Thankfully, they could then manage about 250 miles a day. Lets follow along on his journey, shall we? THE FIRST TRANSCONTINENTAL AUTOMOBILE ROAD TRIP In 1903, a man named Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson became the first person to drive across the country, from coast to coast. Ramseys sisters-in-law and a friend accompanied her on the trip from New York to San Francisco. [8] Jackson had wanted a dog companion since Sacramento. No sooner than Jackson had finished the repair however, that they then suffered a gasoline leak which wasted all their available fuel. The trip, sparked by a $50 gentlemen's wager, took 63 days. On the first night of the journey they discovered that the side lanterns were too dim. Horatioeventually settled inBurlington, Vermont, with his wife Bertha and faithful co-pilot Bud. What there was however, was a loose patchwork of wagon and horse trails connecting the sparse fabric of humanity. [citation needed]. It is displayed with reproductions of supplies and equipment that the men carried. This post contains affiliate links. Jackson did manage to find a telegraph office and wired back to San Francisco for replacement tires to be transported to them along the journey. Enter Horatios Drive: Americas First Road Trip, a documentary produced by Ken Burns. With 146 illustrations and 1 map Read more Print length 192 pages Language English The journey was arduous and slow, but their trip made headlines wherever they went. Car: 1903 Winton two-seat touring car No. [6] They were also forced to pay a $4 (equivalent to $121 in 2021[3]) toll by a land-owner in order to cross his property on a "bad, rocky, mountain road" as Jackson described it. From there on, they were able to use a few paved roads, and their trip was much easier. But, 2 days after the bet, Horatiofinalized the purchase of his first car, a Winton that he dubbed The Vermont after his home state. In honor of its achievement it was decorated with tiny flags and draped with national standards. At Hailey, Idaho, Crocker wired the Winton Motor Carriage Company for more parts, which, combined with the increasing press coverage, spurred the Winton car company to step up their support efforts since to them it meant an increased positive image of the company. Items continued to be lost, including another pair of Jackson's glasses. Jackson decided to give it a try. He accepted, even though at age 31 he did not own a car, had practically no experience driving, and had no maps to follow. What roads did exist, were holdovers from the wagon train trading routes of the 1850s, 60s, and 70s the Old West of cowboy and Indian lore. Bud was a young, light-colored bulldog who immediately added life to the journey. Making matters worse, these trails were generally considered informaland werent typically mapped with any senseof care or accuracy. Everything that can break has broken already.". Jackson and Crocker set off from San Francisco at 1 p.m. on May 23, 1903. Upon reaching the threshold of Jackson's garage, the Vermont's drive chain snapped. Theres also a book which I grabbed on my very next visit to the library. Together, both events would dramatically alter the course of exploration and adventure for the next century. He also served as a senior officer in the Officer Reserve Corps. Jackson estimated the cost of his 6,000 mile road trip as $8,000 which had been spent on the car, Crockers salary, food and lodging, never-ending new tires and repair parts, 800 gallons of gas, and the $15 spent to buy Bud. All Rights Reserved. Following the war, he became one of the founders of theAmerican Legion, and twice ran forGovernor of Vermont. Following the railroad right-of-way seemed the best way to go as they headed out. It was one of the few original parts never replaced during the entire journey. Horatio Jackson's Winton in the Smithsonian. Having resupplied the best they could, they struck back out onto the open roader,open range. Dr. H. Nelson Jackson and Sewall K. Crocker, his chauffeur, finished the first transcontinental automobile trip at half-past four o'clock yesterday morning. Between June 20 and 21, all three of them got lost in Wyoming, and went without food for 36 hours before finding a sheepherder who gave them a meal of roast lamb and boiled corn. (You can see a few clips on the PBS website.) Be inspired! It started with an animated chat and a $50 bet over drinks at the University Club in San Francisco 100 years ago and culminated in a bumpy cross- country car trip on rudimentary roads with a bicycle mechanic and a dog wearing goggles riding shotgun. Horatio Nelson Jackson (March 25, 1872 - January 14, 1955) was an American automobile pioneer. His wife, though supportive of the trip, opted for a much easier train ride home to Vermont. While it was neither, the people's curiosity had been aroused from a report that an automobile was