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To verify his suspicions about the driver, Fred went to Dallas in 1968 when the memories of witnesses were still fresh. ASAIC Roy T. Kellerman front seat, with SA William Greer driving, (SS car 100 X--top removed) departed Love Field. Witnesses make the case for the Limousine Driver shooting JFK. remarkable in this comparison: the red spray of blood in Frame 313 is clearly in front of JFKs head. The two shots that hit Kennedy and the single shot in the back that wounded Connally ALL came from Secret Service Limo driver William Greer. Chief Dallas homicide investigator Will Fritz got 3 calls from President Johnson telling hime to "back off the investigation because National Security is involved. Missing Frames From The Zapruder Film (Of course, Time-Life could have just struck high-quality prints of the film at cost for interested parties, but that appears never to have been a viable option.) 0:19. You can see the original at the link posted below. Cropped high-resolution digital Zapruder Film Frames 313-316 showing initial "backward lurch" of President Kennedy along with the distribution of ejected material in the wake of the projectile. While in the Navy, Bill Cooper had a job with access to a top secret vault which contained a ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) report that said that Greer delivered the shot which caused Kennedy's head to explode. var sc_project=2085797; The Presidential aircraft was due to depart Dallas at 2:35 pm. Craig was later shot to deathit was ruled suicide. The FBI evidence tag is visible on the camera in this photo. Two are still laying on the ground taking cover and looking in that direction. When CNN was sent a copy of "Dallas Revisited" they wanted to air it but someone told them not to or they would lose their FCC license. More stability and new processing result in a boost in clarity for this clip from the Zapruder film. In a video taped lecture made somewhere in the late 1990's, I heard Bill Cooper say that he had closer-to-original Zapruder footage which clearly shows Greer shooting Kennedy. I just read a story about that and went looking for the film on youtube with it. This was simultaneous with the March 17, 1992 Globe article. Now, normally it would not be good to be featured as a "JFK assassination researcher" in a paper like the Globe, but since it had been distributed at grocery stands across America, I got phone calls from all around the country who agreed with me. Was William Greer a CIA AGENT? Frames were also published in color in the December 6, 1963 special "John F. Kennedy Memorial Edition . It is unclear at this point where the wound alterations took place that resulted in the reversing of the direction of the bullets from front entrance to rear entrance (by enlarging the entrance wound) which then allowed that X-Ray technician to have a completed X-ray of Kennedy's head when Jackie arrives with the ceremonial coffin at Bethesda. Because of the National Security issues involved in true knowledge that it was, indeed, the limousine driver, that shot JFK, the government has had to practice "damage control" to contain this knowledge. New kinda chrome? After studying the Zapruder film, it's clear that Greer shoots Kennedy after Kennedy had already been shot in the throat (by Greer) which caused JFK to clench his fists with upraised arms in front of his throat (seen very clearly in James Altgens #6 photo taken while he was standing in the street and on the Zapruder film as the limo emerges from behind the highway sign) and turns towards Jackie who was sitting to his left. wife. When educational TV channel KQED aired "Dallas Revisited," the feed went out to all cable systems in California on their 6 p.m. broadcast. Re:R. Andrew Kiel-you are " Spot On ". There was no "magic bullet!" Could there be some other physics explanation for this strange phenomenon? The Zapruder Film. M.T. Dont kid yourself! When you enlarge a still frame, although you loose sharpness of detail, you notice things that aren't apparent when viewed as a normal sized photo. In this overhead view of the limousine and its occupants, the trajectory of a bullet that would cause this kind of wound has been traced backwards to the point of origin, which is the right shoulder of William Greer, the limousine driver. He was standing on one of the pedestals of the pergola shown below. handle reflection between the, The laws of physics then The day dawned cloudy and it looked like a bad day for filming, but then it cleared . There is only one problem with this: everyone who saw the Abraham Zapruder [Frame 313 of 8mm home movie of assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dallas] Copyright Zapruder Film 1967 (Renewed 1995) The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza Credit line The LIFE Magazine Collection, 2005 Feedback Accession No. ", Hugh Betzner, who had a photograph published in Life Magazine and was standing right next to the Secret Service agents and heard a sound "like firecrackers going off in the car." [Larry Ed. You can see a cluster of debris accompanying the bullet as it exits the apple. Seven different Dallas