" feel special. AUSTIN: Cool town. Then name 3 blacksmiths. Really, it is or do you need me to spell it out for you? Then check out my other podcast, The Daily Quiz Show, where I . DELORES: Claiborne. Let's talk about a development deal. ANTONIO: In Spanish your name means "beyond praise." ROY: French for "king." OR Bullocks! Could dunk on an 11 foot rim. LAKISHA: Almost a lake, not quite a name. BORIS: Please don't Bore us with your stupid name. There are two main advantages for using unique and secure usernames: Most of us wish to remain anonymous online whilst using social media. Can't swim. BRITTANY: You know what you and Brittany Spears have in common? ELVIRA: I didn't know you were still relevant, Elvira. STEVE: Steve. ADDRIIIAAAAANNNN YOUR NAME IS STUPID. In the "renaming room." OR Please stop singing. The SpinXO username generator helps you create unique, secure, fun usernames, gamer tags, or social media account handles. Susanna, do not cry for me. Lord of the dance. 'Cause, right now, yours is stupid. CECELIA: I cecelia think that your name is very stupid. A typing Chihuhua. Dummy. Not as interesting as Terry. OR We hired Casey Kasem to record the following message, "This week on the top 40, number 1, our name is dumb.". My new shoes are toe-tally toe-riffic. PENELOPE: Wife of Odysseus. Daniel was used in England as early as the Middle Ages. RAE: Great word for Boggle. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. KRIS: Who taught you to spell your name that way? You should really consider this change for yourself as well. Kyle. You know, to fix your stupid name. CASEY: Casey. GRETCHEN: The noise I make while vomitting with a little extra "EN" at he end of it. I mean, seriously.". VINCENT: Vincent Price was so awesome the name Vincent should have died with him. DAMIEN: Hi Damien. JEANETTE: A smaller and stupider version of Jean. ALVIN: Where's Simon? As it is a biblical name, Daniel has an equivalent in virtually every known language. RYAN: Like Bryan, but too stupid to remember the B. SABRINA: Not even Sabrina the Witch could cure her name of the stupid. KEITH: Keith your stupid name to yourselth! AIDA: If I were in your parents shoes, Aida named you something not stupid. OR Where in the world - did you get that stupid name? var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Greg. They can be used as a term of endearment or to show affection. It reads, "Dear Stupid Name, You Have a Stupid Name. TRENT: Tent? The name Daniel is a biblical name. WILBUR: That's some pig of a name you've got there. I think you forgot what ds look like. Cheryl L.. Being an American living in the Middle East, I wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving. HELENE: You just had to muck it up with that extra E, didn't ya? These clever Daniel nicknames are inspired by wordplay, movie references and other popular sources of witty puns. "After a concert, I asked ten puns if they liked the sound quality. Curbt, no. ROBIN: Yeah, right, and my first name is Batman. FREDERIC: Spelled your name wrong, dummy. Chan. It was creepy. Uncle! Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. SHANE: Shane? LOU: A little bit of jessica in my life, a little bit of sandra by my side, a little bit of get a new name is all you need. OR Thomas, noun, "A dumb name.". A solid, classically stupid name. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'; WENDELL: Wendell you get such a stupid name? No? RANDAL: Weren't you in that one movie? Over a barrel. A: A stupid first name. A sticky gross web. Also, there is a mix of cool Daniel nicknames: Boone - After the famous "Daniel Boone." Dan Shan Danarchy Danchuco Daniamals Daniel Craig - James Bond Daniel Saurus Rex - For dinosaur fanatics Daniel the Maniel Danielboom BRYAN: Y? Italian. There are so many to choose from: candy puns, ice cream puns, cookie puns, you name it. OR Your name is eel backwards, dummy. Tampa-a. GAIL: Like the wind I feel on my face whenever you talk your