coming this way, and that if they wished to see it pass it was necessary to have a seat in the front row, otherwise it might go through at the rate of 90 miles an hour, and would be out of sight before they could run a block.It drove in sight at just 4 o'clock and the crowds surged forward to get a first look at a real live auto, a machine that nine-tenths of the people of Lake county had never seen. Nelson Jackson, a physician and businessman from Burlington, Vermont, captured the nation's attention when he and Sewall K. Crocker, a mechanic, drove from California to New York. And no, it hadnt been lost for 158 years. Quite a flurry of excitement was erected Saturday evening by the arrival of an automobile. This article related to a made-for-TV documentary film is a stub. Horatio Nelson Jackson departed San Francisco on May 23rd, 1903 for what was to become America's first ever road trip - and all because of a 50 dollar bet made just 5 days prior. Bud, a bulldog, accompanied the drivers, and was featured in many news photos. On May 23, 1903 the car was transported by ferry from San Francisco to Oakland and pointed eastward. Sewall Crocker was a 22 year-old former bicycle racer who had been working in a gas engine factory when Dr. Jackson hired him to be the mechanic and co-driver for the journey. My darling Swipes. Kesling's entourage will roughly follow the route taken by Jackson through the Sacramento Valley, past Mount Shasta into Alturas, through Oregon and then swinging eastward toward the Rockies. There will be breakdowns and tears and stories to last you through the years so get out there and start exploring! The documentary has a companion book and audiobook, Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip, authored by Dayton Duncan and Ken Burns, published by Knopf in 2003. At the next available stop they outfitted Bud with a pair of goggles which Bud wore without fuss for most of the rest of the journey. Alturas, California. The way the streets of Lakeview were lined with people Tuesday afternoon, one would think a circus was coming to town, or a 4th of July procession was about to pass. Peter's car is 100 years old, and he has to worry about semi-trucks.". He was frightening horses. [1] His siblings included John Holmes Jackson, who served several terms as mayor of Burlington, Vermont. They left San Francisco on May 23, 1903, loaded with gear and enthusiasm. Our car will now be as good as new.We have had hard luck, but I think it all came at once. Jackson was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on March 25, 1872, a son of Samuel Nelson Jackson (1838-1913) and Mary Anne (Parkyn) Jackson (1843-1916). "Right down that road," she said and pointed. Between 12th and 14th Streets The two-cylinder, 20-horsepower Winton that Kesling will be driving has only two speeds -- slow and slower. Mr. Crocker is a devotee of the new machines and expert as a chauffeur. Or sometimes I just need to, Read More The Right Word Peter Roget and His ThesaurusContinue, If youve never heard of Snowflake Bentley, then Ive got a treat for you! Funding provided by General Motors, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, and the Park Foundation. Despite mud, washouts, breakdowns, and a lack of roads and bridges in the West, they finished their trip in 63 days. The threat of the other teams would spur Jackson and Horatio on, pushing them to step up their pace across the unending Great Plains of Nebraska and beyond. Jackson and S.K. "A few people saw it as the wave of the future," Duncan said. The party went to the Hollenden Hotel for a clean-up and for supper while the faithful bull dog mascot remained in charge and fought flies and kept off inquisitive newsboys. Documentary film maker Ken Burns produced a film, Horatio's Drive, for PBS. It turned out that the dusty alkali flats the travelers encountered would bother Bud's eyes so much (the Vermont had neither a roof nor windshield) that Jackson eventually fitted him with a pair of goggles. Ken Burns takes 'Horatio's Drive'. No one was injured; it was the only accident on the trip. Sponsored by the National American Woman Suffrage Association, the trip began and ended in New I asked her. So Bud is now with us.We stopped at Nampa and had lunch at the Dewey Hotel. Crocker Will Start this Morning on Automobile Trip They Hope Will End in New York. Western roads were still unimproved in 1909 when Alice Huyler Ramsey drove across the country. There were also no signs because most people out driving were locals who knew all the turns already. Jackson had now been given two challenges - the time limit he was given and the two other drivers who believed they could beat him. In everyday life, the 31 year old Horatio was a successful Burlington, Vermont physician. This historical marker was erected by America's Byways. He was active in several businesses, including a granite manufacturing company owned by his brother Hollister. 