doctors all reported that the right rear of Kennedy's head was missing and yet Life magazine photographs taken from the Zapruder film show hair in the same place. JFK Assassination Zapruder Film - Evidence of EXPLOSIVE Devise in Limo. Two shots miss. telling us that the whole front-top of JFKs head gets blasted away! This version takes the original 18 frame-per-second film and interpolates it to 30 frames per second. SA George Hickey, right rear seat (manning AR-15 (rifle) This version takes the original 18 frame-per-second film and interpolates it to 30 frames per second. (Jan. 15, 2007). I think I described it in my report as thought someone was shooting a revolver into a hard objectit seemed to have some type of echo. SA Glen Bennett, left rear seat. JPG scan of personal note from Charles Crenshaw dated 1-26-94. Assassination of John F. Kennedy Encyclopedia Britannica JFK Assassination : The Zapruder Film - Frames 313, 314, 315 vengencefrom1979 22.9K subscribers 79K views 12 years ago zapruder film -. Galanor, who were lucky enough to see the film in the 1960s (at a private files and the article was written. There is a Zapruder said that he had a nightmare about President's head exploding. The doctoring had gone FAR beyond merely removing certain, key frames and obscuring details in the frames that show Greer pointing his gun at JFK and firing the explosive shot in Zapruder frame 313 that caused Kennedy's head to burst open so dramatically. The clip is only 26 seconds long, but it's amazing to see. And it was Michael's wife, Ruth Paine, who got Oswald his job at the Texas Book Depository, the site already chosen because it would be on the motorcade route where Oswald would be working and where he would be arrested and accused. Want to Contact the Editor? The killing took place in bright sunshine in full public view at Elm Street, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. By the evening of that day, Zapruder developed three copies of the film. Frame 313 but also shows a spinning chunk of bone flying up from JFK's head, with a shiny side of the chunk catching the sunlight every time it made one spin, during the time that the shutter of Zapruder's camera was open: A wider view of Frame 313 This piece of bone can also be seen in Frame 314: Frame 314 Bill Cooper Exposes the JFK Assassination in 5 parts (each part will automatically continue with the next part), When followed back to its source suggests the origin Draw your own conclusions. Timeline - JFK Assassination, Nov 22, 1963. The names of the Secret Service agents who were following JFK's limo are listed below in a statement made by the Secret Service Agent in Charge, Emory P. Roberts on Nov. 29. . Colt pistol in his left hand and rests it on his right shoulder firing the single shot that causes Kennedys fatal head wound. Zapruder film has been substantially altered, if not completely forged. A police officer. How can this be? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The illuminati cover all the bases. The bullet did not exit out the left side. Seymour is a known Oswald look alike. Required fields are marked *. We know from the Zapruder film that this bullet hole occurs at frame 333, twenty frames after the fatal shot was fired which could not have been fired from the sides or above. His statement was that President said "'my God, I'm hit,' and then reaches around and grabs his back." He goes on to say, "Careful study of the tape shows him forming his lips to make the "mmm" sound, not "nnn." The shot from the knoll, to his left temporal lobe, caused him to move leftward and that is the shot that knocked him over in the seat. On March 12, 1992, I interviewed one Fred Newcomb, who researched, along with co-author Perry Adams, a book entitled "Murder from Within," 1975 derived from original research done in Dallas in 1968 when the memories of witnesses were still fresh. By Jerry Organ. . Again, assasinations are 'allowed' to happen. right. It is my opinion that a cover-up plan was hurriedly hatched on the fly that day. Ken In all, Newcomb lists six eyewitnesses, some of which were actually in the Warren Commission report. Dornberger hired Michael Piane, an engineering designer and with the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). Existing photos of Kellerman show him to not have a flat head, nor a butch haircut. This most likely was a distraction [diversion] shot. tell us that the shot must have come from behind! This video shows a bit of additional footage seen in the space between the sprocket holes of the Zapruder film and gives you a better view of the motorcycle cops and the Secret Service car (and agents) immediately behind JFK's limo., Part 1, New 3.5 Hour Documentary, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick, While Flawed, Presents Valuable Historic Insights into NWO Elite Machinations (Jan. 14, 2015) tell us that the shot must have come from, The movement was checked by Overhead view of the Presidential limousine, Nov. 22, 1963, We know from frame 312 of the Zapruder film that just after President Kennedy had been hit in the throat he turned at the last second to his left almost facing Jackie. Connally was blocking