stupid words. Either way, stupid name. Kind of spacey. Get out of here with you spelling your name like that. Stupid. Gilbert had a studiper name. ", Kids: "Throw us in bed! BENITO: Your parents must have been on the wrong side of World War II. Spanish. What do you call a pirate droid? OR Dikembe Mutombo has 6 names. ELLIOTT: Drop an L, rearrange your name. Russell. Stop while you're ahead. Stupid. EVAN: Evan. EUGENIA: Did your genes give you this stupid name? CAROLE: Anthropoligists hypothesize that the first ever woman named Carole also had a stupid name. Mind like a feather. Comment #2: has he got womb WiFi or something? KERRY: Kerry me away from here, your name is so dumb! Here's some truth: you have a stupid name. James (Jim) Nastics. What time is it when Darth Vader steps on your chronometer? You have a dumb name. Danny Kinz 2. Good job. Like that annoying bird from Aladdin. Case closed. TEDDY: Yeah, right, and my name is "Sexy Lingerie.". Why don't you go by Freddie instead -- oh right, because that's stupid too. Ahhhhh! DENNIS: Like tennis but with no balls. But still a dumb name. MOHAMMAD: I'm not going to touch this one. Everyone with their hand in the air has a stupid name. Doesn't matter. My name is stupid. GILDA: Radner, high five. 1. ABE: Let's be honest. Must have got lost in the womb. Shortly after arriving, the meeting I had been going to got postponed. ", *Names changed to protect the innocent LEE: Haha, your name rhymes with pee. Name, nickname or keywords: Keep clicking SPIN until you find the perfect name. ins.style.width = '100%'; Seriously. Named after a hillbillies truck? WILFRED: Will Fred make a better life decision? OR From the Hebrew for "son of my days." Scandanavians - cool. ANNA: Anna Anna Bo-banna, Banana Fanna Fo you have such a stupid name. Congratulations, your name is stupid in two languages. Just like your mother last night. OR Michael Flatley. EMILY: You know why Emily didn't get a rose? HARRY: Not only is your name stupid, but your mom is stupid because she spelled Hairy wrong. MERLIN: You might know magic, but you can't spell a decent name if you tried. Scary. I like your shirt. OK, but what's your first name? TONYA: Equation. MEGAN: Rearrange your name. You signed in with another tab or window. TAYLOR: Did your parents specifically Taylor your name to annoy me? WAYNE: Wayne, the most popular stupid name because of the pop icon Bruce --- I mean, Wayne Brady. MARK: The name Mark originated from the Roman-- ah fuck it, you have a stupid name. Oh, thanks. Dancer 4. In fact, sissy. Background: Where I live, we have these little plastic cards instead of tickets to get on trains. That's it? OR Sorry for the mixup. No results. In just 6 short weeks! RITA: I can't get rita yer stupid name! FLOYD: If you're not pink, get the fuck off my website. KARIN: You spelled your name wrong, Karen. Danger! MARCY: Remember that band Marcy Playground? You'll get jurasskicked. Come on, they have NICKMOM. RUTH: Ruth. LANA: Lana! Noooooo.I am. SUSANNA: Oh! OR Reads the same forwards and backwards, in case you forget which direction to read. ins.id = slotId + '-asloaded'; Fuck, man, you can't even shorten your name to something that isn't stupid. ELIZABETH: A beautifully stupid name, from the idiotic "El" to the slack-jawed "iza," then stumbling to the finish line with a breathless "beth." Like Gunnlaug. OR Take a hat. Personality based nicknames 2. JOSH: Hebrew for "God's gift." PEARL: Pearl. KIMBERLEY: Where'd you get that extra E, the Stupid Store? JACK: Your name is a verb. Pinterest CYNTHIA: "Cynthia" is a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor. Your name is dumb. TRACY: Dick. ALLYSON: My son is my ally. Your name rhymes with vagina. SASHA: Sasha, Russian for "defender of man". SADIE: Sadie. Dad: "Their names were Shadrach Meshach and ToBedYouGo! Danielson Dannay Dannio Dannyboo Dan-O Danone Dazzle Dee Dizzle D-Nice Little Dan Tali-Dan Dan Shan What are types of nicknames you could use?