2023 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5 (UPI) -- On May 23, 1903, Horatio Nelson Jackson was just two days into his grand adventure of becoming the first person . A significant historical date for this entry is July 23, 1903. Jackson and Crocker were en route, but could not overtake them. The finishing dash over the plains to the East Coast was as much a struggle with the "buffalo wallows" as it was with the car, but in the end Jackson was not to be denied. Occasionally horses and cars gave her Keep in mind that most of what we knew about getting around the countryside at this time was oriented around the range of travel comfortable for your horse which on average was onlyabout 10-20 miles. [7] Jackson and Crocker replaced it with the only spare they had, in fact, the only right-sized spare tire they could find in all of San Francisco. I asked her. The public's perception of this newfangled conveyance took a deep public relations dive on Sept. 13, 1899, when Henry H. Bliss stepped off a streetcar in Manhattan and was flattened by an electric-powered taxicab, becoming the first automobile fatality in the country. Then the caption about the first ever cross-country road trip sealed the deal. (1) 'Bud,' a stray American bulldog, joined the journey. Have you ever wondered about the first cross-country road trip? Doctors were outnumbered by blacksmiths and most Americans rarely traveled than twelve miles from home because that was the distance a horse-and-wagon could cover to take them out and back home again in a single day. They include: Archival footage of Horatio Nelson Jackson is included. Packard and Oldsmobile had for several months been meticulously planning similar trips with expert drivers and mechanics, support crews and modified cars when Jackson simply loaded up the Winton and split. On June 9, outside of Vale, Oregon, the Vermont ran out of oil. This first successful cross-country road trip sealed the American love affair with the ultimate symbol of freedom the automobile. On July 21, they set out from Cleveland, Ohio, to finish the last leg of the journey. Outside of major cities, spotting a car then was almost the equivalent of seeing a UFO today. Way out West: H. Nelson Jackson at the wheel of his Winton. As an indication of how slow this trip would turn out to be, the first stop was a few blocks east of the Palace Hotel -- the San Francisco-Oakland ferry terminal. "I had," he later recalled, "succumbed completely to a primary enthusiasm for the newfangled horseless buggy.". Sign up to get updates about the film and future projects from Ken Burns and Florentine Films. Tires, somewhat expectedly, continued to blow out forcing them at times to wind rope around the wheel so it could act as rudimentary tire but at least they could go on. When the tires failed to materialize, however, they continued on after a three-day wait. On their arrival, the mud besmirched and travel stained vehicle which had borne them so faithfully and sturdily over fifty-six hundred miles of roads between the Pacific and the Atlantic was housed in a garage in West 58th Street. . Horatio's letter to Bertha | May 31, 1903 . At one point he was ticketed for exceeding the 6mph (9.7km/h) speed limit in Burlington. [6] They arrived in New York City on July 26, 1903, 63 days, 12 hours, and 30 minutes after commencing their journey in San Francisco, in the first automobile to successfully transit the North American continent. At a time when few women owned or drove cars, taking the wheel was a powerful symbolic act. By CATHERINE SEIPP. Our experts bring you content that exemplifies life in the North American Western States and Provinces. Here we were advised to changed our course a little and take the left hand road of the R. R. One old fellow said keep to the left road. Touch for map. "In the last three months I've been driving it every day in preparation for the trip and every day something breaks," Kesling said. The thick coating of mud gave evidence that it had been somewhere and that somewhere a long way off. Captions: (left) Horatio Nelson Jackson (driving), Sewall K. Crocker (right), and Bud in the "Vermont. Get set for an adventure that marked a new era in America! A former U.S. Forest Service firefighter, he has traveled extensively and covered a wide variety of issues during his career, including the Beijing Olympics, Hurricane Katrina, illegal American tourism in Cuba and a 40-day cross country car trip commemorating the history of automobile travel in America. Somewhere near Caldwell, Idaho, Jackson and Crocker obtained a dog, a bulldog named Bud. Before leaving, the machine will have a thorough overhauling and be put into condition for fast running. To commemorate Jackson and Crocker's trip, a rerun of the approximate route in a similar 1903 vintage car will start in San Francisco on June 17 and finish the same day as the original 1903 drive, in New York City on July 26. [6] When their tires blew out they were required to wind rope around the wheels. A picture of Horatios dog, Bud, wearing driving goggles, caught my attention first. By all accounts,Horatios bet was one made in the innocence of drunken exuberance. Crocker made repairs, but a fuel leak caused them to lose all of their available gasoline, and Jackson rented a bicycle for Crocker to travel 25 miles (40km) to Burns, Oregon, for fuel. After twomore days ofplanning and preparation, the two began their unbelievable impromptu journey eastwardtowards New York City. My darling Swipes. 