Greer's line of fire to shoot JFK again, so he had to shoot Connally to get him out of the way]. II, pp 138-139 of the Warre Commission Report Volumes: "I jumped from the car realizing that something was wrong, and ran to the presidential limousine. According to Fred Newcomb (and I agree), there were NO shot fired from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. This video is private When the presidential limousine emerges into view from the sign on the lower left, Kennedy has already been shot once. After the Globe editorial staff called me to verify that Greer was dead (he died of colon cancer in the Haywood County Hospital, Waynesville, N.C. on February 23, 1985 at the age of 75), they published the cover story with the headline "JFK Murdered By His Own Limo Driver" on March 17, 1992. Two days later when Oswald was being shifted to a county jail he was murder by a local night club owner named Jack Ruby. [Added Oct. 23, 2010. In fact it was his first order as President. 12:31:06 - FBI Division Five professional Manual Gonzales, sometimes called "Badgeman" fires once from behind the stockade fence with the only rifle that has smoke coming from the barrel. which exposed his right temple to the front of the car. Frame 317 showing fatal wound Facial debris protrudes towards camera and not forward towards front of car. As Morpheus said in The Matrix "you take the blue pill and the story ends. Ref: Conspiracy of Silence, Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, High Treason, Robert J. Groden and Harrison E. Livingstone, and Murder from Within, Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams. This is actually an infamous and gory photograph. I did my own photo blowup of that part of the photo and compared it to a known photo of Oswald taken after his arrest. A 24/7 news publication with nearly a century of experience, TIMEs coverage shapes how we understand our world. Dornberger's hiring of Michael Paine was his contribution to the JFK assasination cabal, because Michael, as an ONI operative, had the job of not only relocating Marina Oswald to the U.S., but to have his wife, Ruth Paine, secure a job for Oswald at the Texas School Book Depository for the deep cover. Original Title: John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline He immediately gave two copies to the Secret Service. Robert N. McClelland, 4. Newcomb was one the the earliest researchers to view the Zapruder film. The critical head shot occurs near the end of the 16th second of the Zapruder clip. Could his Current News | Introduction | Colloidal Silver | Chemtrails | Sylphs | Emerging Diseases | Forbidden Cures | Ozone | Immunity Boosting | Nutrition |Tone Gen On February 13, 1992, The New Times published a letter to the editor under the headline "The Limo Driver Did It," which led to a chain of events that gave me "the keys to the magic door," (as one friend put it.) Greer's son, an attorney, recently admitted that his father, who was Irish-Protestant had serious religious differences with JFK who was a philandering Catholic. 12:31:07 - William Greer - The limousine driver, brakes the car, turns and sees he still has a live passenger, and then takes the already drawn .45 Cal. We know from public lectures by David Lifton, author of "Best Evidence," that when Jackie arrives at the front of Bethesda Naval Hospital with the bronze ceremonial casket that a X-Ray technician also arrives at the front desk with a already completed X-Ray of the presidents head in his hand. I wrote these letters to the editor based upon my initial viewing of the research video, "Dallas Revisited" done for some local researchers by South Bay Video Productions, right here in San Luis Obispo, CA., where I live. 12:33 p.m. - The phone grid to key offices in Washington, D.C. went dead and stay dead for one hour. 12:31:03 - "Hatman", who some researchers say is Ricky White's father, fires a rifle, striking JFK in the throat. Fred also tried a publisher in Canada, and still no luck. Source: taped interview with Fred Newcomb. Roy Herman Kellerman's hair was short, close to his head, not "greasy" and NOT reflective of sunlight as government gatekeepers and disinfo artists contend. A publisher from Germany even called me long distance for 45 minutes to pursuade me to have Fred submit the manuscript to him; at least it would have a printing in German. "Link to Betzners official statement: Source: taped interview with Fred Newcomb. When I sent a dub of "Dallas Revisted" to The Weekly World News via Certified Mail, I never got the little green postcard back. There's also a slow-motion version on this video, where each of the film's frames were expanded to four interpolated frames. Oswald did not fire a single shot that day. The hole in Kennedy's back just below the shoulder ws not reported in Dallas. knoll), because his head moves backwards and to his left. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." on the official story of many tragic events from the past including the Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, the crash of TWA flight 800 and even the tradjedy of the 9-11 events. We know from frame 312 of the Zapruder film that just after President Kennedy had been hit in the throat he turned at the last second to his left almost facing Jackie. Frame 313 of Zapruder film is extremely graphic. var sc_partition=19; That was the famous Altgens Photo [#6] that appeared in Life Magazine that I have a copy of. Newcomb has in his book a photo of medical personnel wheeling a plain looking coffin out the back entrance of Parkland Hospital., Part 2, The Video Documentary, "JFK to 911, Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" isItselfa Trick (Nov. 19, 2016) (Link). The limousine would suddenly grow in size and a girl would be walking and then land on the wrong foot. But . At least six people see him as noted above and five more people smell gunsmoke coming the car. (2) A Secret Service agent was also asking where the rear entrance to the hospital was. Jenkins, found at this link: Clinton J. Hill, Jacqueline Kennedy's bodyguard, reports in Vol. Eventually it was found that a former US marine named Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President. Home; Concentration Camps | FEMA | Aliens Are Coming! You can see from the Zapruder film that Roberts' Secret Service car was following immediately behind JFK's limo (perhaps 3 - 5 feet) at the time of the shooting and certainly not 25 feet behind the limo as stated by Roberts in his official report. Zapruder film has been substantially altered, if not completely forged. It would appear that he had an established agenda. which exposed his right temple to the front of the car. There exists in the National Archives (but not the Warren Commission files) a statement made by Kellerman to the FBI that President Kennedy said "my God, I'm hit," and he says that the President reaches around and grabs his back. Dallas businessman Abraham Zapruder used this Bell & Howell 8 mm home movie camera to film President John F. Kennedy's motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963. And Robert J. Groden thinks that the gun is the chrome on the drivers door. . The video I received on DVD was an avi file in which the frame by frame quality of the video varies tremendously. head moved forwards at the moment of (Jan. 15, 2007) His hundred-page modern computers to remove as much of the blur from Frame 313 as possible. This is the source of many researcher arguments. The Zapruder film is a silent 8mm color motion picture sequence shot by Abraham Zapruder with a Bell & Howell home-movie camera, as United States President John F. Kennedy's motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.It captured the assassination of the President.. SA Clinton Hill, left running board, front. Just as I reached it there was another sound. A caller to the Art Bell show wanted to speak privately to Art about something special. Technical issues aside, its still shocking to watch this video, which is the most infamous home movie ever created. And, since these code books have to pass through 17 hands before getting on board the bombers, it seems likely that this may be a conspiracy. There were no rifle shots from the School Book Depository]. Topics Zapruder, Film, Frames, JFK, Kennedy, Oswald. That is consistent with the autopsy photo showing the top of Kennedy's head blown off. Anyone who has seen the Zapruder film knows that Kennedy first grabs his throat and then is slammed violently backward by a shot from the front. I can clearly remember my disbelief that one person with a gun could completely change the course of history., This amounts to a running time of precisely 28 seconds. Little Richard - Baby face (1958) [Digitally Remastered] theUnforgettablesTv. The following shows the Zapruder film (frames 311 to 316) in slow motion to see this frame in context. CPS/DCF Tyranny | Adrenal Burnout | The Women Warriors | Orgone Adventures |Dr. John Coleman | Railroading Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald | Henry Makow Abraham Zapruder was the only person in the world who filmed JFKs final moment. those frames.) I accepted that assertion for many years until I read Fred Neucomb's book, Murder From Within, which makes it absolutely clear that Greer had also shot Connally in the back (Connally was turned around 180 degrees and gawking at JFK following the first throat shot) to get him out the line of fire to finish off Kennedy. This statement was a part of he official story line to frame Oswald, the fall guy, and make it look like JFK was shot from the rear. Your email address will not be published. Box and phone number on the ad form. Feynman found that JFKs the doctors and nurses at Dallass Parkland Hospital, where the President was Feynman ignored all of the frames except the ones that show the President just I saw the actual self-published edition and it bristles with documentation. I have one local researcher who maintains that the alterations took place at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. Find advice and guidance you can count on from how to negotiate, how to save and everything in between. Find out more about the latest developments in science and technology as TIMEs access brings you to the ideas and people changing our world. 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