1684; 20-horsepower, two-cylinder engine; nicknamed the 'Vermont' by Jackson, Car price: $2,500 Gasoline price range on trip: $0.35 to $1.05 per gallon Estimated miles traveled: 4,200. With lots of love to all I am yours.NelsonP.S. Horatio's Journey Marker marker is listed in this topic list: Roads & Vehicles. Horatio Jackson's Winton in the Smithsonian, 5. Hi, Im Sheila laid-back, sometimes creative, a little curious, and always ready for a last-minute adventure. Very few of our citizens had ever seen this, one of the wonders of the century, and large crowds gazed with curious interest at the horseless wagon. We returned and took supper with the section hand. In Idaho, Jackson acquired Bud, and the bulldog accompanied the pioneering motorists to the East Coast. Having no mechanical experience, Jackson convinced a young mechanic and chauffeur, Sewall K. Crocker, to serve as his travel companion, mechanic, and backup driver. Some people even took to dangling steel cables across roads to stop the "devil wagons.". While in San Francisco's University Club as a guest on May 18, 1903, he agreed to a $50 wager (equivalent to $1,508 in 2021[3]) to prove that a four-wheeled machine could be driven across the country. The first family road trip was in 1908. Nell Richardson, Alice Burke, and the Golden Flier, 1916. Shortly after returning to the road, both of the brothers' vehicles broke down, and Jackson towed them both home with the Vermont. 1st auto passed thru yesterday; came via Camas Prairie and Croy Gulch to Hailey, "hence to Bellevue and on to Blackfoot." "Fifty dollars says I can drive a car to New York." This was quite a boast for a man without a car or mechanical knowledge. [13], Jackson's military awards included the Distinguished Service Cross, the Legion of Honour, and the Croix de Guerre. took Jackson 63 days, cost him $8,000 and left a transcontinental trail littered with broken parts, tools, clothes, flat tires and tears. Source: 'The Mad Doctor's Drive,' by Ralph Nading Hill; 'Winton 1903,' by Peter C. Kesling. When Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson wagered in May 1903 that he could drive from San Francisco to New York in 90 days, there were only 150 miles of paved road in the entire country. "The majority opinion expressed was that, save for short distances, the automobile was an unreliable novelty," Jackson later wrote. An automobile trip across the continent that will be watched with a great deal of interest will start from this city this morning. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Thanks for stopping by my campfire to share a story. Keep in mind that the cars of 1903 were little more than expensive playthings for hobbyists and hadnt really been proven to be worthy of such a bet. Sewall K. Crocker Sewall K. Crocker, a 22-year-old former professional bicycle racer from Tacoma, Washington, was working in. Horatio Nelson Jacksons road trip occasionally picked up help from more traditional means, More trailside repairs on Horatio Nelson Jacksons 1903 Road Trip, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). Jackson was one of the founders of the American Legion Department of Vermont. . African American History Curatorial Collective. But relief would not comfort them since they soon heard that competing corporate sponsored teams from both Packard and Oldsmobile were chasing them down hoping to steal the crown of first across the US in a motor car. Packard had secretly been planning their journey for months before Horatios fateful 50 dollar bet, and Oldsmobile had hoped to show the world what assembly line manufactured cars were capable of. After driving the distance, they moved the path back in front of the car, repeating the process until they cleared the area. This physical limitation defined the spaces people occupied at the last turn of the century and made wandering beyond these informal limits rare and difficult. Broke down again, Jackson rented a bicycle from a nearby rancher, rode the 25 miles back to town, suffered his own flat tire, and eventually returned with the fuel. . They left from New York and traveled so slowly that a one-armed bicyclist who started 10 days after them passed them before they made it to Syracuse at which point they abandoned the attempt. Jackson was possessed of a deep thirst for adventure, and his remarkable story chronicles the very beginning of the restless road trips that soon became a way of life in America. All day yesterday it was visited by admiring automobilists, and curious passersby peeped in upon it. Jackson's bold adventure in a horseless carriage in many ways created the America we live in today, filled with a network of highways, thousands of motels, fast-food joints at every intersection and SUVs. There are a few windmill museums in the world and Ive been lucky enough to visit one. ", Bud, wrote Jackson, was "the one member of (our) trio who used no profanity on the entire trip.". With them they brought little more than a couple of coats, some protective canvas suits, a couple of sleeping bags, some blankets, canteens, a water bag, an ax, a shovel, a telescope, some bicycle repair tools, a few spare parts, a block and tackle, extra cans gasoline and oil, a camera, a rifle, a shotgun, and a couple of pistols. Even before roads stretched across the nation, well-publicized cross-country automobile trips advertised car manufacturers, promoted political causes, and proved Marker is on Soda Point Power Plant Road near Reservoir Road, on the right when traveling south. Whether or not a bet was really made, it did happen rather suddenly. Copyright20062023,Somerightsreserved. The 1903 Winton trip "was a pivotal moment in American automotive history," said Roger White, curator of an exhibition later this year at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History called "America on the Move." When Im writing something, I want to use the perfect word to get my meaning across. Who knew there were, Are there any other thesaurus lovers out there? Horatio Nelson Jackson was a physician from Vermont who married Bertha Wells, the daughter of the richest man in Vermont. [Horatio Nelson Jackson]. This added several hundred miles to their route but they hoped to avoid the problems that Alexander Winton had faced in the desert sands of Nevada. I feel more confident that I can make New YorkWe are causing a great sensation along the road it is the first machine that has ever gone over these mountains. 2023 Behind Every Day - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP. "From Sea to Sea in a Horseless Carriage", Dr. H.N. Both the Packard and Oldsmobile companies sent their respective automobiles from California with hope of passing Jackson and claiming the title for first automobile to travel across the U.S. , It took 63 days to complete the journey, during which the trek merged with present-day Highway 30 near Pocatello, Idaho, and followed it into Soda Springs, Idaho, and finally into Granger, Wyoming. As I had been trying to steal one we were glad to get him so accepted the present (consideration $15.00). It was for $50 and made on the spur of the moment, over drinks at the San. The first effort to cross the country in 1899 ended inauspiciously for the car. The automobile was about to transform American life. In Caldwell, Idaho, they met a man who offered them a dog as a mascot. The soundtrack includes a variety of music, including some bluegrass instrumentals and a modern rendition by Bobby Horton of an old song called "He'd Have to Get Under Get Out and Get Under (to Fix Up His Automobile)". PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The press came out at every stop to take their picture and conduct interviews. (Hollister Jackson was serving as Lieutenant Governor of Vermont when he died in the Great Vermont Flood of 1927. Jackson was unable to replenish the tire he blew but was however able to purchase some slightly used inner tubes. In 1903, Horatio Nelson Jackson, a doctor from Vermont, was in San Francisco with his wife when he made a bet. Jackson and Crockers trip inspired an organized movement to improve the nations roads and make them better for cars. I have lost 5 days. The only mishap happened just east of Buffalo, New York, when the Vermont ran into a hidden obstacle in the road and Jackson, Crocker, and Bud were thrown from the car. The car is at the shop & they are to work all night so that I can get away in the morning I go from here to Buffalo. After 63 days on the road, the expedition reached New York. Here we slept under our carriage. I find it fascinating how similar my own road trip experiences were in some ways to the very first cross-country journey. Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson, otherwise known as "The Mad Doctor," had no idea what he was getting into in 1903 when he strapped a spare tire onto his 20-horsepower Winton touring car and started out from San Francisco's Palace Hotel on the first automobile trip across America. As soon as they left San Francisco though, trouble began tochase them down. After removing the backseat to make room for more gear, they packed the following items to begin the long journey: Unfortunately, a lot of their gear bounced out the back as they drove without them realizing it and several things were lost including two pairs of Jacksons eyeglasses. What part of history will come to life when we see it with our own eyes? Long before the interstates, there was a Winton / Indiana auto enthusiast about to reprise first-ever S.F.-to-N.Y. journey by car, winton_6/16/2003_COLOR (kinda)_3star_A-Section_a1_22p8 x full_steve, 6026, winton3_mon_B/W_3star_A-Section_a9_34p6 x 7.5i_brooks, winton4_mon_B/W_3star_A-Section_a9_10p10 x 3i_brooks, Kesling_6/16/2003_B/W_5star_A-Section_a9_10p10 x 3''_steve, 6026, Horoscope for Friday, 3/03/23 by Christopher Renstrom, No seriously, dont drive up to Tahoe this weekend, Wife of Jeffrey Vandergrift issues somber update, Snowboarder dies at Tahoe ski resort following historic blizzard, Horoscope for Saturday, 3/04/23 by Christopher Renstrom, The Warriors broke Russell Westbrook, just like old times, Scream publicity stunt floods Bay Area dispatch with 911 calls, Oakland ransomware attackers leak 'confidential' data, Mochi muffin bakery closes SF cafe after just 4 months, Rain reenters Bay Area forecast: Have an umbrella near you, The best fried chicken is at a San Francisco strip club, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, 10 beach essentials to pack for a spring break vacation, 14 things you need in your car before you drive to Tahoe. The technology nevertheless began to catch on, slowly. That someone was Horatio Jackson Nelson. At this point, the trio became celebrities. He owned a newspaper, a bank andradio station WCAX (nowWVMT). The experiences and adventures of the trip have been of an exciting nature, which may be better understood when it is known that he traveled 3,000 miles through a country never before touched by an automobile. He is a mighty good man.I am fine and the only trouble is I miss you so.Nelson, We met a red-haired young woman riding along on a white horse. Between 1909 and 1975, Ramsey drove across the country "That's why I'm optimistic. [Horatio Nelson Jackson] Interactive Map Home . But still, troubles continued to plague Horatio and Jackson. H. Nelson Jacksons trip in 1903 inspired dozens of motorists to cross the country. "Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip", Learn how and when to remove this template message, He'd Have to Get Under Get Out and Get Under (to Fix Up His Automobile), The Shakers: Hands to Work, Hearts to God, Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio, Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery, Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony, Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip, Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson,, Documentary films about United States history, Articles needing additional references from May 2019, All articles needing additional references, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 August 2022, at 02:26. Take good care of yourself & dont worry. We leave in the morning for Oroville the last railway point we will have until we strike Ontario, [Oregon]. At 30 mph, "Horatio Nelson Jackson didn't have to worry about someone going 75 mph on the highway and running him over," said author Dayton Duncan, who wrote and co-produced the documentary and companion book "Horacio's Drive," with Burns. Heeding the failed attempt by automobile pioneer Alexander Winton (founder of the Winton Motor Carriage Company, which manufactured Jackson's car) to cross the deserts of Nevada and Utah, Jackson decided to take a more northerly route through the Sacramento Valley and along the Oregon Trail. Film-maker Ken Burns presents the hilarious 1903 saga of the first transcontinental automobile trip. I am not much of a hand to write love letters: you didnt give me a chance for much practice, but you know dear how I feel. Ironically enough, I saw the headline for this story the night before I headed to the airport on, Read More The Voice of the AirportContinue, No trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico, is complete without a visit to the Anderson Abruzzo International Balloon Museum. Long distance travel was done by train. Heeding the omens of a previously failed attempt to cross the continent just a couple years earlier by automobile pioneerAlexander Winton(original builder of Horatios Winton) by way of the deserts of Nevada and Utah, the two explorerstook a more northerly route through theSacramento Valley along the remnants of the originalOregon Trail. Churning dust irritated Buds eyes, and Jackson purchased this pair of goggles for him. My sense of humor gets me through life. So many windmills! Want to know what other interesting things there are to see out on the road?